Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ OH BABY! ❯ Wishes Granted ( Chapter 23 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho at all. I just burrowed them for my stories for which I’m not making any money off of. I do however, claim the minor children that I have created and the story line involved.

WARNING!!!: Adult Shonen Ai, very young Shonen Ai, and a small part of an adult nursing relationship. Be warned that there is quite a bit of fluff in this chapter as well. Also since the babies are born expect to have some nursing in each of the chapters that are left of this story. If it isn’t done, it will be mentioned. Those babies have to eat you know. ^_~

A/N: Hey everyone, thanks to you all for reviewing my last chapter. It is you all that is keeping this story going. You guys are the best! The absolute best! I don’t know what I would do without you all! I hope you like what happens in this chapter. It may seem a bit of filler chapter at first, but the action starts to pick up closer to the end. This chapter is also extra long because you all had to wait for an update. Happy reading and please enjoy.



Chapter 23 of 30

Wishes Granted


Four more days passed and the whole household fell into the schedules of the two new babies. Kurama was now a little over two weeks from his due date, sixteen days to be precise, but to look at him it appeared that the twins would come at any moment. He was sure ready for them to come, he was having to have more and more help moving around the house. Toushi and Kaihei was starting to interact with the new kits more often and they even was becoming somewhat protective of them, which was very good.

The boys frequently asked to hold their little brothers. They had also worked out their little problem as well, they were back to being inseparable. Yukina and Shiori was constantly bustling around the pregnant fox, getting or doing whatever he needed. The rest of the team dropped by regularly to visit and to see if they could help out with anything. Bulma had also called and informed them that it was taking longer to find the dragon balls then expected, that the wishes would come a day later then planned.

It was late in the afternoon, Kurama stood at the kitchen counter, drinking a glass of milk that contained a liberal amount of herbs. The silver canister that held the dried green vegetation was at his elbow as was the plastic gallon jug of white liquid. Continuing with his drink, the fox turned around and leaned against the counter, trying to stay as quite as possible. He didn’t want the two females in the house to find out what he was doing, but it seemed that fate was against him.

At that very moment, Shiori walked into the kitchen. She saw her son and made a bee line towards him, her face lighting up when she recognized what he was doing. “Shuuichi, are you lactating?”

Kurama sighed mentally, it seemed that it was inevitable. Secrets couldn’t be kept in his home anymore. He lowered the glass and let his eyes meet his mother’s, being as polite as possible. He just wasn’t in the mood to be around anyone right now, especially not after what happened that very morning and then he had been forced to make up excuses all day. He was not a happy demon. “Yes, I am.”

“Does Hiei know?”

“Hiei is the one to find out about it first.”

“Ohhhhhh.” A big grin spread across Shiori’s face. “I guess that means that you and Hiei are back to having lots of fun in the bedroom.”

“Mother!!” Kurama had the good grace to blush, even if it was a little. “You have been interacting with Kuwabara, Yusuke, and everyone else far to much. You are picking up bad habits from them.”

“I don’t think I am. I believe that I am opening up more, coming out of my shell per say. I like the person that I’m becoming and I should change some anyway because I will be turning into a demon tomorrow.”

“I suppose that you’re right, mother, maybe I’m overreacting.”

“Maybe….” Shiori agreed, smiling. “So, do you have an idea about how much you’re lactating?”

“I’m not sure.” Kurama finished off the glass of milk and herbs. He sat the glass on the counter as he turned to face his mother. “Hiei and I guessed that I started a couple of days ago. I’m only producing a small amount that I haven’t measured yet, but I’m sure that the specific amount is increasing daily.”

“I sure it is too. You’ll gradually produce more milk as your ‘birthing’ date gets closer. Your body is getting ready to have and take care of the twins that you carry.”

“I know and I can’t wait.”

Shiori tilted her head and stared at her son a few moments before suddenly stepping forward and hugging him tightly. He looked as if he needed it, badly. She stepped back and looked at him in a way that only a mother could. She wanted answers. “What’s wrong, Shuuichi, and why hasn’t Hiei been seen in this house all day, other then being there when the twins are hungry?”

