Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ OH BABY! ❯ Baby Troubles ( Chapter 28 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho at all. I just burrowed them for my stories for which I’m not making any money off of. I do however, claim the minor children that I have created and the story line involved.

WARNING!!!: Language, Adult Shonen Ai and Yaoi Also since the babies are born expect to have some nursing in each of the chapters that are left of this story. If it isn’t done, it will be mentioned. ^_~

A/N: Actually this chapter pretty much takes place during a nursing session of all five babies, so be ready for it. I had to work nipple confusion and Kurama’s post baby blues into this chapter, with Hiei trying to deal with both. The next chapter will pick up speed, a new development with Kaihei will take place. The last chapter will wrap everything in this story up and will set up for the next story in this arc.

I want to say thanks to everyone that reviews my story and reads it too. You guys are all the greatest, the best! I don’t know what I would do without you all. Thank you so very much for keeping me going! I wish I could thank you all individually.

On to the next chapter of this story and only two more to go!



Chapter 28 of 30

Baby Troubles


Hiei groaned softly when the tiny cry pierced through his light sleep. He quickly and carefully maneuvered himself out of the fox’s arms. Padding barefoot the few feet to the four bassinets, he found that it was Isan that was crying. He made a face of disgust as he changed a dirty diaper, trying to sooth the tiny infant before the crying woke his siblings and the fox. This was the one thing he would never get used too, the diaper changing!

After his newborn son was redressed, Hiei picked him up and cuddled him close. He walked the couple of feet and sat down in a black wooden rocker. Hiei was holding Isan as if he was a fragile china doll, afraid that he might break. The two identical boys were so small, and Tenshi was even smaller. Their sizes were due to the fact that they shared a womb, and didn’t have much room to grow or put on extra weight. They were perfectly healthy…… just small. The fire demon knew that now the three babies were out, they would probably grow and put on weight quickly.

Hiei turned his son so their bellies touched, supporting the little head. He brushed Isan’s mouth against his left nipple. When the little mouth opened, the fire demon pulled his son on, but he wouldn’t latch. After several clumsily, wet tries, the baby finally latched on and started sucking. Hiei breathed a sigh of relief as the stimulation forced his milk to let down. He figured the delay in nursing was due to the fact that Isan was only a few hours old, still learning, and had only nursed once.

Hiei started rocking gently, staring down at his tiny son. He thanked the many gods once again for the happy life that he had, not that he hadn’t already thanked them hundreds of times over the years. His life was a bit domestic now, but strangely enough he was okay with that. Though his life still held many wild and surprising moments. He reached up and ran his sword calloused fingers through the tuffs of tri colored hair, a small smile on his lips. The same hand traveled up little, black, fuzzy ears; gently scratching them. The nursing kit started to purr deep in his tiny chest.

Hiei’s smile widened as he chuckled lightly. “Just like your foxy father.” He brought his free hand down and softly patted the diaper covered rear. “Or Should I call my redhead your foxy mother?”

A still tired voice floated about the room. “If you get him to call me mommy, I will seriously hurt you.”

Hiei smirked as he looked towards the bed, meeting happy green eyes. “I don’t know, I think the mommy name suits you.”

“I may have actually given birth to him, but I’m still all male and you know that.” Kurama laid on his stomach, his head on a fluffy feather pillow; watching his mate and child. He had been doing this for several minutes, ever since the fire demon picked up their son. He was completely relaxed, he still had a lot of pain, but the sleep had helped. “Besides, if you get any of them calling me mommy, I’ll get them all to call you mommy.”

“Is that so?” Hiei asked, though he didn’t wait for a reply. “Do you feel like you can nurse him? My Jagan is alerting me that Idai is starting to wake up.”

“Yes, I believe I’m up for it.” Kurama started to turn over and sit up, while his mate rose from the rocker and walked towards their bed. Hiei waited patiently, watching his fox wince as he settled on his tender rear. Kurama was sitting up, but not completely; he was being supported by a couple of pillows. The fox looked up and smiled at his mate. “I’m ready.”

“Hn.” Hiei broke Isan’s suction and then placed him in the fox’s waiting arms. He helped Kurama get their son to start nursing again and then he checked the latch. “Now remember to stay relaxed, fox.”

Kurama didn’t get to respond, a tiny cry went through the room. Hiei checked Isan’s suckling once more before he turned and walked back over to the bassinets. He had been right, Idai was now crying. He quickly changed another diaper and then picked up his hungry son. By the time Hiei made it back to the bed, he had Idai nursing. Though he did have the same trouble again, the baby was sloppy and unsure at first, just like Isan. The fire demon sat down on the bed next to his mate and got comfortable.

