Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ OH BABY! ❯ The Long Awaited Arrival ( Chapter 21 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: this chapter is part of a two chapter update. If you haven’t read chapter 20 please go back and do so now.

Once again, a big thanks goes out to you all that leave reviews. ^_^



Chapter 21 of 30

The Long Awaited Arrival


Hiei decided to only answer one of her questions. “Yes, I believe that it is time.” He laid a hand on his stomach for emphasis and panted a little. It was true he couldn’t have the babies naturally, but he did experience a great deal of pain. This was because the babies were trying to come out and they had no where to come out at and the longer they stayed inside the greater the pain would become.

“Alright, I’ll get Koenma on the communicator to get Bulma here!” Shiori hurried over to the entertainment center to retrieve the device. She quickly called up the junior god and told him to get the Saiyan woman over to them as soon as possible, that it was time for the fire demon’s twins to be born. When she was done she went over to the coffee table and pushed it out of the way. “Let’s get you to the futon, Hiei.”

Shiori, Yukina, and the boys proceeded to get Hiei up from the couch and then slowly made their way across the room to the futon that was on the floor under the windows. All the items that could possible be needed was already there and had already been sterilized. The area had been set up nearly a week ago in preparation of the coming birth. There was also a similar area upstairs in one of the guest rooms. This was so the pregnant, in pain, demon wouldn’t have to go up or down the stairs. The two females, Toushi and Kaihei carefully lowered Hiei down to the futon mattress. Shiori then helped her son to sit down on the futon beside his mate. She knew that was the only place the redhead wanted to be.

“Thank you.” Kurama smiled softly. “Mother? Yukina? Boys? If you all would leave the room for a few minutes, I’ll help Hiei to get undressed.”

“No pulling on him.” Shiori warned even as she ushered the boys out of the room, followed closely by Yukina.

“I won’t.” Kurama called to the woman as the living room doors closed. He turned back to the fire demon, smiling. “Let’s get you ready for the babies.”

“Hn.” Hiei smiled too, reaching up and starting to remove his shirt. Kurama moved a little closer and sat to work helping his mate. It was only a couple of minutes until the fire demon was naked with a white sheet covering him. They had even shared a happy kiss.

There was a soft knock on the door before Shiori stuck her head in. “Could Yukina and I come back in now?”

“Yes, you both can come in.” Kurama answered while he made himself more comfortable. Being two months and three days pregnant didn’t help the situation at all.

As the ladies entered the room, leaving the two boys in the hall, and started to come towards them, a portal opened and the whole team jumped out, including Genkai and Shizuru.

“You just had to stop and pick up everybody!” Hiei grumbled, quite annoyed.

“Of course!” Koenma flashed a sly grin.

“We wouldn’t miss it for nothing!” Yusuke was quick to comment.

“Now! Everyone that doesn’t have permission to be in the room for this, go to another room!” Bulma took charge of the situation after she had sat her additional supplies down next to the futon. The group slowly filed out, offering congratulations and good lucks, except for Shiori, Yukina, and Bulma.

When the room was cleared out, Bulma instantly set to work. She covered the fire demon with another white sheet and then exposed his rather large stomach. She put towels and cotton gauze all around the swell to catch the flow of blood that would come from the incision.

Bulma looked up to the fox and smiled. “Okay, put that vine you told me about around him so he doesn’t feel this.”

“Alright!” Kurama pulled a blue seed from his hair and made it start growing.

Yukina and Shiori helped Hiei to sit up some so the vine could slowly creep around him at chest level. When the vine tightened, the little thorns pierced the fire demon’s skin. In a couple of minutes, he was completely numb from the chest down. Deeming the male ready, Bulma put on a pair of latex gloves, picked up the scalpel, and started to cut a slit into the stretched skin. Soon the hole was big enough, but blood was running out, she would have to hurry. She dropped the scalpel onto a towel beside her before reaching into the cut.

