Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ OH BABY! ❯ Taking Care Of Needs ( Chapter 27 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho at all. I just burrowed them for my stories for which I’m not making any money off of. I do however, claim the minor children that I have created and the story line involved.

WARNING!!!: Language, Adult Shonen Ai and Yaoi Also since the babies are born expect to have some nursing in each of the chapters that are left of this story. If it isn’t done, it will be mentioned. ^_~ This chapter also contains a small lemon since I haven‘t written one in awhile and I felt like I could pull one off. That’s right, I said lemon, there will be male on male sex in this chapter, so be warned and ready for it.

A/N: I’m sorry that this is so late, but I had a rough time writing the lemon into this chapter when originally there wasn’t one. Some of you all may be worried about the lemon, don’t be though. I promise Hiei was very careful with Kurama. The reason I added a lemon was because I had to follow what I have written in my story so far, all the fake demon facts. If I wanted to justify what I had happen between Toushi and Kaihei, then Kurama and Hiei had to have sex in this chapter. All done for the sake of dulling a great deal of pain. I should have broken this chapter up, but I couldn’t do that to you all, so you get another long chapter. Call it a reward for being patient with me.

I want to say thanks to everyone that reviews my story and reads it too. You guys are all the greatest, the best! I don’t know what I would do without you all. Thank you so very much for keeping me going!

On to the next chapter of this story and only three more to go!



Chapter 27 of 30

Taking Care Of Needs


After Kurama got as comfortable as possible on many pillows, everyone that was waiting downstairs was allowed into see the new babies. It wasn’t surprising that Toushi and Kaihei was the first into the room. They went straight for the big bed to see their parents and new baby sister. A few seconds later, all their friends arrived in the room to ooh and ah over the new babies, which they didn’t fail to do. Nearly an hour later, Kurama had had enough. He wanted to rest and be with his new sons and daughter. He looked at his mate with pleading eyes, as if saying ‘Please get them out of here’.

“Alright, that’s it!!” Hiei stood up from the edge of the bed, Makoto sleeping in his arms. He knew he would have his mate‘s support for what he was about to do. “My new babies have been held enough! Put the newborns and Meiyo in their bassinets, then get out of the room. We’re all in need of a rest, especially my fox. Also everyone needs to say their goodbyes, Kurama nor the five babies will be leaving this room for the next three days and no one will be able to enter. I will be the only one coming in and out of here; and that will be rare, only when food or some other item is needed.” He looked towards his older sons. “The rules are applied to you two as well, Toushi and Kaihei.” His eyes landed on the former ningen female. “You too, Shiori. When I mean no one comes in, I mean no one. Now, leave!”

Bulma was the first to start protesting. “Kurama is doing great! He even had enough water to drink to re-hydrate him, but I haven’t cleaned him up yet. Give me a few minutes to do just that.”

“No!” Hiei turned towards the Saiyan woman. “I thank you for your help, but Kurama isn’t pregnant or in labor now, so don’t expect me to let you get back between his legs. I’ll clean up my fox, you’ve seen far to much of him already.”

Resigned to the orders, Bulma didn’t say anything else. She only started to gather up all the items she brought from home. Kuwabara, Koenma, and Yusuke knew that arguing with the stubborn fire demon was useless. They all went to help the Saiyan woman instead. Shizuru, Botan, and Kayko wasn’t going to get into the sticky situation, they quietly left the room without any comments. They understood that the fire demon wanted to be alone with his mate and five babies. The three males had their arms full as they followed Bulma from the room.

Shiori wasn’t going without a fight, this was her son and new grandchildren that she was being forbidden to have contact with for three days. “You can’t take care of five little babies for three days, it’s not possible. It’s to much work, even for two people, but it doesn’t help matters that my son is exhausted. My Shuuichi won’t be able to help you as often as you think, he’ll be recovering from the childbirth. Hiei, he‘ll be needing help too, to be watched over.”

“You may think your Shuuichi is that weak, but he’s not. My Kurama may be worn out, but he’ll do fine helping me with our litter of kits. And if he needs help with anything, I’ll help him. I know that all of you have offered assistance, but my fox and I need to get used to taking care of our babies. Just in case there comes a time when no one is available to help out.”

“But brother….” Yukina started on her objection to the rules.

Hiei neatly cut her off. “Not even you, Yukina, will sway my decision on this matter. Kurama and I need to prove to ourselves that we can do this, that we can take care of our twin one month olds and our triplet newborns. Go home and spend time with your mate and children, you’ve been here worrying about us for far to long. Now no more arguing, out and don’t come back for three days or I will get angry.”

Shiori didn’t say anything else and she wasn’t the least bit happy, but she did give her son a quick hug before she hurriedly left the bedroom, a few silent tears running down her cheeks. She hoped and prayed that everything would work out the way the fire demon wanted, that her son and grandchildren would be okay, taken care of properly. Yukina only half smiled as she turned and started for the door. A hand on her arm made her turn back around and she came face to face with her brother.

