Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Rose Murderer ❯ CoNfUzLlEd ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kurama's eyes snapped open. He wasn't sure what had woken him up, but his hands were shaking. Then he realized he had woken up because he had heard a scream. It seemed too real to be a dream. Then his sensitive ears picked up something that sounded like chocked sobs. It was crying and it was coming from Botan's room! Kurama got out of bed, ran down the stairs, and down the hall to Botan's room. He opened the door. Botan was sitting on her bed, she was clutching her arm. There was a deep slash in her arm, and it was covered in blood. When she saw him she let out a small chocked scream.

"What happened?" Kurama asked as he took a step forward.

"Stay where you are!" she yelled, her voice was cracking.

"What? Are you ok?"

"D-don't come any closer! I'll scream! I swear! I'll scream bloody murder! I'll scream!"

"Just let me have a look at your cut" Kurama said as he took another step forward. Botan screamed, she hadn't been lying, she really did scream 'bloody murder'. Then she yelled at the top of her voice:


"What?" Kurama asked confused. He heard footsteps running down the hall, the next second Yusuke, Kuwabara. Keiko, Yukina, and even Hiei were in Botan's room.

"What's going on?" Yusuke mumbled, still half asleep.

"He-he tried to kill me!" Botan said as she pointed a shaky finger at Kurama, who was now more confused then ever. "he did but he missed!'

"What are you talking about? Why would I want to kill you?" Kurama asked now really, really confused.

"Yeah, why would he want to kill you?" Kuwabara asked.

"He was here! He had a rose! He turned it into a whip and tried to kill me, but luckily he missed. HE DID IT!" Botan tried to yell, but her voice was hoarse.

"Maybe it was just a dream" Keiko offered.

"Does this look like a dream to you?" Botan demanded as she held out her bleeding arm, dripping more blood on the bed covers.

"I can heal it for you" Kurama said as he took her arm in his hands.

"DON'T YOU TOUCH ME!" Botan yelled as she tried to pull her arm away, but Kurama had a gentle and firm grip. The rest of the group watched.

"Quit squirming!" Kurama said as he examined her arm.

"Get off!" Botan finally freed herself from Kurama's firm grip, then she got out of bed and hid behind a cranky Yusuke.

"Botan! At least give him a chance to explain!" Yusuke yelled.


"Then I'll just move out of the way and let him do what ever he was doing" Yusuke threatened.

"F-fine, I'll let him explain, but please don't move!" Yusuke nodded at Kurama.

"Thanks Yusuke, Botan how could I have been in your room one second and run into it the next? I was in my room when you screamed"

"So.... You could have used some kind of a trick!" Botan accused.

"And two, if and that's a HUGE if. If I had tried to kill you I would have never missed. My aim is great." Everyone looked startled. "I wouldn't try to kill you anyway"


"He didn't do it" Hiei said, he had been very still the whole time. Everyone started at him. "He didn't do it' Hiei repeated. "It was a shape shifter demon of some sort. I sensed some of his spirit energy when we ran into the room, so that means he had just left when we came in"

"So you mean he's still out there somewhere?" Kuwabara asked.

"Precisely" Kurama said.

"Then we should look for him!" Kuwabara said.

"If he's out there, we can't leave the girls all alone. Someone has to stay" Yusuke said looking at the three girls.

"Hiei should do it. If he decides to come back we have to have someone with deadly speed to catch him" Kurama said. Hiei nodded.

"Now about Botan's arm...." Kurama said.

"I don't want you near me!" Botan yelled, she still doubted Kurama (baka girl). "I'll heal it myself!" Botan started to heal her arm, after a few minutes only a small line remained where the slash had been.

"Fine let's go!" Yusuke said. He and Kurama went to get their jackets. After a few minutes they were back. Yukina's and Keiko's sleeping bags were set up on the floor of Botan's room. Hiei was leaning against the wall near Yukina. The other three guys went out the door, ready to use their weapons if necessary. Yukina fell asleep immediately, she was having a nightmare.

*Fades into Dream*

"Miss me?" asked Kurama's voice. The next thing she knew, Yukina was covered in vines and Kurama was walking towards her. His green eyes were cold and flashing, and he was holding a bloody rose in his hand.....................................................................

TNG: Muahahahahhahhahahah!!!!!! Imma gonna make you wait!!!!!!!!!!! Muahahahahhahhahahah REVIEW! Muahahahahhahhahahah

Kurama: You ate too much sugar didn't you?

TNG: No.....................

Kurama: What am I going to do with this girl? Reviewers, any ideas?

Disclaimer: I don't own YYH, but this I just had to put up! This is based on a freaky dream I had, it was bout YYH. It is supposed to be horror, if its not. Oh well at least I tried.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*

Botan lay asleep, tossing and turning. She was having the strangest dream. *fades into dream*

"Don't move" said an oddly familiar cold voice. "Scream and I will kill you, keep quite and I will kill you. Whatever you do I will kill you"

"But what did I do?"

"Talk one more time and I will kill you! Understood?" Botan vigorously nodded her had. The dark figure took out a rose, from his hair.

/It can't be him! it just can't be....../ The figure advanced, and the next she saw was a flash if red and Botan knew she was dead

*fades into room again*

Botan quickly got up and was about to turn on the light.

"Don't bother" said Kurama's voice. He was sitting on the foot of her bed, he was stroking the petals of a brilliant red rose. His green eyes looked cold and were flashing.

"Kurama? What's going on?"

"Nothing. What's wrong with you? You look like you've seen a ghost"

"It was the strangest dream I had"

Kurama got up, and moved forwards.

"It wasn't just a dream........."

A horrified scream pierced the air and all was quite

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So review! I know I have a twisted mind! If you want me to continue it tell me!