Kurama knew there was no use hiding it anymore. Tears filled his eyes as he spoke. “Hiei and I had a bad argument early this morning, about sunrise. He woke me up, wanting to mate, but I didn’t feel like it. He got mad and pinned me to the bed where he forcibly started kissing me. He told me that ‘he would get me into the mood’. I wasn’t going to have him force me into having sex, it would be to much like rape, so I used plants to pull him off of me. He then proceeded to burn the plants off of him. Once he was free, he threw a few choice curse words at me while getting dressed. After that, he called me something that I dare not repeat to you before disappearing out the balcony doors. I haven’t seen him since, he’s been avoiding me like I have the plague. I suppose I should have let him have his way, then none of this would have happened.”

Shiori tried to be as comforting as she could be, knowing her son needed it. “Everything will be okay my son. You did the right thing. If you don’t feel like making love then don’t. Your body is doing so much right now, more can‘t be expected of it. I may not be a demon yet and I sure can’t feel your energy, but I can tell by looking at you that your energy levels are very low, that it is taking every drop just to function. I don’t care if you two are mated and married, don’t let Hiei ever force you to have sex, especially right now. You are doing enough for him, you’re carrying his children and he should understand that. As for the curse words and whatever he called you, I’m pretty sure that he didn’t mean it. He was only mad because you stopped him. He loves you so very much that even a blind man could see it.”

“I do, fox.” The deep voice bounced around the kitchen. The woman and fox turned to see Hiei standing in the doorway.

“I’ll leave you two alone.” Shiori quickly made her way across the kitchen. As she passed her son in law, she whispered to him. “Don’t say or do anything that will hurt him. He’s hurting enough.”

“I won’t, mother, I promise.” Hiei whispered just as quietly. Shiori left the kitchen, closing the door behind her.

Kurama turned his back to his mate. He didn’t want the fire demon to see the tears that was in his eyes. He was so damn emotional and had been for the last month, worse then Hiei ever was. What made the whole situation and argument even worst was that all he wanted to do since he had been woken up that morning was cuddle with his lover and just maybe have one of their nursing sessions. They hadn’t been able to have that closeness in over nine days, since the twins were born. There wasn’t much time for the sessions and the babies took up most of the fire demon’s milk supply.

Hiei walked over and gently took hold of one of the fox’s hands. He then led him over to the small breakfast table and made him sit down in a chair. Hiei reached out and wiped away the tears that had decided to fall from sad green eyes. “I’m so sorry, fox. I don’t ever want you to think that I was trying to force you, even if it did come off like that. I honestly thought that you were teasing me or playing hard to get, so I went along with it. When you pulled me off you, I got mad, furious even, I said those awful things to you, but I didn’t mean them. After I had left, I realized what all I had done and started to feel guilty about it. That was why I avoided you, I didn’t know how to face you or even if I was wanted around right now.”

“I’ll always want you around, Hiei, even if we do argue.” Kurama’s voice was filled with emotion. “I’m sorry about this morning as well. I shouldn’t have refused you, after all you are my mate, I belong to you.”

“And I belong to you, fox. I’m glad you stopped me because I don’t ever want to force you to have sex with me. I’d much rather have my willing fox on top of me or under me; it would definitely be more pleasurable. After thinking about the way I acted, I come to believe that my hormones are still out of whack. From what Bulma told us, my body was producing large amounts of female hormones to sustain my pregnancy; which covered up a lot of my testosterone; your body is still doing it. Now, I think that my body is trying to make up for all those female hormones, the opposite is happening. It would make sense that this is the outcome; my body is producing large amounts of testosterone to cover over all those female hormones.”

“What you’re saying, Koi, does seem logical………………………̷ 0; The more I think about it, it would answer the question of why you can only think of sex.”

“Yes, it would and again I’m sorry about this morning. I’m ready, my body is ready, to resume a full and very active sex life with you. I just forget sometimes that you aren’t quite ready for that.” Hiei was still trying to get his words right and explain his side of the situation. At least he could tell that the fox wasn’t mad at him anymore and he wasn’t mad at the fox either. Now, all they had to do was make up with each other for the argument.

“That’s not the problem, believe me.” A small smile found it’s way onto Kurama’s face. “I love it when we make love. It’s the only true time that I feel beautiful, even now. I know that sounds crazy and I’m not being conceited, I do know how I look in all my forms, that total strangers openly desire me. I only truly believe it and accept it though, when you tell me or any of the times that you look at me with love filling your eyes. The reason I didn’t feel like mating with you this morning is because my energy is so low that I’m tired all the time, even after waking up from a night‘s sleep. This morning however, I did want your attention and affection, but all I wanted to do was cuddle. I guess I panicked when you pinned me to the bed, you know that normally I wouldn‘t act that way with or towards you.”