The silence lasted for a few moments, until Kurama shattered it. “I never understood what you meant when you told me what nursing a baby was like, now I understand. I does feel good, nice…….. I’m getting pleasure from this, but like you said, it’s not sexual.”

“I’m happy that you understand now.” Hiei looked up to his mate, smirking. “It only becomes sexual for me when you suckle and I’m sure it will be the same way for you when I suckle from you.”

“We won’t be able to have our special times often, not until our litter of kits are older. After that, we can set up a schedule for both of us.” Kurama curiously watched the baby at his chest as he spoke. He didn’t even realize that he had leaned against his mate.

“That’s fine, our babies will always come first.” Hiei glanced down at Isan, a smile on his lips. “I guess our son got his fill. He’s asleep, fox. Here you take Idai and finish him up, I’ll take Isan and put him back in the basinet. ”

They broke both kits’ latch at about the same time and proceed to carefully switch the babies out. Kurama got Idai nursing again while his mate got up from the bed. Hiei carried his sleeping son over and laid him in the empty baby bed. Isan curled up into a little ball as the yellow blanket was put over him, continuing to sleep.

Hiei checked the other bassinets and found Meiyo wide awake, hungrily sucking on his fist. He shook his head, chuckling, Meiyo was always so quiet and reserved, the complete opposite of his twin brother. After another quick diaper change, Hiei picked up his son. “Come on, Meiyo, I‘ve got something better for you then that fist.”

Hiei tried a couple of times to get his son latched on before he reached the bed, but to no avail. Every time he got a nipple into the little mouth, Meiyo would push it out with his tongue and turn his head away. He sat down on the bed and briefly glanced up to his mate, confused. “Something is wrong with him, he won’t nurse.”

“Hmm, that’s strange.” Kurama looked from the baby he held to the one the fire demon held. “He’s old enough to have learned his role in nursing. Try again so I can see what he’s doing.”

Hiei didn’t say a word, but he did do what was asked of him, with the same result. Meiyo pushed the nipple out of his mouth and quickly turned his head away. The baby was becoming frustrated too, as he wasn’t getting what he wanted. Seeing the way his son was acting, seemed familiar to the fox. Not in he seen it before kind of way, but like he had read this from somewhere. It clicked into place in Kurama’s mind as he watched his mate try again and the baby still refuse.

The fox had heard a piece of conversation between Bulma and his mother after the team had been allowed in to see the babies; and Yukina had snuck a bag containing several items our of the room. At the time, he could have sworn he saw the outline of a bottle in the plastic of the bag, but had dismissed it as that of a tired mind. He figured that the females wouldn’t go against his and his mate’s wishes, but it seemed they had. This news wasn’t going to be taken well, and the fire demon was going to be very angry.

Hiei’s voice brought the fox out of his thoughts. “See, he won’t nurse and I know he‘s hungry! I recognize that cry!”

“Koi, before I tell you what I think I know, you’ll have to promise me that you will control your temper and remember that you’re holding one of our little babies.”

“Hn, I’m not going to like this am I?”

“No, you won’t.”

“Fine, I promise, I’ll remain as calm as possible.”

“Thank you, koi.” Kurama leaned against his mate again, hoping his close presence would help keep the other relaxed. “I believe that Meiyo is suffering from nipple confusion.”

“What the hell is that?” Hiei asked quickly, glancing sideways at the redhead.

“I kind of figured that you skipped over that chapter in our nursing books…… Nipple Confusion comes about when a strictly nursing baby gets forced to take a bottle with a fake nipple.”

“But that doesn’t make sense, we haven’t given him a bottle with that imitation milk in it.”

“It’s true, we haven’t, but I believe that your sister, my mother, and that Saiyan female did. I caught a part of conversation where ningen formula was mentioned and then Yukina tried to sneak a bag of bottles and formula out of the room.” Kurama was waiting for it and he felt it, the angry spike in his mate’s energy.

“WHAT?!!” Hiei growled lowly, furious. This caused Meiyo to jerk and start whimpering, picking up on his father’s mood.

Kurama quickly reached out with his free hand and placed on his mate’s bare chest, patting lightly. “Stay calm, stay relaxed, Meiyo is becoming upset. I knew you would be mad, I thank that the women knew it too, that’s why they tried to hide it.”

