Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ OH BABY! ❯ Good News ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho at all. I just burrowed them for my stories for which I’m not making any money off of. I do however, claim the minor children that I have created and the story line involved.

WARNING!!!: Adult Shonen Ai, and a couple of pregnancy exams.

A/N: Here is the second chapter for the two chapter update. If you haven’t read chapter 14 please go read it now. Thank you. ^_^



Chapter 15 of 27

Good News


At ten o’clock the next morning, a portal opened in the living room and Botan flew out on her oar. She quickly landed and made the piece of wood disappear. Bulma stepped out of the portal with a large smile on her face, carrying two small machines and an even smaller cloth bag. They looked through the open living room door when they heard a knob turning. Across the hall, the fox and fire demon walked out of the training room. Two sweaty looking kits came out behind them, obviously they had had a morning spar.

Kurama was the one that saw the women first. He smiled and waved at them in greeting before looking towards the kitchen door. “Mother!” He called out. “Botan and Bulma has arrived!”

Shiori hurried into the living room and formally greeted the two visitors. She was so excited, she had been looking forward to this.

Toushi decided that he didn’t want to be around the whispering, giggling females any longer. He turned towards his redheaded father. “Can me and Kaihei go play in the backyard?”

“Yeah! Can we?” Kaihei easily picked up on his brother’s mood. He turned eyes that would get him anything on the fox.

Kurama knew that he had no choice in the matter any longer. “Fine, you two can go play, but no rough stuff. Toushi, your shoulder is still healing so be very careful.”

The boys only nodded before running down the hall, through the kitchen, and out the back door, letting it slam behind them.

“I believe I’ll go watch the boys for awhile while Bulma does her thing.” Botan excused herself, quickly following the kits’ escape route. She really wanted to stay, to see the twins on the monitor, but she had not been invited. Oh well, she would see the pictures afterwards.

With the group thinned out, Bulma turned serious. “Hiei, could you go change so we can get started. I’m anxious to see the twins’ progress.”

“Do I have to have that rod put up my a…..”

“Hiei!” Kurama quickly warned his mate, glancing at the two ladies.

“Butt?” Hiei finished, sounding almost innocent, but the teasing smirk on his face didn’t help.

A big smile split Bulma’s face. “Yep, but you know Kurama will do it.”

“True, and he’ll probably try something.” Hiei looked straight at his mate when he said this, hoping embarrass the fox.

“Now, Koi.” Kurama smiled innocently and he was actually able to pull it off. Which only made the fire demon blush. “If I do something to you, I know that you will do something to me to get even.”

“What did I miss?” Bulma quickly asked. She knew there was something, because both demons looked at each other and smiled.

“Hn.” Was Hiei’s answer. He just turned and walked out of the room, heading up the stairs. “I’ll be in the second guest room.”

Kurama was the one that answered the Saiyan woman, but he was cryptic. “Nothing that you won’t be finding out very soon. Now let’s get up stairs and start taking baby pictures.” He turned and headed for the stairs too. Shiori quickly followed him, and she was strangely quiet. Bulma picked up her things from the floor. She had dropped them to greet the fox’s mother. She took the stairs two at a time, in a hurry to get up them. She knew that she was missing something that was totally obvious.

Bulma was just finishing with setting up her machines when Hiei entered the room in a black silk robe. He went over to the bed, arranged the pillows to his liking, and then laid down, quickly getting comfortable. Shiori laid a sheet over him so he could keep some modesty. Kurama sat down on the bed beside his mate. The fire demon opened his robe and then pushed the sheet down some, exposing his swollen stomach.

“Oh wow! You have grown so much! I didn‘t think it was possible even though you two told me from the beginning.” Bulma pulled out a tape measure from the cloth bag and sat to work, taking measurements.

“Hn, fast isn’t the word.” Hiei sounded almost proud that he had gotten so big.

“I keep telling him that he has doubled in size over the past month.” Kurama commented, also looking proud. They were thrilled that the twins were growing so well.

After taking the last measurement and looking in a nearby open file, Bulma looked up and smiled. “He has doubled in size.” She put the tape measure away and picked up the small hand held transducer. In the other hand she picked up a bottle of slick gel. “How’s the morning sickness?” She asked even as she squirted a large pile of the wet liquid on the fire demon’s stomach.

“All gone.” Hiei answered, trying to ignore the cold substance that was being gradually spread around by the device in the Saiyan woman’s hand.

“That’s good! How’s the food cravings?” Bulma asked, her attention completely focused on what she was doing.