“I’ll do whatever it takes for you to forgive me, anything. I’ll even promise that I’ll never pin you to the bed again.”

“I have already forgiven you, Koi. Don’t you dare promise me that! I want you to pin me to the bed and make me wither in pleasure, like you always do. Just remember that if I say that I’m not in the mood for sex, take it as the truth, that is all that I ask of you.”

“Alright, I’ll remember that.” Hiei was quite for a few moments, staring at his sexy redhead. Suddenly a smirk appeared on his lips as he grabbed his mate’s hand and pulled him to his feet. “I know what you need, I know what I need, I know what we need.”

“What are …..” Kurama was effectively silenced due to a sword callused finger pressed to his lips.

Hiei pulled his finger away, leaned slightly forward, upward, and then sweetly kissed his mate. “Come with me, trust me. Let me take care of you.”

Kurama smiled a little and nodded his head to whatever the fire demon had planned. There was many ideas already running through his mind, but none stood out from the others. Hiei turned and led Kurama through the kitchen door, out into the foyer. He then slowly started to led Kurama up the stairs, making sure to help out in any way he could. A voice with a hint of worry in it, but it also contained a subtle warning, stopped their progress though.


Hiei and the redhead turned towards the voice to see Shiori standing in the living room door way, concern clearly on her face and in her eyes. Behind her they could see Yukina on the couch holding one of the babies while Toushi and Kaihei made silly faces at the other one that was in the nearby bassinet. Hiei was thankful that he had fed the twins before he had went looking for Kurama and found him in the kitchen talking to Shiori. This would give them the time they needed. He decided that he should answer the woman, though it wasn’t really her business as to what they were going to do. He did realize though that she was only worried about her son and also worried about him, as well as their relationship.

Hiei started to slowly lead the fox up the stairs again as he called back to her. “Everything is fine, mother. We worked out our small problem. Kurama and I just need some alone time for a little bit.”

Shiori didn’t say anything more. She only turned and went back into the living room; to keep Yukina company, to keep the boys distracted, and to help take care of the twins. She hoped though that Hiei and Kurama knew what they were doing; that her son wasn’t being forced into anything that he didn’t want.

Hiei finally got the pregnant fox up the stairs and then maneuvered him into their room. After closing and locking the door, he led Kurama closer to their big bed. “Take off all of your clothes and make yourself comfortable on the bed.”

“But, Hiei……” Again Kurama was stopped from protesting by a rough finger on his lips.

“Like I have already said, let me take care of you and please trust me. Now do as I say.” Hiei moved away and started to remove his clothes. In a few moments, he was done with that task. He walked back over to his mate, frowning. Kurama was still completely dressed, only the first couple of buttons on the over size shirt he wore was undone. Hiei gently brushed his mate’s hands aside and started on the buttons himself, asking the obvious question. “Why aren’t you undressed yet?”

“Even after our ‘date’ four days ago I’ve gotten bigger. I am bigger then you ever were.” Kurama looked to the side, staring at the floor as his shirt was pushed open by his mate’s hands. “I’ve gotten so big and I know that you are only trying to be nice. I know that you don’t want to see me like this, I don’t want to see myself like this.”

Hiei didn’t answer, but he reached forward and sensually slid his hands across the fox’s very pregnant stomach. He smiled upon feeling the twin kicks to his hands. The babies were responding to the low amount of energy that he was sending to them. He did this so they would know and recognize him as their father when they came into this world. Kurama had done the same thing for Kaihei‘s pregnancy, as well as Meiyo’s and Makoto‘s pregnancy.

When he was satisfied, Hiei continued with the sensual caress by sliding his hands up the fox’s sides and over his chest. He noted that his mate’s nipples had darkened some and there was a very tiny amount of swelling around them. From this, Hiei deduced that Kurama’s milk production was going to pick up very fast and that the twins that he carried may come sooner then expected. He wasn’t going to say anything though, he would wait and see what happened. If he had to venture a guess, he would say that his mate would go into ‘labor’ in about a week. He only hoped that the babies would be okay, since they wouldn’t be in the womb for the full three months.

