Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ OH BABY! ❯ A Secret Revealed ( Chapter 26 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho at all. I just burrowed them for my stories for which I’m not making any money off of. I do however, claim the minor children that I have created and the story line involved.

WARNING!!!: Adult Shonen Ai, very young Shonen Ai. Also since the babies are born expect to have some nursing in each of the chapters that are left of this story. If it isn’t done, it will be mentioned. ^_~ This chapter also contains a graphic anal birth. That’s right, I said anal birth so be warned and ready for it.

A/N: Thank you to everyone that reviews this story, for all of your support. I don’t know what I would do without you all, your reviews keep me going. Thanks does out to everyone that reads this story too. It’s nice to see the counter stats going up, you guys also keep me going.

If any of you want to see my pictures I took a Yaoi Con in San Francisco, please go to my website. They are all being posted now as well as a video I made of all the still shots to the song, It’s my life. You will be able to download the video if you want to see it.

Anyway, enough of my ramblings, on with the story and the chapter you’ve been waiting for, plus it‘s extra long. J



Chapter 26 of 30

A Secret Revealed


Kurama went to say something, but a pain filled groan left his mouth instead. The contractions were starting again.

“I hate to break this up, but I believe the second baby is on the way.” Bulma announced, smiling as she quickly glanced at her open laptop.

“Well, someone has to take my pretty little boy.” Kurama glanced down, a tender smile on his lips. He wanted to spend time with his new son, but his job was only half over.

“I’m staying at my son’s side.” To prove her point, Shiori sat down on the edge of the bed.

“I’m delivering the second baby.” Hiei responded, quickly making up his mind. He wanted to hold his new son, but he also wanted to deliver the second. Toushi and Kaihei remained quiet as they stared at their new brother, happy smiles on their faces.

“I’ll take the cutie!” Yukina eagerly scooted past the boys and climbed off the bed. She hurried around to the other side and then gently took the tiny baby from Kurama. “I’ll get him cleaned up and into some clothes.”

“Alright, now that everything is settled. Kurama, this should be a piece of cake for you. You’re already stretched because of the fist baby. I need you to start pushing some, to get the second twin to crown. In theory this should only take a few minutes.”

“I understand.” Kurama nodded, he couldn’t wait to see his second baby, though he already knew what gender it was and what it looked like. He wanted to see the identical twins side by side.

Hiei quickly kissed his tired fox, before he moved back down the bed and settled himself between slender pale legs. He made sure the redhead was still in a good position on the pillows, and then he moved his penis out of the way. The fire demon looked up to his older sons and saw the hopeful looks on their faces, so he made a quick decision. “Come on, boys, you can watch again if you want.”

Toushi and Kaihei quickly crawled down the bed and sat down exactly where they had been before. The were in a perfect spot to see everything that happened.

“Now, Kurama, when the contractions start to get intense again and closer together, I’ll get you to start bearing down hard again. I know that you’re tired, but keep in mind that you’re half way there.” Bulma tried her best to encourage the worn out fox. She could easily see the fatigue on his face and in his body.

“I’m so proud of you my son.” Shiori wiped the sweat off of the fox’s brow with a cool wash cloth. “You’ve done what most women can’t.”

“And what’s that?” Kurama asked as he panted through another contraction. He was doing what Bulma had told him to do. He was pushing slightly, helping the baby to crown.

“You’ve given birth to one baby, and are about to give birth to the second, all without any type of painkillers.”

“I have, haven’t I?” Kurama had a little smile touch his lips. It was true, he had done it without painkillers. In truth, he was a little scared to use any meds, he didn’t want anything to effect the babies.

Bulma was standing next to the fire demon, watching the slow progress. She suddenly looked up to the redhead, grinning. “Here we go, the second baby is crowning! Push hard, Kurama!! Shiori, help him to sit up as he pushes!!”

The fox only nodded and started to bear down. He could feel his mother supporting him as much as she could as he tried to sit up. Bulma didn’t have to give more directions, the fire demon was doing great on his own. Hiei remembered everything he had been told to do for the first birth. She watched as the fire demon slowly guided the baby’s head out, making sure the skin stretched around it, instead of ripping.

Though it was already a given, Hiei just had to let it be known. “This one also has a head full of red hair with silver and black streaks; and two pretty black fox ears.”

“And it’s a boy too.” Bulma had to add. “Especially since they’re identical twins.”

“That’s okay.” Shiori giggled as she silently struggled to hold her son up in the proper position. “They’re are being added to a family of pretty males, heartbreakers everyone of them. These two cute babies will fit right in.”

“Stop pushing, Kurama. His head is out, I have to clean out his mouth and nose.”

