Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ OH BABY! ❯ Do what?! ( Chapter 25 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho at all. I just burrowed them for my stories for which I’m not making any money off of. I do however, claim the minor children that I have created and the story line involved.

WARNING!!!: Adult Shonen Ai, very young Shonen Ai and just a tiny bit of young Yaoi. Also since the babies are born expect to have some nursing in each of the chapters that are left of this story. If it isn’t done, it will be mentioned. ^_~ This chapter also contains a very graphic anal birth. That’s right, I said anal birth so be warned and ready for it.

A/N: As promised here is the next chapter of this story, I hope that you all like it. I want to say thank you to every single one of you that reviewed that last chapter, as well as everyone else that has reviewed this story. You guys are the best!! Thank you so much for sticking with me. This story may almost be done, but the Love’s Destiny story arc is far from over. I have many stories already written that just need to be typed up. I also have a couple of others in the works. I’m even thinking about doing a crossover story with Naruto and it will fit into this arc. I‘m just saying, in case any of you readers are Naruto fans out there, but that story is quite a ways into the future. If I even deicide to write it, we’ll have to see? Do you guys think I should write it? Please let me know in a review what you think. Anyway, on with the story!



Chapter 25 of 30

Do what?!



This was the fire demon’s worse nightmare, his name screamed in fear and his mate’s flared, panicked energy. He flitted up the stairs, followed a bit more slowly by the boys, Shiori, and Yukina. He found Kurama lying on the floor about half way between the bed and the bathroom. He was just taking his mate into his arms when Shiori ran into the room.

She quickly assessed the situation. She could easily tell that her son was in ‘labor’. “We need to get him on a bed now!”

“Yeah, we do, but this is going to be messy. We need to get him to the empty guest bedroom.” Hiei responded as he tried to get the fox to sit up. “I don’t even want to try to take him down the stairs.”

“I see your point.” Shiori locked eyes with the ice maiden. “We’re going to need your help, Yukina.”

“I’ll do what I can.” Yukina hurried over to the fallen fox with Shiori at her side. They joined Hiei, trying to get Kurama up off the ground. The redhead wasn’t very cooperative either, he was nearly unresponsive. He only moaned in pain, holding his stomach, lying in a fetal position. After several tries, they gave up.

“I guess the guest bedroom is out, it’s going to have to be done in here. I normally don’t have a problem carrying him, but with all the extra weight and the way he‘s curled up, I won’t be able to carry him to far. Shiori, go get the covers out of the way on the bed. Yukina, go get water boiling, Bulma is going to need it. Toushi, Kaihei, go gather up every extra towel and extra sheet you can find in the whole house and bring them in here.”

As everyone scrambled to the fire demon’s orders, he managed to get his arms under the pain filled fox. Flaring his energy, he lifted his pregnant mate off the ground and hurriedly carried him the twenty feet or so to the bed. He carefully laid the fox on the bed and then sat down beside him. He reached out and rubbed his fingers across a soft pale cheek, until green eyes opened and focused him. Hiei smiled a little as he leaned closer. “Is it time? Are you in ‘labor’?”

Kurama groaned as another pain went through him. “Yeah it’s time, and you know it……. But something is wrong. I’m hurting real bad. It feels like my insides are being ripped out and every time the pain comes it feels like I can’t breath. It isn‘t anything like the minor pain that you described.”

Hiei immediately turned to the woman. “Shiori, we need Bulma now! My fox says that something isn’t right. The communicator is on the end table in the living room. Can you get it for me? I’ll get him undressed while you’re gone.”

“Alright.” Shiori practically ran out of the room.

Hiei turned back to his mate. “Let’s get you ready to have those little girls.”

“Boys, Hiei, they’re going to be boys.” Kurama chuckled a little as the fire demon started to strip him. In a few seconds, he was naked and a sheet was being laid over him. Hiei left a kiss on his cheek before he sat down beside him. He was a little upset that the redhead hadn’t called him when he needed to get out of bed, but he wasn’t going to say anything with the situation like it was.

At about that time, Kaihei and Toushi came running into the room, carrying many sheets and towels. Hiei saw them and pointed to the empty other side of the bed. “Put those there for easy access.” The boys did what they were told and they waited worriedly beside the bed for more orders.

It was then, that Shiori came running back into the room, the little compact held tightly in her hand. Hiei took the communicator and quickly flipped it open.

Only five seconds passed before Koenma’s face appeared on the tiny screen. “Hey, Hiei! What’s up?”

“What’s up?!” Hiei really wasn’t mad, he was more annoyed. “Kurama is having pain and he’s ready to have the twin girls!”

Koenma smiled when he heard Kurama’s pained voice in the back ground. “The twins are boys!”

Hiei was quick to continue, ignoring his mate‘ comment. “Yukina is already here, but we need Bulma!!”

“Wow, Kurama’s early.” Koenma looked down and shifted through some papers on his desk, a smirk making it’s way onto his lips.

“What are you still sitting there for and what is that look on your face about? You know what, forget it, I don’t want to know. Just get Bulma here now!!” Hiei ordered, a growl in his voice.

“Alright, she’ll be there in a couple of minutes.” Koenma replied before flipping off his side of the communication. He looked at the papers that he had scattered around his desk, the smirk was back on his face. “This is going to surprise everyone and I’m thrilled that I was able to keep it a secret. Oh well, I can’t wait to see their faces when they get the news.” The JR. god got up, walked around to the front of his desk, and then opened a portal. He looked one last time at his desk before stepping into the swirling darkness, heading for the Saiyans’ home.