Moving on, Hiei let his hands slowly slid up to the redhead’s shoulders, under his shirt. He then started to slid his hands down his mate’s arms, taking the shirt with it. Kurama still stared at the floor, trying to burn a hole in it. A minor flinch came from him when he felt the shirt leave his body and puddle at his feet. He knew he was acting ridiculous, but he couldn’t help it, he was so self conscious right now.

Hiei ignored the flinch, determinedly continuing with what he was doing. He reached down and started to the push the fox’s pants down, thankful that waistband was elastic. He easily took the oversize boxers with him. When the clothes items were low enough, he let them drop to the floor. Hiei smiled as he let his eyes roam over the beautiful creature that was presented to him, starting at slightly swollen feet and working upwards. When his sight reached high enough, he expected to see vibrant green eyes meeting his, but that wasn’t what he saw. He saw a pale cheek, slightly covered by long red hair. Kurama was looking everywhere by at him and at his own body. He realized then just how much Kurama was ashamed of his own body. This he wouldn’t have, his mate was far to sexy to be ashamed of himself, even pregnant.

Hiei took hold of the fox’s hands and pulled forward as he moved back. “Step out of your clothes, my pretty fox.” Kurama continued to keep his eyes averted, but he did step forward out of the clothes. With a defeated sigh, he closed his eyes, not wanting to look at anything anymore.

Hiei decided on a different approach. “You must have forgotten that I was pregnant too. Do you remember the number of times that you had to reassure me that you still wanted me when I was pregnant with Kaihei?” A small nod of the redhead and a very tiny smile on full lips, showed Hiei that his mate was listening to him. “You are so worried about what you think I see. Let me tell you what I see, Kurama, and you better take it as the truth because that is what it is.” He started to circle the redhead, appraising him like a fine piece of art or very rare jewel. He circled two more times before coming to a stop in front of his naked mate. Hiei reached out and gently forced Kurama to turn his head to him. “Open your eyes, fox.” He kept his hand on his mate’s chin so he couldn’t turn away.

When green eyes opened, Hiei saw that they were swimming in unshed tears. At this moment he wanted to cry as well, as crazy as that was since there was nothing to cry about, but he forced a smile onto his face. “What I see is my very beautiful, pregnant mate. My fox has long gorgeous hair that is feather soft to the touch; a body that is lithe, but has strong muscles hidden under pale skin that ripple when touched in the right way; and absolutely stunning looks that would make anyone from any world jealous. But what makes you even more beautiful is that you belong to me.”

Hiei moved closer and placed his free hand on the fox’s prominent stomach. His smile got bigger as his hand started to slowly move around the large swell again. “And this, you worry so much about this. You think that you’re so fat and ugly, but you’re wrong. You’re beautiful in any form you take, you’re even more beautiful because you’re mine and no one else can touch you. Because of this swell, in my eyes you have gotten even more beautiful. In here you’re carrying my twins from where I topped you. How could I not find that or you beautiful? I’m going to tell you something that you have told me several times. ‘It doesn’t matter what others think, I’m your mate so my opinion is the only one that matters.’ Now take all that as the truth and believe it.”

“Hiei,……..” Kurama couldn’t get his throat to work properly. He closed the distance between them, taking the fire demon into a tight hug. The tears started to fall when he felt the strong arms come up around him and hold him just as tightly. They remained in each other’s arms, in silence. When Kurama got himself under control after several minutes, he pulled back a little so he could look into his mate’s eyes. “I love you so much, Hiei, and I love you more and more every day that passes.”

“I feel the same, fox, I love you.” Hiei reached out and pulled his mate down to meet him in a deep kiss. They slowly parted, savoring everything they got from the contact. “Now that you’ve been reassured, let’s get into bed.”

“But, Hiei….” Kurama was again cut off by a single finger.

“Would you just please trust me. I know that you’re still not in the mood for us to make love, though I feel that we should because of what happened this morning. We need to make up, but I won’t push you into sex so I have something else in mind.” Hiei climbed up on the bed on his knees. He slowly moved backwards, pulling the fox with him. When Kurama was on the bed too, on his knees, the fire demon lowered them to the bed on their sides, facing each other. Hiei leaned forward and initiated a kiss with his mate. After only a few seconds, they started to trade sweet touches and even sweeter kisses. Nothing was done that would bring about lust or an erection, that wasn’t what this was about. Kurama needed reassurance and Hiei needed forgiveness.

