Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ OH BABY! ❯ Wishes Are Wanted ( Chapter 22 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho at all. I just burrowed them for my stories for which I’m not making any money off of. I do however, claim the minor children that I have created and the story line involved.

WARNING!!!: Not to much this chapter. Adult Shonen Ai, and very young Shonen Ai. Also since the babies are born expect to have some nursing in each of the chapters that are left of this story. If it isn’t done, it will be mentioned. Those babies have to eat you know. ^_~

A/N: Hey everyone, thanks to you all for reviewing my last two chapters. It is you all that is keeping this story going. You guys are the best! The absolute best! I don’t know what I would do without you all! I hope you like what happens in this chapter. There has been a few hints, but nothing said outright, so this may come as a surprise.

Also, a lot of you said you would like to see that picture the Bulma took of the demon family, but alas I can’t even draw stick people good. If any of you knows how to draw and wants to draw the picture I say be my guest, because I honestly would love to see that picture too. As for that matter, I would love to see any picture that is mentioned in my stories or any picture that any of you guys draw. I love to look at Hiei and Kurama pictures!! ^_^

I’m terribly, terribly, terribly sorry that it’s so late, but I have been busy with family stuff. My mother broke her ankle and currently has a cast on it. I’ve been helping her out as much as I can and haven’t been able to type that much because of that reason. I will try to make the updates more often, but that isn’t a promise. At least not until my mother is out of that cast. Also, this has not be reread a second time so there are bound to be mistakes. Please look over any mistakes you find because I will try to fix them soon. I just wanted to get this posted up because it has been like a month since I updated. Anyway, on with the chapter and it is extra long since I made you all wait. I hope that you enjoy it!!



Chapter 22 of 30

Wishes Are Wanted


As predicted, two days later had everything and everyone calmed down. Hiei was back to being his normal self, complete with those sexy washboard abs. While Yukina watched Toushi and Kaihei, Shiori went into the city to purchase a twin nursing pillow for the fire demon. In fact, she picked up two, knowing that her son was going to need one too. While there she checked on her house and was happy that the new tenants had settled in. A couple of days before Hiei had his twins, the house had been rented so now she didn’t feel like she was sponging off her son and his mate.

Upon returning to the house, she quickly walked into the living room. She smiled at what she saw. Kurama was sitting on the couch, gently holding a sleeping Meiyo and Hiei sat beside him, nursing a very content Makoto. They were actually leaning against each other, talking about the baby boys, already planning their futures. The demons didn’t even realize that she had entered the room, that was how much they were focused on the tiny twins they held. She quietly, almost stealthily, sat the few bags she carried on the floor and reached into her purse.

Smiling, Shiori pulled out a digital camera. After all, it is a mother’s and grandmother’s prerogative to take pictures of her children and grandchildren, she was only following her strong instincts since she was both. Shiori’s smile turned into a grin as she snapped the picture. The sudden flash had the anticipated effect, the male demons quickly looked. Hiei and the fox smiled when they saw the ningen woman standing across the room, camera in hand. She quickly flashed another picture.

“You could have warned us.” Kurama remarked, laughing a little.

“No way!” Shiori put her camera back in her purse and picked the bags up off the carpeted floor. “The best pictures are the ones where the subjects are caught by surprise.” She walked over to the low coffee table and sat her burdens down on it. “I got the pillow that you needed, Hiei.”

“By the looks of it you got more then that.”

“I did get a few more things. I couldn‘t help myself, I have to spoil my new grandsons you know.” At least Shiori was truthful. She looked to her son, smiling. “I got you a pillow as well, Shuuichi.”

“Oh?” Kurama still wasn’t sure about the whole tandem nursing thing. He was going to have a hard enough time with one baby because he had no previous experience.

“Since you would be needing one too.” Shiori opened the big bag and pulled out the two pillows, showing them off.

The nursing pillows were thick for comfortable positing of the babies, and horseshoe shaped to fit around the ‘mother‘s‘ body. The woman purchased a dark blue one for Hiei, knowing that the color would be the only one that the fire demon would tolerate. The pillow she got for her redheaded son was rainbow striped, knowing that he wouldn’t mind and that he tended to like bright colors.

