Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ OH BABY! ❯ Over Due ( Chapter 20 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho at all. I just burrowed them for my stories for which I’m not making any money off of. I do however, claim the minor children that I have created and the story line involved.

WARNING!!!: Adult Shonen Ai, and very young Shonen Ai. Also about a paragraph on an Adult Nursing Relationship, (if that), a c-section child birth, and a little bit on nursing babies.

A/N: Hey everyone, thanks to you all for reviewing my last two chapters. It is you all that is keeping this story going. You guys are the best! The absolute best! I don’t know what I would do without you all!

I must apologize for not updating this past Saturday, but I was kind of busy. You see, I went to my first Anime con here in Tampa. It is called Metro Con. It is suppose to the biggest Con in Florida. It was from Friday July 6th through Sunday July 8th. I had a total blast and there was everything and everyone there that you can imagine, even a blackout Rave that didn’t end until three o’clock in the morning.

I took over two hundred pictures of cosplayers and such. I will be posting them on my website in the near future so you all can see who all I met. I will let you know when I get them posted so you can look at them if you want. There are many awesome pictures of many awesome characters, if I do say so myself. I even got a few pictures of Kurama, but sadly there was no Hiei walking around.

I believe that I am still on a post con high and I am literally worshiping the items I got from the dealer room; a Yaoi T-shirt, a real katana, a Gravitation bag, Yu Yu Hakusho playing cards, and I finally got the coveted Kurama and Hiei plushies. I’m in heaven and I’m already looking forward to next year. Also next year, I’m dressing up! ^_^

By the way, this is another two chapter update for you all since you were so patient with me. You get chapters 20 and 21 this time!!

Anyway, enough of my ramblings, on with the chapter!!



Chapter 20 of 30

Over Due


The next day Hiei was sitting on the couch relaxing. He had repeatedly tried to get Kurama to sit down too and so had Shiori, but the stubborn fox just wasn’t listening. Shiori was doing everything to keep her son from overexerting himself. In any case, they were almost ready for their visitors. All that needed to be brought from the kitchen was the silver tray that held the small cups and a full teapot. Shiori ran out of the living room to retrieve it before her redheaded son could.

When the fox got close enough to him, Hiei had enough. He grabbed his mate and quickly pulled him down onto the couch. “Sit down and relax!”

“But, my mother can’t be expected to do everything! I have to help her!” Kurama made a move to get up, but the fire demon quickly stopped him.

“Enough is enough, Kurama. You will stay seated and you will relax!”


“No buts, fox! You will listen to me this time.” Hiei put his arm around the redhead’s waist and pulled him as close as possible before leaning them back against the couch. “I won’t have you become so flustered over this that your and the babies’ health are at risk.”

Kurama sighed, snuggling into his lover. “Fine, I shall yield to you on this.”

“Exactly what I like to hear.” Hiei tilted the fox’s head a little and gave him a sweet kiss.

Shiori walked into the room, carrying the last tray. She smiled as she went over to the low coffee table and sat her burden down. “How did you get my son to sit down?”

Hiei broke off the kiss with his sexy redhead and then looked up to the woman. “I grabbed him and pulled him down onto the sofa. He wanted to protest, but I wouldn’t hear of it. He has agreed to stay seated and relax.”

“Good, I was beginning to worry about him.”

One of Kurama’s eyebrows rose and started to twitch. He was becoming annoyed. “I am sitting right here you know. Don’t talk as if I’m not. Plus, I wasn’t doing all that much, just helping.”

Before the two others could offer a comment, a loud knock was heard on the front door. Shiori went out into the foyer to greet their invited guests. After everyone had said hello and was in the house, she closed the front door and led the group into the living room. Hiei and Kurama were sitting side by side, waiting patiently, having already disentangled themselves. A large rolled up piece of paper was on the floor in front of their feet.

