Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ OH BABY! ❯ A Big Idea Is Born ( Chapter 19 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho at all. I just burrowed them for my stories for which I’m not making any money off of. I do however, claim the minor children that I have created and the story line involved.

WARNING!!!: Adult Shonen Ai, and very young Shonen Ai.

A/N: This chapter is part of another two chapter update. If you haven’t already read chapter 18 please go back and do so now. If you don’t you will miss key elements that will appear in future stories. Thanks for reading and reviewing. You all are the absolute best. ^_^



Chapter 19 of 29

A Big Idea Is Born


The next morning Shiori was in the kitchen cooking breakfast when the demons walked into the room. They sat down at the breakfast table, watching the woman bustling around the kitchen. It was kind of odd to see her there on Monday morning. They hoped and wished for the woman to be okay with the decision she had made the day before.

Shiori knocked the demons out of their thoughts by starting a conversation. “The boys are already up, they are out back, sparring and playing or something like that. I couldn’t get much out of them, they just kept looking back and forth at each other. I think they were doing that mind talking thing.”

“They probably were.” Kurama smiled, turning to look out the big bay window behind him. He saw the boys out on their jungle gym, swinging as high as they could go and smiling. A thought occurred to him so he quickly looked back to the ningen woman. “So, mother, what are you going to do now?”

“I don’t know exactly.” Shiori didn’t turn around, nor did she stop what she was doing. “But I will go into the city later today and find me a lawyer so I can file for divorce.”

“Good for you!” Hiei offered her some praise. “Then maybe you can find a proper mate.”

“After that disaster of a marriage, I probably won’t marry again. No man would understand my son and his family.”

“I didn’t say marry, Shiori, I said mate.” Hiei corrected the woman.

“Huh?” Shiori did turn around that time.

“Mother….” Kurama laughed, amusement dancing in his eyes. “Hiei is talking about getting you a demon mate.”

“Kurama and I even already have someone in mind.” Hiei hinted, smirk on his lips. A pretty blush appeared across Shiori’s nose, she quickly looked to the floor.

“I guess that you have someone in mind too, mother.” Kurama got up and went over to the woman. He waited patiently until she looked at him. “And I imagine that we are thinking of the same person.” He watched her blush become more pronounced. “Don’t be embarrassed, you deserve to finally be happy.”

“I am happy, I have you, Hiei and the boys. I also have four new babies on the way. What more can I ask for or need.” Shiori tried to be rational.

“I love you, mother, and I love that you are so devoted to my family and I, but I don’t want us to keep you from being happy. You deserve to have male companionship in your life, in your bed.” Kurama smiled teasingly, watching the woman blush again. “I’m sure Junaco will be thrilled to fill both of those spots.”

“I guess, but I’m human and he is a demon.”

“True, but he doesn’t seem to mind that. I believe that he is even more attracted to you because you are human.”

“Well, I guess I can hope.” Shiori smiled a little. She turned her back to her son and went back to cooking breakfast.

Kurama knew that the subject was closed for now. He went back over and sat down again at the breakfast table. “Since you are going to be living with us from now on. What are you going to do with your house?”

“I could sale it I suppose.” Shiori started to plate up the food.

“Instead of selling the house, why don’t you rent it out.” Kurama suggested after a few moments of thought. “That way you will have some spending money to get anything that you want, not that I wouldn’t buy anything for you anyway.”

“Thank you and I like that idea of renting the house. That way I could keep it, along with all the memories that was had there and as you said I would have my own spending money.” Shiori walked over and sat plates of food in front of the demons. She they retrieved three more plates and sat them in front of the empty chairs. She went over to the back door and opened it, yelling out into the yard. “Toushi, Kaihei, breakfast!”

Two fast running boys flew past Shiori and quickly occupied two of the three empty seats. “Thank you, grandma, for breakfast.” The boys smiled and said at the same time as if they were on the same mind wave link and they probably were.

“You’re welcome, boys.” Shiori laughed as she walked across the room and sat down in the last empty seat.

“So, mother, when do you want to start moving the items you want to keep?” Kurama asked after he had swallowed. “I need to call a moving company and set everything up.”

“In a couple of days will be fine. I’m only keeping my clothes and memorable, personal items that have a special place in my heart.” Shiori answered rather quickly. She had already spent a couple hours the night before thinking about what she wanted and would need. “The furniture and appliances can stay in the house for the future renters to use.”

“That’s a good idea, you would be able to charge a little more since the house would be completely furnished.” Kurama added his thoughts on the situation. “Now that you are living here, mother, you need a more permanent room. Which room do you want?”