Hiei had been gently massaging his mate’s outer thigh, but it was time for him to implement his plan and now enough time had passed…….. hopefully. He slowly started to move his hand upward over Kurama’s hip. He continued on, sliding the same hand over Kurama’s side. He then let his hand slip around to his mate’s back before continuing it’s upward track. When Hiei was satisfied with where his hand came to a stop, on the back of the fox’s neck, he slowly broke the kiss that he was sharing with his pretty mate.

Before Kurama could wonder why, or question it, he was pulled forward again. But this time his head was in the fire demon’s chest and his mouth was being guided to a nipple. He did start to struggle at this point and he protested verbally. “Hiei, no, we can’t!”

“We can! You and I both need this!” Hiei tried again, but his mate remained stubborn. He stopped all movement, but he didn’t release the redheaded fox. “Come on, Kurama, relax. It will be okay. I know that you want to suckle and I want you too.” He tried again, and this time, Kurama went without a fuss. Hiei easily guided his mate’s mouth to a nipple. When Kurama willing latched on and started to suck, Hiei completely relaxed as he ran a hand down to gently massage the pregnant swell between them. He was right, they both needed this.

Kurama pulled away just enough to look up to his mate while he licked his lips. “What about the twins, they will be hungry soon.”

“My body will make do, fox. I’m sure it will make plenty of milk. If not, the twins will have to be satisfied with what they get at the next feeding. As I’ve said, we need this.” Hiei whispered before he pulled Kurama upwards into an intense kiss. He ran his tongue over soft, red lips before he swept it into the waiting mouth. Upon tasting his own milk, he broke the kiss, a smirk on his swollen lips. “My milk tastes better this time round; more flavor and a lot thicker.”

“I noticed that too.” Kurama said with a smile on his face before he went back in for a quick suckle. He then came up quickly and kissed his lover deeply, giving him a mouthful of milk. They both savored the sweet taste like it was a fine Makai wine. When not a drop was left they parted their tongues and lips.

Hiei reached out and combed his fingers through the bright red hair as a little smirk appeared on his lips. “Have your feel my sexy fox.”

“I love you, Hiei.” Kurama kissed his mate again before lowering his mouth back to a nipple.

“I love you too, Kurama.” Hiei leaned forward and kissed the top of the fox’s head. He got comfortable on the pillows while he continued to gently massage the pregnant stomach between them. It wasn’t to long before they were both purring contently and only a few minutes later until they were asleep.


A light knock on the bedroom door and two muffled cries woke Hiei. One look at the clock told him that that he and his mate had slept for over two hours. He knew what those little cries meant, the twins were hungry. He got up from the bed, threw a black sheet over the naked fox and then grabbed his black silk robe off the back of a nearby chair. He walked across the bedroom while he quickly put on the robe and tied it tightly around his waist. When he unlocked and opened the door, he found what he expected. Shiori stood there holding one of the crying babies, looking very apologetic. Kaihei stood at her left side, holding the dark blue twin nursing pillow. Toushi stood at her right side, holding the other crying baby boy. Hiei briefly wondered where Yukina was before his thoughts were interrupted.

Shiori rushed to explain. “I’m sorry, Hiei, for disturbing you and Shuuichi, but we can’t keep Meiyo and Makoto occupied any longer. They’re very hungry.”

“Hn.” Hiei reached out and quickly took Makoto from Toushi. The red and black haired baby instantly stopped crying, recognizing his father’s or is it his ‘mother’s’ energy, already starting to absorb it. The silver and blue haired baby stopped crying as well, being close enough to feel the fire demon’s energy to relax and be comforted. Despite being so young, the twins knew that they would be fed soon. He then took the nursing pillow from Kaihei. “Did you two boys exercise for the required hour yet today?”

It was Toushi that answered for himself and his brother. “Yes, we did.”

Hiei nodded once. “Good……Did you two have your daily two hour spar yet?”

“No, not yet.” Kaihei answered this time.