Hiei briefly searched for any nearby energy signatures, he didn’t want others to hear what he had to say. Satisfied that all was out of earshot, a smirk settled on his lips as he met his sister’s eyes. “Earlier, on the bed, I know that you realized that Toushi and Kaihei were having a sex play and tried to ignore it. That was their second sex play by the way, their first time was in the Makai when Toushi had the arrow through his shoulder. You do realize what my fox and I are allowing to happen between our boys?”

“Yes, I figured it out when I saw the sex play and how they acted afterwards. Kurama and you are grooming the boys to be mates.” Yukina let a sweet smile appear on her face. “And I believe that they will make a great couple. No better mate could be picked for Kaihei in all three worlds, Toushi would be perfect for him. They may act as brothers, but they aren’t blood, so it’s fine and not against any laws of the three worlds. I personally can‘t hardly wait to see the children they will produce.”

“Hn, you’ll only have to wait a few years. If today is any indication, the boys will probably mate the first time they actually have sex. Which Kurama and I will try to put off until they are at least fourteen years old. After that, Kurama won’t give them any Risoia plant until Kaihei is eighteen. I imagine though, Kaihei will be ‘giving birth’ three months after his eighteenth birthday.”

“I could see that happening.” Yukina readily agreed, her smile getting bigger.

“Please keep this knowledge a secret though.” Hiei asked, gently bouncing the baby in his arms. “I don’t want anyone finding out about Toushi and Kaihei, until after they are already mated, that way no one can interfere. My mate and I are already having problems with Shiori on this subject. She was present for the boys’ first sex play and didn’t approve at all. Though she acts better now, I believe that she is still against the match, but she won’t say anything else to us, not with what we threatened her with. I need a favor from you, if it‘s okay. Shiori won‘t watch the boys the way they need to be watched after a sex play. Can they go home with you and you keep an eye on them for the three days I have specified? You‘re a demoness, you know what is appropriate and not appropriate for betrothed children. There are three things we let them do though. Toushi and Kaihei can sleep in the same bed. They can lick each others necks as a goodnight and they can take baths together as long as you‘re there to supervise. If Shiori says anything about you taking the boys with you, tell her that Kurama and I have already agreed to it.”

“You have my word, I’ll keep it a secret. I‘ll also watch the boys for you two for the next three days. You can count on me.” Yukina hugged her brother, being mindful of the baby between them. She smiled and waved at the redhead on the bed. Kurama only returned the gesture, opting to remain quiet. The fire demon was doing a fine job of clearing out the room and making sure that everything was taken care of. Yukina quickly left the room, without looking back.

Hiei closed and locked the door, making sure that no one would get into their bedroom. He walked over to the only empty bassinet and laid Makoto in it. Making sure the baby was well covered with the tiny blanket, he turned towards his mate, smiling. “Now, let’s get you cleaned up, fox.”

“MMmmm, that sounds good.” Kurama remained relaxed as his mate came over to stand beside the bed. “I would love a bath or shower, but I can’t have either. I wouldn’t be able to stand long enough, even with your help, for a shower and sitting in a tub is out of the question; I imagine my entrance is still stretched somewhat, despite Yukina’s healing, and I’m far to sore to be putting any kind of pressure on my ass.”

“A nice long sponge bath then, it’s our only option. We won’t be able to wash your hair, but that can wait until tomorrow when you’re stronger and able to stand long enough in the shower, with my help of course.” Hiei leaned over and gave the redhead a sweet kiss. “I think I’m going to enjoy this and you probably will too.”

“With you giving me a bath, I know I will.” Kurama tilted his head further back, a silent request.

Hiei didn’t respond, but he did take the invitation. He leaned in again, and gave his mate another kiss, this one longer and a bit passionate. Upon parting their lips, Hiei turned and walked over to the dresser, calling over his shoulder. “Give me a few minutes though, I’m going to take a quick shower and then come take care of you.” He retrieved a another pair of his trademark black pants and headed for the bathroom. He hadn’t gotten a reply to his plans, but he wasn’t expecting one either. His mate knew that he would take care of him.

After several minutes of getting things together and taking a hurried shower, Hiei came back out, carrying a basin full of steaming water; a soft washcloth floating in it. He sat his burden on the nightstand before taking a seat on the edge of the bed, facing the pretty redhead. He reached across to the smaller pile of clean items compiled for the birthing and pulled out three fluffy towels. The rest he pushed off the side of the bed, to land on the plush carpeted floor.

Laying the towels across his lap, Hiei smirked as he threw the sheet aside, revealing his mate’s naked body. “Now, let’s get down to business. You ready?”