“Alright.” Kurama answered softly, pain raging through his body.

But he didn’t get a reply, Bulma had already went to work on the baby. Using the blue nasal bulb to make sure the infant’s airways were clear. When she was satisfied, she looked back to the fox. “On the next contraction, start pushing again.” She turned to her laptop, watching the screen, timing the contractions. She saw the next one building, so she quickly brought her attention back to the redhead. “Push!!” Bulma then looked to the fire demon. “You know what to do.”

“Hn!” Hiei only grunted in reply as he gently pushed down, forcing the first shoulder to slip out. He then gently pulled upwards, forcing the second shoulder to appear.

“One more push will do it, Kurama!!” Bulma encouraged, smiling broadly. “You’re almost there!!”

The fox wanted to scream, but only a moan came at as he bared down for the last time. He kept telling himself that it was almost over. He could still feel his mother supporting him. Suddenly, the pressure in his rear was gone and then a couple of gentle slaps were heard again before another tiny cry filled the room.

Hiei was grinning as he laid the second baby up on his mate’s stomach. He opened the baby’s legs, revealing what they all expected. He just had to announce it though. “It’s another boy.”

They looked the baby over and found him to look exactly like his brother, there wasn’t a noticeable difference between them. His energy wave length was different though, but he still had an indication of having ice powers. Bulma clamped two forceps on the umbilical cord and then held out a pair of scissors to the dark headed male that was on the bed beside her. Hiei didn‘t need any further prompting, he snatched the scissors from her and cut between the clamps. Knowing his job was over, he moved up to the head of the bed and sat down beside his mate. Toushi and Kaihei also moved up the bed and sat down on the other side of the redhead. Bulma cleaned off the baby as much as she could at the moment before wrapping him in a fluffy towel. There was a bright smile on her face as she handed the new baby to the redhead.

“He’s as cute as his brother.” Shiori commented, smiling as she stared at her newest grandson. It seemed that everyone was smiling, and they were, none of them could stop.

“That he is.” Yukina finally approached the bed and handed the well dressed, blanket wrapped twin to the fire demon. She had stayed out of the way, until everything was finished, but she had also been taking care of the other three babies. Currently, Meiyo and Makoto were sleeping. The matching twins were being cooed over by the ladies and the two boys. Kurama was near tears, he had wanted girls, but he was happy and thrilled with his new sons. Hiei was feeling much the same way, two more boys for their family was fine with him. The fox was completely exhausted, he and his body had been through quite a lot in the last eight hours. He was thankful that it was over with. All he wanted to do now was sleep, but he knew he had two sons that needed to be taken care of first.

“You want to try to nurse one of them?” Shiori asked softly, she didn’t want to embarrass her son.

“Ummmm……… I don’t know. I have read many books and looked at many more websites. I’ve seen Hiei do it countless times, hell, I’ve even done it………… But I’m still not sure if I’ll do it right.” Kurama had a slight blush across his nose and cheeks.

“Don’t be embarrassed.” Shiori reached over the fire demon and patted her son’s arm. “That happens to all women the first time they try to nurse. Don’t worry though, you have three women waiting to help you and make sure you’re doing it right.”

“I’ll guess I’ll try.” Kurama hesitantly agreed. Not surprising though, he turned to his mate. “Will you help me, koi?”

“You know I will.” Hiei leaned over and gave the redhead a quick kiss as he pushed the sheet down, exposing the slightly swollen chest. One glance at his mate’s nipples, proved to him that the fox’s body was already reacting to the new babies. Kurama’s nipples were slowly leaking colostrum. “Hold our son closer to your chest and then brush his mouth across the nipple closest to him.”

Kurama didn’t answer, but he did start following his mate’s instructions. When his wet nipple touched the baby’s mouth, he opened wide.

“Now, pull him on. Make sure that his chin is resting against your chest so he can breath properly.” Hiei went on to explain. “When he starts to suckle, relax as much as you can or your milk won’t flow good.”

“Okay.” Kurama once again done what he was told. A big smile appeared on his face when the baby boy latched on quickly and started to nurse. “Did I do it right?

Hiei reached out and checked the latch. He smirked as he met the redhead’s eyes again. “I believe you got it.” He then leaned forward and gave the fox a gentle, loving kiss. Now it was Kurama’s turn to get used to the motherly feeling nursing a baby invoked. He quickly realized that he would grow to love this special time with his sons. He gently ran his free hand through the soft multi colored hair and then touched a chubby cheek, while he stared into familiar red eyes. Kurama then glanced to his other son who had grown quiet, and found the fire demon nursing him. He couldn’t get over how much the twins’ faces resembled his ningen form, except they had Hiei‘s red eyes. It was sort of fitting. Both tiny boys nursed contently from their fathers.