Back at the demons’ home, Shiori was pacing frantically. Yukina was still downstairs in the kitchen, making sure that there would be plenty of water. The boys stood by the bed where they had dropped the towels. They hadn’t moved, their eyes were glued to their fathers. Hiei sat beside his mate, an arm around his shoulders, whispering comforting nothings close to the small ear. Kurama on the other hand, was holding his stomach, moaning in pain every couple of minutes. A portal suddenly opened in the room and the whole team literally fell out of it, not one on them landing on their feet.

“Did everyone have to come?” Hiei asked with a raised, twitching eyebrow as the tangled bodies started separating themselves.

Yusuke spoke as he quickly got to his feet. “Of course, man!! We wouldn’t miss this for the world!”

“Yeah!!” Kuwabara added, still struggling on the ground. “Especially since Kurama is becoming the ‘mother’ this time, instead of you, shrimp!”

Kurama leaned out a little and glared at the tall ningen. “If I could get out of this bed, Kuwabara, I would hurt you so bad for that comment!”

“No need, I’ll hurt him!” Hiei started to move as if to get up.

Somehow, Bulma managed to get out of the smaller pile and she quickly took charge of the situation. “Everyone out!! Unless you have permission to stay!”

The group that hadn’t been invited quickly scrambled out of the room. Yukina came hurrying in, carefully carrying a big pot of steaming water. Hiei noticed that Toushi and Kaihei were hesitating, unsure of what they were suppose to do. It was clear that they didn’t want to leave. The fire demon looked down at his mate, smiled, and tilted his head towards their sons. “They don’t want to leave you….. Is it okay if they stay? It would be a good learning experience for them.”

Kurama glanced over at the kits and saw hopeful young faces. He realized that there would be lots of curious questions, but he was okay with that. The boys needed to know what it was like to ‘give birth’ even though it was with a c-section. Especially since Kaihei would probably be having his own baby in about eleven years. He wouldn’t give his son the potion needed to get pregnant any sooner then that. He wanted him to be at least eighteen years old and fully ready for that type of responsibility. The fox brought his eyes back to his mate, smiling. “They can stay for as long as they want.”

“But it’s not good for such impressionable children to be in the room when a birth is going on.” Shiori half heartedly protested. She knew she had already lost the argument, but she wanted her feeling on the matter known.

Hiei didn’t even look at her as he spoke, he only made himself more comfortable beside his redheaded mate. “They can stay!” He then pointed to the empty side of bed. “Toushi, Kaihei, move the pile of sheets and towels to the foot of the bed. That way there will be plenty of room for you boys to sit up here with your dad and I while the babies are born.”

“We can stay!!” Toushi started pushing the pile of material down the bed.

Kaihei helped his brother, a big smile on his face. He was the first on the bed though. He crawled over to his redheaded father and hugged him. “I don’t want you to hurt, daddy.”

Kurama put an arm around his black headed son‘s shoulders, holding him tight. “It will stop hurting after the babies come out, firebug.”

Toushi crawled up behind his brother, put his arms around the tiny waist, and leaned fully against him, speaking close to the fuzzy silver ear. “Don’t worry, Rosey. Our daddy is real strong, he can take it.” He then dropped his head and left a comforting lick at the base of Kaihei’s neck. The rules had changed again for them. It seemed the rules were always changing for them. They were now allowed to lick each other’s necks as long as one of their parents were present.

Hiei shared a knowing, amused look with his mate before he spoke. “You, boys, are something else. It’s very good that you take such excellent care of each other. Your dad will be just fine, I’ll make sure of that.” He noted that Yukina and Shiori stood off to the side, watching the kits, but they didn’t say anything about the almost intimate contact.

Bulma really didn’t want to interrupt the touching scene on the bed, but she had to. She could tell that Kurama was having pains every few minutes, even though he tried to hide it. She needed to know what position the babies were in to know the kind of c-section she would be doing. While the family had been talking, she had set up the couple of machines she brought with her. “I’m sorry to interrupt you four, but I need to do a sonogram to know what I’m dealing with and to see if I can figure out why there is so much pain.”

“Alright, Bulma, I’m ready.” Kurama gave her a curt nod, even as another pain rolled through his body.

Bulma didn’t say anything else nor did she make anyone move out of the way, she would work around them. She lowered the sheet enough to expose the very rounded belly. She picked up a small bottle and then squirted a liberal amount of cold gel onto the stretched skin. She smiled as she put the small transducer into the middle of the gel and started to slowly move it around. In a few seconds, a black and white picture appeared on the tiny screen. Everyone remained quiet as she studied what she saw.

“Oh Wow!” Bulma exclaimed, her eyes widening, continuing to move the transducer across the pregnant stomach.

“What is it?” Kurama quickly asked, but he started to moan as another pain made it self known.

Bulma’s mouth nearly fell open at what she saw on the screen. She couldn’t believe it, it was impossible, but it was right there staring her in the face. She didn’t know why she didn’t see it before. “This is fantastic and unexpected!!”

Hiei knew how worried his mate was getting, he could feel it through their bond. The boys, Shiori and Yukina was worried too, he could see it on their faces. He had to know what was going on. “Damn it, Bulma! Tell us what’s wrong with my fox!”