Kurama only smiled, nodding his head. He was ready for some special treatment from his fire demon. He figured that he deserved it, especially after what he had put his body through that day. Hiei grabbed the towel from the hot water, wrung it out, and started on his task. He worked slowly and softly, meticulously cleaning every inch of the front of the redhead’s body. Kurama was totally relaxed, his eyes closed; enjoying his mate’s gentle hands. He heard the washcloth being rinsed out and then the hands returned, being even more gentle with the task they were now performing. Kurama took a deep breath and slowly released it, a tiny moan coming from his parted lips as his body arched a little.

Hiei nearly moaned too as he watched his mate and continued with his task. He was gently running the soft cloth over his mate’s inner thighs, velvety sac, and semi hard member. He noted with pleasure that the redhead was slowly getting harder as was his own member. He supposed that they had quelled their urges for too long, for their bodies to be reacting in such a way to the simple repetitive task. He finally pulled the cloth away and dropped it in the basin. He left his hand in the water for a few moments until it was steaming again.

Hiei wrung out the washcloth once more and turned his attention back on his mate. He reached out and brushed still sweat damp red hair off pale cheeks. “Do you think you can turn onto your stomach, fox, that way I can wash your back half too?”

“I think I can summon up enough energy for that.” Kurama started to slowly turn onto his stomach, wincing as every little movement sent pain raging through his rear. Never again, he would never again give birth naturally, well as naturally as he could.

Hiei placed a tender hand on the fox’s lower, massaging a little. “Raise your hips some, so I can put a pillow or two under you. That way you won’t have to hold your body in that position while I finish cleaning you up.”

Kurama didn’t answer this time, but he did manage to do what had been asked of him. He felt two pillows being shoved under him and then a gentle pat on his back. He lowered his body again, but the pillows kept his rear in the air, for easy access. The fox laid his head on a pillow, relaxing once again as he looked at his mate over his shoulder. “Is this good?”

“Hn, it’s perfect.” Hiei heated the washcloth in his hand before he started on his task once again. He went from the slender neck, over pale shoulders, and then down the unblemished back. He stopped at his mate’s rear though. Instead, he went down to the soft feet and started to work upwards. Again he stopped when he reached his mate’s rear. He rinsed the washcloth out, a tiny smirk on his lips. “Spread your legs some, if you can.”

“I’ll try.” Kurama didn’t know how he did it, but he was able to spread his legs a few inches, just enough for his mate to work.

“That’s fine.” Hiei sat to work for the last time, cleaning up the only dirty place left on the redhead’s body. He worked even more slowly and used more tender care as he ran the soft cloth over the twin globes and between them, carefully cleaning around his mate’s battered entrance. He noticed that the redhead’s hands were clenched tightly in the pillow under his head. Hiei was concerned, stopping the washing. “Is it getting to be to much, you want me to stop and give you a few minutes?”

“No, finish it!” Kurama still had his stubborn streak. “It’s almost over, I can take it.”

“Alright, since you insist.” Hiei went back to work, being as careful as ever, but he did try to hurry. A couple of minutes passed before he felt that his mate was finally clean. He dropped the washcloth in the basin and then thoroughly looked the naked body over, at least what he could see of it. He did note that the fox‘s semi hard member was now a full erection, oozing pre-cum onto the pillow it was resting on. He hadn’t really done anything to cause the redhead to get an erection, but he figured that it was due to the fact that it was him giving the bath and the soft washcloth. Though that didn’t explain why he had an erection and oozing too. They were to far gone, something would have to be done about their problems.

Kurama’s voice brought him out of his thoughts. “Do I look bad now? Am I stretched way out of proportion?”

Hiei leaned down and kissed the base of the fox’s spine, causing a shiver of pleasure, before he answered. “No, you don’t look bad. You are a little stretched out, but I’m sure you’ll be as tight as ever in a couple of days, thanks to your demon healing abilities.”

“Then my ass is still desirable to you?”

“Hn, such a question you shouldn’t have to ask. Yes, I still desire you, even right now. To me, you‘re still the sexiest being in all three worlds.” Hiei tenderly ran his hands over the twin globes, smirking. He watched the fox’s erection give a twitch because of his words and his hands. He stifled a moan when his own gave a twitch too. With that his mind was made up. “Turn back over, fox.”

“Thank you, koi.” Kurama raised his hips so the pillows could be removed and then he slowly turned over, until he settled on his back again. He gave a sigh of relief, he would be able to get some much needed sleep now. “I feel so much better and I really enjoyed that bath.”

“So I’ve noticed.” Hiei couldn’t help himself, he had to tease a little.

Kurama snapped his eyes downward when he felt a single finger ghost over the thick vein in the underside of his erection. He had sort of hoped the fire demon hadn‘t noticed or ignored it all together. But despite the pain still in his body, he felt a rush of pleasure shoot through him from the simple touch. He honestly didn‘t know how he should react. “Um………Yeah, sorry. It’s because of the wash cloth and your gentle hands.” He reached for the sheet and tried to cover himself, but the fire demon had other ideas.

