Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ OH BABY! ❯ Back to the Original Problem ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho at all. I just burrowed them for my stories for which I’m not making any money off of. I do however, claim the minor children that I have created and the story line involved.

A/N: Here it is, another update!! I’m sorry that it is a little late. To all of those that have reviewed, you guys are great! Absolutely the best!! I couldn’t ask for better readers and reviewers. You all give me the inspiration to keep my stories going. I am totally thankful to you all.

WARNING!!!: Adult Shonen Ai, and very young Shonen Ai.



Chapter 13 of 26

Back to the Original Problem


“Look at Toushi’s energy now.” Kurama instructed the black haired kit, still smiling.

Kaihei concentrated again, staring down at his brother. “It’s no longer going up and down. It staying the same.”

“That it is.”

“Why did it change?”

Kurama ran a hand through the sleeping kit’s brown and white hair. “That is because Toushi was using his energy to search for you and call you to him. He wanted your attention and to snuggle up to you. He’s got you now so he has calmed down.”

“Oh…..I like that.”


Kaihei smiled shyly, unable to meet his father’s eyes. “I like that he wants me.”

“Good, it’s perfectly okay that you do. I imagine that Toushi likes it too when you want him.” Kurama had a knowing smile on his lips. He watched as the wolf kit snuggle closer to his brother, putting his young face into the other’s warm neck. Kaihei started giggling, his eyes sparkling. Kurama’s smile only got bigger. “Did he just lick your neck?”

Kaihei was blushing now. He had liked how it felt. “….Yes….”

“Return his lick.”


“Lick his neck too.”

“But you said that……” Kaihei was a little shocked and somewhat confused.

Kurama interrupted his son. “Forget that I said that, I’m changing my mind. You two can lick each other goodnight as long as your father or I is present when you do so.”

“Thank you!” Kaihei quickly moved around until he was where he wanted to be. He leaned forward and almost sensually licked his brother’s neck. Toushi sighed, going completely lax against the other kit.

Kurama had to refrain himself from committing on his son’s great instincts to pleasure. The boy was a natural and would become a master at the art of pleasure as he gained experience. But that was almost expected, Kaihei was a fox after all and he was the son of the legendary Youko so he essentially had gotten a double dose. Kurama did allow himself a smirk though. “See, he was waiting for you to do that.”

Kaihei didn’t comment. He only giggled and blushed once more.

“Now, I want you to stay over here with Toushi until I come get you and that will be when supper gets done. Okay?”

“Okay.” Kaihei nodded, smiling, but it slipped into a frown. “Will Cubby eat then too?”

“Yes, I’ll wake him up when it’s time to eat. Until then let him sleep and don’t do anything that you are not supposed to do.” Kurama felt that he needed to give him that warning.

With that said, he turned away from his sons. He checked on the food and found it about halfway cooked. Kurama then spoke to his mother a few minutes, keeping the conversation light and away from the explosive subject of the boys. Shiori realized what her son was doing and let him have his way for now. Though she wasn’t going to object anymore to his and the fire demon’s decisions concerning their sons, she did have a few questions that she needed answers to. She would just have to wait for a more opportune time.

Satisfied that his and his mother’s relationship was on the road to recovery, Kurama excused himself to be with his mate for awhile. He walked over and sat down on the sleeping bag in front of his lover. He could only grin at what the fire demon was doing which earned him a heated glare.

Hiei wanted to growl, but held it back. “Stop that damn smiling, this isn’t funny or amusing! I’m sitting here, itching like crazy and it won’t stop no matter how much I scratch. I think I may lose my mind, if it doesn’t stop soon.” He continued to rapidly scratch his cloth covered belly, not caring that he was probably leaving red marks on his stretching skin.

“Why didn’t you get out the lotion I made?” Kurama asked even as he reached for his nearby duffle bag.

“Don’t you think that I have thought of that? I’ve looked for it! I even looked in that bag that you’re holding, but I can’t find it! I…..” Hiei snapped his mouth shut, not saying another word. He realized that he was having a minor mood swing and it was only making his annoyance worse. He needed to calm down and relax before he said something that he would regret. He knew that his fox was only trying to help.

Kurama didn’t comment on his mate’s irritation, knowing that it would make matters worse. The fire demon wasn’t really mad at him anyway. “Just a moment, I know I put it in here.” He dug around in the duffle bag for a few moments. He smiled as he pulled out the plain plastic squeeze bottle.

