Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ OH BABY! ❯ Energy And Pain ( Chapter 24 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho at all. I just burrowed them for my stories for which I’m not making any money off of. I do however, claim the minor children that I have created and the story line involved.

WARNING!!!: Adult Shonen Ai, very young Shonen Ai. Also since the babies are born expect to have some nursing in each of the chapters that are left of this story. If it isn’t done, it will be mentioned. ^_~

A/N: Hey everyone, thanks to you all for reviewing my last chapter. I love reading all or the reviews I get. What can I say, I’m a review whore, so please send me those reviews. I would like to see this story get 225 reviews by the time it’s over with, that’s just a personal goal of mine. But don’t worry, I won’t withhold chapters because I don’t get a certain amount of reviews, the chapters will still keep coming. I’m just asking all you guys out there to help me reach my goal of 225 reviews for this story. If you help me out, that would be great. I’m sorry that this chapter is late coming, but I’m still having family problems. Hopefully it will get better soon, so I can get back to my typing. Anyway, on with the story!!

PS: No matter what, I will never get up on my stories, you can count on that. ^_^



Chapter 24 of 30

Energy And Pain


Shiori continued to glow a bright red as she laid on the couch. Hiei maneuvered her to lay on her side, so any body changes would be accommodated. The red glowing went on for several minutes, making everyone watching the scene nervous. Then suddenly Shiori started to change. Her ageing face slowly smoothed out, the many wrinkles disappearing completely. She now looked to be about thirty years old in human years. Her body started to lengthen, hers arms and legs as well, making her taller. When that part of the transformation came to an end, she was a good six feet tall. Her body then started to become leaner, fill out and curve up; her breasts grew bigger, her waist narrowed, her hips raised up as her butt became fuller and rounded. The now young features of her face became sharper, but still very feminine, her lips slowly filled out and reddened.

The changes weren’t over with yet, they continued. Shiori’s hair quickly grew in length, becoming blacker, shiner, and softer. The ears on the side of head slowly disappeared as two black, fuzzy fox ears materialized on the top of her head. A soft, furry black tail ripped through the seam in the back of her pants, at the base of her spine. The final transformation came when a burst demon energy surrounded her, it feeling very similar to her son’s, but no where near as strong. The demons figured that the dragon had used Kurama’s energy for the basis for Shiori’s energy, which would stand to reason. The demon energy slowly retreated into the woman, and then everything was done. There was only one way to describe the former woman, the demoness, that laid on the couch: gorgeous and sexy as hell. Except for the coloring difference, this new vixen was what a being would picture if asked to describe Youko Kurama’s mother. She was perfect, absolutely perfect.

It took a few seconds for Kurama to shake off the shock of his mother’s new appearance. When he did, he turned to his sons, noting that they held each other’s hand tightly. They must have gotten scared during the transformation, and unconsciously reached out to the other for comfort, which was very good. Kurama was growing worried about his mother though. “Toushi, go get a cool wet washcloth. Kaihei, go get a glass of water.”

“Yes, sir.” The boys answered together before parting their hands and running off to do their appointed tasks.

Kurama then grabbed a throw pillow off the couch and headed closer to his mother. He was stopped though, by a firm grip on his upper arm. He turned to his mate and protested, even as the pillow was taken from him. “Hiei, she needs to be seen about!”

“And she will be, but you aren’t going to do it.” Hiei turned and handed the pillow to his sister, without releasing his mate. “Yukina, could you please make Shiori as comfortable as possible?”

“Of course, brother.” The ice maiden smiled sweetly before turning to the unconscious female.

Hiei let his eyes land on the Saiyan female. “Could you help her, Bulma?”

“Yes.” The blue haired woman hurried over to help the ice maiden.

Satisfied with what was happening, Hiei finally turned back to his mate. “Now, for you, fox. I want you to sit down and relax.”

“But I need to help out, she’s……”

“You will sit down and relax!” Hiei easily cut the redhead off. “You’re to close to your due date to get this excited and worried. It won’t do your mother or any of us any good if you pass out or the babies come early due to your agitation.” He led his fox over to the L shaped couch and made him sit down. To pacify his mate, he did sit him down very close to the woman’s head. If he wanted to, Kurama would be able to reach out and touch his mother.