Hiei quickly threw the sheet out of reach, before he let his fingers trail over the bare hips and muscled thighs. He looked up to his mate, a needy fire burning in his red eyes. “Don’t you dare hide your erection from me, not when I’m the cause of it and I have one too……. Let’s do something to take care of our not so little problems together. It‘s been so long since we have mated properly, our stomachs or our mood swings were in the way.”

“Hiei, there is no way I can have sex right now! I’m in enough pain as it is. You sticking your big dick in my hole that has been stretched enough to push a small cantaloupe through will only add to the pain problem.”

“Hn, very colorful explanation, fox……….. But who said that you had to bottom?” Hiei casually asked as he maneuvered over the top of the redhead. He remained on his hands and knees, making sure none of his weight was on the body below him. He moved upwards until he was able to stare down into tired green eyes, their lips only inches apart. “I think I will enjoy feeling my fox in me once again. I’ll be very careful with you and you won’t have to do anything, I’ll do all the work and I’ll keep as much of my weight off of you as I can.”

Kurama reached up and trailed his fingers over the fire demon‘s cheek, up into black spiky hair. “Hiei, I don’t know…….. I do want to mate with you, but I’m still hurting.”

“Let me dull your pain with lots of pleasure then, especially since you gave birth to three of my children. You know demons will resort to this very thing when there is a lot of pain, pleasure takes the edge off of it. It’s practically the same thing we had Kaihei do for Toushi when he had the arrow through his shoulder. Though we would be doing it properly, where they didn’t actually have sex. Besides, you deserve an award and I want to give it to you, but I will be enjoying this award too. Please let me?”

“You’re one smooth talker when you want to be. Fine, I’m a willing participant, do with me what you want.” Kurama had a soft smile on his face as he slowly pulled on the fire demon, closing the distance between them. When their lips met, a raging fire ignited in them both. They had put off their urges for to long.

Kurama still wasn’t quite sure about making love, but he wasn’t going to deny his mate this time. He had done that once before and it didn’t turn out well, that day had been hell, he would never do that again. Also his emotions were getting the better of him as was the slightly painful erection between his legs. He did want this, he did need this, his mate knew him well. Though very tired and despite what the fire demon had said, Kurama started to contribute to their encounter. He couldn’t let his mate do all the work or have all the fun. His hands slid down to the strong chest above his, where he started to rub his thumbs back and forth over pebbled nipples.

Hiei moaned into the kiss and arched a little, his milk had let down due to the extended teasing. He felt his foxy mate smile into the kiss as his thumbs became damp. He was glad that neither of them was disgusted by this addition to their bodies. If they were, it would put a damper on their sex lives because he would leak every time his chest was played with during foreplay. And now that Kurama was lactating too, he would be the same way. Another moan escaped him, when the gentle hands moved on down his body and started on the fastenings of his pants.

Hiei finally broke off their very long kiss, having been breathing through their noses when they needed. Their lips were swollen and they were breathing hard, but they were both smiling, their eyes sparkling with lust. Kurama finished with the black plants, but instead of trying to get them off, he put his hands at his mate’s waist and pulled upward. Hiei was startled by the sudden movement, so he went easily. A husky groan left his parted lips upon feeling a warm mouth slip around his right nipple. He pushed his chest downwards, thoroughly enjoying the scrape of teeth, the soothing tongue, and the heated suckling.

Hiei was thrilled that the redhead had found enough energy to take part in their love making. A little whimper left him when the mouth released the reddened nipple. Though he had to force air into his lungs when the delicious mouth closed over his left nipple and proceeded to give it the same treatment. He was shaking with pleasure by the time he was allowed to move backwards again. Damn his sensitive chest! He was now painfully hard and wouldn’t be able to play for as long as he had planned to. He noticed that his mate was looking down between their bodies so he looked down too, a smirk quickly formed on his lips.

The redhead’s erection was very hard, laying and slightly twitching against his now flat stomach, slowly oozing pre-cum. Hiei’s own erection was hanging slightly out of his open pants and was slowly dripping pre-cum, that landed on the expanse of smooth stomach skin, mingling with his mate’s. It was a way to arousing sight, their foreplay would have be shortened further. Kurama must have had the same idea, he started to yank at the last obstacle between them, black pants.

Hiei briefly wondered if it was fair that he seemed to have gotten more pleasure out of this encounter then Kurama had. Though he knew for a fact that you could get a great deal of pleasure by pleasuring your mate, and Kurama’s mind didn’t appear to be focused on the pain that still had to be in his body. Quickly deciding that he had to return some of the feelings, Hiei swooped down and claimed his mate in a deep, heated kiss as he carefully maneuvered to help get his pants off.