Once everyone was seated, Yusuke got right to the point. “Alright you two! What was so important that we had to come over today? Kayko and I had to take off work and we had to leave Jiko with my mother. Kayko’s parents couldn’t watch him since they would be very busy in the ramen shop because we weren‘t there.”

“The same for us.” Kuwabara spoke up. “Yukina and I had to leave the girls with Genkai. You know she is getting on in age, she doesn’t need to be chasing after Sama and Tama so much.”

“This won’t take to long, I promise. Hiei and I had to have you all here today because this decision couldn’t wait.” Kurama picked up the paper and unrolled it so everyone could see. “Yesterday, my mother brought up the subject of us not being close together. Hiei and I got to thinking that it would be a great idea if we were all together, for missions and such. So we thought…….”

“Yeah it would be.” Yusuke was quick to agree, cutting off the redhead. “But you two won’t move back to the city. We can’t come out here because Kayko and I can’t afford any of the land. The price of land in this area has skyrocketed since you two will buy any land at any price when it is put up for sale.”

“Yukina and I sort of live out here anyway, but we can’t move closer. Like Urameshi said, the land is just to expensive.” Kuwabara again added his thoughts on the matter.

“If you two had kept your mouths shut and let my fox finish talking, you wouldn’t have had to make those comments.” Hiei pointed to the paper, indicating all of the boundaries. “This is all of the land we own currently, four hundred and thirty two acres to be precise. Kurama and I own enough land for all of us to live on and not be crowded.”

“Huh?” Yusuke and Kuwabara wasn’t quite understanding what was being said.

“Hiei and I would like for you all to move out here with us.” A large hopeful smile was on Kurama’s lips.

“You, of course will have your own family homes, built to your own specifications. We will be paying for the houses, the only thing we ask is that the houses don’t cost any more then ours. All you have to do is furnish all of the items for the inside and move in when the house is ready. There will be only one entrance onto our land and that is the main driveway, but we will add roads with in the property that will get you to your homes.”

“Are you serious?” Kayko finally decided to speak and she sounded as if she was in shock. Yukina still hadn’t spoken a word, but her eyes were wide.

“Dead serious.” Was Hiei’s very short reply.

Kurama chuckled a little. “If we weren’t serious, we wouldn’t have invited you all over and said it was urgent. As I have said we will pay for the building of the houses, but they can’t cost anymore then ours. Other the that, design them however you want to have anything that you want.”

“So, will you accept the offer?” Hiei leaned forward a little and pegged his four friends with a hard stare. He wanted an answer right then.

Yusuke briefly glanced at Kayko before looking back to the fire demon and fox. “How can we not accept this offer? It is far to good to pass up. Kayko and I will take it!”

“He’s right, we can’t pass this up.” Kuwabara took hold of the ice maiden’s hand. “Yukina and I will be happy to take you up on the offer too.”

“This is going to be great!” Shiori clapped her hands together and smiled with excitement. Everyone broke off to talk amongst themselves.

After a few minutes, Kurama called their attention back to him by clearing his throat. He pointed to the large map he held. “Now, this is the location of our house.” He then pointed to the far right of the paper. “Yusuke, Kayko, I was thinking that this would be a good location for your home. There is already a big clearing there and it’s close to the mountains incase you want to go mountain climbing, Yusuke.”

“That spot will be perfectly alright for us.” Yusuke readily agreed. From what he could tell of the map, it was a nice spot with great scenic views. It would suit him and his family just fine.

“Good!” Kurama then pointed to the far left of the map. “Yukina, Kuwabara, I thought this spot would be good for you. The area is heavily wooded and there is lots of wildlife, plenty of birds so Yukina and the girls will be happy. They would be able to keep those fox kits Hiei and I found at the Saiyans’ home since they are so attached to them. The spot is also very close to the temple grounds and I have already talked to Genkai about putting in a trail that will lead right to the temple. She said it would be fine with her.”

“That is a good spot for us.” Yukina had a bright smile on her face. “It’s perfect! I’ll be closer to my brother when he is visiting this world, but I’ll still be able to check on master Genkai often.”

