Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ OH BABY! ❯ The Boiling Point ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho at all. I just burrowed them for my stories for which I’m not making any money off of. I do however, claim the minor children that I have created and the story line involved.

A/N: Here is the second chapter to another two chapter update. If you haven’t read chapter 16, please go back and do so. If you don’t you will be missing a lot. Let’s just say, Kurama’s pregnancy isn’t quite safe yet. Anyway, I say again, there were two chapters that was put up this time as well.

WARNING!!!: Adult Shonen Ai, and very young Shonen Ai. Also this chapter has some bad language in it.



Chapter 17 of 28

The Boiling Point


Toushi and Kaihei went back into protective mode. They wouldn’t let their fathers do practically anything for themselves. Toushi’s shoulder completely healed up, but he wouldn’t forget the pain nor the bit of pleasure for a very long time. The boys didn’t discuss amongst themselves or ask anymore questions about the sex ritual they went through together. So, Hiei and Kurama decided that it would be for the best not to bring the subject up at all until their sons brought it up. Toushi did bring up another matter though. He talked to his parents and they all came to a decision, that it would be fine to do what the boy wanted. After all the kit had already been through a great deal of pain, so this little bit of pain wouldn’t matter.

Hiei and Kurama told Genkai what they wanted and she came over a couple of days later. The fox and fire demon held their oldest kit down so he wouldn’t move and cause severe damage to himself while the old woman performed a circumcision on him. Toushi bore the pain in stride, holding tightly to Kaihei‘s hand, but he did faint after it was all over. He had wanted to be exactly like his fathers and brother, now he was.

Shiori called and reported that she and her husband patched things up and the marriage was better then ever now. She also told them that she would still be coming by on the weekends; to help out, visit, and be there for the pregnancy exams Bulma does. Shiori was happy to let her son and his mate know that her husband wasn’t even violent anymore.

What she didn’t tell them, what she didn’t tell anybody, was that she often found herself thinking about the handsome phoenix demon Junaco. To her surprise, she missed him and his flirtatious comments greatly. It was the only time in her life that she felt truly beautiful. She had been told she was beautiful before and often by her son’s father. Her present husband had called her pretty when they were dating and such, but since they were married she hadn’t been awarded such comments. But when Junaco told her how beautiful she was and the way he looked at her when he said it, she actually believed it. She wished there was a way for her to go back to the Makai, to make that place her home and to get a certain sexy demon as her mate, but she knew that was impossible. Not matter how much her son, Hiei, and the boys protected her she was still in a lot of danger. She was human and that was the end of it, only demons belonged in the Makai.


It was Sunday morning and Shiori was in the kitchen fixing breakfast for her family. She was in a happy mood. Bulma had came by the day before to check on the pregnant demons. The Saiyan woman was thrilled to report that both males and the babies were doing exceptionally well. At the moment though, Kurama was cat napping on the couch at one and a half months pregnant, plus two days. He had worn himself out looking for his hidden sons. Hiei was currently waddling around the house, grumbling and looking for the boys. He wasn’t about to give up. It was a game they came up with and played. It was a lot like hide and seek, but the boys hid their energy too and they didn‘t leave the inside of the house.

This way Hiei and Kurama would get some exercise since they weren’t allowed to do much anymore. Hiei had just gotten to big to do anything other then walk, or in his case waddle. Kurama though was on strict orders , trying to do everything possible to keep the twins he carried from developing Twin To Twin Transfusion Syndrome, so far it seemed to be working. The twins and Kurama was completely healthy and developing normally.


If they all weren’t so intent on doing what they were doing, they might would have noticed the somewhat strange, erratic energy approaching the house. But as it was they didn’t, nor did any of them notice eyes peeking in each of the downstairs windows. When the eyes came to one of the living room windows, they finally caught movement from within the house. The being that the eyes belonged to wasn’t happy with what it saw. It’s upper lip curled up in disgust as it looked across the room and over the back of a couch at a very fat teenage boy waddling around the room. It let out an angry, hateful growl when it saw who it was looking for walk into the room and start laughing. That was the last straw!


“You haven’t found the boys yet, Hiei.” Shiori stood just inside the door giggling, watching the annoyed fire demon. “What has it been an hour?”

“Two actually!” Hiei growled lowly. “And no I haven’t found them. Toushi and Kaihei hid extremely well this time. As you can see, Kurama even gave up the search. He grew far to tired. He‘s in a very deep sleep at the moment.”

“Then I won’t disturb him. I was coming to tell you both that breakfast is ready and sitting on the dinning table. Go have a seat and relax some, eat something. I’m sure the boys will come out of hiding when they believe that you gave up or when they smell the food.”