“The first one is feet first!” Bulma announced with a smile as she pulled her hands out, two tiny feet clutched gently in them. She continued to pull until the goo and blood covered baby was free. When it was laid on the fire demon’s upper stomach the baby started to scream as loudly as it could and tremble. The woman picked up something beside her and turned to the redhead.

“Care to cut the cord, daddy?” Bulma asked, holding out a pair of sharp scissors to the fox.

“I would!” Kurama nearly jumped at that chance. He took the scissors and cut exactly where the Saiyan woman indicted.

Bulma wrapped up the crying newborn baby and handed it to Shiori. She quickly turned back to the fire demon’s much smaller, but still there stomach. “Now for the second one!” She didn’t wait for anyone to comment, she just worked both of her hands into the large cut in the stretched skin.

“This one is coming out head first.” Bulma announced suddenly as she slowly pulled her hands out of the wound, a small bloody, goo covered head appeared cradled gently in her hands. She continued to pull until the baby was completely out. She laid the tiny baby on Hiei’s sheet covered upper stomach, this one being strangely quiet and not moving much. She handed the scissors back to the fox and pointed where to cut the cord. Kurama was more then happy to help out.

Bulma picked up the baby and slapped it on the butt a couple of times, forcing it to start crying and making it take more air into it’s young lungs. She wrapped the baby up and cleaned it a little before handing it to the entirely to proud fox. Yukina set to work healing her brother and Bulma started to clean up the big bloody mess. It was only a matter on minutes before everything was done, the numbing vine removed from the fire demon, and a clean sheet placed over him.

Hiei asked the one question everyone in the room wanted to know. “What genders are my twins?”

Shiori actually smiled slyly, almost making her look evil if that was even possible. “I couldn’t help, but peek……..I’m holding a …….” Her smile got even bigger and more evil while she made the others wait. “I’m holding the tiniest, cutest baby boy I have ever seen.”

Kurama grinned proudly, in true father fashion. “I don’t know, the tiny baby boy I’m holding is awful cute. We shall have to compare them.”

“Can I see them first!?” Hiei was slightly irritated. He wanted to get a look at his sons too, after all he was the one that carried them for three months and four days. Before he knew it, he was holding both babies, one in each arm, and the small blankets had been opened. He couldn’t stop the smile that appeared on his face as he looked his tiny sons over. He had been worried the whole time about how different his babies would look because his mate and him were in their demon forms when the babies were conceived, but now he could relax. His sons were very ‘cute’ just like Shiori and the fox had said.

The first born boy looked a lot like Kurama’s demon form, complete with gold eyes, but he did have Hiei’s nose. His head full of hair was streaks of light blue and silver. He had normal ears on the side of his head and no fox tail. He didn’t have a jagon eye either, but the boy’s Ki signature indicated that he would most likely have fire powers, only fire powers. He could be forbidden as well, but Koenma would have to run some tests on him before that was made a fact.

The second baby boy looked a great deal like Hiei, but like his brother he had the gold eyes of the silver Youko. This one though had Kurama’s nose. His head full of hair was like his twin’s, but his streaks were of black and red. He didn’t have fox ears, fox tail, or jagon either. If the boy’s energy signature was any indication, he would have plant powers, only plant powers. He was also possibly forbidden, but again tests would have to be ran on him by Koenma. Due to their energies, it was already obvious that they wouldn’t ever be as strong as their brother, Kaihei, but they would possibly reach their parents levels if they trained hard.

“They are so adorable!” Yukina was cooing and smiling.

Shiori dropped to her knees beside her son, also smiling. Who wouldn’t be though? Two pretty babies were just brought into the world. That would make anybody smile, including Hiei which he was doing proudly. Shiori put an arm around the redhead’s shoulders and leaned a little closer so she could see the babies better. She wanted to know the secret the demons had been guarding well. “So what are their names?”

Kurama looked at the anxious faces of the three females, grinning. “You all want to know my sons’ names?” When the ladies nodded quickly, he laughed a little. “Alright, Hiei and I will finally tell you. The first born baby, the one that came out feet first, his name is Meiyo. The name means Honor.”