“That’s the idea.” It seemed Hiei was keeping his comments short and sweet.

“I’m glad that you all are happy with the proposed locations.” Kurama started to roll up the map. “I separated the houses like that so we all will have plenty of elbow room and so we don’t get in each other’s way.”

“I like that idea.” Yusuke seemed to think about it a moment. “That way we will be like a big family, but we will still have our own lives to lead.”

“That is exactly the point I’m trying to make.” Kurama laid the rolled up map back on the floor. “Now, my mother will be mostly living with us here, but Hiei and I talked about it last night, then we discussed it with her this morning. We are going to have a small house built for her behind this house at the edge of the clearing incase she wants to get away from us for a few days. After all, she needs a place to call her own.”

“We have already hired a contractor and construction company, the same ones that built our house.” Hiei leaned back against the couch slowly drinking his tea. He was growing tired, but he supposed that was due to the fact that he was twelve days from delivering the twins into the world, via C-section. He couldn’t hardly wait to finally meet and hold his babies. “Just to let you all know, we will be having work done to our house too. We will also be traveling back and forth from the Makai to check out all the progress.”

“What kind of work?” Kayko was the one to ask the obvious question.

“We are adding bathrooms to all of the guest bedrooms.” Kurama answered while picking up his teacup. “It should have been done when we were having the house built, but we let ourselves be talked out of it, so we are finally getting it done now. The contractor is coming over tomorrow to take note of the things we want the bathrooms to have. He will be bringing with him some possible designs for your houses so I would like you four to come back again tomorrow. My mother and I will be present, I’ll be sitting in the reclining chair, covered with a blanket to keep my stomach hidden. Hiei won’t be able to join us, even if you cover him with a blanket he still looks pregnant.”

“Do you have any idea how long it would be until the houses get built, Kurama?” Kuwabara asked while grabbing a few cookies off of a silver tray.

“Well, our house only took four months, so I guess about that, but it will also depend on the design you choose and the details you add.”

“I think I want a very modern, western house like this one.” Kayko stated suddenly, turning to her husband. “Will that be okay with you?”

“Yep, that’s fine with me. I’d like a modern house too.” Yusuke was quick to agree with his wife.

“I believe that I want a traditional Japanese house, Kazuma. If that is alright with you? It would remind me of Genkai’s temple and the houses of my home land.”

“I will be happy with anything that you want, baby.” Kuwabara would do anything to make the woman he loved happy. The conversation soon turned to lighter subjects and everyone started to have a good time. Toushi and Kaihei came down from their room and joined the group.


The next day the contractor did show up as scheduled, four o’clock in the afternoon, with designs for houses. Everyone was there that needed to be there, except for Hiei. He was up in his room napping and hanging out. After a very long discussion on locations and such, the housing designs were brought out. Nearly an hour later, everything was finally decided. Yusuke’s and Kayko’s picked out house was much like the demons’, minus a couple of guest bedrooms. A little argument ensued and Kayko easily won. The training room Yusuke wanted to keep had been nixed too.

Shiori picked out a small, charming house, perfect for one person. It was nice, but not overly done. The house that Yukina and Kuwabara picked out was very traditional Japanese house, but with modern conveniences and a few demonish additions. It was more like Yukina picked everything out and Kuwabara readily agreed, but that seemed to be okay for them. With the construction company working in double shifts, the contractor estimated the houses to be finished in four to five months. Kurama agreed to the length of time and then produced a check for about a quarter of the estimated cost, it was to get things rolling. The fox explained to the ningen man that Yusuke would be the contact person for when additional money was needed, if there was any problems, or any questions.