“Thank you, mother. I’m sure the pillows will come in handy.” Kurama scooted out to the edge of the couch, careful not to disturb the sleeping blue and silver haired baby that he held. “Mother, can you take Meiyo for me? I feel like I’m starving and the smell of cooking food coming from the kitchen isn’t helping matters. I’m going to see what Yukina has planned for our dinner and grab me a small snack to hold me until it is ready.”

“Of course, I can.” Shiori dropped the two pillows on the coffee table before she carefully took her grandson from her son. While holding Meiyo in one arm she reached out and took hold of the redhead’s hand that was closest to her and pulled she smiled when she saw Hiei reach up and push Kurama from behind.

Kurama was blushing a deep red and thoroughly embarrassed by the time he got to his feet about a minute later. Since he was about three weeks from his due date, his center of gravity was way off. He couldn’t due much by himself; he couldn’t get up from the bed or couch, he couldn’t go up the stairs by himself. He practically couldn’t walk by himself, but when he did he had to keep a hand on the wall to keep himself upright. His belly was so large, it wanted to pitch him forward.

Kurama couldn’t understand why he was so big, he was already the size that Hiei was a full term, and he still had three weeks to go which would mean that he would get bigger as the twins he carried continued to grow. The only explanation that Bulma could come up with for this problem, which was ridiculously obvious, was that the twins the fox carried was bigger then the twins Hiei carried. When Yukina was asked about her ideas on the subject, she would only smile innocently and say everything was perfectly fine with the babies. Needless to say, the fox was becoming frustrated with the situation, but there wasn’t anything that he could do about it.

Kurama smiled sheepishly, still a bit red. “Thank you for the help. Do either of you want a snack from the kitchen?”

“No, I’m fine.” Shiori smiled up at her son.

“I’ll wait until dinner.” Hiei said before turning his attention back on the baby he still nursed. Makoto was dozing off, so it wouldn’t be much longer.

Kurama didn’t say another word, he only carefully and slowly waddled out of the room. Shiori watched him leave before scooting over next to the fire demon, silence descending on the living room. A soft smile touched her lips as she watched the black and red haired baby nurse, but just barely. Makoto was nearly completely asleep.

After several minutes of complete silence, the fire demon started to speak quietly. He didn’t want anyone else to hear what he was going to say, just in case his proposal was rejected. “Shiori, I have been meaning to talk to you about something for about a month now, but it was never the right time.”

“What about, Hiei? You know you can talk to me or ask me about anything.”

“Hearing that does help the situation.” Hiei brought his eyes up to look at the ningen woman. “I never had a mother, just someone that gave me life.”

“Yes, I know.” There was sadness in Shiori’s eyes and in her voice. “No child should be treated the way you have been. It‘s a miracle that you aren‘t a cold blooded murderer and that you still have a good heart and soul in you.”

Hiei chuckled at the irony of that last sentence. “That’s just it, I was a cold blooded murderer in the past. I was also a being with a good heart and soul, but I kept that buried deep under the many walls that I had erected within myself so I wouldn’t get hurt. The funny thing is I wasn’t prepared for the chance meeting that fate put in my path. When that stubborn, redheaded, reincarnated demon fox walked into my life, actually more like fought, I knew that I was done for. Within a week, Kurama had broken down nearly all of my walls that I had built over hundreds of years. I was literally at his mercy and he knew it, but he didn’t try to hurt me in anyway. True, he did betray me a couple of times, but he didn’t hurt me where he could have, like he could have.”

“That sounds like my son.” Shiori couldn’t believe that the small, surly demon was opening up to her in such a way. He had never done this before.

“You know, I believe that is when I started to fall in love with him.” Hiei continued with a smirk on his face. “Kurama turned my whole world upside down without even trying and then started to change me forever into the demon that I am today. If I had a choice between what I have now and the life I had before I met the fox, I would choose this life. I don’t ever want to go back to the monster that I was and I don’t want to loose what I have now; children and a pretty, legendary mate.” The fire demon looked down and removed the sleeping baby from his left nipple, cuddling him close before looking back to the ningen woman. “I really can’t ask for anything else in my life, but I find myself wanting one more thing.”