When the boys came running back into the room with the two items, Hiei took them and started to take care of Shiori. He briefly glanced at the Saiyan woman before continuing his work, trying to wake Shiori up. “Bulma, could you check on my fox, his energy is still erratic.”

Bulma didn’t answer, but she did move away from the newly turned demoness and sit down beside the redhead. She checked out his vital signs and then started speaking to him calmly, reassuring him that his mother would be just fine, better then fine actually. She would now have a demon lifetime.

After folding up the washcloth, Hiei laid it on Shiori’s forehead and then started to gently pat her cheek, trying to wake her up. Toushi and Kaihei stood behind the couch, looking over the back, worry on their young faces. Several tense minutes passed, until the gentle patting started to work. Shiori groaned a couple of times, before her eyes fluttered open. The others that was watching her every movement gasped at what was revealed. Shiori’s eyes had changed too. They had been black, but how they were a pretty golden color, just like her son’s Youko form.

Shiori slowly sat up, holding her head. One of her fingers brushed against a fuzzy ear. Her eyes shot opened and her other hand went up to her head. She caressed both ears, a smile forming on her lips. She asked the questions, she just had to know the answers too. “Did it work properly? How do I look?” Her voice was pretty much the same, just a bit sultry.

“The wishes worked really well, Shiori.” Yukina offered, smiling sweetly.

“Here, I have a mirror.” Bulma reached into her pocket, pulled out the item, and then held it out to the new demoness. “See for yourself.”

Shiori took the small mirror and peered at her reflection, taking in the new changes. She tried several times to form words, opening and closing her mouth. She was finally able to get out two little words. “Oh my!”

“You’re beautiful, mother.” Kurama leaned over and hugged her.

“You have to say that, you’re my son.” Shiori laughed. “Now tell me the truth.”

“As Kurama said, you are beautiful. If I wasn’t already taken, I would court you.”

“HIEI!” Kurama pouted, looking hurt. Shiori blushed brightly, while everyone else present openly laughed. Kurama struggled up and hurriedly waddled out of the room in a huff.

“I guess, I should go set everything straight with my fox.” Hiei said, standing up and hurrying out of the room. He didn’t have far to go, finding the pregnant red head sitting on the stairs, unable to climb them by himself. The fire demon walked closer to his mate realizing he was near tears.

“Leave me alone, Hiei! You just made a pass at my Mother while I was in the room! I my not have much energy at the moment, but so help me if you come closer, I’ll tie you up in vines.”

“Vines, you say?” Hiei asked, raising an eyebrow, it nearly disappearing under the ward for the Jagan eye. “I haven’t been tied up in your vines in a long time. We’ll have to do that again real soon.”

“I’m not joking.” Kurama stated, finally making eye contact with his lover. The fire demon almost winced, seeing the pain and what looked like fear, in the dark green depths of Kurama’s eyes.

Hiei sighed as he sat down and put an arm around the fox. “I did it again, I forget how emotional you can get right now. I’m sorry, fox. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

Kurama, not believing his words, tried to shrug Hiei’s arm off. “Just, please………… Don’t touch me right now.”

“Look, fox. I know I can be stupid and insensitive sometimes, but I don’t realize it until it is to late.”

“That’s true.” Kurama agreed, nodding his head, his anger cooling a little.

“You know that, at least I try. Think back to nine years ago, I would have never dreamed, we never would have dreamed, that we would be where we are today. So I guess that means that I am still learning.”

“That’s true too.”

“I wasn’t trying to make a pass at your mother.” Now that his mate didn’t seem so angry, Hiei decided to take the chance and further explain himself. “I was only trying to get Shiori to believe in her new form, don’t you know that no one can compare to my sexy fox.”

A small smile appeared on Kurama’s lips and he glanced at his mate out of the corner of his eye. “Hn, you’re just trying to butter me up.”