Earlier that morning his mother and him had went into the city to his bank. After some thought and a previous discussion with Hiei, Kurama signed the papers for Shiori, Yusuke, and Kuwabara to have access to his very large bank account. He did set up a couple of stipulations though. He wanted a very meticulous record kept of where the money was going and who was taking it out, also no one was to take out large sums of money without his or Hiei’s written consent. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust his friends and mother, it was just good business practice and after all, it was his and his mate’s money. Of course we wanted to know what it was being spent on and by who. Kurama promised and warned the bank president that he would be in once a month to check over all of the records and that every cent had to be accounted for or he would move his considerable account elsewhere.

After the check was handed over, the fox told the contractor that he wanted an exact record kept on how the money was being spent and that he would look it over once a month. Again it was good business practice. The contractor readily agreed to the requirement, he had no problem with it. He would do anything that the redhead wanted because it was a big project that promised a huge bank roll for him and his company; and he was getting paid in cash, instead of having to go through a bank or loan company. He smiled to himself, he would be able to retire if he wanted to by the time this construction project was finished. With everything discussed and decided on, the contractor left to get started on the building plans, promising to have his crews and supplies ready to start work on the coming Monday.

When Hiei felt the ningen man leave, he retrieved the boys from their room and they went downstairs to join the group in the living room. As it always was when they all were in the same place, it turned into a party, a celebration of sorts. They would all be close together once again. It would be just like when they were in school.


The days slowly passed for everyone. Shiori officially moved in and put her house in the city up for rent. The contractor started work on the houses as promised, the foundations had been laid and the outer walls were starting to go up. They had the double baby shower and the whole team was guests, despite Hiei’s death threats and Kurama’s adamant protests. Surprisingly, Yukina insisted on coming to live at the demons’ house until after the babies were born. She wanted to be close to her brother in the last days of his pregnancy and she wanted to be near the fox so she could run scans on him, which she did daily and always with the same result. She was able to keep her secret, always assuring the fire demon and his mate that nothing was wrong. Bulma still came by every week, checking up on both demons and the babies. She always found everything perfect and everyone healthy.

As the days ticked by, all the occupants in the house grew anxious, even the boys. They all wanted the first set of babies to hurry and be born. None was more anxious then Hiei though. His due date came and went, in fact he was four days over due and quite irritable. No one was worried though, not just yet, since he was carrying twins. Yukina said it accurately two days ago when she said ‘The babies would come when they were ready to come’.

“Hiei, Koi, please come sit down.” Kurama patted the couch beside him. He was tired of watching the fire demon pace, or was it waddle, back and forth across the living room. “You have walked around this room for the last half hour, it’s starting make me nervous.”

“Hn, like you’re really nervous. I’m the one that’s nervous! I’m four days overdue and these brats that I’m carrying doesn’t appear to be coming out any time soon! I look and feel like a damn ningen cow!!” Hiei stopped his pacing and crossed his arms over his chest glaring at his mate. “I don’t want to sit down, or lay down for that matter, but I don’t want to be walking around either. I can’t get comfortable!!”

Kurama sighed and patted the couch once more. “Come sit down and try to relax. You staying uptight like this is only making it worse. If it would help, we could have an A.N.R. session. We haven’t done that since early yesterday morning.”

With an irritated grunt, Hiei walked over to the couch and sat down heavily. He pulled up his shirt while his fox got comfortable beside him. Kurama quickly teased the fire demon’s left nipple into a nub before latching on. He had only suckled about five minutes before Hiei’s eyes went wide.


Their was no answer, Kurama was focused on what he was doing.

“Fox?!” Hiei called again, becoming more forceful.

But he still didn’t get an answer. It was like Kurama had tuned him out.

“Kurama!!” Hiei called louder, pulling a little on the fox’s red hair.

Kurama pulled away from his mate’s chest, licking his lips as he sat up. It was only seconds before Shiori literally ran into the room. She was followed by Yukina and the boys. Shiori looked straight at the fire demon. “Why did you yell? What’s wrong? Is it time?”


Thanks so much for reading. Please leave a small review for this chapter and then move on to the next. Which was posted along with this one. ^_^