This successfully captured the Saiyan woman’s attention. She snapped her eyes over to the slightly angry fire demon. “Jeez, Hiei, you don’t have to get so loud……..” She laid the transducer on the bed and turned so she could see everyone else. “Nothing’s wrong really. I was just shocked to see that both babies have turned into the vaginal birthing position. And then I was further surprised by the type of pain Kurama is experiencing. The last time the pain hit I was able to see it on the little screen, I know why he’s hurting so much.” Bulma turned her full attention to the fox. “The pain you’re feeling is quite normal,………. for a female. Kurama, you’re in full blown labor. You’re actually having contractions and that means that you can give birth naturally. I haven’t looked between your legs, but I would guess that you are quite capable of having those twins.”

“How?” Kurama managed to squeak that simple question. Though he wasn’t stupid, only one possibility came to mind and he didn’t know if he wanted to suffer through that.

“You would probably have the twins anally, but I would have to look to confirm that.” Bulma explained, smiling just a little. It was sort of amusing and ironic. A male was going to experience what a female went through to give birth to a baby.

“What?! That’s not even possible!” Hiei wouldn’t believe what he was hearing. “Forbidden ones can’t bear a child naturally, it has to be cut out of the stomach!!”

“Yes, I understand that. You, Kurama, and Koenma explained all that to me,………….. But Kurama isn’t naturally forbidden. This has confirmed my suspicions. The dragon balls and the dragon made Kurama forbidden, thus they made him able to give birth naturally. Well, as naturally as possible, he would give birth through the anus.”

Hiei didn’t know how to respond to this new information and it seemed his mate was totally blown away. It didn’t help either that he now had pain entering his body every few minutes, the fox had unconsciously opened their link and was sharing his pain with him. Yukina and Shiori still remained silent, neither knowing what to say.

Bulma gave them a few moments before she started speaking again. “Hiei, Kurama?” She waited until they were looking at her. “You two are going to have to make a big decision here. Do you go with the planned c-section and have Yukina heal you afterwards , like all of the forbidden ones that came before you? OR Do you have these babies naturally and be the first forbidden one to ever do so, then Yukina can heal what she is able to afterwards?

After a couple of seconds to get his thoughts together, Kurama asked an important question. The most important question. “Which method is safer, better for the twins?”

“Hmmm, I’m not quiet sure.” At least Bulma was honest. “Normally a natural birth is better for the ‘mother’ and baby. Unless there are complications that would endanger the ‘mother’ or baby, then the c-section would be best. But in your case, I just don’t know, this is all new to me too. At the first thought of having a baby anally, it wouldn’t seem unhealthy and even gross. But I’d wager that your body has been preparing to do this,…………… probably by going to the bathroom more often and such. Plus, you and Hiei once explained to me what you all did to keep your sex life obsessively hygienic. With you being very ‘clean’ and the preparations your body has done, I’m positive that the babies will be perfectly fine if you have them anally. The only thing is to have them naturally you will go through an extreme amount of pain. I don’t even believe that one of those numbing vines will work on you. It will probably be just like a female’s opening, your opening will stretch to accommodate the birth.”

“I see…” Kurama gave a small shutter at the thought of that, then he looked up at his mate. “What do you think I should do?”

“Do whatever you feel is right, fox.” Hiei took hold of the fox’s hand and squeezed it. “I’ll be right here with you through the whole thing, no matter what you decide.”

Yukina was worried now, knowing what the fox was about to go through and it was going to be long, hard. She didn’t know if this was a good time to tell them what she had discovered. It would certainly affect Kurama’s decision on the method of birth. Shiori was in no better shape, she honestly didn’t know what to say on the matter. She had never expected that her son would actually give birth, much like a female. She kept her mouth shut though. The decision had to be made by her son and his mate. But if she had to chose, she would pick a natural birth.

Shiori’s eyes strayed from her son to her grandsons and she didn’t like what she saw. But again she didn’t say anything, for fear of being kicked out of the room and incurring Hiei’s wrath. She knew that her son and his mate considered the subject closed, but the boys shouldn’t be doing what they were doing, even if they didn’t realize it. She was pretty sure that they didn’t realize it. Kurama and Hiei was completely aware of their sons, they just didn’t comment. The boys weren’t hurting anything, only seeking comfort. Yukina and Bulma saw what was happening as well, but they did their best to ignore it. It wasn’t any of their business as long as the parents were fine with it and it seemed they were.

Now, the kits had no idea that they were getting so much attention or realize what they were doing. They kept their eyes focused on everything that was happening around them. Truth of the matter was that Kaihei had let go of his redheaded father and had sunk down into the mattress. He laid on his stomach, arms crossed with his head lying on them. Toushi was stretched out on top of his brother, their bodies pressed tightly together. His head rested on the other kit’s shoulder, his hands were clutching the sides of his brother’s shirt. What made the little picture even more intimate was that Kaihei’s legs were spread just enough for the brown and white haired kit’s lower body to rest between them. Which meant that Kaihei’s rear was flush against the front of Toushi’s hips. Now, if that wasn’t enough to cause concern, what was happening sure was. Kaihei would push his rear backwards every so often and then there would be an answering forward push of Toushi’s hips. It almost looked as if they were having sex, but they were fully clothed and unaware of what they were doing or how they looked to others. It could almost be considered a sex play. The boys were only trying to get comfort from the other in a situation they were unsure of and didn’t understand; and for them it was working. What they were doing was the most natural thing in the world to them.