“Hn, maybe I am. Is it working?”

“Of course it is,” Kurama laughed and nudged him in the shoulder. Hiei didn’t answer verbally, but he did turn the fox’s head until he was able to capture those soft red lips with his own. He only had to wait a moment before Kurama opened his mouth and he was able to sweep his tongue into that waiting wet cavern. Kurama moaned as he fisted his hands into his mate’s black tank top, pulling him closer and keeping him there. Hiei took this as a good sign, that he was forgiven. He added a little passion to the kiss and was entertaining the idea of asking the pretty redhead to go up to their room for some making up time.

“I’m glad to see that you two made up.” A very feminine voice derailed the fire demon’s idea and forced them to break their kiss. The demons turned their attention to where the voice came from and saw Shiori standing in the middle of the foyer. “I don’t want to be the cause of any arguments between you two.”

“Mother, it’s not your fault or Hiei’s, my emotions got the better of me.” Kurama started to get up, pulling on the handrail, but he didn’t quite make it until the fire demon gave him a gentle push from behind. The fox paused briefly to smile at his mate. “Thank you, koi.” He then continued on to his mother and gave her a hug, smiling. “Don’t worry, everything is fine between Hiei and I.”

“Alight, if you say so.” Shiori took a step back and twirled around. She had so much energy now, she didn’t know what to do with it all. She was actually feeling hyper, the first time since she was twenty. “Do I really look okay?”

“Like Hiei and I have both said, you are beautiful, mother.” Kurama answered, a big smile on his lips. “You are the perfect picture of a female fox demon, a vixen. Tall, lean, plenty of feminine padding in all the right places, and a young, pretty face. The only way to describe you now is sexy. Oh, never mind what I or anyone else thinks about the new you. What do you think about the way you look now?”

“I love it!! Shiori squealed happily, clapping her hands together. “And you know what? For the first time in my life, I do feel sexy, like any woman should.”

“Good for you!” Hiei got up from the stairs and walked over to them, to stand beside his mate. “We’re going to have to fight many demons to keep them away from your mother, fox.”

“No, we won’t.” Kurama said, a teasing smile on his face. “Junaco will do that once he gets a good look at my mother now.”

Shiori playfully smacked both of her sons on the shoulder, blushing. “Oh you two!!” Not waiting for a comeback, she bounced her way back into the living room.

Hiei’s previous idea looked like it might see the light of day, but it was again derailed. Bulma came walking out of the living room and right over to the demons, smiling. “I figured since I was here and since your check up is tomorrow, I’d offer to do it today so I won’t have to come back.”

“Might as well.” Kurama agreed as he reached out and took hold of his mate’s hand. He needed the fire demon’s help getting up the stairs and he wanted him by his side like always.

The examination was done and it was reported the twin babies the fox carried was still perfect. Bulma left soon after, wishing Shiori good luck on her new life and saying that she would be back in a week to check on Kurama’s progress. He was now fourteen days from his due date and she honestly expected him to go into ‘labor’ at any time. From the sonograms, she could tell that the babies were ready to come into the world. After Meiyo and Makoto had eaten and both were asleep; Hiei, Kurama, Toushi, Kaihei, and Shiori went into the training room. They were going to start with the obvious, changing forms. Yukina promised to keep an eye on the babies while she fixed dinner. She really couldn’t help Shiori learn to change forms since all she had was one form.

Kurama sat down heavily in the chair Toushi had brought over to him, his eyes on the new vixen. He sat off to the side, while everyone else was in the center of the room. “Now, mother, I would love to teach you to change forms, but I can’t due to my pregnancy. The switch takes up to much energy, energy that I don’t have at the moment. So, Hiei, Toushi, and Kaihei are going to teach you, they are used to changing forms as well.