“He eats all the time and anything that looks remotely edible.” Shiori answered this time even as she giggled behind a hand.

“That’s good too!” Bulma smiled, finally looking up. “He should eat whenever he wants since he does have two very fast growing babies inside him.” She turned back to the screen smile still in place.

“Well, no one tries to stop him. I just make sure to keep enough food.” Kurama answered with another proud smile on his lips.

“Oh, here we go!” Bulma turned the monitor for the others to see the black and white screen. She began to point out where she was talking about as she moved the transducer around. “Here is the first baby’s head, it’s arms and it’s legs. Look, it’s wiggling it’s little toes.” They all smiled, even Hiei, at seeing the tiny movements. It was at that moment the baby decided to kick and they all clearly saw it. Bulma was the first to comment. “Oh my, this one is a little violent. It just kicked the other one in the head.”

“Can it hurt the other baby?” Kurama quickly asked, worry edging into his soft voice.

“Not at all.” Bulma started to move the transducer again, trying to get a better picture of the second baby. “The placental sacs protect both babies. Even if they were in the same sac, the ammoniac fluid would have restricted and cushioned the kick, the second baby wouldn’t have been harmed.” She turned a knob on the monitor as she continued to speak. “They are still in a sixty nine position., the first baby is head down and the second baby is head up.” Bulma started pointing to the screen again. “Here’s the second baby’s feet, body, arms, and it’s head. This one is also doing something cute. It’s sucking it’s thumb right now.”

“That is so sweet.” Shiori was the first to speak up. “I have forgotten just how energetic a baby is in the womb.”

“Yes, sometimes its as if they are already born. Let’s see if I can pick up both babies for the pictures.” Bulma moved the hand held device to a weird angle. “There we go, perfect.”

She hit a button three times and pictures quickly came out of a small printer. She handed one to a smiling Shiori, one to the demons, the last one went into a file that she was keeping. Bulma then cleaned up the small device and wiped the slick gel from the fire demon’s stomach. Hiei quickly closed his robe and pulled the sheet up. She laid out the long rod shaped transducer before standing up.

Bulma looked straight at the fox. “Kurama, if you will.”

“Of course.” Kurama moved down the bed and sat beside his mate’s leg.

When the ladies left the room he picked up the device and covered it the gel Bulma left out. He then pushed the sheet out of the way and smiled encouragingly at his mate. Hiei didn’t say anything. He just raised his knees into the air and spread his legs. Even as the fox picked up a waiting pillow, the fire demon lifted his hips so it could be placed under him. This was so his hips were at a comfortably angle and his entrance easily assessable.

Kurama wasted no time. He quickly put the transducer in place and put the sheet back over his mate, but kept one hand on the rod like device. He called out to the two females. “You can come back in now.”

The guest room door opened and the ladies hurried back in. Shiori went back over to stand beside Hiei’s head. Bulma went right to her machines and started pushing buttons. She smiled at what she found, looking at the redhead. “You inserted it properly, Kurama.”

Hiei just couldn’t resist the open invitation. “Hn, my fox always knows what he’s doing between my legs.”

“Hiei!” Kurama very nearly yelled, blushing a bright red. The two women didn’t comment, but they did laugh. The innuendo teasing was nothing to Bulma. She had already heard it all. And for Shiori, she had grown used to it. She had accepted it as part of her son’s and his lover’s relationship. It was just something that happened, all the time.

To change the subject before anything else could be said, Bulma pointed to the screen. “The placental sacs look great. This is the first baby’s head and this is the second baby’s feet and butt.” She then turned a knob that was labeled volume. “And this is their heartbeats. The echo you here is perfectly okay since there is two. It means that their heartbeats are nearly in sync.” She looked at both demons. “Everything is coming along splendidly, the babies are totally healthy. You can remove the transducer now, the exam is over.”

Kurama didn’t say anything. He just slowly pulled the device out and wrapped in a towel that was laying beside him. Hiei hurried off the bed and out the bedroom door so he could change into his normal clothes. When he reentered the room, Bulma had just finished cleaning up the long transducer.

“I guess I’ll see you two in a week unless something happens. Which I don’t think anything will.” Bulma reached towards one of her machines to turn it off.

“Wait, Bulma.” Kurama quickly stopped her and waited until she looked at him. “Could you do me a favor?”

“Sure, if it’s in my ability.” Bulma didn’t even hesitate when she answered.

Hiei had a smirk on his face, he knew what was about to happen. Kurama grinned as he pulled up his over size shirt, exposing his swelling stomach. “Do you mind checking me out?”