Strangely enough, Toushi and Kaihei remained quiet. They were in awe of their new brothers, and how they saw them come into the world. They honestly didn’t know what to say, it was all so overwhelming. But they were extremely happy to have new brothers, if the smiles on their young faces were any indication.

“We need to switch the twins, fox. That way the one I’m nursing will get some of your colostrum.” Hiei gently broke that baby’s suction, preparing to hand him to the redhead.

“Oh, that’s right!!” Kurama broke the suction of the baby boy he held. Shiori helped them to carefully switch the babies. Now, the fox was holding the first born and Hiei had the second born. Kurama got the baby he held to start nursing again. Hiei checked the latch of the baby his mate had before he put the baby he held to his own chest and got him latched on.

“I think the secret needs to be revealed.” Yukina smiled sweetly, watching her two new nephews. “What are their names?”

“Hn, so you were talking about our secret, not yours. Don’t try to deny it either, you are keeping a secret about something.”

“My secret? Well, I shouldn’t have to tell you, it should’ve been obvious to you since you have that Jagan and know your mate’s body so well or so you claim.” Yukina countered, proving that she could be something other then sweet and gentle.

The fox didn’t need this right now. Before an a full blown argument could start, Shiori jumped in to the conversation. “So what are the babies’ names?”

Hiei tore his patented glare away from his sister, and looked to his mother in law. “The first born baby, the one my fox is holding, is named, Idai. The name means greatness.”

Kurama smiled as he continued. “The second born baby, the one my fire demon is holding, is named, Isan. The name means legacy.”

“I like the names, it fits them. Though it does seem that the names are a bit prideful.”

“Yes, I admit they are, but I couldn’t help myself and neither could Hiei.” Kurama laughed a little, smiling. “They are our ultimate greatness and our legacy. All our children are.”

“The names are perfect, like all of the other names for your children that you’ve picked out. At least the both of you can help with the nursing duties now.” Yukina offered, already back to her old self. She was biding her time, she knew her secret will be revealed very soon. Also when she saw Koenma in the hallway earlier, he had winked at her. She knew that he knew the secret as well, but of course he would know. He’s the Jr. god of spirit world and probably the first to know.

“That’s true.” Hiei readily agreed. “We’ll be helping each other out. It’s not your twins and my twins, we look at it as our litter of kits. My fox and I is going to share the huge amount of stress, worry, and work that is ahead of us now. Though when we go back to the Makai, we will be hiring a trustworthy nanny, maybe two.”

Before anyone could reply, Kurama let out another pain filled moan as he reached down with his free hand and held what was left of his stomach. “I’m starting to hurt again!!”

“It’s just the afterbirth, trying to be delivered. I’ll take care of it.” Bulma got up on the bed, on her knees between the fox’s legs. She quickly put on some gloves and smiled up at the redhead. “Push a little bit so the after birth will come out and then you’ll be finished with all of this.”

“Good.” Kurama started to push again, but no where near as hard. He was far to tired.

The afterbirth was quickly delivered, but something strange happened. As soon as it was removed, there was a gush of amniotic fluid. “That’s strange.” Bulma noted aloud as she looked over the afterbirth to make sure no parts were missing.

“What’s strange?” Hiei quickly asked, casting a glance at his sister. He was starting to put two and two together, getting an inkling of the secret his sister was keeping. And if he was correct, he was going to be angry, she had no right keeping that kind of secret from him and his fox.

“There was a gush of fluid, like Kurama’s water just broke.” Bulma answered, she put the afterbirth in a bag that she had ready and tied it up, ready to dispose of it. “Though I’m sure that it’s nothing to be concerned with, the liquid probably got trapped inside when the water broke.”

“Hn.” Was all Hiei answered while he continued to secretly watch his sister. He could tell that she was starting to get anxious with each passing second. Which made his little idea more concrete. If he had guessed correctly, he didn’t know what he would do or how the fox would take the news.

After a good ten minutes, Kurama was panting again as held his stomach with his free hand. “There’s something wrong!! I’m still hurting!!”

“I’m going to check you. I’m going to use the rod shaped transducer to see if I can see anything wrong.” Bulma pulled her sonogram machine closer and picked up the device. “Due to the fact that you’re so stretched out, this may feel a bit weird, Kurama.” She didn’t wait for an answer, she started to slowly slid in the plastic rod. She watched the tiny screen for any abnormalities, but she wasn’t finding anything. One thing was for sure though, the fox’s muscles were still contracting. She slid in the transducer a little more and then a shocked gasp left her mouth. She didn’t know how she missed this. Hiei didn’t comment, but he watched a huge smile spread across his sister’s face. His suspicions were confirmed, he didn’t have to be told of what Bulma had found. He knew what she had found.