Shiori squared her shoulders and nodded her head once. “Okay, I’m ready to do this.” She was extremely happy with her new body and appearance. Not to mention, she finally felt like she was a true member of her son’s family. The best part about the change, at least to her, was that she wouldn’t be dieing in a few years. She basically got a new life and she sure wasn’t going to waste it. There were things she has already wanted to do and now she was going to do them, she wasn’t going to let anything or anyone hold her back. Shiori also had already discussed taking some self defense lessons from her son and his mate. They had agreed, saying that it would be a good idea to have basic skills to protect herself if they weren’t around. Though she felt that even if her son and the fire demon weren’t around, she would still be protected. A picture of a strong demon male with long black hair and black feathery wings unconsciously formed in her mind. Yeah, somehow she knew that she was going to be just find.

“Mother?’ Hiei called the female’s attention to him. “I’m going to change into my full demon form. You’ve never seen it before so it may scare you. The boys are going to change into their animal forms as well and I know that you haven’t seen those either. Know that we may look different, but it’s still us.”

“Alright, I’m prepared, let me see your other forms.” Shiori truly was ready for this.

Energy swirled up around Hiei and the two boys, crackling and sparkling. She was surprised that she could actually see it. As they transformed, a small gasp left her mouth. It was like their bodies were melting into another, curling in on itself. When the energy died down, she gasped again.

Hiei stood before her and she could tell it was him, but he looked so different. He had dark green skin that was littered with large purple eyes. His hair was still flared, but instead of one point, there was two, like horns. He truly looked evil. On his left, sitting on the floor was two little fox kits. Shiori could easily tell which one was which. One fox kit was solid black with four silver feet and silver tipped ears and three silver tipped tails. This one she was sure was Kaihei. The other looked sort of like a wolf cub and was twice as big as the other. He had a rich brown color with a white blaze from the tip of his nose to the back of his head. He also had two white tipped tails and his front legs were white as was his belly. This one was Toushi.

Hiei cleared his throat before speaking, revealing an even deeper voice now. “Did you feel how our energy changed?”

“Yes, I think so, let me try it.” Shiori closed her eyes and concentrated hard, trying to do what her grandsons and son in law had just done. After about a minute, she gave up. She was unable to do it. She slowly opened her eyes, her smile just a bit sad. She hadn’t wanted to fell, she wanted to prove that she could do this.

Kurama recognized her hidden emotions, and smiled in understanding. “It’s alright, mother, it will take time for you learn how to change forms and then get the hang of it.” He then turned to his mate. “Hiei, might I suggest something?” When the fire demon nodded, he continued quickly. “Mother doesn’t know about energy and such. Even a demon baby knows it’s on energy and how to use it, she doesn’t at all. You have to help her find hers, find her energy signal and how to access it…… you….” The fox trailed off as he grabbed his stomach and groaned in pain.

Hiei dropped back to his normal form and was at his mate’s side in two seconds, placing a gentle hand on the very rounded stomach. “What’s wrong?! Is it time?!”

“I’m fine and no it’s not time.” Kurama released his stomach and let his eyes meet his mates, smiling. Also he noted, the boys had returned to their normal forms and were standing at his other side, his mother behind them. He didn‘t mean to make everyone worry, but what had happened had hurt bad. “One of your naughty babies decided to kick one of my kidneys, to prove how strong he is and let me tell you he is strong, very strong.”

SHE is very strong.” Hiei corrected his mate, smirking. He didn’t know why, but he had a feeling that the unborn identical twins were females and he hoped that they were. He suppose he believed that because the aborted baby was a girl and it would stand to reason that the other two were girls as well. That way, his fox would finally get what he wanted, little girls to royally spoil.

“You mean HE.” Kurama rose to the occasion, a chuckle leaving him. This was something that he and the fire demon had been doing for about a week, asserting what they thought the unborn twins were going to be. He didn’t know why, but something deep inside of him was telling him that he would be having identical twin boys and that was what he was going with. His instincts had never failed him before.

“I think it’s one of each, a boy and a girl.” Kaihei put in what he thought.

“Yeah, me too, a brother and a sister!” Toushi readily agreed with the other kit. Hiei and Kurama didn’t bother correcting their sons. They had tried explaining it to them several times, that the babies would be the same gender, but the boys didn’t seem to understand. Kaihei and Toushi were sticking to what they believed, a boy and a girl.