“And what is that, Hiei?” Shiori asked, sure that they were about to get to the heart of the conversation.

“After being around my fox and you, I figured out what that was, what I wanted so badly. I want what you and Kurama have.”

Understanding literally dawned on Shiori. “Oh, a mother, child relationship.”

“Yes, that’s what I want.” Hiei lowered his eyes to the sleeping baby he held. He couldn’t look at the woman any longer. “I sort of have that relationship with my own sons, but it’s not the same.” He took a deep breath, his voice becoming a whisper. “I want a mother.”

Shiori quickly transferred Meiyo to her other arm and then she put the now free arm around the fire demon’s sagged shoulders in a half hug, tears stinging her eyes. She was trying to pull out the question she knew he wanted to ask. “You should have a mother, Hiei, you should have had one all along.”

Hiei started to tremble, fighting the tears that wanted to come from his eyes, but he wouldn’t cry over this. He would only ever cry over Kurama. “Will….. Will you…… will you be my mother?” He continued in a rush, not giving the woman time to answer. “I’m not trying to take Kurama’s place. I know that I could never do that and I don’t want to. I just want a mother and maybe I need one. You’re the closest anyone has ever come to being a mother to me, that’s why I asked you. I won’t even call you mother, I would call you something else. I…”

Shiori cut off his nervous ramblings, by putting a single finger to his lips. “I know that you aren’t trying to take Shuuichi’s place in my heart. As you have learned or should have….” She glanced briefly at the little twins. “There is always plenty of room in one’s heart for their children and I have always thought of you as my son. I’d be honored to be your mother, Hiei and I would be even more honored if you would call me mother.”

“Thank you, Shiori.” A tiny smile appeared on Hiei’s face. “No….Thank you, mother.”

Smiling, Shiori put her arm back around the fire demon’s shoulders, hugging him a best as she could considering they were both holding babies. “You’re very much welcome, my son.”

Unknown to them, Kurama was in the foyer, standing next to the open doors, just out of sight. Tears ran down his face in happiness. He was so emotional right now, damn female hormones. Hiei had completely accepted his mother and that was what he had been hoping for all along. The fox didn’t feel in anyway that he was being pushed aside. As Shiori had said, she had enough love for both of them. If he knew anything at all, he knew that Hiei needed a mother and now he had gotten himself one. It took a couple of minutes for Kurama to compose himself, but when he did; he entered the living room, smiling. Hiei and Shiori sat side by side, still holding the sleeping baby boys. Kurama waddled over to the couch and sat down beside his mate.

Now that he had his fox beside him again, Hiei leaned up against him once more. “You might as well know, fox. While you were in the kitchen, Shiori and I had a talk; she is going to let me call her mother from now on. I asked her to be my mother.”

“Oh really?” Kurama kept the innocent look on his face, so they wouldn’t know that he had been eavesdropping. “I often wondered when that would happen. Especially since my mother thinks of you as a son and you think of her as your mother.”

“You’re not upset at all about this development, are you, Shuuichi?” Shiori was always being amazed by her very special son.

“Not at all and why would I be.” Kurama laughed a little, leaning his head against his mate’s shoulder as he reached out and petted both of his sons‘ hair covered heads. “This has only made are close little family that much closer…………… I couldn’t be any happier until the twins I carry are born.”

Hiei put his free arm around the redhead and pulled him closer. “Fox, from now on we will have to stay far away from that Risoia plant. At the very least, for a hundred years.”

Kurama snuggled against his little lover, smiling. “I know, no more babies for at least that long. We are going to have our hands extremely full with the children we do have. As it is, keeping Toushi and Kaihei out of each other’s pants until they reach sexual maturity will be very hard, a full time job.” Neither demon noticed or blatantly ignored the apprehensive look that crossed Shiori’s face. There was nothing that could be done, the woman would just have to get used to it so the fox continued. “Add to that training our new children how to fight and protect themselves, plus getting them to choose suitable mates when the time comes. Also, if we get a daughter out of my pregnancy, we will have to fight off many would be interlopers that would want to get at her when she goes into her first heat at age thirteen………… Oh, and let’s not forget, ruling two thirds of the Makai as well. ………Hiei, Koi, we are going to be very busy.”