Kurama finally made up his mind so he let his eyes meet the Saiyan’s. “Alright, Bulma, I’ll try to do it naturally, anally. I like to do things that others say can’t be done, I also like to be the first at doing something. So, with doing this I’ll get credit in both of those categories and it will give my Youko pride and ego a big boost. Though, if something was to go wrong, will you be able to perform a c-section quickly? Losing another baby isn’t an option.”

“Not a problem. If I had to, I could perform a c-section and have the baby out in two minutes tops.” Bulma got up from the bed, smiling. “I’ll be back in about twenty minutes, I need to get some other equipment from my home. In the mean time, Kurama, I want you to lay on your side and concentrate on your breathing, slow, deep, even breaths. Hiei, since you can heat up your hands, I want you to massage your mate’s back whenever he’s having a contraction. It will help him get through the pain.” She let her eyes land on the two comfortable looking kits. She could almost laugh, it was to cute. “Boys, I want you two to keep relaxing and talk to your dad a little bit, keep him distracted.” She then turned to the other two females in the room. “Shiori, Yukina, you’ve been through this, you know what it’s like. Keep Kurama as comfortable as possible, speak in low tones, keep ice chips available to keep his mouth wet, and have cool wash clothes handy to wipe his face.”

“I’ll get the ice chips.” Yukina announced before walking quickly towards the bedroom door. As she opened it, she had to squeeze out on the count of all the friends and family were trying to see into the room. Shiori headed for the adjoining bathroom to get a bowl of cool water and a couple of washcloths. On the bed, Kurama had turned up on his side, facing his sons. Hiei was stretched out right behind the fox, rubbing his lower back. They were quietly talking with the boys, answering all of their questions. The demons didn’t say anything to their sons to make them move apart, and the boys didn’t bother moving either.

Satisfied with what was happening, Bulma went to the bedroom door and went out into the hall. It wasn’t a surprise that all of the uninvited guests were still standing there. After all, they were expecting a quick c-section. “Koenma, it seems that Kurama can have the twins naturally and that’s what he decided to do. I’m going to need some more supplies from my home. Can you take me there?”

“Yeah, let’s go. Then you can explain on the way how Kurama can have those babies like that.” Koenma held out a hand and snapped his fingers. A portal instantly opened in the hallway.

“Hey, wait!” Yusuke called out, stopping them before they could leave. Kuwabara came up and stood beside him. “Tell us what’s happening with Kurama? We’re all worried about him.”

“Kurama is actually fine, I assure you.” Bulma looked the two men over, a smile on her lips. “Come with us you two. I need a couple of strong men to help me get some stuff.” She then looked over at Shizuru, Botan and Kayko. “Ladies, please help anyone that comes out this door, they will probably need it. Kurama is actually going to give birth to the twins so it‘s going to be a long wait.”

As understanding lit up the females’ faces, Bulma turned and ushered the three men into the portal. She needed to get her things and get back there quickly, just in case something happened. By the time Bulma got back, Makoto and Meiyo had been moved into the room so Hiei could have easy access to them when they needed to be nursed and still be there for his redheaded mate. Two empty bassinettes had been set up as well, ready to receive the two new babies.

After Bulma rushed Koenma, Yusuke, and Kuwabara, she quickly went to the bedside. She picked up the contraction monitor, worked it under the fox, and then strapped it tightly around his hips, right under the large swell. She then hooked the attached cord to her lap top computer and it immediately started to record all progress. When she was done, she reached over Hiei and laid a comforting hand on the fox’s forehead, getting his attention. “How are you doing?”

“I haven’t ever been through torture like I am now.” Kurama laughed a little, but it turned into a soft moan of pain as another contraction hit.

“Welcome to motherhood, Kurama,……….. nothing really intended by that………You know there’s still time to do a c-section if you want?” Bulma was quick to offer, knowing that the fox’s body really wasn’t suited to give birth.

Kurama quickly shook his head, his mind made up. “I want to do this.”

“Honey…” Shiori walked up beside the Saiyan woman. “All females have to go through this pain to have a sweet, innocent child. You are the first male to experience this. If millions of females can do this, then so can you. It will all be worth it when you see the faces of your twins.”

“I hope so.” A smile found it’s way to Kurama’s face. Though his mate had remained silent, he could feel the fire demon‘s strong hands still massaging his pain filled lower back. So, he knew he wasn‘t alone in this. “No, I know it will be worth it and that I‘ll be fine.”

“I’m glad that you’re in a good mood.” Now Bulma was smiling too. “Are you ready for me to examine you?”

“What?!” Kurama hadn’t even thought about that. Of course the woman would have to get between his legs

“No way in hell!” Hiei sat up and glared at the woman. “I’m the only one that gets near that part of my mate’s anatomy.”

“I know how you two feel about this, but I have to make sure that everything is progressing like it should.” When neither one of them answered her, Bulma thought she would add an incentive. “Look, if you let me examine you, Kurama, I’ll let Hiei deliver the twins as long as there’s nothing wrong.”

The demons quickly looked at each other, searching out thoughts and feelings on the subject. Hiei’s eyes were sparkling with happiness, showing that he liked the idea of delivering his own children. Kurama was feeling much the same way and he hadn’t never denied his mate of something that would make him happy. With the decision made, Kurama looked back to the Saiyan woman. “Alright, I’ll agree to the exam, but Hiei must deliver the twins.”