“You’re pregnant?!” It was more a statement of fact then a question and Bulma had screamed it.

But Kurama answered her anyway. “Yes, I’m pregnant.”

“When?” Bulma asked, still quite shocked. Then she thought of a better question. “HOW?!”

Hiei answered this time. “How you wonder? It was because of the second wish on those dragon balls and it was worded. Goku asked for Kurama to be a full blooded demon like his mate and now he is. He is like me, he’s a Forbidden one.”

“When was your first question.” Kurama smiled a little. “I got pregnant the day before we left on our journey into the Makai. That makes me a couple of days over a month along.”

“This is great!!” Bulma actually squealed like a young girl. “I’ll be happy to check you out. Just go change into a robe.”

“Alright.” Kurama left the room as quickly as he could.

Hiei walked over to the bed and looked at the Saiyan woman, very serious. “He is a month along like he said, but you need to know the whole story since you’re going to be taking care of him.” He quickly told her everything that happened, including the partial abortion. Shiori tried to help out with the explanation a couple of times when the fire demon got caught up in emotions. Bulma nodded, feeling sad, as she took in the information. She promised to watch what she said so she wouldn’t upset the fox.

Kurama came back into the room in his red silk robe, but nothing else. He slowly walked over to the bed and laid down. Shiori quickly covered him with the same sheet that had been used earlier. Hiei sat down beside his mate and put an arm around his shoulders.

No one spoke while Bulma pushed the sheet down and easily opened the red robe, exposing the smaller, but very much pregnant stomach. She wasted no time picking up the small bottle and squirting a liberal amount of slick gel on the swell before putting the transducer right in the middle of it. In a matter of seconds, a black and white picture appeared on the sonogram monitor. She moved the transducer around a few moments and then turned a couple of knobs, widening the small picture.

“Well, that’s interesting.” Bulma spoke softly, knowing that she was about to cause a whole new world of worry for the demons. As if they hadn’t already been through enough, but this could be considered a blessing too. It was all according to how you looked at it.

“What is it?” Hiei and Kurama instantly asked together.

“Try not to worry, but I won’t tell you until I’m sure. I just need to do a couple of more tests.” Bulma printed out three pictures before she cleaned up and put away the small hand held transducer.

She then wiped the gel off the fox’s stomach and then pulled out the tape measure. She quickly took measurements, writing them down on a blank sheet of paper. After all, she was going to keep a file on the redhead too. The measurements were so very familiar that she didn’t have to look to know that her suspicions from that first sonogram were being proven true. She just needed one more test to confirm what she believed.

Bulma picked up the long transducer and held it out to the fire demon. “Do you mind? Or do you want me to do it?”

“No, I’ll do it.” Hiei moved down the bed and took the device from her. The ladies quickly left the room again. It was only a couple of minutes before the fox was in the same position that his mate had been in. The transducer was inside him and Hiei held onto it to keep it in place.

The women were allowed back in and Bulma went to her machines. Shiori went over and took her son’s hand. She could tell that he was worrying about what Bulma may have found, but so was Hiei. She could see it on their faces.

The Saiyan woman pushed a blue button and then turned a black knob. “Push it in just a little further.” She wanted the best picture she could get when she told the demons the news.

“Hn.” Hiei did what he was told.

“Right there!” Bulma grinned as she looked at the black and white screen for a few silent seconds. She had been correct. She only hoped that the demons would be happy about this. She turned the screen towards Shiori, Hiei, and Kurama. “What do you all see in this picture?”

Hiei shrugged slightly, not understanding. “It black and white, and it looks sort of like my picture.”

Shiori was the first to comprehend what she was seeing. “I simply can’t believe it!” She quickly hugged her startled and confused son.

“Believe what?” Kurama asked, moving so he could see the screen better.

Bulma decided to help out a little. “Tell me what you see.”

“I see one placental sac.” Kurama answered hesitantly, wondering if he was wrong.

“That’s correct. Now, look closer.” Bulma continued to press. She wanted him to figure it out on his own.

Kurama concentrated on the screen a few moments before his eyes quickly widened. “I see two matching, rounded shapes!” He stared at the screen in shock. “This can’t be possible!” He reached out and took hold of his mate’s hand that was laying against his thigh.

“Oh, it’s possible and it’s true.” Bulma had a big smile on her face.

Hiei was growing angry, he still didn’t understand what was on the screen. “I wish someone would tell me what the hell you all are talking about!”

“There is one sac, Hiei.” Bulma pointed to the small screen, her smile getting bigger. “But there are two heads!”