“Why would they do this and when?! They knew that we were adamant about nursing our kits, that we wanted our babies to have only our milk!!”

“They probably did this because the babies were hungry and when was probably during the time you had me in that dream word so I wouldn’t feel the pain. It was the only time when we weren’t aware of what was going on in our room.” Kurama tried to explain, hoping that he was correct with his assumptions.

“I don’t care if the babies were hungry, they could have waited until we were available. They wouldn’t have starved! Those females will be hearing about this!!” Hiei was not going to be swayed, he would have words with all three of them. He took a deep breath and then relaxed his body completely. He looked to his mate. “Is there anything we can do to fix this?”

“If I remember what I read in the books correctly, there is. Um……. You have to stay relaxed and keep trying, don’t become frustrated or Meiyo will as well. Force some milk out before you try to get him latched on again. Do it every time you give it a try, until he takes the hint.”

“Hn.” Hiei sat to work, keeping a tight rein on his annoyance and forcing his body to stay relaxed. Fifteen minutes later, Meiyo finally gave up being stubborn and latched on, hungrily sucking away. Hiei gave a sigh of relief and he heard one from his mate too.

“It’s will be a rough couple of days nursing him, until he settles into it again. I imagine Makoto will be the same way. “ Kurama spoke as he removed Idai from his chest. The baby boy had fallen asleep a few minutes prior, after getting his belly full.

“Whatever it takes, I’ll do it. I don’t want any of our babies on that nasty ningen formula. I’d rather find a demoness wet nurse then use a human concoction, if we weren‘t able to nurse them.”


They fell into silence as Meiyo nursed contently, after getting over his initial hunger. He suckled for twenty minutes, until his eyes closed in sleep. Without a word, Hiei broke his son’s suction and then rose from the bed. He tucked Meiyo into his bassinet and then went back over to the bed. He smiled and kissed his mate before he gently took Idai into his arms. Turning around and walking the few feet again, he placed his son in the bassinet with his twin brother and covered them both up. Quickly looking into the last two bassinets, he found Tenshi and Makoto still sleeping, but he knew they would be waking soon, hungry.

Hiei turned to face his mate. “Do you think you can go one more round?”

“Are the last two awake?” Kurama asked as he tried to make himself a little more comfortable on the bed. The pain in his butt was getting bad again, he had been sitting up for to long.


“No, but about the time we are asleep good, they will be waking for a feeding. If we wake them now and nurse them, we will be able to get a couple more hours undisturbed sleep before they all start waking again.”

“I can’t argue with that logic, so alright. I might run dry though, my milk supply isn’t what your’s is.”

“If you do run dry, I’ll finish the one you nurse off.” Hiei answered as he quickly glanced between the last two babies, trying to decide which one would be best for his mate. Making a quick decision, he woke and changed another diaper, before he lifted the baby from the bassinet. A couple of steps later, he was laying the Tenshi into the waiting arms. He once again helped the fox get their baby latched on, noting that he had to help less each time. Kurama was getting the hung of nursing very quickly, and the fire demon didn’t expect any less.

Hiei went over the last bassinet and quickly woke, diapered, and picked up Makoto. He went back to the bed and settled in next to his mate. He spent ten minutes fighting with the baby boy, until the little mouth finally latched on and started nursing. The fox had been right once again, the twin month old boys were both suffering from nipple confusion.

Kurama leaned over and instigated a sweet kiss with his mate. A reward for the fire demon who showed a great deal of patience with their stubborn and confused sons. He had to break away sooner then he wanted though. He quickly looked down at the baby girl he held, surprise clearly in his eyes.

“What is it?” Hiei asked, glancing from his mate to his tiny daughter and then back again.

“She definitely has ice powers. During our kiss, your body temperature went up a little like it always does. Tenshi counteracted the change by lowering her body temperature and it’s still lowered. She’s cold to the touch; her lips and mouth is cool.”

“Really?” Hiei reached out with his free hand and ran his fingers across his daughter’s chubby cheek. His eyes widened, she was cold. She had unconsciously lowered her body temperature. Hiei lowered his a few degrees then what is normal for him. As suspected, Tenshi rose hers back to the right temperature. Hiei looked up to his mate. “That’s pretty good energy control for a new baby. She’ll be easy to train and maybe she’ll have the gift of healing too. If she does, maybe my sister will train her some.”

“Yes, that would be good, we’d have an available healer close by in the Makai.” Kurama always looked for the future tactical advantage in any situation, even in his own child. He wouldn’t be who he was if he didn’t.