Before the fire demon could respond, Shiori spoke up. She had decided that the conversation needed to be taken in a different direction. “If you two wait to have more babies for that long, then I won’t get to meet those grandchildren of mine. I’m sure by then, I’ll be dead and buried in the ground, after all I’ll only live for about another thirty years or so.”

Kurama closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Sometimes he forgets that his mother is human and wouldn’t be with him in a few very short years. He opened eyes, sadness in them. “I’m sorry, mother. Hiei and I shouldn’t have been talking about this in front of you. I forget sometimes that you aren’t demon, especially over the past couple of years. I wish with my whole heart that you could have a demon lifetime. That way, you would be with Hiei, myself, and our children for hundreds of years, if not thousands.”

Hiei saw the slightly confused look on the woman‘s face, so he quickly explained. “No one knows, not even Koenma or King Enma, how long a demon can live. No demon has ever died of old age, they always die in battle. Most simply grow tired of living, after being a couple thousand years old, and start to do things that are very risky which leads to their death, exactly what they wanted. Many demons and some beings in spirit world believe that demons are eternal, that they could live forever if they wouldn’t grow bored with their lives, but this eternal life has never been proven. The oldest a demon lived was five thousand years and he died in battle because of what I previously mentioned, boredom. When he died, he didn‘t look any older then Kurama and myself.”

“Wow, you two have got long lives ahead of you.” Shiori had a smile on her face, but there was sadness in her eyes. “I wish for the same thing you wish for, Shuuichi. I wish that I could have a demon lifetime so I could spend it with the two of you and all of my grandchildren.”

Hiei’s eyes suddenly widened, having been literally hit with a brilliant idea. It could almost be said that a light bulb turned on over his head. It was the perfect solution to the problem and he wondered why his fox hadn‘t thought of it. A smile crept across his face as his eyes focused to look at his mate and the woman. “If that is what you want, Shiori…. um…. mother, then why don’t we wish for it.” It seemed it was going to take some time for him to get used to calling her mother.

“What?” Kurama was caught off guard.

As was Shiori. “Huh?”

“Why don’t we wish for it?” Hiei repeated, the smile getting bigger. “We can ask the Saiyans to use those dragon balls to wish you to be a full blooded demon, like they did for Kurama.”

“My mother, a demon, a full blooded demon!!” Kurama was in a bit of a shock, but the idea did appeal to him. But still, he couldn’t ask the woman to give up her whole ningen existence for him. That would be far to much. “I don’t know if that would be wise. There are so many reasons not to go through with that idea.”

“Yes, a demon or in this case a demoness. It is the perfect solution.” Hiei nodded his head curtly, his mind was already made up. “If Shiori was a demon, she would have a demon lifetime. She wouldn’t have to die of old age, she would be able to be apart of our lives for as long as any of us live.”

“But…..” Kurama was finding it harder and harder not agree with his mate.

It was Shiori that abruptly ended the little pro and con discussion. She stood up and handed Meiyo to the redhead. She then sat down on the low coffee table, facing the demons. “This is my decision and I will make it. I like the idea, I want to be a full blooded demon. That way, I can always be in my sons’ lives; I can see my grandchildren grow up, find mates and start families; I can meet and love any future grandchildren that come along. I would be there for it all. I really do want this, I want to be a demon, excuse me, a demoness.”

“Are you sure, mother?” Kurama asked, concern in his voice. “If you get turned into a demon, you won’t be able to turn back ningen, ever. The transformation will be for keeps.”

“I’m positive!” Shiori had a beautiful smile on her face, her mind was made up. She wanted to do this.

“Alright then, I won’t try to stop you.” Now, Kurama was smiling too. “We’ll talk to Bulma about it the next time she comes to check me out which is in three days.”

“Do you have an idea of what kind of demoness you want to be?” Hiei asked, a little smirk settled on his lips.