“What is it?” Shiori asked, her voice full of worry.

“Ummmm……..I don’t know how to tell you all this. I’ve over looked something that I shouldn’t have……..” Bulma was nearly whispering, she didn’t know how the demons were going to take this news. “You see, …….. Um………… There’s…….. um…….., a third baby.”

“Another baby?!!” Shiori asked very loudly, nearly yelling. Maybe she did yell, it sounded like to everyone else in the room.

“Huh?” Kurama couldn’t even begin to comprehend this information. He was in shock. Toushi and Kaihei was in shock as well, their eyes wide. They were only supposed to be getting two new babies in the family.

Hiei whipped his head around, glaring at his sister. “You knew about this!! The third baby was your secret!! You should have told us!!”

“I wanted it to be a surprise.” Was all that Yukina could offer in her own defense. “And it was. I didn’t want to cause you two anymore stress then you already had. The baby is perfectly healthy, that’s why I kept insisting on giving Kurama my own examine. If something was wrong, I would have told you two. I even know the gender of the baby. Do you want to know?”

“No, don’t tell us!! The third baby’s gender will be a surprise, just like the other two. You should‘ve told us though!! That way Kurama could have had a c-section and wouldn‘t have had to go through this three times. He‘s exhausted from having the first two babies!!” Hiei said, before he turned his attention to his fox. “Are you alright?”

“I guess that I’m fine.” Kurama nodded weakly, his voice low. “I don’t know if I have the energy to have another baby.”

“You’ll do fine, I know you will.” Hiei left a kiss on the fox’s cheek. “You can do this.” He then looked to the Saiyan woman. “How come you didn’t notice the third baby?”

“It was probably hiding behind it’s brothers.” Bulma answered sheepishly. This was an oversight she should have caught. “Surprises like these do happen sometimes. Since there are three babies and Koenma personally told me that Kurama aborted one baby, that means that Kurama was going to have four babies to begin with, a litter of kits. I‘d even wager that Koenma knew Kurama was having triplets, along with Yukina, and like her he wanted it to be a surprise.” She slowly slide out the transducer and wrapped it in a nearby towel. “You should get comfortable, Kurama. It’s going to be at least an hour, this baby is high up in your body and it still has to turn into position. I suggest for you to keep nursing your new twins for as long as they will do it. It will help the contractions to come faster. Also, this third baby was in a different sac so it will probably look different from the other two and from what I can tell, it looks perfectly healthy, like Yukina said, though it‘s smaller then it‘s brothers.”

“Okay, I guess.” Kurama sounded so tired and he was, his body was exhausted and he didn’t have much energy left. He didn’t know if he would be able to deliver the last baby naturally, but he was going to try.


As the hour passed and went on into two, things turned for the worse. Kurama became dehydrated had had been in labor for a little over ten hours. Toushi and Kaihei were shooed from the room, they had seen enough of their father’s suffering and they had learned a lot. They didn’t need to be present for the birth of the third baby. Hiei tried to keep Kurama distracted as much as possible. Shiori and Yukina fussed over the four babies. Bulma kept a real close eye on all the reading her laptop was recording. She was ready to do a c-section if anything went wrong with the baby.

“Please can I have some water? The ice chips aren’t helping me.” Kurama asked, his green eyes pleading.

“I’m sorry, baby, you can’t.” Shiori wiped his face with a cool washcloth. “All you can have is ice chips.”

“Please, I need water! If only a little! Please!” Kurama resorted to begging, to hell with his pride. He really needed the water.

Hiei didn’t like to hear his mate beg for anything. He wasn’t going to have this. “Hn!” He got up, laid the sleeping Meiyo in his bassinette, and then quickly went into the adjourning bathroom. He came back out with a small cup of water.

“He can’t have that!!” Bulma protested quickly.

“He can and he will. I won’t have my fox begging for anything!” Hiei sat down on the bed, facing the redhead. He smiled as he held the cup up to parched lips.

Kurama greedily and happily drank the water down. He wanted more, but he wasn’t going to ask for it, knowing that he probably wouldn’t get it. He was surprised when the fire demon got up and got him another cup full. “Thank you, koi.” Kurama whispered, his voice held an emotion the fire demon was now familiar with. He knew what was about to happen. A few tense seconds later, it did happen.