Hiei was forced to hold in another growl, but he did speak through clenched teeth. “I looked!”

“I’m sure you did, but it was in the bottom of the bag in a corner. Anyway, let’s forget that.” Kurama winked at his mate, smiling. “I’m itching too.”

This brought a smirk to Hiei’s lips. “Hn.” He quickly pulled off his shirt and then untied that sash in his pants. The fox laid a towel across his lap as the pants fell open, keeping him from being exposed because they were so big. Kurama removed his shirt and opened his pants as well, laying a towel discreetly across his lap too. Normally he wouldn’t bother with the towels, but his mother was present and she didn’t need any more shock or embarrassment. He picked up the bottle of lotion and was about to squirt some into his hand when a happy voice stopped him.

“Oh my goodness!”

Shiori rushed over and dropped to her knees beside them. She knew that they were getting bigger, but she wasn’t expecting this. She had seen the fire demon’s stomach right before they had come to the Makai, though she had never seen her son’s. Hiei looked like he was ready to have the twins, his stomach was so big. Shiori didn’t think he could get much bigger. Her son on the other hand, looked like he still had a few months. Kurama’s stomach was about half the size of the fire demon’s. She reached out to touch both of them, but then drew her hands back. She remembered the lessons on demon etiquette that Junaco had taught her. One did not touch a pregnant female’s stomach without hers or her mate’s permission. Though her son and his mate were male, she figured the same thing applied to them.

“May I feel?“ Shiori spoke softly, unsure if she would get their permission because of the argument.

This brought a smile to Kurama’s face. He was impressed with her restraint and that she was beginning to understand and accept demon customs. “Thanks for asking before you touched and of course you can, mother.”

Hiei eyed her for a few seconds and then nodded his approval for the request. He was still mad, but it appeared that Shiori was trying so he would try too. He was after all impressed with her as well. He figured that there was hope for her yet. What ningen mother would follow her demon son and his family into another world? Only a ningen mother with great determination, devotion, and strength of spirit. If she wasn’t ningen, she’d make a great demoness and that was saying a lot coming from a fire demon that loathed ningens.

Shiori only grinned, reaching out again. She gently placed a hand on each of their rounded stomachs. Kurama covered both of her hands with his and then pressed down slightly. The woman’s eyes widened and a grin split her face when she felt kicks to both of her hands.

Kurama just had to laugh a little. “You felt them, didn’t you, mother?” When she nodded, he continued. “They’ve been doing that for about a week now, moving or kicking at the same time. Hiei and I like to joke that they are already synchronizing their attacks.”

“Well, they are certainly doing something. That was neat, to feel them kick at the same time.” Shiori drew her hands away, noticing the bottle her son had been holding. “What are you two going to do?” She quickly shook her head, as if telling herself no. “Never mind, I don’t need to know. I really have no right to ask.”

“Mother………” Kurama sighed, instantly feeling guilty for some of the stuff he had said. “You have always asked questions when you were curious about something and I expect for you to continue to do so. Hiei and I will answer your questions to the best of our knowledge like we always have. Now, you wanted to know about the plastic bottle?”

“Yes.” Shiori quickly nodded, a little smile on her lips. She was happy about her son’s words.

Kurama picked up the bottle again. He squirted a small amount of the contents into his free hand. “This bottle contains a special lotion that I made for Hiei, though now I use it for myself too.”

“What is it for?” Shiori swiped her index finger through the greenish cream. She then got a feel of it by rubbing it between her fingers.

“It’s for our itching.” Hiei supplied the answer.

“And to keep the stretch marks from happening.” Kurama added, smiling. “We use the lotion on our pregnant stomachs and it helps a lot.”

“Oh…. That’s a smart idea. If you were able to bottle the lotion and sale it to pregnant women everywhere you’d probably make millions.”

“Mother, I already have millions. Hiei and I has got money and land in Ningenkai. We are now lords of the Makai, taking the money and land that goes with that title. We also have many stolen treasures scattered across this world. Not to mention, a bag full of Kaihei’s purple tear gems that could be sold for millions more. Truth is, I already have more money then what I or my family needs. I have more money then I know what to do with it. I honestly don’t need anymore. But that is a very good idea if I needed money and it would help many pregnant women.”