A telling blush spread across the woman’s face, making the fox and fire demon briefly glance at each other. They turned back to the ningen female, each with a raised eyebrow in a silent question. Shiori’s blush became more pronounced and she smiled nervously as she explained. “After I first found out that you were a demon, Shuuichi, especially after you described your demon form to me, I started to put together a picture in my head of what I might look like as a demon, as your mother. I like the picture that I made up. I want to keep my black hair and all of my facial features, but I would like to be a fox demon, a vixen with black ears and a black tail. I want to look a little younger, and be a couple of inches taller. I also want to have more feminine curves then I currently have; a bigger chest, a smaller waist, and some more padding in my butt.”

“You have certainly thought about this demon form for yourself, mother.” Kurama chuckled good naturedly. “I can actually picture you the way you describe what you want. You would make a beautiful Youko vixen.”

“Thanks, I have put a lot of thought into it…. I would also like to keep a human form like you, Shuuichi. That way, when I’m in this world I will be able to go out in public.”

“Everything that you have described is possible.” Kurama was thoughtful for a moment. “I still have all of my forms and I’m a full blooded demon now. And from what the Saiyans told me, the dragon balls are capable of doing just about anything. This is a very good example of that.” He patted the large swell of his pregnant stomach, smiling.

“Then I want to do this, and I want to be the way I described.” Shiori smiled as well.

“We are certainly going to try, mother.” Kurama assured the woman. He only hoped her wish will come true, because in reality it was his wish too.


Bulma came by three days later, as scheduled, and checked the fox and the babies out. After she did the examine and reported that everything was progressing great and the babies were doing good, Kurama brought up the subject of his mother. Bulma seemed thrilled about the idea. She promised that she would gather up the dragon balls and make the wish for them. She also told them that it would only take about three or four days to find all seven balls. She wrote down everything that Shiori wanted for her demon form and promised the woman that she would word the two wishes as best as possible to get the best possible outcome. Bulma told the demons that she would make the wishes in five days. That she would call right before she did so that Shiori would be sitting down, because there was no telling exactly what would happen to her. Kurama assured the Saiyan female that his mother would be sitting down. Bulma left soon after, to start on her search for the dragon balls with her family’s help of course. She wouldn’t be doing this alone.

The next day, Hiei and Kaihei were watching TV when Makoto started crying in his bassinette. Hiei pulled off his shirt as he got up and then retrieved the squealing, black and red haired kit. He sat back down next to his older son and guided Makoto’s tiny mouth to a nipple. The baby boy latched on quickly and started to suckle noisily.

Kaihei leaned in close, intently watching what his baby brother was doing. Hiei remained quiet, waiting to see what his son would do. After a few moments, Kaihei’s young voice was heard. “Papa, does that hurt?”

“Hn, I’m not going to sugar coat the answer for you. It does hurt at first, until the nipples get toughed up and you get used to it.” Hiei watched his son’s reaction closely. “But after that, it doesn’t hurt at all and it actually feels good.”

“How so?” Kaihei moved even closer, leaning against his father’s side, trying to get a better vantage point.

“Well…..I’m producing milk and if the milk doesn’t come out my chest starts to hurt. It is called engorgement. Your baby brothers suck my milk out through my nipples so I don’t hurt, this is called nursing. My milk they drink is good for them, it’s the only food they will get for several months. It will help them grow big and strong like you and Toushi.”

“Did I drink your milk like that?”

Hiei put his free arm around the boy’s shoulders and gave him a squeeze. This conversation wasn’t as embarrassing as he thought it would be. It was actually bringing up some good memories. “Yes, you did and you did it until you were a little over three years old. As you got older and you learned to talk, you used to ask me when you wanted to nurse. You would say that you wanted to drink.”

Kaihei scrunched up his face, not believing his father. “I did?”

Hiei chuckled before reaffirming what he had said. “You did.”

“Is your milk white like we get from the store?”

“Yes, sort of…….. Right now my milk has a yellow tint to it, but in about a week it should be white.”

“Can I see?” Kaihei asked, sounding excited.