“Hn, I am a bit hungry.” Hiei decided to give up. He turned and slowly headed towards the door.

The next second there was a very loud cracking noise before one of the double front doors splintered into pieces and a very angry man stalked into the house and then into the living room. Hiei and Shiori were left speechless by what they had seen. The man glared angrily at Shiori as he slowly advanced on her. “I knew it! You are cheating on me you, whore!”

“Ha….Ha….” Shiori tried to find her voice while she backed away from her infuriated husband, scared. She knew that this wasn’t going to end well.

“You’re cheating on me, ME, with some fat teenager that probably can’t keep his dick stiff long enough to satisfy you.”

Hiei was extremely offended by such an outrageous claim and he realized that he was going down to the human’s level, but he didn‘t care at the moment. “I’ve got great stamina you old ningen! I can last two hours without the aide of a cock ring, if I wanted and I have on many occasions!”

“Like I believe that!” Hatanaka laughed, it sounding evil. “I have had enough of this!” Surprisingly enough he turned towards Shiori. “I will put you in your proper place one way of another.” He rushed across the room, closing in on the woman. When he was close enough, he raised a hand, balled it into a fist, and sent it flying towards his clearly frightened wife.

The punch never landed though. Hatanaka found the breath knocked out of him as he was slammed into and then pressed against the nearby wall. A katana was biting into the skin of his throat and his right arm, the one he was going to hit Shiori with, was pulled behind his back. He got the distinct feeling that a whip was wrapped tightly around his right wrist. He quickly took in his attackers, his eyes widening in surprise. The katana was being held to his throat by a brown and white haired little boy. The other end of the whip was being kept taunt by a black haired little boy. They couldn’t be more then eight years old. Hatanaka turned his eyes on Shiori and found the fat teenager standing next to her, holding a katana as well.

“You’re very lucky that you didn’t land that punch or you would be dead.” Hiei was angry, his energy spiking. “Maybe I’ll kill you anyway.”

“Shut up, you short, fat home wrecker and get these dame kids off me!!” Hatanaka yelled with all of the hatred he could muster since a katana was still at his throat.

“That is the reason I hate your kind.” Hiei advanced on the pinned down man. “You choose not to see what is obvious and under your nose, because you are to stupid. And I don’t like to be insulted.” He raised his katana as if to strike the ningen man. “You should know before I kill you that I am a demon and have lived for over eight hundred years. I’m also not fat, I’m pregnant.”

“Don’t!!” Shiori screamed as she grabbed hold of the fire demon’s arm, ignoring the katana that was clutched in his hand. She wasn’t scared of him of the boys. “Please, don’t kill him!! He’s my husband!!”

“But he tried to hit you, Shiori! That I won’t have! If Kurama was awake, he would already be dead!” Hiei growled at her, something he didn‘t usually do, showing her just how angry he was.

“I understand that, but he is my husband. Please don’t kill him! Let’s all sit down and try to talk this out!” Shiori begged, knowing that the fire demon needed to calm down. She could feel the heat radiating off of him.

It was about right then that Kurama woke up and sat up on the couch, quickly taking in the scene and growing alarmed. “What’s going on?!”

Hiei turned immediately to his mate. “This ningen man, broke in one of our front doors and he tried hitting your mother. He also insulted me! Now she doesn’t want me to kill him!”

“Shuuichi….?” Hatanaka couldn’t believe his eyes. It was his stepson, but he had gained a lot of weight. “What are you doing here?”

“This is where I live, this is the home I share with my family.” Kurama stood up angrily, hands balled into fists at his sides. “How dare you raise your hand to my mother? I should let Hiei kill you or one of the boys. They would greatly enjoy that. Hiei because you insulted him and he respects my mother. The boys because they love their grandmother very much.”

Shiori quickly released the fire demon and turned to her son. “Shuuichi, you need to calm down and relax! Please don’t kill my husband, your stepfather! Let‘s talk it out!!”

Kurama sighed in defeat before looking to his mate. He nodded his head once. Hiei growled lowly, but he did toss his katana to a nearby chair. He signaled his sons to release the ningen man. Shiori sighed in relief after all the weapons were put away.

“You!” Hiei pointed straight at the man. “Go sit down on the couch and I better not hear any back talk or even Kurama won’t stop me from killing you.”

Hatanaka didn’t dare respond. He just walked over to the couch and sat down. Kurama sat down from where he stood up, watching the man closely. Hiei sat down beside his mate, watching the ningen male as well. Shiori decide to sit down near Hatanaka to try to keep the peace. Toushi and Kaihei opted to remain standing and close by, incase there was trouble. They stared at the man intently, waiting for one wrong move.