Kurama burst into uncontrollable ears. “What are we going to do?! Two sets of twins we could possibly manage, but a set of twins and a set of triplets, it will be impossible!! If I hadn’t taken that plant and aborted one of the babies, I’d be having four!!” The fox was getting hysterical, something not seen by any being. His mind wasn’t even registering the words that was coming out of his mouth. “I could take something so this third baby doesn’t live, then we‘ll only have twins again!! I could……”

“Kurama stop!!” Hiei interrupted his mate, lightly shaking him to stop his ranting. “We’re not doing anything to this third baby, it will live!! I said we’ll manage with four babies, now we’ll have to manage with five. This third baby will be born, named, and loved just like all of our other children.”

“Remember what all of us have said, all or your friends and family?” Shiori stepped closer to the bed. “All of us have offered you help in any form, we all will stand by that promise.”

“If need be, I’ll even go to the Makai with you all until you get the hang of it.” Yukina moved up beside the once ningen woman.

Hiei let his arms slip around his upset mate, a small smile appeared on his lips. “We’re going to have five beautiful babies, fox, to go with our far to cute boys. We’re going to be the most powerful and envied family of the Makai.” He noticed and was happy to the smile spreading across the fox’s face, so he continued with one last reassurance. He didn‘t care with how sappy he was about to sound, his mate needed this. “You’ll see everything will be perfectly fine for us, we’ll make it work as long as we have each other’s backs,…….. as long as we have each other and our powerful love to keep us strong. Our pride and large egos will help too, they won‘t let us fail……..…Now, are you going to have all three of the babies we created?”

Kurama’s sparkling eyes didn’t leave his fire demon lover’s as he answered. “I’ll have all three, I’ll have this third baby. After all, it’s our child, our flesh and blood. We created it and now we’ll love it. This baby is an angel like our other children, our angel.”

“That’s my fox that I know and love, my unbeatable Youko mate.” Hiei didn’t care who was in the room and watching them. He leaned forward and caught the red head in a deep kiss. Kurama willing accepted the kiss and returned it, though tiredly. Even when the fire demon licked his lips, asking for entrance to his mouth, he immediately opened up. He needed this encouragement, this show of love and support. They slowly parted, both smiling.

Bulma cleared her throat to get their attention. “I need to check your progress, Kurama.”

The fox sighed, and only nodded in answer. He turned onto his back, a couple of pillows under his hips, and tried to relax. It didn’t matter the number of times the Saiyan woman had looked between his legs in that last ten hours, it was still embarrassing. He felt that Hiei, his mate, was the only being that had the right for that privilege and it was a privilege now, ever since he had been reborn as Shuuichi Minamino.

Bulma quickly performed the examine and then covered the fox back up, smiling. “The baby has turned into position, it should start making it’s decent. It will probably be another hour or two.”

“Let’s see if we can speed that up, fox.” Hiei brushed his lips across his mate’s cheek, before gentle easing him up. He then slid in behind the redhead and eased him backwards so he rested against him. Hiei brought his hands around to the much smaller stomach and started the downward pushing massage Bulma had told him about hours ago.

Kurama completely relaxed his body, letting the painful contractions happen. There was nothing else he could do, but wait. Hiei wanted to help his mate any way he could, so he decided to try something that he usually did when they were asleep. He used their mind link to take his fox to a beautiful Makai valley where there was no pain and their bodies were normal. They proceeded to cuddle, talk, and make love in their dream world, without anything to interrupt them.

The predicted hour slowly passed for everyone in the room and then slipped into another hour. Hiei kept Kurama in the fantasy he had created and no one dared approach them. They could tell that Kurama wasn’t experiencing the pain of his contractions. That left Shiori, Yukina, and Bulma to deal with the almost one month old twins and the newborn twins as best they could and the babies were starting to get hungry.

Bulma cautiously poked the fire demon a couple of times. “Hiei?……Hiei?”

“What?!” Hiei snapped his eyes open and glared at the woman. He was annoyed that the dream world with his mate had been broken. The interruption also brought Kurama back to the present. He started to moan again, holding what was left of his pregnant stomach. He had woken up in the middle of a contraction, pain radiating throughout his entire body. He had been in labor for twelve hours now, and it didn’t seem that there was an end in sight.

“I’m sorry, so sorry.” Bulma apologized immediately, feeling guilty about waking up the tired redhead. “I need to check the progress of the third baby.”

“Did you hear her, fox? Lift your legs and part them for her to check you.” Hiei spoke softly, near his mate’s ear. He moved his hands down and slipped them under the fox’s thigh, to help him if he needed it.

“MMMmmm.” Was the only way Kurama answered as he tiredly lift his legs into position with his lover’s help. He was far to exhausted to even try to be modest or blush as he felt the fire demon move his penis out of the way and then the woman check him out. He just laid in Hiei’s warm arms, taking as much comfort from the simple gesture as he could.