“Shuuichi, are you sure that you’re okay, that you’re not in ‘labor’?” Shiori asked, still worried about her son. She was sure that what she saw and how her son had acted was a ‘labor’ pain. She also wanted them to stop their little playful banter before it turned into an argument. If they wanted to know what the babies were they needed to ask Bulma or wait until the babies were born.

“Yes, mother, I’m perfectly fine.” Kurama was quick to assure the woman. He tilted his head, a small smile on his lips. “Now, back to your training. You won’t learn to change forms unless you recognize your own energy signal.”

“If you’re sure.” Shiori lifted her eyes to the fire demon. “Whenever you’re ready.”

“Hn.” Hiei fed another spike of energy to the unborn babies, trying to calm them down, before he leaned forward and gave his fox a sweet kiss. Upon signaling the boys to follow, they all moved back to the center of the grassy area.

“Let’s try this, mother.” Hiei held up his hand and gathered a small ball of dark energy in his palm. The kits quickly followed their father’s example. Toushi held a ball of pure white energy, Kaihei held slightly bigger ball of pink and black energy. When Hiei saw that the boys were right with him, he continued. “First, focus on yourself, search inside for the demon energy that is now flowing through you. It shouldn’t be that to hard to find as you have become more aware. Now, to gather a ball of energy like ours, you have to concentrate all of your energy into the palm of your hand. You are your energy’s master, will it to where you want it to go.”

“I’ll give it a try.” Shiori raised her hand, palm up, and started to concentrate hard, trying her best to do what the fire demon had told her. This went on for ten minutes, everyone remained quiet. When she was about to give up, a small ball of yellow energy materialized in her hand, making her gasp in surprise. She was so happy that she had done it, she quickly looked to her son for approval.

Kurama smiled brightly, and applauded silently, giving her the praise she wanted. Hiei quickly drew her attention back to him. “Keep concentrating! If you lose your focus, you will lose the ball of energy!”

This snapped Shiori back to the task at hand, literally. “What do I do now?”

“You memorize that energy, how you retrieved it, and the wave link it’s on. That way you will have access to it anytime that you want. That is essentially your demon energy, you will need it for many things when in the Makai. That energy is also what will help you transform into any of your three forms.”

“I think I understand all of that.” Shiori continued to watch the energy ball floating in the palm of her hand. “How do I make it go away?’

“Just absorb it back into your body… like this.” Hiei slowly closed his hand into a fist, the dark energy ball dissipated. Once again Toushi and Kaihei followed their father’s example, their energy balls disappeared too.

Shiori only nodded before she started to close her hand. She hadn’t realized how hard that would be. The energy was pulsing outwards while she was trying to force it inwards. Little be little, with a lot of coaxing and concentration, her hand slowly closed, making the yellow energy ball disappear.

“Good!” Hiei nodded his approval of what she had done. The new vixen was learning quickly. “Now, that you have recognized your energy, let’s try the switch again. Focus on which form you want, your ningen form would be best right now. Then make that energy you just found flare up and force it to make changes to your body. Don’t ever stop thinking about the form you want until the transformation is complete. Give it a try.”

“Alright….” Shiori began to concentrate again, willing her new found energy to flare up. A few minutes passed with no change. Suddenly in a burst, the yellow energy surrounded her as she slowly switched from her new demon form to her ningen form. The yellow energy died down and then Shiori pitched forward, unconscious.

“Hiei!!” Kurama called in warning, but he really didn’t have to. The fire demon was there and caught the female before she could hit the ground. Her human form hadn’t changed that much, except she was curvier and younger, other then that she looked the same. He easily picked up Shiori and headed towards the living room. Toushi and Kaihei helped Kurama get to his feet before they followed the fire demon.

Hiei laid Shiori on the couch before he turned to his sons, who was helping the waddling fox. “One of you, go get a wet washcloth and the other go get your aunt Yukina.”

“Go, Kaihei.” Kurama let go of the boy’s hand and he was gone in a small blur.