“Then you both should go do that. Afterwards you can play in the yard, until it’s time for a bath and bed. I‘ll even let you two take a bath together tonight, but I will be present for the duration of the bath. That way you two won‘t be tempted to do things that you shouldn‘t.” Hiei did this so his sons would spend plenty of time together, but they wouldn‘t be having a sex play. Without another word, Toushi and Kaihei smiled at each other before racing off towards the stairs. Hiei ignored the worried look on the woman’s face as e turned and started speaking to her. “Kurama is asleep so I’m going to need your help. Come on in, Shiori.” He turned around and walked back towards the big bed he happily shared with his beloved mate.

Shiori never wanted to do this, but it seemed she had no choice, the fire demon did need some help. So for the first time ever, since she found out about her son’s true self, his double life, she entered the bedroom that he shared with his male lover. She took a few nervous steps into the room before coming to a sudden stop, gasping from what she saw. She knew she should have been worried all along and now she truly was. She didn’t expect it to be so dark, with splashes of red that was the color of blood.

Shiori’s eyes widened when she saw the permanent futon on the floor in front of the fireplace. The metal rings that were imbedded in the floor at the head and foot of the futon. At the head of the futon was a small low table that held various items; among those were a large black ribbed vibrator, a glass bottle of pink liquid that looked almost like oil, and long leather strips that she could only guess as the bindings for the metal rings. A brief sparkle caught her attention so she looked upwards and found a large mirror attached to the ceiling directly over the futon.

Deciding that she needed to look somewhere else, Shiori tore her eyes away from that part of the large room. She gasped again when her eyes landed on something else she wished she hadn’t seen. High up on the wall was another metal ring with a small leather whip hanging from it. The handle of the whip was smooth and penis shaped. About a foot below that first ring was a second ring. This one had more long leather strips hanging from it, as well as what appeared to be a string of large shiny black beads. Next to that ring was a small shelf that was built into the wall. On the two shelves were various sex toys and another bottle of pink liquid. Shiori didn’t know how much more knowledge about her son’s sex life she could take.

Hiei made himself comfortable on the bed, leaning against the headboard. A smirk was plastered on his face while he watched the female’s reactions. Finally, he called her attention to him. “Mother, you’ve never been in mine and Kurama’s room before, have you?”

Shiori tore her eyes away from that small shelf and turned towards the fire demon. Her eyes though didn’t focus on the male as she answered him. “No, I’ve never been in this room.” She was staring at the nightstand table that was next to the bed. The only normal item sitting on there was a lamp. Scattered around the lamp was more sex toys; another vibrator, this one as big as the other and ribbed, but it was a deep red, several tubes of different flavored lubes, yet another bottle of pink liquid, more long leather strips, and two black leather studded cock rings. Shiori felt like she was going to faint, all this was just to much. She would never be able to look at her son again the same way. The sweet image of her innocent little boy had been blown to bits. She was shaking a little when she finally let her eyes meet the fire demon’s, trying desperately to ignore the metal ring in the middle of the headboard, above her sleeping son‘s head. “I never expected that my son, my sweet Shuuichi, to be into this, into the……” She was unable to continue.

“Into the kinky and rough sex.” Hiei finished for the woman. When she only nodded her head nervously and blushed, showing that was what she meant, he continued. “Hn, Kurama and I aren’t always rough or kinky, we make gentle love as well. Every time we judge each other’s moods for the kind of sex we will have. But you need to remember that we are demons, that we are fighters, it is in our blood to be rough or kinky. Kurama does like it rough, and he loves to play slave/master. Don’t worry though, there are times when I take the seme role, but all other times Kurama is the seme and I’m on the receiving end. Sometimes demon males likes to assert their dominance, their strength, through sex; my fox and I are no different. You need to remember this for when we return to the Makai, for when you seek out a demon mate, so you will know what will be asked of you sometimes during mating.”

“Um……I’ll try to remember that and I‘ll try to understand it.” Shiori somehow managed to answer. Her mind was somewhere, in another world, wondering if the demon she had her eye on was into the rough, kinky sex as well, or was the fire demon exaggerating.

Hiei could tell that Shiori had her attention on something else so he didn’t speak further. He just made himself more comfortable by grabbing an extra pillow and awkwardly putting it behind his back, while still holding one of his sons. The movement on the bed did have an unwanted effect, it woke up the pregnant fox. Kurama stretched languidly and moaned in sleepy pleasure. As he moved he revealed more of his body then he should have he kept his modesty, but it was quite apparent that he was naked under the sheet.