After the examine, Bulma pulled the blanket back down before gently patting the fox’s raised knee. “It shouldn’t be to much longer. The baby is close to crowning, maybe thirty minutes to an hour more, then this will all be behind you.” She looked up to the fire demon. “Hiei, just keep doing what you’re doing. It is helping this along.”

“Hn.” Hiei put his hands back on his mate’s stomach and started with the massage again. He licked the small human ear and then kissed it. “Here we go again, my pretty fox.” He could hear the babies starting to fuss, but he did his best to ignore them He knew they were hungry and he could feel his chest getting full, but Kurama needed his full attention right now and that was the important thing. He had to keep the redhead very calm and relaxed, especially after the breakdown he had a couple of hours ago. Due to the pain and exhaustion, Kurama wasn’t thinking correctly and it worried Hiei. The three women could keep his sons occupied until he could get to them, they wouldn’t starve in the short amount of time. He quickly took the fox back into their dream world and away from the pain. If he had a say in the matter, Kurama would never ever give birth naturally again.

Yukina, Shiori, and Bulma did indeed take care or the four tiny boys. It was also reported to everyone downstairs what was happening and that it wouldn’t be much longer. As suspected, Koenma did know about the third baby. The women tried a lot of different ideas to calm the babies down, but nothing was working. They kept getting louder with the hungrier they got. The women didn’t want the new kits to disturb their parents. They knew Kurama was utterly exhausted and that he had to get the last baby born before he gave into that exhaustion. So, they made a quick decision that they knew would make the demons mad at them, but it couldn’t be helped. Something had to be done to calm the four babies down.

The three ladies had Botan to go to a grocery store through a portal to get several cans of formula and bottles. The new twin boys, Idai and Isan, easily and quickly took to the bottles, sucking hungrily. Makoto and Meiyo were a different story. They fought the advancement of the latex nipple into their mouths, they were to used to nursing from their father. After about fifteen minutes of fighting with the nearly one month old babies, Shiori and Yukina was finally able to get them to take the offered bottles. The women knew the mistake in their auction, giving the nursing babies bottles would most likely cause nipple confusion. Soon, the two sets of twins were sleeping peacefully in their bassinets.

At the one hour mark, Bulma did her best to check the fox, by looking beneath the sheet and between the slightly parted legs. Kurama had been in labor for thirteen hours now. She smiled at what she could easily see. The third baby was completely down in the birth canal and was crowning. She had to wake the demons up quickly and get this over with.

“Hiei, Kurama!!” Bulma called loudly.

Hiei jerked back to reality, bringing the redhead with him. He sat Bulma with one of his patented glares as he tried to comfort his moaning, pain filled mate. Kurama didn’t have any pride or strength left, he laid against his mate whimpering.

Bulma recoiled from the glare as she rushed to explain. She had seen the fire demon truly mad and it was scary, she didn’t want to be the one that he was mad at. “The third baby has come down and is crowning, it’s ready to be born. Kurama only has to start pushing.”

“Did you hear her, fox? It’s time, it’s almost over.” Hiei started ease the redhead upwards so he could slid out from behind him.

Kurama quickly brought his hands down and clamped them on the strong thighs that was on either side of his body. He laid his head back against his mate’s shoulder and looked up at him with pleading eyes. “Please, Koi, stay with me, stay behind me. I need your support to get through this. Please let Bulma deliver this last baby. I’m to tired and I want to stay in your arms…….…Please.”

“Shhh……& rdquo; Hiei kissed his fox to stop his plea. “I doesn’t sound right to hear you beg. Don’t say anything more, if this is where you want me, then this is where I’ll stay.”

“Thank you.” Kurama managed to get out before he started moaning again as another contraction started.

Hiei quickly looked to Bulma and nodded one. “Hurry, do it. Kurama has no energy left. Honestly, I don’t understand how he’s still conscious.”

The Saiyan woman grabbed a pair of latex gloves and yanked them on before she had to physically put the fox’s legs into position and then sat herself on her knees between them. She didn’t say a word and was a little thankful when she the fire demon’s hand move the fox’s rather large penis out of the way. She looked over to her laptop, watching it closely. When the next contraction started, she snapped her eyes back up to the demons. “Push, Kurama!”

The fox bared down hard, not knowing where he was getting the energy from. Truth was, Hiei was pouring energy into his mate as he helped him to sit up some. He was also pushing downwards with his hands, at the top of what was left of the once large pregnant stomach.

“Keep pushing!! The head is almost out!”