“I promise he can do it, unless something goes wrong.” Bulma briefly glanced at the two boys still lying on the bed, watching what was going on. At least they were side by side now, but they held hands and had dazed looks on their young faces. Toushi‘s left leg laid across his brother‘s hips and rear; it almost looked possessive, like saying ‘Don’t touch, Kaihei was his’. She truly didn’t want to know why they were smiling in that way, like they were sated with cute blushes on their cheeks. She quickly looked back at the two demons. “It would be best if Toushi and Kaihei left the room while the examine is done?”

“No, they’re fine right where they are. They have to stay near us for awhile so we can keep an eye on them.” Hiei chose his words carefully. Though the boys hadn’t had a full blown sex play, they had both reached orgasm. It hadn’t been the plan for Toushi and Kaihei to do that, it just happened. When Hiei and Kurama had realized what was happening, it was to late to stop it, unless they wanted to cause damage to their sons’ bond and that wasn’t a choice. So, they had let it continue, keeping the boys distracted. Toushi and Kaihei finally caught on right at the end when their movements had become faster and it was over before to much attention had been drawn to them or so they thought.

Yukina was alarmed at first, at what she saw happening, a sex play between brothers. On top of that, Kurama and the fire demon wasn’t doing anything to stop it. Then she quickly calmed down, understanding setting in. She now knew what her brother and the fox had planned; strangely enough she was fine with that. The boys weren’t blood brothers and they already shared a very strong bond. She was sure that Toushi and Kaihei would be good mates and a extremely cute couple. Personally she couldn’t hardly wait to see what their children would look like. So, being the good girl that she was, she ignored the small spectacle on the bed, acting like she didn‘t see a thing.

Shiori on the other hand, wasn’t happy at all. She couldn’t believe that her son and his mate let things continue. Neither of the boys were injured or in pain, so the sex play shouldn’t be happening in her opinion. Shiori knew to keep her mouth shut though, unless she wanted to be caught in another heated argument that she would lose. She sent disapproving glares at her son and his mate, which they completely ignored. Even though it was unavoidable, she was still having trouble accepting that Toushi and Kaihei would eventually become mates. But she knew she had to force herself to accept it, unless she wanted to lose her family, the only family she had left now that she was a demon.

There was a small moment of panic for the demons though, when close to the end, Toushi sat his teeth against the left side of Kaihei’s neck, at the base, exactly where the mating mark would go. Kaihei had even tilted his head to the right, allowing access, clearly welcoming the bite. Before the boy could bite down, marking his brother, Hiei had quickly reached out. He lifted Toushi’s head, removing the teeth from Kaihei’s neck, successfully stopping the claiming. The skin hadn’t been pierced, but it was evident that Toushi had been preparing to do so. He had been sucking hard, Kaihei’s previously unblemished neck was not sporting an intense hickey. His first, but certainly not his last.

Kurama and Hiei didn’t say anything about the small slip up. They couldn’t be angry at their sons when they understood the strong urge to lay claim. It was in Toushi’s blood to mark what he considered his and it was in Kaihei’s blood to eagerly accept that mark, then willingly return it. It didn’t matter that Toushi and Kaihei were still young; they knew what they wanted, what their instincts were urging them to do. The boys hadn’t done anything wrong, so they couldn‘t be scolded for that.

Coming back to the task at hand, Kurama finally answered the Saiyan woman. “I’d prefer them to stay as well. They can’t be separated right now and I want them close to me. They also need to be here for this, so they will have an easier time accepting the new babies. Besides, they’ll probably be asleep in a very short time.” He turned over on his back and lifted his knees into the air, parting them some.

“Because you’re delivering anally, we have to get your hips up higher. There needs to be a couple of pillows under you. I also need you to……... Um…….. adjust yourself so there’s nothing hanging in the way.” Bulma had a blush on her cheeks by the time she finished speaking. She hadn’t thought she could be embarrassed anymore, especially after living with Vegeta, but she found out that she could.

“Alright.” Kurama chuckled, finding some amusement in the situation. He braced his feet and lifted his heavy hips. Hiei reached across and grabbed the two pillows that wasn’t being used from his side of the bed. He then lifted up the side of the sheet and stacked them under his mate’s hips. Kurama then lowered himself and found that his body was at an incline. He smirked and glanced to his mate, upon feeling a warm hand on his member. Hiei returned the smirk as he adjusted the fox’s penis to lay up against the pregnant stomach, so that ‘it wasn’t hanging in the way’ . He gave the redhead a little squeeze before he withdrew his hand from under the sheet.

“That’s good.” Bulma lifted the end of the sheet and let it drape across the redhead’s parted, bent knees. She had seen the movement under the sheet and knew that the adjustment had been made like she had requested. One look confirmed what she suspected, Kurama was delivering anally and his body was already stretching for it. She put on some sterile gloves and quickly inserted a long probe.

“What are you doing?!” Kurama sure didn’t like the feel of that cold metal.

“I’m trying to break the placental sac so the contractions will come faster.” Bulma explained as she gently moved the slender rod around. After a few tries she gave up and pulled it out. What she saw on the rob did confirm another suspicion of hers. “I can’t break your water yet, the babies are still to far back in your body. I did find something out though. Your body is producing some sort of liquid, it looks a little like pre cum. It’s probably sterilizing the passage way and to help with lubrication, so the babies will come out easy and healthy.”

“Oh….” Kurama was blushing, a little embarrassed. He didn’t know what else to say.

“This could take awhile.” Bulma announced as she continued her examine. The fox’s anus was opening up, but the hole was still way to small for a baby’s head to pass through.

“How long?” Hiei asked this obvious question.