“I suppose.” Hiei let go of his older son and brought his hand up to his free nipple. He rubbed it a few seconds before giving it a little squeeze. This had the desired effect, a little drop appeared.

“Can I?” Kaihei reached forward, hesitating at the last moment.

“Go ahead.” Hiei agreed, wanting to satisfy his son’s curiosity.

Kaihei caught the drop on his index finger. He then brought it close to his face and ran it between his index finger and his thumb, getting a feel for the slightly sticky substance. He then thoroughly surprised the fire demon when he brought it up to his mouth and tasted the milk. Kaihei quickly shook his head and wiped off his tongue, not liking the taste at all.

“That tastes gross!”

Hiei hurried to explain before the next question came. “That yellow milk is called colostrum. As I said, in a few more days my regular milk will be in and will be white. It will taste sort of like melted vanilla ice cream.”

“Oh.” a huge grin then broke out on the boy’s face. “Can I taste your milk again then?”

Hiei thought it over for a few seconds before nodding. He knew his son was just curious and he would do anything to satisfy that innocent curiosity. “If you want to, you can.”

Nothing much else was said and Kaihei had soon drifted to sleep, leaning against his father’s side. Makoto had went to sleep too, unconsciously letting go of the fire demon’s nipple when he was finished. With nothing else to do and being tired from the middle of the night feeding, Hiei leaned his head against the back of the couch and dozed off too.

The was the scene Kurama walked in on. A smile graced his face, him thinking that what he saw was the most beautiful sight ever. Hiei, Kaihei, and Makoto was sleeping soundly. The fox walked over and peaked into the tiny bassinet that he knew held his other baby son. The smile on his face got bigger when he saw the little kit. Meiyo was wide awake, looking around with his pretty eyes and sucking on one of his fisted hands.

Kurama carefully picked up his son, walked over and sat down beside his mate. He leaned forward and gently kissed the fire demon. Hiei was startled awake to say the least, but he kissed the soft, familiar lips right back. He growled a little though when the fox broke the kiss and sat back, he wanted so much more then that sweet kiss.

“I know how you feel, Koi.” Kurama had a smile on his face as he glanced to his older son, making sure that he was still asleep. He then looked back to his mate, his eyes sparkling with desire. “It been far to long since we have made love.”

“Hn, that can be rectified now, if you are willing to be the uke.” As he said that, Hiei’s eyes darkened with lust.

An involuntary shiver went through Kurama. “I’m more then willing to be the uke, if you are willing to mate with someone so fat.”

Hiei wished that his arms were empty so he could reassure his mate. He did the only thing he could at the moment. He let a gentle smile touch his lips. “You’re not fat, you’re just pregnant. If you believe that you have grown ugly, then you are dead wrong. In my eyes, you are still as beautiful as ever and sexy as hell. In truth, I desire you even more, because of the knowledge that those are my two children that you are carrying.”

Kurama was near tears by the time his mate had finished talking. Damn hormones!! He was acting far to much like a girl for his liking, he was a male damn it, a dominate male!! He had to wipe his eyes and get control of his emotions before he spoke. “Thank you, that makes me feel so much better…… I guess we have a date then.”

“We do, after the twins get their feeding for the evening and before they wake up for their middle of the night feeding. In between those times, just the two of us are going to be locked up in our room, catching up on some much needed love making.”

Kurama didn’t verbally answer the fire demon, but he did lean close and initiate a passionate kiss. The parted far to soon for their liking, but they had too. The baby the fox held was starting to fuss. Kurama looked down at son before looking back up to his mate. “I believe that Meiyo is hungry.”

“You mean again. Here, take Makoto from me.” Hiei handed the red and black haired baby to the redhead before gently taking the squirming silver and blue haired baby. He cradled the baby close to his chest and brought the tiny mouth to a nipple. When the crying was silence, Hiei checked his son to make sure he had a good latch. Satisfied, he looked to Kaihei who had slept through all the movement and noise, still leaning against him. He then brought his eyes back up to his mate, smiling a little. “Our little boy is curious about nursing.”

“Is he?” There was a little smile playing on Kurama’s face too. “I suppose that Kaihei would be. I mean it is what he sees you doing, Koi.”