Kurama purred in satisfaction when the pants finally came free and he was able to drop them over the side of the bed. With that same hand, he blindly reached for the nightstand while he arched upwards, moaning. The fire demon had heated one of his hands and was currently tormenting his left nipple; lightly pinching and tugging. He had to rip his lips away from the ones that seemed to be attached to his, gasping and sucking in air. The very warm hand had traveled across his chest and was now paying homage to his right nipple. The fire demon’s now free mouth quickly went to work on his left nipple.

Kurama was sure that he was already in heaven or he was dieing. His mate had done similar things to his chest before, but it had never felt so good. Now he knew why Hiei would practically cum from his chest being teased and played with while in lactation, saying his chest was to sensitive. Kurama groaned loudly, his chest just wasn’t sensitive, it was oversensitive. He was having to fight hard to forestall his quickly rising climax.

Hiei easily recognized the noise, having made it himself before. He raised his head, smirking, watching the redhead trying to regain control of himself. He licked his lips in satisfaction at the sight, getting the last traces of milk off of them. Payback is a bitch. His mate had teased him far to often in the past. Kurama finally focused his eyes and attention back on his goal. He pulled open the drawer in the nightstand and reached into the front corner. He quickly brought out his hand, revealing the small bottle of pink rose scented oil.

Hiei quickly took the item, smiling wickedly. “I’ll do it.” He uncorked the bottle and spread the oil over his fingers, while hovering on his knees over his mate’s abdomen. He sat the bottle on the corner of the nightstand before bracing his hand beside the fox’s head. He offered up a teasing wink as he brought his wet hand around behind him.

A husky moan left his lips as Hiei started preparing himself, his eyes glued to the green ones below him. His moans grew deeper as he added a second finger and he felt a hand sliding roughly over his erection. Kurama was trying to distract him from the slight discomfort that always accompanied the preparation, no matter how often anal sex was had. Though he might as well be considered a virgin, it had been over three months since he had bottomed, which meant that his body wasn’t used to the intrusion anymore.

Hiei rested his head against the fox’s shoulder as he added the third finger, scissoring them for further stretching. Kurama’s hand was still moving over the erection, but his other hand had come up and was gently massaging the small of his mate’s back. He remained quiet, opting to repeatedly kiss Hiei’s temple and cheek, a show of comfort. There was nothing that could be said or done to help Hiei adjust any faster. Kurama knew his own body would be reacting in the same way. They would both have to readjust to anal intercourse. The preparation was a very slow process due to their forced celibacy. Hiei was taking his time so he wouldn’t rip open when he was entered.

After several more minutes, Hiei finally deemed himself ready for sex. He hissed in discomfort, but mostly need as he removed his fingers. He saw the concern in his mate’s green eyes when he lifted his head, so he leaned in quickly and gave him a reassuring kiss. Hiei smiled as he reached for the small glass bottle again. “Don’t worry, I’m fine. I just need you badly.”

“Then I guess you better hurry up.” Kurama took the bottle of pink oil and poured a fair amount into his mate’s open hand. He corked the bottle and put it back on the nightstand, before meeting the fire demon’s eyes. He smiled and nodded, giving him the go ahead to continue.

Hiei quickly reached down between their bodies and coated the fox’s erection in the slippery oil. Once he was satisfied, he positioned himself and then slowly started to descend. He moaned in satisfaction, arching his back as he was thoroughly stretched and filled. Kurama moaned in return, his erection gradually being enveloped in a tight heat. There was only one thought that passed through both of their minds at that moment, they had greatly missed their mating times. Hiei lowered himself until his rear rested against creamy thighs, making sure to keep most of his weight on his knees and hands.

Kurama patiently waited while his mate adjusted to the intrusion, his hands resting on narrow hips. It was a couple of minutes until Hiei gave an experimental rolling of his hips. Feeling only pleasure, he started to rise and lower himself on the large, hard erection in him. Pants and moans left both of their mouths, thoroughly immersed in the pleasure they were feeling. Though Hiei managed to retain enough sense to continue being extremely careful with his lover. His movements were unhurried, prolonging their love making, but they were both needing their release, their erections had become painful.

“This….. Isn’t….. Right.” Kurama’s speech was broken by throaty groans and gasps for breath. “You….. Shouldn’t……. Have…. To…… do…… All…… The…… Work…. And……. I’m…….. Getting……. All…… The….. Pleasure.”

“Hn,…… I….. Am…… Doing…… All… The…….Work….” Hiei was having the same problem as his mate, his words were interrupted by moans and pants. “But…… You ……. Are…. Wrong……About ……. You…… Getting…… All…… The…….. Pleasure…….. I’m……. receiving…….. Plenty…… Of…… Pleasure…”

To prove his point, Hiei dropped down to rest his forearms on the bed, the fox’s head between them. He continued his movements, though now he was rocking back and forth, instead of rising up and down. This new position did have many advantages. He was now able to kiss the redhead and nuzzle at the pale neck. Their chests, especially their sensitive nipples, brushed against each other with every thrust, driving their shared pleasure higher.