“That’s true, I didn’t think of it that way.” Shiori then offered up a kind smile. She hadn‘t realized just how wealthy her son was. “If you two need help with the lotion, I will help you.”

Kurama glanced over to where his sons were. He found Toushi still asleep and Kaihei had went back to sleep. Satisfied that he wouldn‘t be overheard, he looked back to his mother. “Thank you for the offer mother, but that won’t be necessary. Do you remember when we were outside of the cave and Hiei told you about our sex life right now?” When the woman nodded while bushing, the fox continued. He had absolutely nothing to hide. “Well, it’s true. Hiei and I aren’t able to have sex right now because of our pregnant stomachs. When we start itching, it means it’s time for the lotion and we use this time as each other time since we’re not able to do anything else.” He briefly glanced to his fire demon. “It’s really is just a moment for us.”

“I understand.” Shiori smiled again, softly. “I remember a lot from when I was pregnant so I know what you two are going through. But thankfully my husband wasn’t pregnant too. He could see to my needs, especially when I got cravings for adult activities. Though as I got bigger, things became awkward, but we managed quite nicely. Even with both of you pregnant, I’m sure you two can come up with something that will help.” She stood up and started to move away from the demons. “I’ll leave you two to your private time.”

Shiori moved over to the fire and started busying her self with cooking. The food was actually almost done, but she needed something to do to keep her mind off things. Her son and his husband was off to one side, trying to get some pleasure from rubbing lotion on each other’s stomachs because sex was impossible for them. On the other side, Kaihei was wrapped up in a double sleeping bag with his nearly naked brother, both asleep. Exhausted from practically having sex nearly an hour ago. She sat down on her sleeping bag and sat to work, trying to accept everything that she had learned that night.

Kurama and Hiei was in their own little world. They rubbed lotion on the other’s swollen stomachs while trading soft, loving kisses. They stayed like that for a good twenty minutes. With one last intense kiss, the demons came back to the real world. They looked around while fixing their pants and pulling on their forgotten shorts. They found Shiori playing a game of solitaire. The food was off the fire, but nearby to keep it warm. They looked over to their sons and smiled. Both boys were awake, still snuggled in the sleeping bag and talking. The demons slowly got to their feet and approached the kits.

“I’m glad to see you awake, Toushi. I hadn’t expected to see you awake until morning.” Kurama smiled, looking down at the boy. “How long have you been awake?”

“A few minutes.” Toushi answered, not bothering lift his head from where it laid, on his brother’s shoulder. He was still drained of his energy, though the nap had helped some.

“I woke up a little bit after Cubby.” Kaihei supplied, before the next obvious question could be asked.

“Good, I’m glad that you didn’t wake him.” Kurama gave the boys one of his pleased smiles.

“How do you feel?” Hiei was the one that asked this, concern for his son showing on his face and in his eyes.

“My arm and shoulder hurts bad, but I guess that I’m okay. I actually thought that it would be hurting worse.” Toushi decided to sit up which caused his brother to sit up too.

“It should be hurting worse, but you are drawing on Kaihei’s energy. Both of your energies together is numbing the pain some.” Hiei thought quietly for a few seconds before continuing. “I also imagine that you are healing faster then you should be, which is fine. We’ll check the wound’s progress when we change the bandages later.”

“Okay.” Toushi smiled, but then it went into a blush. “Rosey, told me that what he and I did is called shared fun.”

“It is, for now.” Kurama answered, nodding.

“Can we do it again?” Toushi asked quickly.

“When you two get a little older.” Kurama answered with surprising calm features.

“Can we ask questions now?” Kaihei titled his head and smiled. It was to much like a plea to ignore it.

Kurama and Hiei sighed before sitting down on the sleeping bag with their sons. They spent the next forty five minutes answering all of the boys’ questions. The many answers were geared down so Kaihei and Toushi could understand them. Kurama and Hiei skirted the edges of a full blown sex talk. They didn’t want their sons to learn the actual mechanics of sex yet. More importantly, how one body part seemed to fit perfectly into another. It would just give the boys more reasons to be curious and want to continue to experiment. No, they didn’t need that right now so the actual sex talk could wait.

When the boys were finally satisfied, the family got up and moved over to the fire. Seeing their movements, Shiori put her cards away. She got up and started to dish up the food. She handed plates to Toushi and Kaihei after they sat down side by side. When her son and his husband were seated, she handed them plates as well. Finally she took a plate for herself and sat down too. The conversation was light and pleasant, but it was kept that way on purpose. When everyone got done, everything was cleaned up.