Hatanaka guiltily looked at Shiori. “At least I know that you aren’t cheating on me.”

“You should have believed me when I told you in the first place. I told I was visiting my son.” Shiori countered his comment quickly. “You had no right busting in the door of a house that isn’t yours and to top that you tried to hit me! My son and his mate doesn’t need that kind of excitement or stress right now.”

“Mate?” Hatanaka truly looked confused as he glanced back and forth between his stepson and the other male.

“Husband.” Shiori was happy to clarify.

“What?!!” Hatanaka turned a glare on the redhead. “Shuuichi, you’re gay?!” Before Kurama could answer, Hatanaka looked angrily to his wife. “And you knew about this all along?! You know how I fell about faggots!!”

“My fathers aren’t gay!!” Kaihei took an irritated step forward. Hiei and Kurama was to insulted to come up with words.

“Don’t use ningen names for my fathers!” Toushi moved up beside his brother, in a protective way. “They are demons and are only doing what is natural for demons!”

“Your fathers? Demons?” Hatanaka suddenly laughed, pointing at the fox and fire demon. “They sure have brainwashed the two of you! They aren’t your fathers, faggots can’t be fathers……… Unless they steal themselves a kid. Where did they steal you two at?”

“They didn’t steal us!” Toushi was getting mad now and he was usually the more laid back of the two boys. “We are their sons. Kaihei really is their son and I was adopted by them.”

“And we are all demons.” Kaihei quickly added.

“Brainwashing!” Hatanaka just scoffed before looking over to the demons. “You two surely did a number on them. I’m glad I have never called you my son, Shuuichi. I’d rather not be associated with you, especially now that I know what you are and what you have done.”

“You fucking, asshole of a ningen!” Kurama replied angrily. “I have never liked you and I never knew what my mother saw in you, you damn bastard.”

The earned him gasps of surprise from his mother and his sons. He even got a gasp of surprise from Hatanaka. They had never heard him use such language before. Hiei, however, was not phased by what his fox had said. He alone knew Kurama did have a dirty mouth when he wanted it. Kurama tended to talk dirty in the bedroom when they were in a bondage or slave/master type of sex moods.

Kurama continued, ignoring the gasps. “You have no idea what the hell is going on. Yes, I have a male lover and mate, but I’m not a faggot and neither is Hiei! Those two boys are my sons. As Toushi has said, he was adopted. Kaihei is our biological son. If you want the specifics, then I shall tell you and I don‘t care that my boys are present. I entered my mate anally during one of our many rounds of sex. I had my organism while I was still in him so I left my sperm in him like we both wanted. Hiei was pregnant by the next morning and three months later our son was born. If you are wondering how, that has been explained as well. We are demons, from demon world. As a matter of fact, Hiei and I are pregnant right now.”

“That is the biggest load of bullshit I ever heard.” Hatanaka started laughing again.

Hiei and Kurama just shook their heads. They each lifted their shirts, revealing rounded, totally obvious pregnant stomachs. Hatanaka’s eyes widened nearly into plates in shock.

“I told you I wasn’t fat, that I was pregnant!” Hiei spat hatefully. “As you can see, Kurama, I mean Shuuichi, is pregnant too.”

“This is impossible!” Hatanaka jumped to his feet, yelling. “This is crazy, ridiculous! You two aren’t pregnant, you have only ate to much so you have gotten fat so people would fall for this game of yours. You both sound like deviants that should be in prison or a mental hospital.” He grabbed Shiori’s hand and roughly pulled her to her feet. “I’m getting out of here and you are coming with me!”

Shiori quickly made a decision, not feeling guilty at all. She knew exactly what she wanted with the rest of her life, even if it was only for about thirty more years. “I’m not going anywhere with you, I’m staying here with my son and his family.” She yanked her wrist out of his hand.

“No you’re not! You are my wife and you will do as I say! As soon as we get to a phone, I’m calling the police so these two faggots can stop their games and get the mental help they need. These two boys also need to get back to their real families and they probably need some mental help too. They is no telling what your faggot son and his faggot lover have done to them.” Hatanaka grabbed Shiori’s wrist again and started forcefully pulling her towards the living room door and she was struggling to get away the whole time. He quickly came to a stop when his way was blocked. Toushi and Kaihei stood in front of him, their weapons drawn and their eyes eerily cold.

“I’m afraid you won’t be going anywhere.” Kurama walked up and stood beside his sons. “Release my mother now!”

“I’m not letting her go!” Hatanaka growled through clenched teeth. “She belongs to me!”