Hiei quickly reached out and pulled the sheet up to cover more of his mate’s body. Kurama stretched again and spoke before opening his eyes. “Mmmmm, Koi, I believe that you were right, I needed that and I’m glad that you forced me into it.”

“Fox!” There was a clear warning in Hiei’s voice. His fox and him didn’t need Shiori getting the wrong idea about what had happened in their room a couple of hours ago. By the look on her face, she was already forming the wrong conclusions.

Kurama’s eyes snapped open and they landed on the woman standing next to the end of he bed, holding Meiyo. “Mother!!!” He looked down quickly, making sure that he was properly covered. "What are you doing in here?!"

"Hiei invited me to come in. The twins were hungry, you were sleeping, and he needed some help." Shiori was quick to explain her presence, looking a little embarrassed.

Kurama looked around the dark bedroom and groaned, realizing the kind of items that was visible to the woman. He had the decency to blush as he allowed his eyes to meet hers. "Um...... Mother, I can explain, at least I can try."

Hiei didn't try to help, he only shook his head, a wicked smirk on his lips. He couldn't care less if the woman knew of the kind of sex life he had with her son, she already knew to much anyway. He carefully held the baby as the positioned the horseshoe shaped nursing pillow around his waist. When it was in place, he laid Makoto on it and got him latched on.

"There is no need to explain, Hiei already did. Besides, this is a married male couple's bedroom I expected to see a few adults items, just not so many." Shiori said as she handed the second baby to the fire demon. "But I don't want you to explain that either, there's no need."

"Actually...." Kurama began nervously. "A lot of what you see is demon 'items'. They were made in the Makai, to our specifications. There's a big market in the Makai for the toys you see."

"As I've said, you don't have to explain to me. I'm actually fine with this knowledge, it was just a shock at first." As Shiori spoke, she watched the twins nurse. Hiei had gotten them both properly latched all and they were sucking away hungrily.

Before the fox could say anything, Hiei decided to speak up. "The reason I told her to come in was so she would get some idea of what demons sometimes do during sex."

"Hiei!!!" Kurama was a tad angry. There was some things he didn't want his mother to know about, and his sex life was one of them.

"What?" The look on Hiei's face was one of indifference. He felt that he had done nothing wrong. "She's going to be a full blooded demoness sometime tomorrow. She needs to know these things, she needs to know what she's getting into. Demon sex is a whole lot different then ningen sex. She needed to know how rough and kinky male demons can become with their mate."

"I know and I was going to ease her into it, instead of shocking her!! She didn't need to find out like this!! She didn't need to find out about what we do!!" Kurama was getting angrier.

Shiori decided she had enough. "That is enough you two. I don't want to see you arguing again, especially over me. I said I was fine about this and I am. It was a shock to see everything that I have, but it was more of a shock to learn that my sweet, little Shuuichi likes it rough."

"Hiei!! You told her that!!" Kurama set up quickly, completely forgetting about the sheet that was covering up his nudity.

Shiori continued, ignoring the interruption. “Shuuichi, you better catch that sheet before you expose something that I know you would rather keep covered in my presence.” The fox blushed a bright red as he grabbed the sheet and pulled it up over his distended stomach and flat chest. Shiori smiled and continued once more. “Hiei’s right. I did need to know this, since I am going to be a demoness. Now before anything else is said that could be embarrassing or start an argument, I’ll leave this room. Besides, with both of you awoke you can handle those cute baby boys.” Shiori turned and headed for the door. She didn’t stop as she called over her shoulder. “Hiei, if you’re wondering where Yukina is. Kuwabara showed up with their twin girls and they are all out taking a walk. I also asked them to stay for dinner so Yukina could spend some extra time with her family since she refuses to go home until after my son his twins.” Without waiting for a reply, she left the room, closing the door behind her.

As soon as he was sure his mother was out of ear shot, Kurama turned to his mate. “I can’t believe that you invited her into our room, knowing that a lot of our toys are in plain sight! I really didn’t want or need my mother to know about our sex life and how kinky it gets sometimes!”

“Like I said, she needed to know. Now, are we going to continue to argue about this or are we going to relax and enjoy this quiet time with our tiny sons?” Hiei didn’t raise his eyes, he just kept watching Meiyo and Makoto nurse, making sure that they were staying properly latched.