The demons fell into silence again as they watched their babies. In five minutes, Kurama had to switch Tenshi from his right nipple to his left, because he had ran dry. Though he didn’t know how long that would last, he had used both sides of his chest on the two previous nursings. Hiei had no such problem, he had enough milk in the left side of his chest to fill up Makoto. He didn’t notice the fox’s mood change from overly happy to utterly sad when his supply of milk came to an end.

Makoto’s eyes closed in sleep and Hiei removed the slack mouth from his nipple. He looked up to his mate, smiling, but that was wiped off his face at what he found. Kurama stared down at their daughter, his eyes swimming in tears. Tenshi was still suckling in vain, but she wasn’t getting anything. The fire demon could tell, that his fox was about to break down. It seemed the harsh pregnancy mood swings hasn’t ended yet. It would probably take several days for Kurama to get that steel hold back on his emotions again. In the mean time, the fire demon would do what he could to help and comfort his mate.

Deciding on the direct approach and knowing he would get an instant reaction, Hiei spoke. “Did you run out of milk, fox?”

Kurama could only nod as the long held in tears finally spilled down his cheeks. He made several attempt before he was able to speak. “All I wanted to do was feed my little girl, fill her up, and I couldn’t do that.”

Hiei quickly flitted over to bassinets and laid Makoto in his. He covered his son with the tiny blanket before he hurried back over to the bed. He slipped in between the sheets with his still crying mate and now crying child. Tenshi had grown frustrated because she wasn’t getting what she wanted. Hiei pulled his fox into a hug and nuzzled his neck. “It’s okay, Kurama, calm down. You know that your body has to build up a milk supply and that will take a few days. This is nothing to get this upset over. Tenshi will have plenty to eat, I’ll finish nursing her.”

“But I only wanted to completely feed one of our babies and I hoped since Tenshi was so small that I would be able to do that.” Kurama was still crying and it seemed that he wasn’t stopping anytime soon.

Hiei quickly realized what his mate said was true. Kurama had only nursed the babies he had handed him, the ones that had been somewhat fed already. “I promise you next time our babies are hungry, I’ll make sure you completely feed one of them.” Hiei gave his mate a gentle kiss and a little squeeze before he pulled away, taking Tenshi with him. He quickly turned the crying baby girl into his chest and got her latched on. She suckled hungrily, finally happy with getting what she wanted.

Hiei carefully positioned her in one arm and then wrapped his free one around his still upset mate, pulling him close. “Try to relax, fox, please. The plant and herb mixture you made for us will help boost your milk supply. I imagine in no time you’ll be producing as much milk as I do. Maybe even since we have about three years of lactation ahead of us, you will be able to come up with a concoction that will extend our lactation or even start it when we went. That way we could extend the ANR that’s ahead of us or have random ones in the future when it suits us.”

“I will try and I know. I could possibly come up with something, I have three years to get the right combination together.” Kurama turned, despite the pain he felt, and wrapped his arms around the fire demon’s waist, still crying and trembling uncontrollably. He couldn’t believe how he was acting, but he couldn’t stop either. Never in his two lives did he feel so much like a female then he has for the past eighteen hours or so, and he prayed to the many gods that he would be back to his normal, very male self very soon. At the moment, he was so emotional, so needy, and still in a great deal of pain. Kurama just held tightly to his lover and let everything out, hoping that he’d feel better when it was over.

Hiei wanted to cry with and for his mate, but instead he remained strong for him. He knew exactly what Kurama was going through, though he hadn’t ‘given birth’ anally. He did recognize the emotional rollercoaster his mate was now on and that pain was still radiating in the once again slender body. Kurama was caught in a sea of raging emotions and feelings; and didn‘t know how to handle it. Hiei just held tight to his fox, letting him get it all out of his system. It was long minutes until Kurama’s deep sobs turned to soft sniffles, and then stopped all together. But he still clung to his fire demon, hiding his face in the side of the strong body.

Hiei remained quiet, watching his baby girl slowly fall to sleep as he absently ran his hand up and down the fox’s back, trying to give him as much comfort as possible. After a few more minutes, Tenshi stopped nursing and was sound asleep. Hiei looked down to the top of the red hair covered head, hoping his mate wasn‘t asleep as well. “Fox? …….…. Kurama?”

“Yes?” The answer came from near the fire demon’s waist.

“Tenshi is asleep and I need to put her in her bassinet.”

“Oh….” Kurama’s voice was barely a whisper as he released the hold he had on his mate. He turned over as fast as his sore body would let him, his back to his lover.