“She doesn’t belong to you, she doesn’t bear your mark.” Hiei appeared behind the ningen man, his katana back in his hand. He pressed the tip into Hatanaka’s back. “You will release her and you will do it now!”

Hatanaka didn’t say anything, but he did let the woman go. Shiori ran over to stand by her son, latching onto his arm.

Hiei walked over and stood next to Kaihei. “You will not be leaving here,……. At least not with your memory.”

“Mother?” Kurama took hold of the woman’s hands. “Do you want to live with and be married to him any longer?”

“No, I don’t, especially after what all he has done and said today. You, Hiei, and my grandchildren are my only family from now own.”

“Good.” Kurama gave her a gentle smile and a small kiss on the cheek before turning to his mate. “Go ahead, you know what to do.”

“Hn.” Hiei only grunted as he yanked off his headband/ward, revealing his jagon eye. It was way to simple for him to break into the human’s mind. He started to remove memories of the past day while he added things that he thought was appropriate. He spoke directly to the ningen’ mind. ‘You will never bother Shiori again. You and her had a big argument today. When it was over you two decided that you couldn’t live together anymore. You both want a divorce and you want it done as quick as possible. You want nothing from her, leaving her everything. You and your son will be out of her home in three days, taking only the items that belong to you. You will forget everything about demons and where this house is. If you ever come back here, you will die a horrible death. Do you understand?’

Hatanaka answered verbally, sounding as if he was in a dream like state. “Yes, I understand.”

Hiei also started using his voice again, and he still sounded angry. “Good, you may leave now.”

Hatanaka only nodded before sidestepping the obstacles in his way and then walking out the living room door. He then walked out the front door, straight to his car that was parked on the driveway just at the edge of the clearing. He got in his car and quickly drove away.

Hiei broke off the mind link with the man, sighing tiredly. He closed his jagon eye and put the warded headband back over it. He then sank to the floor, having no energy left. Using the jagon like he just did required a great deal of energy, energy he really didn’t have when in the third month of pregnancy. He sat on the floor panting, a hand over his stomach and he hated it. He knew how weak he looked at the moment with his family standing around him, watching his every movement.

“We need to get you upstairs to your room so you can lay down and rest.” Shiori took hold of the fire demon’s right arm.

Hiei didn’t protest the help. He knew he couldn’t get up off the floor by himself. Kurama moved around and started to take hold on his mate’s left arm.

Shiori saw this and quickly stopped him. “No, Shuuichi!! I realize that you are only trying to help and that you are worried, but you can’t pull on Hiei. Pulling on him could make your babies come early.” She quickly looked at her grandsons. “The boys will help me. Won’t you?”

“Yes, ma’am.” Kaihei was quick to answer.

“Yep.” Toushi nodded, smiling.

Kaihei took hold of the fire demon’s left arm. Toushi got behind his black haired father. The woman and kits looked at each other before starting to pull and push on Hiei. After thirty minutes of trying to get Hiei on his feet and off the floor, they gave up. They needed help and there was only one choice that they had. Shiori knew that the fire demon wasn’t going to be very happy with what was to come.

Shiori cleared her throat to get the fire demon’s and fox’s attention. “I’m sorry, Hiei, but we don’t have the strength to get you up off the floor. I’m going to have to call in Yusuke and Kuwabara to help.”

“I won’t have them seeing me like this and I won’t be beholding to them!” Hiei hissed, growing angry again. All he wanted to do was lay down and take a nap. Maybe even get his fox to lay down too, so that they could cuddle a little bit.

“Hiei, Koi…” Kurama began gently, persuasively. “You can’t stay on the floor. The boys and mother has pulled on you for thirty minutes. They wasn’t able to budge you and I certainly can’t help. We need to get our friends here to help get you up. I promise you that they won’t make any comments or make jokes about this situation……… Please, Hiei?”

“Fine!” Hiei reluctantly gave in, knowing that he did need help. He looked right at the redhead and smirked. “But you are taking a nap with me, as payment.”

“Not a problem. I believe that I need to finish my nap that I awoken from earlier.” Kurama answered, smiling, before he turned and took the communicator from Kaihei. The boy had retrieved it from the entertainment center where it was kept. Kurama flipped the device opened and pushed a couple of buttons. In seconds, Koenma’s face appeared on the small screen.

“Kurama, what’s the matter?” Koenma asked, already worried. He could tell something was wrong by the look on the fox’s face.

“We got a small problem here and we need a couple of strong guys to help.” Kurama resisted the inclination to laugh. The situation was sort of funny.

“Is it Hiei?”

“Yes, but he and the babies are fine. He fell to the floor and now he can’t get up. My mother and the boys have tried to get him help, but they aren’t strong enough. And I can’t help them, I can’t pull on him.”