Kurama panted, took a deep breath, and then bared down again. Suddenly, he felt it, where he was getting the energy for this. The fire demon was transferring energy to him and he was very thankful for it. He easily entered their mind link. /Thank you, I couldn’t do this without you. I love you, Hiei./

Hiei easily caught the mental message and sent one back. /I wouldn’t want you to do this without me, have babies that aren’t mine. I’d do anything for you. I love you, Kurama./

Bulma brought them back to the task at hand. “Stop pushing, I got to do this quick!!” As she worked to get the baby’s nose and mouth cleaned out, she went on to explain what had her worried. “This baby is smaller then the two identical boys and the umbilical cord is wrapped around it’s neck. Right now, the baby is doing fine, but as it gets delivered the cord will tighten and cut off it’s oxygen. Once you start pushing again, you will not stop pushing until the baby is completely out, Kurama. I need to get the cord from around it’s neck as soon as possible, or the baby might die for lack of oxygen.”

Bulma watched her laptop carefully, waiting for the first sign of the next contraction. What she didn’t tell the demons was that the baby’s heartbeat was erratic, which wasn‘t good. She didn’t want to cause the tired parents anymore worry, then what they were already experiencing with what she did tell them.

She looked up to the demons very quickly. “Start pushing hard, Kurama, and don’t you stop until the baby is out!!”

Kurama started pushing again, with everything he had. He felt his energy spike once more, thanks to the massive amount of energy Hiei was giving him. Kurama was praying to every god he could think of, that this baby would live. Even though he didn’t pray often, Hiei was praying too, this child just had to live.

“Keep it up, Kurama, the first shoulder is out!” Bulma encouraged, working as quickly as possible, with out ripping the fox open. She was getting worried, the baby was starting to turn a dark red as the cord tightened around it’s neck.

“The second shoulder is out!!” Bulma was trying her best to keep concern out of her voice. The baby was now turning blue, it’s lips an even darker blue. It wasn’t getting any oxygen. After a very quick count, she found out the cord was around the tiny neck three and a half times. “One more big push and then the baby will be born!” As soon as it was out, she would have to work quickly to save the very tiny baby.

Kurama only nodded, his head laying against the fire demon’s shoulder. He couldn’t do much else, but he did keep pushing. Hiei held tightly to his fox, hoping that it would be over soon. He couldn’t stand Kurama being in so much pain.

Suddenly, the heavy pressure in the fox’s backside released, but no small cry filled the room. In fact, it was deadly silent. Kurama’s weak voice asked what they all wanted to know. “What’s wrong?”

Bulma didn’t even look up, she only continued working frantically on the blue baby. “It’s not breathing, but I’m not giving up yet and there’s still hope!”

Hiei and Kurama was instantly sick with worry. They tried to see what the Saiyan woman was doing, but she kept the baby hidden between the fox’s sheet covered legs. After several minutes, they heard a couple of hard slaps against wet skin. Then the most beautiful sound they ever heard filled the room, a baby’s mad cry. Though it did sound a little weak, but that was expected since the baby had went several minutes without oxygen. The demons could only hope that the infant didn’t have any brain damage.

Bulma had already cut the umbilical cord while she had been working to get the baby to breath. Now all she had to do was clean it up a little and she did just that, smiling the whole time while the baby cried. She couldn’t wait to see the smiles on the demons’ faces when they saw their third baby. She wrapped it in a fluffy towel before easing herself off the bed. She walked the feet and then placed the screaming baby into the fox’s waiting arms.

“Is he okay?” Kurama asked as he smiled down at the tiny infant.

“You mean….. she, right? And yes, she’s going to be just fine.”

“She? It’s a girl?” The tears that had collected in Kurama’s eyes, threatened to fall.

Hiei didn’t wait for an answer. He quickly reached out and opened the towel. He then parted the little legs to confirm it for himself. He looked up to his mate, smiling. He reached out and wiped away the silent tears that were running from the fox’s happy eyes. “We finally got a girl. We got a daughter, fox.”

Kurama couldn’t verbally answer, but he did nod his head vigorously. They looked back down and counted all ten fingers and all ten toes as they looked the little girl over. She was tiny compared to her brothers that she had shared the womb with, they would have to be very careful with her until she got stronger. It was uncanny, but her facial features mirrored Kurama’s ningen form exactly, she even had a head full of soft, bright red hair. As she slowly calmed down, she opened her eyes,……. all three of them, the two normal eyes and her Jagan eye. Her normal eyes were almond shaped and the color fresh spilt blood, her Jagan eye was a dark intimidating purple. The eyes were the only thing that showed that Hiei was the baby’s father, but they matched his exactly. Her energy was like her brothers’, she was putting off indications of having ice powers, which was sort of appropriate since she was part Koorime. The tiny girl seemed kind of weak at the moment, but the demons figured that in no time she was going to be a handful, very powerful. Probably close to or as powerful as Kaihei, thanks to that natural Jagan eye.