Hiei let out a little sigh, he had thought that they had gotten past this. ‘This’ being the feelings of shame when one of them showed the weakness of crying in front of the other. The fire demon carefully got up and walked the few feet to the bassinets. He laid Tenshi down in hers and then covered her with a blanket, scowling at the bright pinkness of it. If he had his way, the blanket would be black or close to it. Briefly checking on all the babies, Hiei went back to the bed for the last time. He climbed in and slipped an arm around his mate’s waist as he snuggled into his back, making sure to keep the front of his hips away from the tender butt.

Kurama tensed up and buried his face into the pillow that was under his head. He didn’t want his mate to see him right now, see such weakness in him. Hiei slowly ran his hand up and down the front of the fox’s body, trying to get him to relax. It didn’t help though, Kurama became even more tense under the gentle ministration. After several moments of trying to get a response and being ignored, Hiei had enough. He quickly moved to the other side of his fox, so they were facing each other. A small gasp left his mouth when he saw that his beautiful lover was still crying.

Hiei reached out and gently cupped his mate’s face, wiping away the tears with his thumbs. “You have got to calm down, fox. You’ll be okay, it’ll be okay. I know what you’re going through. You don’t know whether to be happy or sad and you’ll probably feeling empty, sort of lost, now that the babies are out. I also can tell through our bond that you‘re still in a great deal of pain and are trying to hide it.”

“I’m feeling all of that and it won‘t stop no matter how much I try!” Kurama admitted, nuzzling into the calloused hands. His tears were finally starting to lessen, he was happy that his mate understood.

“Shhh…… I went through all of that, except I didn’t have the pain that you do. Trust me when I say that you’ll be fine. In a few days you’ll manage to get everything under control and then you’ll be back to your old foxy self.”

“I believe you, I trust you.” A small smile appeared on Kurama’s lips. “…I’m sorry that I’m…….” He was quickly cut off by soft lips that had caught him in a loving kiss. The demons slowly parted, savoring the little moment.

“Don’t apologize, you have nothing to apologize for.” Hiei was happy to mentally note that his fox had finally stopped crying. “You know I don’t judge you, just like you don’t judge me. Like you have taught me and once said, ‘crying isn’t a weakness, it’s a way for us to deal with the hurtful things in our life’. And I have come to believe that because of you.”

“Koi, you’ve being so sweet today and I thank you for it, I needed it. I did say that……. I suppose I say a lot of things.”

“Yes…. A lot of things, a lot of knowledge.” Hiei let a chuckle escape from deep within his chest as he wrapped his arms around his more responsive mate. A smile crossed his face when Kurama returned the embrace. “But all of your knowledge is usually correct, coming from over a thousand years experience. So, when you say something it makes sense and I listen to it.”

“Yeah, a lot of experience and knowledge, but you must remember that I’ve only learned about emotions in the last twenty-six years. I owe it all to my mother and I’m grateful to her for everything she taught about loving and being loved.” Kurama snuggled closer to his mate, a pretty smile on his face.

“I’m grateful too, because you have taught me and are still teaching me what you’ve learned from her.”

“Thank you for helping me to feel better, koi. I love you.”

“Hn, I love you too, fox, and I’m glad that you’re feeling better.” Hiei leaned in and caught his fox in a loving kiss, but it was comforting too. When they parted, they snuggled as close as possible, falling into silence. They just laid their and listened to each other’s breathing.

It was Hiei that finally broke the silence. “You need to get some sleep, fox. Our babies will be waking again in a couple of hours and they’ll be hungry, it‘ll be about day break. After we get them all nursed, I’ll go downstairs to the kitchen and get us something to eat for breakfast. I’ll make sure to put a couple of doses of the plant concoction of yours in our drinks. I’ll be hungry by then and you’ll probably will be too.”

“I’m sure I will be hungry too.” Kurama replied before he closed his eyes and let sleep claim him. He hoped that the next time he nursed, he would be able to feed one of the babies fully without running out of milk and just maybe feed another. That was what had truly been bothering him, and it would continue to bother him until he was able to fully feed at least two of the babies. He wanted….NO….. needed to help Hiei take care of and nurse their five babies. It was almost laughable, him a fox with a demanding litter of kits to feed. His and his fire demon mate’s bodies were going to be very busy for at least the next year and probably longer, but they were okay with that. They were happy to have the five babies that they had.


Thanks so much for reading this chapter and if you could, please leave a little review on your way out. I’ll try to update again soon. Two more chapters to go!!