“I tried to explain to him that I make milk and that his baby brothers are drinking it for food, fox. I even forced a drop of milk out for him to see it.”

“What did he do?”

“He took the drop between his fingers as if studying it. He then surprised me by tasting the milk. He then proceeded to make a face and wipe at his tongue before telling me that ‘it tasted gross’. I then explained to him the reason why the milk tasted different right now and then in a few days it will taste different again. That it would taste good.” Hiei answered with a small shrug, as if it didn’t matter, but the fox knew different.

“What happened then?” Kurama asked softly, merriment sparkling in his eyes.

“He asked if he could taste my milk then and I told him that he could.”

“That’s the perfect answer, Koi. He probably feeling left out at the moment since the twins are getting all of the attention. I predict that it will only get worse too after the twins I carry are born. Let’s be thankful though, because he is down here with you. You realize that Toushi does as little as possible with his new brothers. This may be a problem, because Toushi doesn’t even come near Kaihei when he is around the twins. I believe that Toushi is jealous of the twins since they seemed to have captured Kaihei’s attention. This may cause a small rift between our older sons. We should force the two boys together as much as possible. Also we should answer any of Kaihei‘s questions about the babies. Hopefully Toushi will come around and get over being jealous of the twins.”

“Hn, I’ll remember all of that and I agree with you.” Hiei let his eyes slowly drift over the fox’s body and then back to grass green eyes. “I can’t wait for tonight, when I finally get my beautiful little uke fox under me again; to hear all of those sexy little moans and gasps that I can pull from you as I manipulate your body.”

Kurama couldn’t help, but laugh. “I’m hardly a little uke!”

“What’s a uke?” A sudden small voice, caught the demons’ attention. They snapped their eyes down to the small boy. It seemed that Kaihei woke up and heard what his redhead father had said.

Kurama recovered from the little surprise, quite quickly. “Your father and I will explain that to you when you’re a little older, firebug.” He reached out and scratched one of the boy’s fox ears.

Kaihei pulled his head back out of reach, frowning and crossing his arms over his chest. “You two always say that to me, to my questions. I have gotten older, I’m seven years old now!!”

“Kaihei!!” Hiei voice dropped an octave, showing that he was annoyed. “I answered everyone of your questions that you had about me nursing your brothers.”

Kurama quickly picked up where his mate left off. “Also, your father and I answer the questions that we can because of you age. True, you are older, but you aren’t old enough for some of the answers to some of your questions. In a couple more years, we will answer all of your questions.”

“You promise? A couple of years?” Kaihei eyed his parents, not believing them.

“I promise, baby.” A pretty smile planted itself on Kurama’s lips. “In only a little while, you will learn all the answers that you seek.”

“Okay!” Kaihei nodded, smirking. He would hold his parents to their promise. He wanted answers to his questions. He glanced at his baby brother the fox held before raising his eyes to the redhead. “Can I hold Makoto?”

“Of course you can.” Kurama was very happy with this development. It was the first time that the kit had asked to hold one of his brothers. The fox got up, waddled the couple of feet, and then set down next to his son. He smiled as he carefully laid Makoto in Kaihei’s arms. “Be careful with his neck.” He instructed as he picked up one of the throw pillows and stuffed it under his son’s arm that was mostly supporting the sleeping baby boy.

“What do you think of him?” Hiei asked after a few moments of silence.

“He’s so tiny!!” Kaihei was grinning from ear to ear.

“You were just as tiny.” Hiei replied as he removed the sleeping Meiyo from his nipple.

“I was this small?” Kaihei seemed to be awed by this fact.

“Yes, you were, if not smaller since you weren’t full term.” Kurama answered his son, smiling again. It seemed that he always had a smile on his face nowadays. He had so much to be happy for.

“Did you two hold me as much as you hold Meiyo and Makoto?” Kaihei’s innocent questions were still coming.

“We sure did.” Hiei answered this time. “I don’t believe that you were put down for the first week of your life. If I wasn’t holding you, your redheaded father was.”