Hiei stared at the screen in shock, one mumbled word leaving his mouth. “Twins….” Then the news hit him fully. “Twins!!! My fox is having twins too!!”

“Yes, he is.” Bulma couldn’t stop smiling. “Congratulations you two.”

Kurama was strangely quiet and so was Hiei. They didn’t know what to say or how to react.

“I’m so happy!” Shiori hugged her son and then she hugged the fire demon. She knew what needed to happen. “We’ll leave you two to talk for a few minutes.” She left the room with Bulma following her.

Hiei pulled the transducer out of his mate and then wrapped it in a towel, laying it beside the connecting machine. He moved up beside the fox and put his arms around him. They held each other as best they could, staring at the screen in silence.

After awhile, Kurama spoke finally and it was barely a whisper. “Are you okay with this, Koi?”

“Hn, I’ll have to be. Now don’t get upset by that or what I’m about to say.” Hiei tightened his hold on his lover. “What are we going to do with four babies and the two boys? This is going to be nearly impossible. Are we even going to nurse them now that there is four? How are we going to travel back to our fortress across the Makai? When are we going to get any sleep? Make love?”

“That’s a lot of questions that we are going to have to find answers to.” Kurama sighed softly. “But as for four babies, two set of twins, I’ll think we will be able to manage.” A smile touched his lips. “Can you picture it, Koi? Us in a family portrait, each of us holding a set of twins with the boys standing behind us holding hands. We could get the demon that took our wedding pictures to take a family photo.”

“I could actually see that, but I’m dressing as I normally would. No fancy clothes for me.”

“Of course not.” Kurama laughed a little. “It wouldn’t be a family portrait if we aren’t how we usually are.” He turned some and put his arms around the fire demon. “But don’t worry, we will manage the four babies just fine. We always come out on top with the problems we face. Plus, everything happens for a reason. So, there is a reason why this is happening to us, why we are both pregnant at the same time with twins. I just wish I knew why.”

“Don’t question it, let’s just be happy.” Hiei kissed the fox’s cheek.

“We should be, we have been blessed.” Here is where sadness crept into Kurama’s voice. “If I hadn’t taken that plant and lost our daughter I would be having triplets.”

“Don’t think about it.” Hiei was very quick to reply. “You will never get over this if you don’t stop blaming yourself. It’s in the past and it can’t be fixed. You’ve got to move on and forgive yourself. I’ve already forgiven you. Like I said, let’s just be happy, be happy and excited for what we do have. Four obviously beautiful babies on the way, especially with your good genes.”

“I love you.” Kurama moved up a little and kissed the fire demon. “Thank you for my twins.”

“I love you too, fox. Thank you for my twins.”

The demons kissed again, their lips lingering together. They wanted each other badly, they could feel it in their embrace. But that wasn’t to be, they weren’t able to make love right now. They settled for another kiss and a tighter hold. Both knew that from now on they needed to stay far away from that Risoia plant unless they intended on getting pregnant. They for sure didn’t want to repeat this situation. The situation where they couldn’t satisfy the other’s needs and hardly protect themselves. Next time they decide that they wanted another baby, only one of them would get pregnant, but that wouldn’t be happening for a long time.


Thanks so much for reading and please leave a small review. The next update will be in a week or two. ^_^

Here is a preview for the next chapter!!!

Hiei closed his jagon eye and put the warded headband back over it. He sank to the floor, having no energy left. Using the jagon like he just did required a great deal of energy, energy he really didn’t have when in the third month of pregnancy. He sat on the floor panting, a hand over his stomach and he hated it. He knew how weak he looked at the moment with his family standing around him, watching his every movement.

“We need to get you upstairs to your room so you can lay down and rest.” Shiori took hold of the fire demon’s right arm.

Hiei didn’t protest the help. He knew he couldn’t get up off the floor by himself. Kurama moved around and started to take hold on his mate’s left arm.

Shiori saw this and quickly stopped him. “No, Shuuichi!! I realize that you are only trying to help and that you are worried, but you can’t pull on Hiei. Pulling on him could make your babies come early.” She quickly looked at her grandsons. “The boys will help me. Won’t you?”

“Yes, ma’am.” Kaihei was quick to answer.

“Yep.” Toushi nodded, smiling.

Kaihei took hold of the fire demon’s left arm. Toushi got behind his black haired father. The woman and kits looked at each other before starting to pull and push on Hiei. After thirty minutes of trying to get Hiei on his feet and off the floor, they gave up. They needed help and there was only one choice that they had. Shiori knew that the fire demon wasn’t going to be very happy with what was to come.