“Hours.” Bulma answered simply while she lowered the sheet back to the bed, covering up the fox. She took off her gloves and turned to her laptop computer to check all of the recordings. “Everyone might as well get comfortable.”

And that’s what they all did, got comfortable. Though that wasn’t to hard for Toushi and Kaihei. As predicted, they were fast asleep before the examine was even over. Unconsciously, they curled up together, their tails draped over the other. Hours did in deed pass, six hours to be exact. The fox’s contractions were getting stronger and lasting longer, they were also coming closer together. The boys had woken a couple of hours after that had went to sleep. Without saying a word, they crawled off the bed and went to a far corner of the room. They had sat down and started cuddling, talking quietly. Hiei and Kurama had forbidden anyone to bother their sons. It was only natural that the boys wanted to be left alone after an unexpected sex play and a, to close for comfort, interrupted mating. They were probably feeling lost and alone, only together they would be able to get past those feelings. As long as the demons could see Toushi and Kaihei to make sure that nothing else was being done, it was fine with them.

Currently, Kurama was once again laying on his side. The fire demon was rubbing heated hands into his lower back and rear. Bulma was hunched over her laptop. Shiori and Yukina were taking care of the nearly one month old twin boys. At some point, Toushi and Kaihei had even went back to sleep.

“How’s my pretty fox doing?” Hiei asked, whispering into his mate’s ear.

“I’m tired and I’m hurting.” Kurama panted through another contraction. He had been trying to keep up with the number of contractions he was having, but he had lost count an hour ago.

“You’re doing great, fox.”

“You think so?”

“I know so.” Hiei brushed his lips against his mate’s sweaty cheek. When the fox tilted his head, wanting a proper kiss, he was happy to oblige. Someone clearing their throat broke them apart. They looked towards the foot of the bed.

“I’m sorry to disturb you two, but I’ve got to do a check up, to see how far you have progressed.” Bulma sat on the side of the bed, gloves already on her hands.

“If you must.” Kurama slowly turned on to his back and lifted his hips. The fire demon quickly put the two pillows under him and then adjusted the fox’s penis once more.

“I must!” Bulma laughed as she lifted the sheet and looked between the fox’s parted legs. She was happy with what she found. She brought her eyes up to the demons, smiling. “I believe that you’re getting close, Kurama. I’m going to try to break your water again.” She didn’t wait for an answer. She grabbed several towels from the pile and put them right under the stretched hole before she picked up the skinny metal rod and slowly inserted it. After one little probe, amniotic fluid gushed from Kurama’s opening right into the waiting towels. Only a tiny bit escaped and soaked into the bed.

Shiori walked up beside the bed, holding a sleeping Meiyo. She had a big smile on her face. “You’re doing so good my son. Most women would be screaming their heads off by now and cursing out their husband.”

“I’m trying, mother, and there’s no need to scream. It wouldn’t help.” Kurama was at least still logical. “I wouldn’t dare curse Hiei either, he’d curse me right back. But again why do that, it won’t stop the pain and it would make the situation even more tense.”

“Kurama?” Bulma waited until he was looking at her. “The fluid was clear, which is a very good sign. It means the babies haven’t had their first bowel movement while still in you. If they had, we would have needed to take a few precautions. The contractions will speed up now and I venture to guess that you will be having the first baby in about an hour and then the second baby will come a few minutes after that.”

“Then it’s almost over.” Kurama let out a sigh of relief. He honestly didn’t know how much more of the near constant pain he could take.

“You’re in the homestretch.” Bulma agreed, but the wording was a bit teasing. “Kurama, you need to stay on your back this time. Hiei, could you get behind him, a leg on each side of him? I want you to put your hands on your mate’s stomach and rub, using a little pressure in a downwards motion. This will also help to speed things up.”

“Hn.” Wearing only pants, Hiei got behind the fox and pulled him backwards. With his mate resting against him, he started to do what the Saiyan woman suggested. He had long ago took off his boots and shirt. He wanted to be comfortable for as long as this took and he was also having to stop to nurse Meiyo and Makoto, so it was convenient as well. Kurama was still naked under the thin sheet and he would probably remain that way for long time yet. Hiei glanced at his sons that were sitting against the wall in the far corner of the room. The boys were still sleeping, but he could tell that they would be waking soon. They would be awake in time for the birth.

Kurama laid his head back against his mate’s shoulder, relaxing into the gentle arms and hands. He lulled his head to the side, resting his sweaty forehead against the fire demon’s cheek. His voice was low; sounding exhausted and pain filled. “I’m sorry that I’m sweating all over you and so much, koi. I must have an awful smell.”

“Hn, you think that bothers me? You sweat nearly as much after a long night of sex and so do I.” Hiei then proceeded to turn his head and bury his nose in damp red hair before inhaling deeply. “As for your smell, you still smell the same to me; silent deadly plants, wild Makai winds, and a undying inner fire for life. The combination is very arousing, it screams to every being that gets near you how truly fuckable you are. To bad for them I’m the only one that gets near your sexy ass, I‘m the only one that gets the pleasure of fucking you or getting fucked by you. You also have my scent on you, that tells everyone to stay the hell away or deal with a very possessive fire demon. All in all, I love your smell, sweaty or not.”

Kurama was to tired to even scold his mate for being so blunt in front of females, even though he heard all three of them giggling in the back ground. There was a sweet smile on his lips, knowing everything that his mate said was true. He knew he should feel embarrassed, but he wasn’t, he was actually very flattered.