“The room I’m staying in right now is just fine for me. Besides, I’m already comfortable in it.”

“Then we need to hire a construction company to come in and add a full bathroom to your room.” Kurama picked up his glass and took a drink of orange juice.

“That’s not necessary!” Shiori was real quick to protest. She didn’t want her son spending so much money on her. It wouldn’t be right.

Kurama sat the glass back down and picked up his fork again. “It’s no problem, really. Hiei and I were going to have bathrooms built in all the rooms, except the boys’ rooms, but we let the construction company talk us out of it. The ningen man said it would make our house even bigger and they would have to change the design once again. It had already been changed six times because we were adding specifications. Now, I wish that we had insisted on the change. This is going to mess up the house for at least a month.”

“We can have it done while we are in the Makai. We will be making that world our permanent home, but I imagine that we will be coming back here when we need to get away from being rulers for a few days, supplies that only the ningen world can provide, and to visit everyone that we know in this world.”

“That’s so true.” Kurama agreed, sounding thoughtful. “We could give the construction company Yusuke’s name and number for a contact person. I’m pretty sure that he won’t mind and probably will be happy to help.” He turned to his mate and leaned forward. “That was a very good idea that you have had. That way we won’t be here for all the noise and dust. It also wouldn’t be good for the babies if they were in it. It was a very good idea, I shall have to award you.”

The fox closed the distance between them, sweetly kissing his fire demon. To his credit, Hiei kissed back. The woman had grown used to their spontaneous show of affection and the boys had always been around it so they didn‘t care at all. When they parted, Kurama was pleased to see a cute blush adorning Hiei’s features. Satisfied that he still had it, even if he was twenty five pounds heavier, he settled back into his chair.

Kurama put on a smile as he turned his attention back to his mother. “You are coming with us back to the Makai, aren’t you?”

“Of course I am, I wouldn’t miss this opportunity for the world.” Shiori smiled as well, but her smile was bigger the her son’s. She had come to love that remote, wild, barbaric world.

“That’s great!” Kurama patted his rounded tummy. “Hiei and I are going to need your help.”

“I’m sure you will.” Shiori giggled a little bit. “I’m curious about something and I sort of have an idea. Just how much land do you two own out here?”

“At the last survey, which was about six months ago when we bought some land that went up for sale that was adjacent to ours, we own four hundred and thirty two acres.” Kurama answered the woman. “I know that is a lot, but we tend to buy the land that is next to ours when it goes up for sale. We do this to keep ningens from buying it and developing it, it also keeps them away from us, away from the boys. They don’t exactly look ningen you know. No offense, mother.”

“None taken and I do understand what you mean.”

“Thank you.” Kurama inclined his head briefly before continuing. “The last land that we bought was on the left side of our land, it was the last piece of land that was between ours and Genkai’s. Now we own all the land between here and the temple grounds.”

“Oh, that’s good.” Shiori seemed to think about something for a few moments. “Kayko and Yusuke lives in a city apartment with their toddler son, right?”

“Yes.” Kurama slowly nodded, not quite sure what his mother was getting at.

“Yukina and Kuwabara live at Genkai’s with their twin girls. Right?” Shiori continued with her strange questions.

“Yes.” This time it was Hiei that answered and he wanted to get to the point. “Why do you want to know?”

“They are your best friends and teammates, aren’t they? Shouldn’t you all be living close together incase something comes up?” Shiori seemed to have a plan laid out in her mind.

“Yes, in theory, it would be for the best, but it’s not possible.” Kurama took a drink of juice and sat the glass back down on the table. “Hiei and I want to be out here in the forest and as I have said the boys wouldn’t fit in with ningens. We can’t live in the city.”

“I wasn’t thinking about you moving.” Shiori was quick to correct her son. “I was thinking that they could move here. You certainly have enough land and I’m sure you have enough money. Just put the houses in different areas so everyone isn’t living right on top of each other. That way, you all will be close together if something comes up, but every family will have it’s own space.” She only hoped that her idea was well taken. Hiei and Kurama looked at each other for a few moments, having a small mental conversation. They rolled the idea over in their heads, discussing the pros and cons of the possible situation. The nodded at each other before looking back to the woman.

“Hn, I see no problem with that idea.” Hiei was the first to speak. “That way I can keep a closer eye on the oaf with my sister and nieces. I do trust Kuwabara, but I still like to keep watch.”

“I see no problem with it either.” Kurama started, but he quickly stopped when he saw his mate grow uncomfortable all of a sudden. He looked the fire demon over and quickly found out why. If he hadn’t been looking for it, the problem wouldn’t be noticeable. They needed to go upstairs to their room very soon. He quickly looked back to his mother and finished what he was going to say. “Like you said, we would all be close together if the team was needed. Yusuke could also come to the Makai with us, so he could check on his lands when he needed. I just hope they go for the idea.”