When the fox would have let go of Toushi’s hand, the boy held on tight. He smiled up at his redheaded father before leading him over to the couch so he could sit down. Kurama reached out and ruffled his hair, scratching behind a fuzzy ear. “Thank you for your help, baby. Now could you go get your aunt Yukina so she can check on your grandmother?”

“Yes, sir.” Toushi grinned before he turned and ran out of the room. He wasn’t as fast as his brother, but he was pretty quick.

Kaihei came sprinting back into the room, carrying a wet washcloth. He quickly handed the moist item to his black headed father.

“Thank you, kit.” Hiei folded the washcloth and then laid it on Shiori’s head. Movement caught his attention and he looked over to see the fox holding his pregnant stomach. “Are you alright?”

“Yes, koi. Your babies have teamed up and now they are both kicking my insides.”

“Hn, they’re already training.” Hiei sat down on the couch beside his fox. He brought his hands up and placed them on the large stomach. He forced energy into them as he started to move them around, feeding the twins more of his energy. He didn’t really have to do this, the pregnant demon’s energy would be plenty for sustaining the babies, but he felt that he should help out, his fox was always so tired.

“Is my mother okay?” Kurama asked, enjoying the attention and the extra energy. It wasn’t just helping the unborn babies, it was helping him too.

“Don’t worry, fox, your mother will be fine. She only fainted, her first transformation was hard on her.”

“You sure?” Kurama glanced over to the unconscious woman, worry in his eyes.

Hiei shook his head before leaning forward and catching his mate in a reassuring kiss. “She is fine, she’ll be fine. Please relax.” He ran and comforting hand through his mate’s red hair before he turned back to the woman. Yukina and Toushi hurried into the room at about that time. Yukina checked Shiori over and found her to be in great health, like the fire demon had said, she only fainted.

After nearly thirty minutes, the demons realized that Shiori was going to be out for awhile. They decided to go about normal activities. Yukina went back to the kitchen to finish up dinner. Toushi and Kaihei were sent along to help her in any way they could. The twin boys woke soon after, hungry of course. So, Hiei spent the next hour nursing his tiny sons. He also kept an eye on his fox, who he wouldn’t let get up from the couch. Kurama had grabbed his stomach five more times, claiming the babies were still kicking. Hiei wasn’t quite so sure, he was starting to believe that his mate was in ‘labor’, but he wasn’t going to say anything yet, just incase he was wrong. When dinner was announced as being done, Hiei helped the redhead up and they went to the dining room to eat.

After they were done, and everything cleaned up, Hiei took Kurama back to the living room and made him sit down on the couch again. Through dinner, the fox had grabbed his stomach two more times, so naturally he was getting worried. If these pains didn’t stop soon, the fire demon was going to call Bulma.

When Makoto woke up hungry again, Hiei picked the crying baby up out of the bassinette, sat down on the couch next to his mate, and started nursing him. Ten minutes late, Shiori started to wake up.

Kurama went to get up to help his mother, but he was stopped. Hiei made him relax back into the couch. “I’ll see about her, you hold Makoto.” The fire demon didn’t wait for an answer. He broke the baby’s suction and handed him to the redhead before quickly getting up from the couch and going to see about the woman. When she was coherent enough, the fire demon helped Shiori to slowly sit up.

The first things she did was look down at her body and reach to the top of her head. She was happy with what she found, she was in her human form. Shiori brought her eyes up to her son and his mate. “I did it! I switched forms!”

“Yes, you did, mother.” Kurama had a smile on his face as he gently patted the diaper covered rear of his son., trying to keep him from fussing since his nursing had been interrupted. “You look great in this form as well.”

“Thank you.” Shiori blushed slightly, knowing what her son had said was true. Even her human body had more curves and she was younger. She wasn’t expecting this, but she sure wasn’t going to fuss about it. She looked herself over once more before she looked back to her son. “I guess I’m going to be hormonal once a month again. PMS is the one thing that I didn’t miss.”

“Actually, mother, it won’t be once a month and it won’t be PMS. Female demons don’t have menstrual cycles, they go into heat and that only happens once every ten years.” Kurama watched as his mate sat down beside him and got comfortable. He then handed Makoto back to the fire demon, so the baby could finish nursing.