Hiei’s voice broke through the fog in the redhead’s mind. “You know……. It’s funny……. Whenever I….. bottom, you….. Always end…… up on your……. Back with me…… straddling you….”

A little chuckle left Kurama before he stole a quick kiss. “Not always,….. Sometimes I’m….. above your…. Sexy body……I just…. Like to…. Watch you…….. ride me…... Like to…… watch you…… pleasure yourself….. On me.”

Hiei didn’t answer, but he quickly claimed the fox’s lips in a heated kiss. He liked this position too, for those very reasons, but it also gave him some control over the situation. He had to tear his mouth away to let out something between a gasp and a moan. The redhead had grabbed and started stroking his erection, urging him towards his end. The redhead’s other hand landed on his butt and gripped tightly, urging him to move faster. Though in all honesty, he was already close.

Hiei fisted his hands in the soft pillow and the red hair that was scattered out on it as he speeded up his rocking. Deciding to do something that he hadn’t done in a few months, he dropped his head and started kissing his mate’s neck. The next moment all of the great sensations seemed to burst open. He climaxed over his mate’s hand and stomach. Trembling uncontrollably even as he sunk his fangs into the soft skin on the slender neck, remarking his mate in the exact same spot as the old healed mark.

Hiei continued to rock, urging his mate to join him in bliss. Kurama was only a couple of seconds behind his little lover. The rippling muscles around his erection and the bit of pain from the teeth in his neck brought the fox to his climax, his whole body shuddering. Not wanting to be out done, he turned his head just enough to sink the demon fangs he had called forth into the fire demon’s neck, into the old mating mark. Not bothering to move at all, not even their teeth, they just held each other as they slowly floated down from their peaks.

When he felt his mate finally release his neck, Hiei did the same. He lifted his head, a lazy smile on his lips. “Gods, I’ve missed feeling that, feeling you in me.”

“Me too, to both of those.” Kurama’s smile mirrored his mate’s. “Let’s not go so long between our mating encounters ever again.”

“Agreed.” Hiei rose up on his hands and knees, letting the soft penis slip from his body as he sweetly kissed the redhead. Being careful, he moved off of his mate and stood up beside the bed. He grabbed the forgotten wash cloth and quickly, but gently cleaned up Kurama’s stomach and penis. Hiei let a smirk touch his lips as he meet green eyes. He slowly reached down between his own legs and cleaned himself up. Quickly rinsing out the washcloth, Hiei then, almost lovingly, washed the redhead’s hand that was covered in his white sticky cum.

Deeming his mate finally clean, happy, and sated, Hiei dropped the washcloth back into the basin for the last time. He briefly glanced at the bed’s silky black sheets, before he met his mate’s green eyes, a smirk on his lips. “After everything these sheets have been through, I think we need some clean ones. Since you’re not able to sit in a chair, do you think you can stand for a few minutes if you hang on to something?”

“I believe so, if you are willing to help me up.” Kurama held his hands out before a chuckle left him. “Though I think theses sheets need to be taken outside and burned.”

“No way!” Hiei took hold of his mate’s hands and started easing him up very slowly. “These are my favorite sheets. They make you stand out beautifully when you are laying on them, especially when you’re under me.”

“Is that so?” Kurama kept talking to keep himself distracted from the pain as he was inched towards the edge of the bed.

“Hn!” Hiei noticed the wincing every time he helped the fox move forward on his very tender rear, but he did his best to ignore it. There was nothing else that could be done to help with the pain, his mate would just have to deal with it. He finally managed to get the fox to his feet, but the expected happened. Kurama’s knees buckled and he fell forward, right into the fire demon’s waiting arms. It took him a few moments to be sturdy enough to stand up straight. The same idea seemed to pass through their heads as they both started to move the couple of feet to the end of the bed.

Kurama didn’t need prompting. He released his mate, knowing that the strong arms around his waist would keep him on his feet for the few seconds that he needed. He wrapped his arms around the tall wooden bed post and then leaned against it for further support. He didn’t verbally speak, but he did nod his head, signaling that he was ready to be let go.

Hiei released the redhead and turned to the bed. He quickly removed all the sheets and other bedding materials, piling it on the floor to be cleaned later. Hiei flitted into the closet and then nearly right back out, his arms full of red silk sheets and pillowcases, as well as a bed pad. It only took him a few moments to make the bed, since he was moving a top speed. He didn’t want the sore, tired fox to stand any longer then need be. He turned to his mate, smiling.