“Why wouldn’t they?” Shiori asked as she stood up and started to clear the table of the empty dishes. “They will be getting a free house out of the deal. Plus, you all seem more like a big family then friends.”

“Can we go watch a movie?” Toushi interrupted before the demons could answer the woman. “Rosey wants to see that new anime one you bought us.”

“Go ahead, but I expect for you two to spar for at least an hour sometime today.” Hiei answered his sons.

“Alright, we will.” Toushi stood up and took old of the other kit’s hand. He pulled Kaihei to his feet and started to led him out of the kitchen.

Kaihei smiled and waved as he was gently pulled along. “Thank you, father, we’ll be good. See you later, dad, grandma.” The boys disappeared through the door way.

Kurama chuckled a moment at his sons’ antics before looking back to his mother and picking up from where they had been interrupted. “It is like that, mother. Hiei and I consider all of our friends to be family, like brothers and sisters.” He noticed his mate was becoming more antsy.

Shiori must have noticed to when she gathered up the last of the dirty dishes, because she smiled gently. “Why don’t you two go up to your room for awhile; rest, have some private time, and discuss this a little more before you make a permanent decision.”

“Thank you, mother.” Kurama got up and hugged the woman. “We will let you know our decision when we come back down later.”

“Agreed.” Hiei was nearly to the kitchen door already. He was done with all of this talking. He left the kitchen without saying another word.

Kurama hugged his mother once more before following his mate as quickly as he could at the moment. He found Hiei waiting for him at the bottom of the stairs. They slowly went up and into their room. Shiori had followed them the whole way, but stop in the hall. She pulled the door closed, leaving the demons to their own devices. She had never been in her son’s room and she never wanted to go in there. She wanted to keep the picture of her sweet little boy in her mind forever. And she had no doubt that if she entered the room her son shared with his male mate that picture of the sweet, little boy would be utterly destroyed.

Shiori went into the boys’ room to check on them and see if they needed anything. She found them laying on their stomachs on the floor side by side, watching the movie that Kaihei had wanted to watch. They occasionally let out a laugh when something funny happened on the screen. Deciding that the boys were fine, Shiori went back downstairs to finish cleaning up the kitchen and take something out of the freezer for dinner.

She honestly didn’t know what she was going to do to keep herself busy for the next couple of hours. Oh well, she would find something. She did need to put the finishing touches on the four baby quilts she was making. With that in mind, Shiori checked all the doors to the outside to make sure they were locked before going upstairs to her room. She brought out all her sewing supplies and her four projects, quickly setting to work.


Thanks very much to you all for reading my stories. If you like what this chapter contains, please leave me a small review. If you don’t like it, leave me a review too. I will be happy to take all that I get. The next chapter will be updated again in a week or two. ^_^

Preview for the next chapter:

“Care to cut the cord, daddy?” Bulma asked, holding out a pair of sharp scissors to the fox.

“I would!” Kurama nearly jumped at that chance. He took the scissors and cut exactly where the Saiyan woman indicted.

Bulma wrapped up the crying newborn baby and handed it to Shiori. She quickly turned back to the fire demon’s much smaller, but still there stomach. “Now for the second one!” She didn’t wait for anyone to comment, she just worked both of her hands into the large cut in the stretched skin.

“This one is coming out head first.” Bulma announced suddenly as she slowly pulled her hands out of the wound, a small bloody, goo covered head appeared cradled gently in her hands. She continued to pull until the baby was completely out. She laid the tiny baby on Hiei’s sheet covered upper stomach. She handed the scissors back to the fox and pointed where to cut the cord. Kurama was more then happy to help out.

Bulma picked up the baby and slapped it on the butt a couple of times, forcing it to start crying and making it take more air into it’s young lungs. She wrapped the baby up and cleaned it a little before handing it to the entirely to proud fox. Yukina set to work healing her brother and Bulma started to clean up the big bloody mess. It was only a matter on minutes before everything was done, the numbing vine removed from the fire demon and a clean sheet placed over him.

Hiei asked the one question everyone in the room wanted to know. “What genders are my twins?”

Shiori actually smiled slyly, almost making her look evil if that was even possible. “I couldn’t help, but peek……..I’m holding a …….” Her smile got even bigger and more evil while she made the others wait.



A/N: I know. Now I’m being evil, but you guys will just have to wait for the next chapter to read what genders the babies are. >_> *_* ^_^