Kurama produced a plastic box full of wet wipes, but the were more like washcloths, from one of the duffle bags. He gave them to his sons and told them to get cleaned up for bed. When they were done and dressed in boxers, they approached their redheaded father. The fox checked Toushi’s wound, applied new salve, put on new bandages, and then fashioned a sling for his arm to keep it immobile. All of this was done under Kaihei’s watchful eyes. Kurama almost shook his head at the irony of it. At times it seemed that Kaihei took after him, but most of the time it seemed he took after Hiei. Though that wasn’t a bad thing, Kurama found that he liked his son taking after his mate.

After a round of hugs and good nights, the boys went to bed for the night. Deciding that it was time for a talk, Kurama beckoned his mother over to him. Hiei knew what was happening so he moved over making room for her. When the woman got close enough, the fox took her hand and made her sit down between him and his mate on their double sleeping bag.

“Shuuichi, what are you doing?” Shiori quickly asked.

“It’s time we have a talk, mother.” Kurama answered, sounding very determined.

“I suppose it is.” She agreed softly. “I will answer your questions if you answer mind about the boys.” When she saw the looks on the demons’ faces, she hurried to explain. “I’m not prying or judging anymore. I only want to understand. Will you two help me understand so I can accept the boys’ future and this demon ritual?”

“Yes.” Kurama was smiling brightly.

“We can try.” It seemed Hiei was in the mood to talk too.

So for the next hour, Kurama and Hiei played question and answer again, but this time with a ningen woman. They again geared their answers so she would understand them. When all was said and done, Shiori was finally able to accept all the new knowledge concerning demons and her grandsons.

Kurama took a deep breath, preparing himself for the coming conversation. The others hadn’t been so hard. “Now, mother, it’s been a month. It’s time for me to know what’s going on at home.” He did have his suspicions. “Is it Hatanaka?”

Shiori let out a heavy sigh. This was a subject that she had been trying to avoid. She thought that she had succeeded being away in the Makai, but now she was heading back to Ningenkai so she couldn’t run anymore. Besides, her son was very smart, a side effect of being a thousand plus year old demon. “If I tell you this, Shuuichi, promise me you’ll remain calm.” She quickly looked to the fire demon, knowing he wouldn’t take this well either. “You too, Hiei.”

“I promise, mother.” Kurama answered her quickly. Hiei only nodded in agreement.

Pacified, Shiori began her tale. “Hatanaka has become extremely hateful and jealous. He believes that I’m cheating on him and I don’t know what gave him that idea. I’ve always been honest with him.”

“Has he hit you?!” Surprisingly, it was Hiei that asked this question and hate was dripping from every word.

“No, he hasn’t.” Shiori answered very quickly, trying to keep her son and the fire demon calm. “But he has been violent.”

“How so?” Kurama asked, doing a damn good job covering up his anger.

“He has broken stuff and once he put his fist through a wall.” Shiori spoke softly, almost shamefully. Her head was bowed and pain laced her voice. “He also yells a lot.”

“What has he broke?!” Kurama couldn’t stop the anger from appearing in his eyes or his words.

“Please stay calm, Shuuichi! It not good for you in your condition to become stressed.” Shiori wasn’t sure if she wanted to continue. She didn’t want to upset her son or the fire demon.

“I will try, mother. Please finish.” Kurama took hold of her hand, urging her to continue.

Shiori slowly raised her head, making eye contact with her son. “He says that I’m not a proper wife and mother, that my only child is his child. The first time he got violent he broke that crystal vase you gave me for my birthday. The one you used to keep filled with the prettiest pink roses ever. The second time he broke that plaster cast of your handprints from when you were a toddler. Another time he took my mother’s ring of our birthstones and flushed it down the toilet. There are so many other times and so much other stuff, mostly items you have given me.” Shiori was crying fully by the time she got to this point and she was actually clinging to her pregnant son.

Kurama on the other hand was seething with rage. Through their bond, he felt Hiei’s anger as well. This was unacceptable. They both wanted to kill this ningen man for what he has done.