“The bed is ready, let’s get you laid back down.” Hiei put his arms back around the redhead’s waist, happy that he could do this again, now that there wasn’t a large swell between them.

Kurama let go of the wood post, quickly putting his arms around the fire demon’s neck and shoulders, leaning a little against the smaller body. He wistfully glanced over to the four white bassinets. “I want to see our babies first before I get back in that bed and I probably should go to the bathroom.”

“Babies only, we can take care of your problem once you’re back in bed.” Hiei’s tone left no room for argument as he started to help the redhead to slowly walk a few feet away from the bed. When they came to a stop, Kurama was panting, pain clearly on his face, but he was smiling as he looked in on his five sleeping babies. Hiei noticed, but didn’t say anything. He only looked down at his babies too, smiling as well. Even he had to admit the sight was adorable, innocent, and very rewarding for all of their hard work.

Meiyo was sprawled out on his back, sucking on a tiny fist. He was dressed in a lavender one piece sleeper, under a dark blue blanket. In the next bassinet, Makoto was curled up in a ball, laying on his side. Cute, very tiny snores left his slightly open mouth and a little drool as well. He was dressed in a bright orange sleeper, under a light blue blanket. He looked like a sunny day, while his brother looked like the dark of night. That was sort of fitting though, the month old twin boys were complete opposites, but that was a good thing

Next came Idai and Isan, who was snuggled together in the same bassinet, facing each other, purring contently. Both had on bright green sleepers and was laying under a single yellow blanket. If they had to be described, a sunflower came to mind instantly. The tiny newborn boys’ combined, slightly strange features they got from their parentage, only added to the allure of the picture they created. Their three toned hair remained standing on end as did their black ears.

Finally the demons’ eyes landed on the contents of the last bassinet. Tenshi was asleep on her stomach, her tiny legs drawn up under her, sucking noisily on a tight fist. This made her rear stick up into the air way to cutely. She was dressed in a princess pink sleeper, under an equally pink blanket covered in tiny hot pink hearts. This was all the redhead’s doing, he had insisted upon it despite his mate’s protests and calls for all black. If she was described, a fluffy mound of cotton candy was the only thing that came up. A tiny warded headband was wrapped around her head to keep the Jagan closed, not strong enough to cause any harm though, Hiei had made sure of that. This was a must until she learned to control the evil eye in the middle of her forehead in a few years.

All five kits were just stunning to their parents’ eyes. Though technically, the newborn triplets should be called fire demons since Hiei was theoretically the father and Kurama the ‘mother’ this time round. They decided though just to call all their children kits, it would be easier that way and more fun, since now they had a litter.

Kurama finally broke the comfortable silence. “They’re all so beautiful, koi. Like mother said nearly right before you chased her from the room, we do make beautiful children. Our blood mixes well.”

“Hn.” Hiei did wholeheartedly agree in his own way.

“And now, we finally have a pretty little girl. She’s going to be so spoiled and doted over. Her six brothers are going to be so overprotective. Though I imagine that she will be quite tough because of them.”

“Yes, I can see all of that happening. I’ll be the most protective of all, I won’t let her out of my sight and I know you won’t either. If I have my way, she will never take a mate, no one will be worthy enough for her.”

Kurama laughed at this, it was ironic. “Oh really? I’m positive that with her looks she will have many males and females flocking around her. I did, remember my high school days. She will take a mate one day and I’ll make sure that she knows a treasure when she sees it. I found my priceless treasure, a mate, and it was the infamous fire demon, Hiei.’

“I suppose.” Hiei smirked, the fox had certainly caught him. If Tenshi was anything else like her redheaded father, she would get what she wanted too. “Fine, I’ll let her take a mate, but the male or female must be a demon and must face us properly.”

“Naturally.” Kurama had a smirk on his lips too. He would have it no other way. Tenshi was his first daughter and probably his only daughter. With seven children now, they most likely would never have anymore. He would make sure she was treated right, just like the Makai princess she was. It would seem like a lot of kids to any normal person, and it was in truth. It might appear that the demons spent all of their time in bed, but that wasn’t the case, they had gotten so many offspring from only three pregnancies. But even then seven kids wasn’t all that much to demons who could produce hundreds in their lifetimes.

“Now that you’ve seen our babies and made sure that they’re fine, let’s get you back in bed.” Hiei gave his mate a little squeeze.

Kurama didn’t protest, he only smiled as they turned and slowly started to make their way towards their destination. He carefully got back into bed with his mate’s help, wincing every time his butt came into contact with the mattress. He finally found a comfortable position though, no pressure on anything sore. He was laying on his side in the middle of the bed, plenty of room for his mate beside him.