“Say no more, I’ll be right over and I’ll get Yusuke or Kuwabara to come help me.” Koenma sounded relieved that it was only a minor problem. Over the last several years he had become quite close to the demons, even if they did start out on the wrong foot. Stealing something from the Reikai tended to do that. But now, most times he thought of the demons as family. They were like brothers to him as was Yusuke and Kuwabara. He had a feeling that he wasn’t the only one thinking like that. They all love and worry about each other just like a true family does. In truth, that is all the matters.

“Koenma, tell whoever you bring with you not to make jokes or comments about the situation. Hiei isn’t happy about needing help. He almost wouldn’t let me call you.”

“I will, I promise. No one will say anything. Be there in a few, bye.” Koenma hung up knowing that the fire demon was very sensitive when pregnant. He hasn’t been no where near emotional as the fox, but this might put him over the edge if someone was to say something. He pouched a couple of buttons on his communicator and in a few seconds the detective’s face appeared on the small screen.

“Yo, Koenma, what’s up?” Yusuke was smiling arrogantly, but that was normal.

“Certainly not Hiei.” Koenma just couldn’t help himself, he chuckled a little at his on joke.


“Look, Hiei fell at his house and they can’t get him up off the floor. Are you doing anything? Cause I need some help to go get him up to his feet.”

“No problem, man.” Yusuke was quick to agree to help. “Kayko, Kuwabara, and Yukina are here. We all will be happy to come help and visit for awhile. We haven’t seen our favorite demons in a few days.”

“That’s not what I had in mind, but whatever.” Koenma shrugged a little. “Just warn everybody not to make comments or jokes about Hiei being on the floor. If something is said, the person will probably be facing a whip or katana.”

“Oh come on, Hiei and Kurama aren’t that fast right now, and their powers levels aren’t that high.”

“I was talking about Toushi and Kaihei. They are down right vicious when it concerns their fathers. You know that.”

“I’ll keep that in mind and I’ll tell the others that too.” Yusuke replied quickly. “Bye, see you in a couple of minutes.” He abruptly flipped closed the communicator and put it into one of his pants pockets.

On the other end, Koenma turned off his and put the device into one of his pockets. He got up, walked around to the front of his desk, and opened a portal. He jumped into it, heading for Yusuke and his group.

A portal opened in the demon’s living room and then just about the whole group jumped out. Hiei groaned, covering his face when he saw this. This was very humiliating to him, because he looked so damn weak. With out a word, Yusuke and Koenma walked over to their fallen friend. Each of them took hold of one of the fire demon’s arms and they easily lifted the pregnant male to his feet.

As soon as Hiei was released, Koenma asked the obvious question. “So what happened?” Shiori quickly told everyone what happened right up to the point of the fire demon sitting on the floor. Hiei muttered a half hearted thank you before taking the fox’s hand into his. The demon’s slowly made their way up the stairs without another word, each holding the railing for support with their free hand. Both were intent on having a nice cuddle session and then a nap. They didn’t care about what the others might think. They were just to tired to play host today to people that wasn’t invited over.

Downstairs, with nearly all of the group there it quickly turned into a party as usual. None wanted to leave until they got to visit with Hiei and Kurama , so they were all going to wait until the demons rejoined them. Shiori raided the food cupboard, quickly whipping up some finger foods and non-spiked punch since the boys were present. At one point, Koenma even called Botan up and had her come over too. They of course kept the noise level to a minimum, being mindful of the sleeping demons upstairs.


Thanks so very much for reading my story. Please tell me what you think by hitting the small review button and leaving a review. This story will be updated again soon. ^_^

Preview for next update:

“Koenma, now that I got you here and you can’t exactly run away.” Hiei began, staring straight at the junior god. “I want Kurama and I to have control over portals.”

“What?!!” Koenma was in total shock.

“Can you do it?” Hiei remained completely calm.

“Of course I can, I’m the junior god of the spirit world. I can do practically anything that I want, I have that much power and it has been growing stronger since I‘ll be taking over soon.” Koenma answered, walking right into the trap that he didn’t see.

“Then give us the power!” Hiei demanded quickly, growing annoyed.


“But what?”

“But you’re demons!!” Koenma was very close to yelling. “Demons aren’t suppose to have that kind of power!”

A slow smirk spread across Hiei’s face. “So what?………..I thought you were a god and can do anything that you want. Haven’t we proven our loyalty to you? To Reikai?”

“Well, yes, you both have.” Koenma admitted, but it was done quietly.

“Then what’s the problem?” Hiei asked, raising an eyebrow.