Oblivious to them, Shiori continued. “The last time he got mad was the night before we came to this world. We swears up and down that I’m cheating on him. He also doesn’t believe what I tell him, that was going to visit my son. He raised his fist and I just knew that he was going to hit me, but instead he put his fist through the wall beside my head. He called me a no good whore before storming up the stairs and slamming our bedroom door. When I decided that it was safe to go to bed, I found the door locked and he wouldn’t let me into our room. He told me to go sleep on the couch because that’s where whores belong. I had no choice, I slept on the couch.” She held her son tighter. “I’ve been with you all since and now I don’t want to go back for fear of what he might do.”

“I’ll kill that ningen for this!!” Hiei actually showed how much he cared for the woman by that statement.

Kurama looked straight at his mate. “Only if you get to that ningen first!”

Shiori abruptly sat up. “You two need to calm down right now! You both promised me that you’d stay calm!”

“I’m trying, mother, I’m trying.” Kurama tried his best to relax. “You will not be going back to this man once we reach Ningenkai.”

“But I have too, he’s my husband.” Shiori was quick to protest.

“Not for long, you will be getting a divorce.” Kurama turned more to face his mother. “You don’t need him.”

“Where will I live?!” Shiori started crying again.

“That house belongs to you, kick him out!” Kurama answered icily.

“Hn, you could always come to live with us, Shiori.” Hiei commented, successfully shocking both the ningen and the fox. “We’ve got plenty of room and we are going to need help with the three babies when they come.”

Kurama was the first to recover. “I agree with my mate. You can come live with us.”

“That’s something.” Shiori continued to cry. “My son is suppose to be a heartless demon, his husband heartless as well, but they are the most caring beings I know. I am so lucky that you two are my family and my sons. If it’s okay, I may take you up on the offer to live with you all. And I promise, I will not interfere with Toushi and Kaihei.”

“As I have said and so did Hiei, you are more then welcomed at our house.” Kurama pulled his mother into another hug. She hung on to him and it appeared that she wouldn’t be letting go anytime soon. After awhile, the fox’s back started to hurt, so he broke the silence. “Can we lay down? I’m tired, mentally drained, and my back is getting sore.”

Shiori only nodded in answer, unable to find her voice. They slowly laid down with her continuing to hold her son and still crying. It wasn’t to long before she cried herself to sleep. Hiei leaned over and kissed his pretty fox goodnight. He got up awkwardly and then checked on his sons. He then added more wood to the fire so it would burn through the night and put up wards at the cave entrance to keep others out. Finally satisfied with everything, Hiei went over to Shiori’s empty sleeping bag and laid down.

“I’m sorry, Koi.” Kurama whispered, not wanting to wake his mother.

“Hn, she needs you tonight.” A smirk appeared on Hiei’s lips. “I’ll be fine, I’m a big boy.”

“I know how ‘big’ of a boy you are.” Kurama just couldn’t help himself. “I’m a ‘big’ boy too. And just like you I can get ‘bigger‘.”

Hiei visibly shivered at the implications of those words. Suddenly he wished that he was in the fox’s arms. The redhead could turn any sentence into a come on, he was just that good. Taking a deep breath he got control of himself. “We’re just have to compare notes then, but it will have to be at some other time. Goodnight, fox; I love you.”

“I love you too, Koi.” Kurama offered his mate a dazzling smile before blowing him a kiss. The fire demon actually blew a kiss back, making the fox’s smile get even bigger. It wasn’t very long until they drifted to sleep. Both having dreams of severely hurting the ningen man known as Hatanaka.


Thank you all very much for reading and please leave me a review, letting me know what you think. The next chapter will be out soon.

I’m going to do something a little different. ^_^ Here’s a preview for the next chapter. Enjoy.

Kurama emerged from the bathroom in his red silk robe, but nothing else. He slowly walked over to the bed and laid down. Shiori quickly covered him with the same sheet that had been used earlier. Hiei sat down beside his mate and put an arm around his shoulders.

Bulma pushed the sheet down and easily opened the red robe, exposing the smaller, but very much pregnant stomach. She wasted no time picking up the small bottle and squirting a liberal amount of slick gel on the swell before putting the transducer right in the middle of it. In a matter of seconds, a black and white picture appeared on the sonogram monitor. She moved the transducer around a few moments and then turned a couple of knobs, widening the small picture.

“Well, that’s interesting.” Bulma spoke softly, knowing that she was about to cause a whole new world of worry for the demons. As if they hadn’t already been through enough, but this could be considered a blessing too. It was all according to how you looked at it.