“Let me get you something to use.” Hiei picked up the basin of dirty water and quickly carried it into the bathroom. He came back out with the same basin, now empty though. He sat it on the bed in front of his mate’s hips and then waited patiently. Kurama wasn’t embarrassed at all as he reached down and started to urinate into the basin. After everything he and his mate had done to each other and experimented with, this was nothing. They were completely comfortable with all of their own and the other’s bodily functions.

When Kurama finished, he gave himself a couple of shakes and then released his penis. He met his mate’s eyes, smiling. “I’m done. Thank you for your help, koi.”

“Hn, your welcome.” Hiei picked the basin of yellow liquid and quickly carried into the bathroom. A few seconds later, the sound of a stream of liquid falling into the toilet was heard, followed by a bigger quick splash of more liquid and the flushing of the toilet. After that, came the sound of water running in the sink as hands were washed. Hiei came back into the bedroom and stopped at the four bassinets. He made sure the litter of kits were covered properly before he continued on to the bed. Carefully, he slipped into the bed, so as not to jar his mate. The redhead was starting to look better, laying on his side had relieved a lot of his pain.

Hiei pulled the clean sheet and comforter over their naked bodies. Kurama really couldn’t wear any clothes on his lower half, it would irritate the soreness, so he hadn‘t bothered to get dressed. Hiei hadn’t bothered either, he liked to feel the fox’s soft skin against his. It had been about three months since they had slept naked together and they missed it, something they would quickly rectify. Knowing them, they would stay naked for the next three days, and the fire demon would only put on a robe when he had to leave the room for something.

Hiei gently wrapped his arms around his mate and snuggled closer, making sure to not move the other. “I’m so damn proud of you, fox. You delivered three babies anally. No other male would even attempt that, only the legendary Youko Kurama.”

“I suppose that‘s correct.” Kurama answered, his voice held a bit of ego. He then looked over to the four bassinets and sadness washed over his face. “I would……. NO…… I should have delivered four babies.” Tears chose that moment to start falling from grief filled green eyes. “Tenshi should be sharing that bassinet with her sister, with… Na…”

Hiei quickly cut his mate off. “Don’t…. Don’t say our aborted daughter’s name, it would only hurt you more right now. Try not to dwell on the matter, focus on the babies we do have. There’s nothing that can be done to fix the mistake, nothing to bring her to life.” He brought up a hand and wiped away the tears on the heart shaped face. “I’m just thankful that Kaihei knew the plant and what to use to counteract it, thankful that you didn’t loose the other three babies.”

“I am very thankful too.” Kurama tired to smile, though it didn’t quite reach his eyes. It really was supposed to be a happy time and it was, but it was sad too. “Wake me up if I don’t hear the triplets when they start crying.”

“I won’t do that. If you sleep through crying, then you are still too tired.”

“Why? The triplets will need feeding.”

“I know that, but I won’t wake you.” Hiei was firm on his decision. “When they start crying and I wake up and you don’t , I will take care of them.”

“But you got the twins to feed!” Kurama protested quickly. “Plus the triplets are my responsibility.”

“We’re not doing this, fox. It isn’t your triplets and my twins, it’s our kits. We will take care of our babies together. If I’m busy and the twins are ready to be fed, I would hope that you would feed them. If the triplets are hungry and you’re busy, I’ll feed them. I already produce to much milk, that’s how we picked up our little fetish, and that plant mixture helps out a lot. I could feed three maybe four of our babies before I run dry. It helps too that our newborns won’t eat that much for a couple of weeks, you know their stomachs are tiny. Back to what we were discussing, I won’t wake you if you don’t hear any cries, I’ll take care of them until you have regained some energy.”

“Fine, but I just want to do my part. I don’t want you to get overwhelmed or feel like you‘re doing it all.”

“Believe me, fox, with our five nursing babies you will get quite the workout, you will help out often as they slowly get older.” Hiei chuckled, moving a little closer to his mate. He was getting very tired and he honestly didn’t know how the redhead was still awake.

“MMmm, I’m sure I will.” Kurama chuckled as well, though it turned into a large yawn.

“Enough talk, go to sleep, you need it and so do I. Our kits will be waking in about an hour or so, we need to rest while we can.”

“I plan too.” Kurama laid his head against his lover’s shoulder, another yawn escaping him. He closed his eyes, finally succumbing to the exhaustion that was throughout his body. He was asleep within moments.

Hiei stayed awake long enough to make sure his fox was in a deep sleep. When he was sure that Kurama was in dream world, he closed his eyes and slipped into a light sleep. He kept alert enough to hear any noise from any of the five babies. If he had his way, he wouldn’t let the fox get woken for a few hours. Kurama really needed as much healing sleep as he could get, especially after everything that he had been through that day. Plus, Hiei predicted that the next few weeks were going to be very busy and very tiresome. They all would have to adjust to three new baby schedules, and work with the other two already established schedules.


Thanks everyone for reading my little story, please leave a small review on your way out. I will try to post the next chapter soon, a week or two at the most.