“Every ten years?!” This was something else that Shiori wasn’t expecting.

“Every ten years.” Hiei confirmed his mate’s information. “Thankfully!!”

Kurama went on to explain. “This is something that has been evolved into female demons. The reason is because demons live so long one female demon could have hundreds of children so then you multiply that by thousands and the Makai would become overpopulated very quickly. The female’s heat happens every ten years to keep the populations in check, so we don’t out grow our world. Though a female demon can still get pregnant if she uses any one of a number of plants that are available. There is only one plant that guarantees a pregnancy if you use it, that is the plant Hiei and I use…. The Risoia plant which is very rare. The other plants supply a fifty percent chance of getting pregnant. But even if female demon’s use these plants, the population is still being kept in check. You also need to be aware that a heat can come a little early or a little late, but it usually every ten years.”

“I see….” Shiori turned to the fire demon. “Why is it you said, thankfully, like you did?”

The smirk on Hiei’s lips was wicked as he answered. “A female demon in heat will seduce any male that gets in her path. All she has on her mind when she’s in heat is sex and lots of it.”

“Hiei!!” Kurama scolded, he didn’t like how plain spoken his mate was being with his mother.

“Really?” Shiori took a moment before continuing. “Adult activities? Only adult activities?”

“Yes, mother.” Kurama sighed softly. If she wanted to have this conversation then they would. He phrased his explanation very carefully. “Female demons only think of sex because that is what their bodies are craving. Much like a ningen cat or dog that is in heat. It’s in their blood that if they have sex the heat will come to an end. A baby always comes from a sexual encounter if the female is in heat and precautions aren’t taken. If the female in heat has a male mate, then she will crave sex from only him, ensuring that the baby will be his. If the female in question has a female mate and arrangements aren’t made a head of time, then she will also seduce any male available. Usually when you have two females that are mated, they choose a suitable male a couple of weeks prior to the heat. Also two mated females will sync up, meaning they will get their heat at the same time so the chosen male has to be ready to satisfy them both.”

“Is there anything to stop this heat?” Shiori asked, wondering about what she would be like when she came into heat.

“No, there’s not, but being mated does help. It tones down the females reactions, as I have said, she’ll only want her mate. Most times, the mated couple won’t be seen for days, if the female is in heat.”

“I guess I should get mated before I go into heat then.” Shiori giggled happily, her mind on one demon. She could only hope that he liked her new change.

Hiei could easily see where her mind was and he just had to tease her. “You don’t have to worry. I’m sure that my high general Junaco will be happy to help you out.”

Shiori blushed red with embarrassment, proving to the two demons that her mind was on that very thing. She opened and closed her mouth a couple of times, trying to form a reply, but she failed miserably.

Knowing how truly wicked Hiei could be when he got going and to save his mother further embarrassment, Kurama decided to change the subject. “You haven’t had anything to eat, mother, so let’s go get you something.” He managed to wiggle his way up from the couch, with his mother’s and Hiei’s help of course.

As the fox, with the new vixen in tow, left the room, he didn’t notice the fire demon watching him very closely. Hiei was worried, but not as much, his mate’s pains had stopped. He was positive that the fox had been having minor ‘labor’ pains. He would just have to watch his mate more closely, make sure somebody was with him at all times. If he had to guess, he would say that Kurama would have the twins within the week at the most. From now until the twins were born, he would make sure that his mate did absolutely, nothing except stay calm and relaxed.


Six days slowly passed, Hiei cared for the house along with Yukina. Everyday Kurama would get minor pains that he announced as kicks and they would only last for about an hour. But Hiei knew better, he could tell that the pains were getting stronger and lasting longer. He was starting to get worried, this was unusual. From what information he knew and his own experience, once the ‘labor pains’ started they didn’t stop until the baby was out. If this happened one more time, he swore to himself that he would call Bulma.