“That is a perfect name for a son of yours.” Bulma complimented, standing behind Yukina. She had finished packing up all of her supplies and had joined the family. She had known all along that the twins were boys. She also knows the genders of Kurama’s twins, but she wasn’t going to ruin the surprise.

Hiei gently bounced the tiny red and black haired baby, grinning like his mate. He couldn’t stop himself from showing just how happy he was. “The second born baby, the one that come out head first, his name is Makoto. His name means Veracity.”

“That is a very good name too!” Yukina was quick to praise the name choices. The demons had done a great job at picking out the perfect names.

“Where did you two get the names from?” Shiori asked, reaching out to finger a tiny fist of the baby closest to her. It was Meiyo.

“Well, we took the names from the seven codes of the samurai. We thought it would be sort of fitting.” Kurama couldn’t take his eyes off of his new sons. He had hoped for at least one girl, but the boys were a perfect addition to his family. It was as if they were a combination of all of his and Hiei’s forms.

“It is fitting.” Bulma agreed, watching the two babies squirm. She couldn’t believe how strong they were already and their eyes appeared to have already focused.

“They sure are fussy.” Yukina laid a hand on the fire demon’s shoulder, knowing that she was about to embarrass him. “Why don’t you nurse them for a little bit, brother? That way they will calm down some before we let everybody else in to see them.”

“What?!” Hiei turned wide eyes on his sister. “I will only do that in private and Kurama is the only one allowed to be present!”

“Don’t be so dramatic, brother.” Yukina giggled some before continuing. “I have been present a couple of times when you nursed Kaihei. Besides, its not as embarrassing as you are making it out to be. All you would be doing is feeding your children.”

“You also need to get used to me being around when you nurse them. I am living with you after all.” Shiori patted the fire demon’s sheet covered leg. “I was never around when you nursed Kaihei, so I would love to see how you do it.”

“It would be very enlightening.” Bulma quickly added, smiling. “I would like to take mental notes on the subject. How you hold the child and how the child sucks since you don’t have breasts.”

Hiei eyed the females, actually starting to think about nursing the boys in front of them. They did have valid points, that couldn’t be disputed. The final push came from his pretty mate.

Kurama cuddle into the fire demon, as close as he could due to his two month pregnant belly. He left a gentle kiss on his lover’s check before a sweet, coaxing smile touched his lips. “Come on, Hiei, Koi. They’re just curious.” The fox gave his mate another kiss, this time at the corner of his mouth. “And you know what? When you nurse a baby, it’s such a beautiful sight, but that is my biased opinion and the only one that truly counts.”

“Fine!” Hiei finally agreed a blush spreading across his nose and cheeks. “But one of you have to take one of my sons. And some one needs to grab a couple of pillows off of the couch to put behind my back so I can be comfortable.”

Hiei quickly found out that he had all the help he needed. Kurama took Makoto from him. Yukina and Shiori both grabbed pillows and stuffed them behind his back so that he was now sitting up. The blush on Hiei’s face became more pronounced as he pushed the sheet down to his now flat stomach and then guided Meiyo to a nipple. When the kit opened his mouth wide, the fire demon pulled the child on and then made sure that he had a good latch. Hiei tried to relax as the females cooed around him. The relative silence only lasted a couple of minutes.

“Now, nurse Makoto too!” Bulma put in, successfully snapping the fire demon out of his relaxed state.

“How the hell am I supposed to do that?!” Hiei was glaring daggers at the Saiyan woman. He was already embarrassed enough.

A truly wicked grin graced Bulma’s face. “You do have two nipples don’t you?” She didn’t wait for him to try to stutter out an uncomfortable answer. “You are perfectly capable of nursing both babies. It’s called tandem nursing. A lot of mothers to twins do this so they can have a little bit of free time between feedings.”

“If you say so, but I still don’t know how to do it.”

Bulma dropped to her knees beside Yukina and reached forward, but she stopped just short of touching the nursing baby. “May I show you?”