“She’s so beautiful, fox, and I‘m happy that she looks like you. I couldn‘t ask for a more perfect daughter.” Hiei reached out and cradled a tiny fist in his much larger hand. He left a kiss on the fox’s cheek and let a smile touch his lips. “I’m proud of you, Kurama. Thank you for giving me three more pretty children.”

“You’re welcome and thank you as well.” Kurama tried to smile and he pushed just one more time. Bulma was sitting between his legs delivering the afterbirth. When he felt it leave his body, he knew all his pain was over with, that everything was behind him. As he looked at his new daughter and thought of his identical twins, his mother had been right, it was all worth it. Bulma examined the used placental sac for missing pieces. Finding none, she placed it in a bag to de disposed of very soon.

“What’s her name?” Yukina asked, finally approaching the bed. She hadn’t approached earlier, because she didn’t want to interrupt her brother, his mate, and their new daughter that nearly died. It had been a private moment.

“I don’t know, we had names picked out for two girls, but they don’t seem fitting now.” Kurama answered, as he brought his eyes up to the ice maiden’s.

“They’re not fitting.” Hiei quickly agreed, but a smirk appeared on his face. “But we don’t have to think about it to long, she has already been named.”

“She has?” Shiori asked, standing beside Yukina. She had moved closer when the petite woman had.

“Yes, my fox has already named her.” Hiei brought his eyes down to his mate as the fox turned some to look up at him in shock.

“I have? When?” Kurama asked quickly.

“When you were calming down from being hysterical.” Hiei patted the small blanket covered rear. “You called this baby our angel and she is our angel. She’s going to be a stunning rose among many thorns, considering that she’ll have six over protective brothers and two fiercely protective fathers. She’ll truly be an angel among demons. So that’s what her name should be, something that means angel.”

“You’re right of course, and that was quite poetic. I knew you had it in you.” The smile Kurama had was teasing and it served it’s purpose, the fire demon started blushing lightly. Kurama’s smile got a little bigger as he continued. Hiei’s idea was perfect and he had the perfect name. “Then we should name our tiny daughter, Tenshi. It quite literally means angel.”

“Tenshi…… I like that. It’s a pretty name for a pretty little girl.” Shiori was smiling as well. It really was a good name for the tiny redhead. She could already picture the little girl in pink or maybe yellow frilly, lacy dresses and having tea parties with dolls. It didn’t occur to her that a child of the demons’, even a girl, would probably never do that.

“I agree, the name couldn’t be better. The names for the boys are great too.” Bulma was packing her supplies, but she did spare a glance and a smile towards the happy demons. “Congratulations on the triplets. As everyone else has already said, though I feel I must say it too, they are beautiful.”

“Thank you for the compliment.” Kurama dipped his head in respect before looking back to the Saiyan woman. “And thank you for everything you have done for Hiei and I, for our five babies.”

“It is very much appreciated.” Hiei felt like he had to add that to what his mate had said.

“Believe me, it wasn’t a problem. I was thrilled to help you two out.” Bulma graciously accepted their thanks. It really was no big deal for her. It meant she was present for the birth of five babies from two males. She couldn’t ask for a better learning experience.

Without a word and without prompting, Kurama brought Tenshi to his chest and started nursing her. He nursed her for a few minutes to calm her down and get her to go to sleep. After he handed her to the fire demon, Yukina offered to heal him and he willingly accepted it. Though she wasn’t able to heal him completely due to the fact that his ‘injuries‘ were natural. He did get his flat stomach back, as well as his normal narrow hips, but he was still extremely sore between his legs. It felt like he had been having un-lubricated rough sex with Hiei, who was on one of his possessive streaks, none stop for a week.

Kurama doubted that he’d be able to walk, much less stand. It would probably take a few days to get his energy back to normal levels and his body functioning correctly again. On top of the soreness in his butt, he was still very tired and about ready to pass out. After he got comfortable as possible on many pillows, everyone that was waiting downstairs was allowed into see the new babies. It wasn’t surprising that Toushi and Kaihei was the first into the room. They went straight for the big bed to see their parents and new baby sister. A few seconds later, all their friends arrived in the room to ooh and ah over the new babies, which they didn’t fail to do. Nearly an hour later, Kurama had had enough. He wanted to rest and be with his new sons and daughter. He looked at his mate with pleading eyes, as if saying ‘Please get them out of here’.


I hope you all liked this chapter! Kurama and Hiei finally got the little girl they wanted and it was a pleasant surprise to say the least. Three bouncing bundles of joy. Thanks so very much for reading and please leave a small review, letting me know what you think. I’ll try to get the next chapter out in a week or two. J