“Now this should be a good lesson.” Shiori couldn’t help herself, she just had to tease as she walked over to the occupied bed. She reached out and placed her hand on her son’s sheet covered pregnant stomach. “This is the result of a long night of sex.”

The ladies all started giggling again, thoroughly amused. Hiei and Kurama at least had the good grace to blush and not comment, knowing that they would be encouraging the vixen to continue. Shiori had become quite outspoken and very teasing in the last few days, ever since she became a demoness.

“Daddy?” A little voice caught everyone’s attention. They looked over to see Toushi standing a few feet away, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He held tightly to his brother’s hand, a lopsided smile on his face. Kaihei was next to him, with the same smile. “Did the babies come yet?”

“No, my sweet boys, but Bulma says the babies will be coming real soon.” Kurama patted the empty side of the bed. “Are you two going to stay and meet your new brothers or sisters as they are born, or, have you two had enough of this and need to get out of this room?”

Kaihei stepped forward, pulling his brother along. “We want to stay.” Both boys crawled onto the bed and settled right beside their fathers. They started to ask more curious questions and the demons provided all the answers, though the answers were appropriate for their young ages. Yukina and Shiori busied themselves with the tiny twins, while Bulma stayed hunched over her laptop, keeping track of all the progress.

Forty five minutes passed in this way, that is until Kurama started panting rather fast and quickly lifted his eyes to the Saiyan woman. “I suddenly feel a lot of pressure.”

“You do!!!” It wasn’t a question. Bulma nearly threw down her laptop as she quickly turned and lifted the sheet, looking between the fox’s already raised and parted legs. “Here we go!! You’re crowning, Kurama. Hiei, get down here now, if you want to deliver this baby!” She quickly got off the bed to make room for him.

Shiori and Yukina was at the side of the bed within seconds, they both helped Kurama to sit up enough for Hiei to slid out from behind him. The ladies then gently laid the fox down on the pillows that had been stuffed behind him.

“Is the babies coming?” Toushi quickly asked as he and Kaihei watched all the frantic movements.

Surprisingly it was Kurama that answered his son. “Yeah, the babies are coming. It will only be a few minutes now until your first new brother is here.”

“They’re getting sisters, fox!!” Hiei asserted his thoughts on the matter as he got up on the bed, on his knees between the fox’s spread legs. He reached forward and gently adjusted his mate’s penis so that it wasn’t in the way.

“Can I watch?” Kaihei asked, sounding so innocent and young, while he pointed to where he wanted to be.

“Me too?” Toushi had a big hopeful grin on his face.

Hiei and Kurama looked at only each other. They didn’t want anyone else’s opinion on the matter, this was solely their decision. This was probably a once in a lifetime learning experience. A silent communication passed between them before Hiei looked back his sons. “Yes, boys, you can watch if you want.” Toushi and Kaihei quickly crawled forward and sat themselves right beside their father so they could clearly see the show. Their eyes grew wide, upon seeing what was already happening.

“Here, Hiei, gloves so your hands won’t get messy.” Bulma stood beside the bed, at his left side, so she could easily see the baby’s progress and give instructions to the feisty fire demon.

Hiei eyed the yellow looking latex, before quickly shaking his head. “I don’t want those, my hands will be fine, I can wash them when we get done.”

“Alright then, if you are sure.” Bulma laid the gloves down and moved a little closer, smiling. “Let’s get this baby born. When I say push, Kurama, you start pushing and don’t let up until I say stop. Yukina, Shiori, you know what to do, I’m sure; help him to sit up a little when he starts pushing.” She brought her eyes over to the fire demon. She could tell that he was nervous, but also thrilled to be doing this. “Hiei, this is fairly easy for you, just follow my instructions when I give them.”

“Okay.” Hiei nodded his head, even as he gently pushed the redhead’s legs farther apart so he would have more room to work.

“When your next contraction starts, Kurama, I want you to start pushing hard.” Bulma instructed, patting his cloth covered knee that was closest to her. The fox only nodded his head in answer, panting, his sweaty red hair plastered to his head and back. The Saiyan woman stared at her open laptop sitting on the floor beside her, watching the readouts carefully. Here voice split through the silence in the room. “Push now!!”

Kurama felt the pain start again and then started pushing with what energy he had left. Shiori and Yukina did what they could, by helping him to sit up some, that way he could bear down harder. The pain and pressure intensified greatly, feeling his muscles and skin being stretched as the first baby‘s head started to pass through them.

“That’s great, Kurama, keep it up!! The first baby is on it’s way out!” Bulma then turned some to the fire demon. “Hiei, you have to be very careful; place your hand on top of the babies head and help guide it out. Use your other hand to gentle stretch the skin around the baby’s head, don’t rush or you’ll rip him open, go very slow.”

“Fox?” Hiei met his mate’s tired green eyes, with a big smile on his face. “My hand is sitting between to black fox ears, in a head full of red hair that has a flare to it, with pretty silver and black streaks.” Even though he was talking with the fox, he was still slowly guiding the small head out. Toushi and Kaihei remained silent, staring at the strange sight, to shocked to say anything.

“Really?” Kurama was smiling too. “I can’t wait to see that baby.”

“Okay, Kurama, take a breather, wait for the next contraction.” Bulma said before turning her attention back to her laptop screen. After about a minute her voice was heard again. “Here comes the next contraction, Kurama, push!!”