Hiei looked at the baby boy he was holding and then to his other son that the fox was holding, before he looked back to the Saiyan woman, nodding once. “You can show me.”

“Good.” Bulma quickly arranged Meiyo so that he was nearly laying stomach to stomach with his father. She checked the boy’s latch and found it to be still good. The woman then took Makoto from the redhead and arranged him on the fire demon in much the same way as his brother. She smiled as she gently guided the small mouth to Hiei’s free nipple. When Makoto opened wide, she pulled him on and quickly checked his latch. She sat back, her smile getting bigger. Hiei was successfully nursing both twins. Bulma was proud of her work and she did know what she was doing. She had taught Pan how to tandem nurse after she had had her twins.

“You were talking about a beautiful sight, Shuuichi.” Shiori remarked, grinning. “Now that is a beautiful sight; the dangerous, deadly, unapproachable Hiei gently holding and nursing his two sons.”

“I’d have to agree.” Yukina spoke softly, noticing just how much her brother was blushing, but not really caring. The scene gave the fire demon a soft side that couldn’t be denied.

“I’d say it’s a picture perfect moment.” Bulma pulled a digital camera from one of her bags, flipped it on and removed the lens cover.

“There is no way in hell I would ever let you take a picture of me doing this!” Hiei tried to reach the sheet to cover him, without dislodging the babies, but he couldn’t manage it.

Kurama cuddled into his mate’s side, smiling. “Come on, Koi. It really is a picture perfect moment. It would be a pretty family photo.”

Hiei shot the fox a glare out of the corner of his eyes, not knowing when to keep his mouth shut. “If it was perfect, Toushi and Kaihei would be in the picture.”

“That’s true!” Bulma instantly went over to the closed living room doors. She opened them a little and stuck her head out. “Toushi and Kaihei, please come in here. Everyone else you will be allowed into the room in a few short minutes.”

Bulma stepped aside and let the boys inside before promptly closing the door behind them. She led them over to where their parents were. The kits eyed their black headed father curiously. They wanted to ask the many questions that was floating around their minds, but they decided to wait until later. Bulma maneuvered until she was standing at the foot of the futon, directly in the middle.

She smiled gently at the two boys. “Toushi and Kaihei, would you two stand behind your fathers? Yukina, would you sit closer to your brother and maybe touch the baby that is closest to you? Kurama, you are find where you are at, but could you scoot around until your pregnant stomach is visible, even if you have to pull up your shirt? Shiori, could you move closer to your son and put a hand on his stomach?”

It took a few moments for everyone to get into position, but it was worth it. It was a picture perfect moment. Kurama did end up having to pull up his shirt, but he truly didn’t mind.

Bulma brought the camera up to her eye and quickly focused it. “Smile!”

Again everyone did as they were asked. They were all smiling beautifully, even Hiei had a smile on his lips. A flash went off and then a second one. A third flash of light came before the woman turned off the camera and then put it back into her bag. She promised to have pictures for everyone the next time she came over to check up on Kurama. After a few more minutes, Hiei pulled the tiny kits away from his chest and had the fox to take one.

“Are you ready for your friends to come in?” Bulma asked, smiling.

Hiei looked up and nodded to the Saiyan woman while he arranged the content baby boy in his arms more comfortably. “Yes, they can come in now.”

Bulma walked over to the doors and pulled them wide open, smiling. The whole waiting group rushed into the room with grins on all of their faces, laughing and congratulating Hiei and Kurama. There was many questions asked, and they were all answered patiently. The fox and fire demon took all of the excitement in stride. They knew it would die down eventually. That is until Kurama’s twins were born in only a month’s time, then it would start all over again.


That’s it for this chapter!! I hope you all liked everything that happened. I also hope you guys like the babies’ genders and their names. I will update this story again very soon. Please leave a review and let me know what you think. ^_^

Sorry no preview this time. I wanted to give you all one, but every spot I tried would just give to much away for the next chapter. I’m sorry, but I want what is going to happen real soon be a big surprise. <_< *_* ^_^