Yukina, Shiori, and the boys fussed over the pregnant fox, doing everything that he needed or desired. Kurama laid back and took all the pampering. He might as well enjoy it while it lasted. Also each day, Shiori worked on her transformations and she was actually starting to get the hang of it. Toushi and Kaihei had even started to teach her very basic self defense. Hiei and Kurama let them, it wouldn’t hurt and they got a kick out of watching them trying to teach her.

They had just finished lunch when Kurama announced suddenly. “I’m beat, I’m heading upstairs to take a nap.” He was now eight days from his due date. He was constantly tired and sleepy, like his body was saving up for something big. He hadn’t realized yet, how fast the ‘birth was approaching him, but Hiei knew.

Hiei got up from the dining room chair and then helped his redheaded mate to his swollen feet. “Fine, but you’re not going up those stairs by yourself.”

Kurama only smiled in reply as he leaned a little on his smaller mate. They slowly left the room and made their way up the stairs. They entered their bedroom, but Hiei didn’t let his fox go. He led Kurama over to the bed and helped him to get settled between the sheets.

Kurama let out a heavy sigh as he relaxed into the soft mattress, his eyes on his mate. “Thank you, koi. You can go back down stairs now, Makoto and Meiyo should be waking very soon.”

“I should stay with you, you don’t need to be alone.” Hiei was sitting on the side of the bed, leaning over his fox, a smile on his lips.

“I’m only going to take a nap, I’ll be fine. If I need anything, I’ll call you.” Kurama reached out and brushed his knuckles against the fire demon’s soft cheek. “I promise.”

“Alright then, since you promise.” Hiei closed the distance between them, giving the fox a loving kiss. Kissing was all they had, the twins take up so much time and the fox was to tired to do anything, but sleep. Sex was the last thing on their minds so it didn‘t happen and it was only going to get worse when the second set of twins came. Hiei broke the kiss, a small smile on his lips. “Rest now, fox. Call me before you try to come down the stairs by yourself, better yet, call me if you even need to get out of this bed.” With that, Hiei got up and left the room, leaving the door cracked behind him.

An hour passed with the fox sleeping soundly. No one disturbed him, but the fire demon did check on him every fifteen minutes. He was awoken suddenly by the strong feeling of needing to go to the bathroom. Not wanting to disturb his mate, Kurama somehow managed to get to his feet and slowly waddle into the adjourning bathroom. After he was done and his hands washed, he started to walk back towards the bed, intent on continuing his nap, he was still tired.

Kurama felt one of the babies kick hard, knocking the breath out of him. He put a hand on his stomach and massaged slowly, talking to the swell. “You two need to behave in there, I don’t know how many more of those kicks I can take.”

As if to respond to the scolding, a very sharp pain went through the fox’s belly that made his knees buckle. He ended up lying on the floor, his arms wrapped around his aching middle. He glared down at his stomach and ultimately the two hidden babies. “That was totally uncalled for!”

Another sharp, answering pain ripped through his body, that made Kurama sick to his stomach. Deciding to get back in bed before he called out to his fire demon, he tried to get up. After several attempts, he realized that he wasn’t getting up without help. He knew how angry Hiei was going to be with him, so it made him hesitate a few moments. His mind was changed with another pain rolled through his body that left his gasping for air and trembling. He needed help and he needed it now.

Kurama flared his energy and screamed out for his mate. “HIEI!!”


I know, it’s a cliff hanger!! You all hate me now, don’t you?

Thanks everyone for reading my stories and if you would be so kind, please leave a small review. I enjoy reading every review I get. Just so everyone will know, I’m going to Yaoi Con in San Francisco for the weekend of October 26th, 27th, and 28th. If you are going too let me know, maybe we can meet up and talk. ^_^

I promise that I will post the next chapter on Wednesday October 24, 2007. That way you all won’t be left hanging for to long. There’s just six more chapters left of this story and then on to the next one. And let me warn you all now, you will probably be mad at me when the next story comes to an end, you’ll see what I mean. The title of the next story in this arc is Changes And Problems. If that sounds a bit foreboding, that is because it is. I hope you all won’t be disappointed.






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