Kurama started to push again, his mother and sister in law again helping him to sit up a little. It was slow going and he was in a great deal of pain, but he didn’t give up. One thing was for sure though, if he ever got pregnant again, he wouldn’t have the baby naturally. He wouldn’t ever do this again, it was to much like torture. He actually had a new respect for females and silently applauded them for doing this for thousands of years.

“Just a bit more, then the head will be out!!’ Bulma announced, excitement and awe in her voice. She couldn’t believe a male was actually doing this and that she was present for it. “Stop pushing!! The head is out and Hiei is gently holding it in his hands. I have to clean out it’s nose and mouth before we continue.” She picked up the baby nasal bulb and proceeded to do what she had said. When she was satisfied that the baby would be able to breath when it took it’s first breath, she looked up the fox, a smile still on her face. “A couple of more pushes and your first baby will be out. I know that you’re tired, but you can do this…..Start pushing!!”

“Alright.” Kurama once again started pushing, hoping and praying to any god that it would soon be over. He felt like he was being split wide open.

Bulma quickly looked back to the male beside her. “Now, Hiei, as the baby slowly comes out gently pull upwards.”

Hiei did what he was told, thoroughly amazed at what he was doing, that he was bringing his own child into the world. Suddenly the tiny baby’s first shoulder appeared.

Bulma then started speaking again. “Kurama, you are doing so good, keep it up. Hiei, you as well, now I want you to gently push the baby downwards.”

Hiei once again followed her directions and was rewarded by a the second shoulder easily sliding out.

“One more push, Kurama, is all we need!!” Bulma announced to everyone. They were all smiling, even the boys. It was very exciting.

Kurama took a deep breath and then bared down. Suddenly the pressure released and then a couple of slaps were heard. Hiei grinned as crying filled the room and then he laid the mad, goo covered baby up on the fox’s smaller, but still rounded stomach. He parted the tiny legs before he let his eyes meet his mate’s relieved ones. “You were right, fox, it’s a boy.”

“I had a feeling it was.” Kurama brought his tired hands up to gently hold and touch the new baby.

“Here, daddy, cut the cord.” Bulma grinned, holding out a pair of scissors.

Hiei swiped the sharp looking cutters and cut the woman told him too, between two forceps that had the umbilical cord crimped closed. He didn’t even try to hide the happiness he was feeling, the emotion was to strong to be squashed.

Bulma then cleaned the baby up some before she wrapped him in a fluffy towel and gently placed him into the fox’s waiting arms. Toushi and Kaihei went immediately up to the head of the bed, so they could clearly see the still crying baby.

“Oh, he’s so cute!” Yukina cooed, gently fingering a soft fuzzy ear.

“He looks so much like you, Shuuichi.” Shiori added while she ran a finger across the little chubby cheek.

“You need to get up here and meet your new son, daddy.” Bulma encouraged as she directed the two other women to back up enough to make room for him.

“What about the second baby?” Hiei asked quickly, clearly worried.

“We have a few minutes, the second baby has to slid into position.” Bulma assured him and then she smiled when he put the sheet back down and started to move. Hiei sat down beside his teary eyed, happy mate.

“We got another beautiful boy, koi. Which means the second baby is a boy since they are identical twins. It seems that is all we’ll ever have, but I’m finally okay with that. We’ll have many sons to help us rule our two thirds of the Makai, we‘ll have a very powerful family.”

“Yes, we could use the help and I guess you’re right about that, maybe boys are natural for us since we’re forbidden. He is beautiful, just like you. He’s also going to be a heartbreaker and I’m sure the other baby will be too.”

The new baby boy looked a great deal like Kurama’s human form in his facial features. As the fire demon had already described, he had flared red hair that was full of silver and black streaks. Nestled in the hair was fuzzy black fox ears and coming from the base of his spine was a furry black fox tail. He did have the fire demon’s almond shaped red eyes though.

“You feel the type of energy he’s putting off?” Kurama asked, glancing at his mate.

“Yes.” Hiei answered quickly, frowning a little. This wasn’t good. He really didn‘t know how to train a child with this kind of power, but he figured that he would figure it out. “It feels like he’ll have ice powers and be very strong.”

Before Kurama could reply, a small hand hesitantly reached out and then drew back. Toushi didn’t know if he was aloud to touch yet. “Is he our brother?”

“Yes, kit.” Hiei reached out and took hold of the boy’s hand. He then guided the same hand to the baby’s foot. Hiei then took hold of Kaihei’s hand and guided it to the other tiny foot.

“He’s so wrinkly!” Kaihei noted, a big smile on his face, fingers exploring the still damp skin.

“That’s because, he’s a new born.” Kurama explained this time. “In a couple of days all the wrinkles will be gone.”

“He’s pretty.” Toushi said before he quickly leaned forward and kissed the baby’s cheek.

“I think so too!” Kaihei followed his brother’s excellent, leaving a sweet kiss on the other cheek. Shiori and Yukina smiled at the far to cute sight.

Kurama was about to say something, but a pain filled groan left his mouth instead. The contractions were starting again.

“I hate to break this up, but I believe the second baby is on the way.” Bulma announced, smiling as she quickly glanced at her open laptop. Yep, the fox was ready to deliver the second twin.


Thanks everyone for reading my little stories. Now please leave a small review and let me know what you think. I should have plenty of time to type since I’ll be on the plane for over five hours each way. I’m leaving for Yaoi Con in San Francisco tomorrow afternoon. I’ll try to post the next chapter when I get back about November 3rd. Once again thanks so much for reading and please leave a small review. J