“Fine, I’ll let this go. I suppose what’s done is done and she truly seemed okay with that delicate knowledge.” Kurama moved closer, leaning against the pillows and his mate’s side. He was quiet for a few moments, watching the twins as well, before he spoke again. “Do you think there will be enough milk for them?”

“There should be since it has been a couple of hours since you suckled.” Hiei made sure that Meiyo wouldn’t fall before releasing him. He sought out one of the fox’s hands and laced their fingers together. He brought their hands up and kissed the back of the fox’s hand, earning him a beautiful smile. Kurama kissed the back of the fire demon’s hand too, returning the affection gesture. He then leaned up and forward to seal his lips with his lover’s. the fox made sure that Hiei didn’t move, he did all the moving. The kiss was loving and gentle, showing each other all of the emotions they were feeling at their very moment.

When the kiss broke, Kurama snuggled back into the fire demon’s side and drifted to sleep. He would be glad when the pregnancy came to an end, then he would no longer be tired all the time. Hiei continued to tandem nurse his sons. He didn’t like feeding them at the same time and he generally avoided it, but this time it couldn’t be helped. He soon drifted to sleep too, an hand on each baby to keep them from falling. All the middle of the night feedings was starting to get to him and he knew it would only get worse when Kurama ‘gave birth’ to the twins he carried.


The next day came very slowly for everyone in the house. Shiori was nervous, cleaning everywhere that she could even though all the rooms were already immaculate. The boys gradually grew nervous as they watched their grandmother. It had been explained to them in detail what would happen to her that very day and they were excited about it. Yukina tried to keep them busy and help out as much as she could. She was nervous as well, but not because of the coming wishes, but because of the birth that would be happening in a matter of days. She didn’t know how Hiei and Kurama would take the news when they found out what she knew, but she would be there for them none the less. They were going to need all the support they could get.

Kurama and Hiei were pretty calm. They were amused as they watched the nervous woman move around the house. They knew everything would turn out fine. Currently they were sitting on the couch, each holding a sleeping baby. Makoto and Meiyo were recovering from the procedure that had been done to them. Genkai had been by that morning and circumcised them both, just like their parents wanted. Now everyone was waiting for the call on the communicator from Bulma.

When Shiori started pacing around the living room an half hour later, Hiei had enough. “Will you sit down, mother!! You’re making us all nervous.”

“Sorry.” Shiori mumbled as she sat down next to her redheaded son.

Just then a portal opened in the living room, and Bulma jumped out, landing on her feet. “Surprise, I thought I’d come over here for the transformation, instead of calling.”

“Are the dragon balls ready? Is it time?” Shiori jumped back to her feet, a large smile on her face.

“Yeah, it’s time. Goku is going to make the wishes for me…for you.” Bulma walked over to the other woman, smiling too. “But you need to sit down, Shiori, just in case you lose consciousness or something. We don’t know exactly what will happen, we never wished for anything like this before.” When she nodded and sat down, Bulma flipped open the communicator that was in her hand and called up her family. “We’re ready on this end, Goku.”

The black haired man with the wild hair, grinned stupidly. “Alright, here we go!” Goku turned to the gold glowing balls on the ground and called forth the dragon that they contained.

“What is your first wish?” The dragon asked, it sounding more like a growl then words.

“We wish for the human woman, Minamino Shiori, to be twenty years younger.” Goku called out loudly, looking way upwards.

The dragon’s eyes glowed red for a few seconds. “The wish has been granted……..what is your second wish?”

Goku called out loudly again. “Our second wish is for the human woman, Minamino Shiori, to be a full blooded fox demoness, but for her to have three forms; animal, demon, and human.”

After several unsure minutes, the dragon’s eyes started to glow red and it was another minute before he spoke. “Your wish has been granted.”

The dragon then disappeared, the seven balls shot up into the ski, and scattered in every direction. Every one at the demons’ house was unsure if the wishes had been made, because nothing was happening. Suddenly though, Shiori started to glow a bright red and she let out a scream of pain before she fainted backwards into the couch.


I want to thank all you guys for reading. Now, please leave a small review and let me know what you think. It would be great if you did. I’ll try to update within a week or two now that my mom is getting better. At least the cast is off her leg.