When Kaihei didn’t respond, the fox and fire demon knew something was up. They remained quiet though, for they could feel Toushi’s energy signal out in the foyer and they saw Kaihei keep glancing in that direction. They knew the boys were having one of their mental conversations. Hiei subtly forced his way into the boys’ connection, bringing the fox with him.

/Please come in, cubby. Come see your brothers/ Kaihei pleaded mentally.

/Are they my brothers? Are you still my brother?/ Toushi asked in his mind in return.

/Why do you say that?!/

/Because you won’t do anything with me anymore, you don’t even hardly talk to me. All you care about anymore is Makoto and Meiyo./

/That’s not true! You’re my brother and I love you! I promise to spend more time with you from now on!/ Kaihei was literally screaming through his telepathy. /Meiyo and Makoto will love you too, I know they will! Just please come in here and give them a chance! Please!!/

/Alright, I guess, since I haven’t ever been able to say no to you./ Toushi responded, the sentence structure showing that he felt defeated. Hiei and Kurama withdrew from the mental conversation, not wanting to intrude to much, though they felt that they already had. A moment later, Toushi appeared in the living room doorway, his nervous voice reached everyone in the room. “Can I come in?”

“You don’t have to ask, kit. You can enter any room that you want, this is your home.” Hiei scooted over, making sure their was enough space between him and his black haired son. “Come sit down with us.”

A happy smile lit up Toushi’s face as he practically ran forward and sat down next to Kaihei. He looked at his brother and then at the baby boy he held. He hesitantly looked up at his fire demon father. “Can I hold Meiyo.”

“Hn, naturally you can. You are his big brother.” Hiei gently laid the blue and silver haired baby in his brother’s arms. He did like the fox by stuffing a throw pillow under Toushi’s arm that was mostly supporting Meiyo. “Be careful, you have to support his head.”

“Now that is a pretty picture.” Kurama noted, smiling at his sons. The boys sat next to each other, their sides pressed together, each holding a tiny baby. It was just to adorable. “Isn’t that just to cute, Hiei?”

“Hn, I suppose I have to agree.”

“And I have to agree with both of you!” Shiori announced as she entered the room grinning like mad and carrying the item that seemed to be permanently attached to her hand as of late, a digital camera. “I simply must have a picture.” She got directly in front of the boys and raised the camera to her eye. “Smile!” When both boys had large smiles on their young faces, the flash went off. Satisfied, Shiori sat the camera on the table. She would print off the picture later from the computer, like she had already done to so many others. “Has the twins ate their dinner yet?”

“Yes.” Hiei grunted his answer, like usual when he didn’t want to talk.

“Good!! Because Yukina and I have dinner ready for everybody and it’s already on the dining room table.” Shiori started for the living room door.

“Mother, you and Yukina don’t have to cook for us!” Kurama called after the woman, chuckling. “I can still do at least that!”

Shiori didn’t even stop, she only called back over her shoulder. “Yes, we do. As long as you are still pregnant and Hiei is tired from taking care of the babies, Yukina and I will take care of this family.” She left the room, heading for the dining room.

“If mother and my sister want to take care of us, let them. It will only be for a little while longer, fox.” This was Hiei’s advice as he took Meiyo from Toushi and got up. “Besides, there isn’t any stopping them. Remember, they do what they want.”

Hiei walked over to one of the empty bassinets and laid the sleeping baby boy in it. He covered the silver and blue haired infant with a soft blue blanket before walking back over to the couch. Hiei then took Makoto from Kaihei and walked towards the empty bassinet. With his arms empty, Kaihei jumped up and grabbed Toushi’s hand. He smiled at his brother as he pulled him from the couch. They both ran out of the room, following their grandmother.

Hiei laid the sleeping red and black haired baby down and then covered him with a soft blue blanket as well. When Kurama waddled up next to him, he turned and pulled his pretty mate down for a passionate kiss, since they were alone. The kiss held many promises for later, for their ‘date’. When the kiss broke, Hiei grabbed the baby monitor and then the fox’s hand. They headed towards the dining room to have dinner with their family.


Thanks so much for reading my story! Please leave a review and let me know what you think about it. I will try to update in a week or two, but there are no guarantees. But I will try! ^_^