Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Rose Murderer ❯ The Truth is uncovered, but not quite ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Y-you're the shape shifter!" Yukina yelled, with hardly any fear in her voice. If he was after her, she wasn't about to give him satisfaction of seeing her scared.

"Am I?" Kurama asked, still holding the bloody rose.

"Then who are you?"

Instead if answering, Kurama snapped his fingers. The vines around Yukina's body tightened, sending jolts of pain through her, but she wasn't about to scream anytime soon. Kurama stroked her check.

"They hurt you don't they?" he asked with cold sarcasm in his voice, Yukina shook head. It hurt to much to try to talk.

"No? You're a lot smarter and tougher than the other one. Botan, was that her name? Ah, yes it was, pathetic girl did exactly what I wanted her to do!"

"What are you talking about?" Yukina yelled. Talking was worth the pain if she learned the truth.

"She gave me the satisfaction of seeing her afraid. She showed every sign of fear possible. Just what I was after" Kurama snapped his fingers again, the vines tightened their grip, but Yukina kept her mouth clamped shut.

"Scream, go ahead yell out in pain and I'll stop this torture. Go head yell out in pain. I know you want to" he said mockingly.

"No I don't" Yukina said through gritted teeth.

"Hn. You're just like Hiei, a little fighter aren't you? Never showing any sign of fear and pain. You both look so different, but inside you're exactly the same. Pathetic fools"

"What does Hiei have to do with anything?" Yukina asked as she tried to take a breath.

"Too many questions, too many questions" Kurama said as he shook his head, then he looked right at her. "Keep asking questions like that and you'll get answers you wish you never knew!" he had said that so fiercely that Yukina let out a small gasp. Then she glared at him, Kurama smile din return.

"You'll be caught! Kurama and the others will kill you!" Yukina yelled in rage.

"Kurama? But I am Kurama"


"I am, but just no the Kurama you're used to. I'm- " He suddenly stopped short and looked around. Yukina looked around too, then she realized she was in what looked like a dudgeon cell. Kurama turned back to Yukina.

"I fear my time here grows short" he said as he retreated back to the shadows.

"WAIT! Who are you?"

"You'll find out soon enough" then he winked and was gone.

Hiei had been watching Yukina sleep. He had sensed a strange presence of a dark energy coming from her ever since they had entered Botan's room. There was something wrong with his sister, but Hiei couldn't quite place it. He studied Yukina's face, it didn't show any sign of fear, but he knew better. Something was hurting her but, she wasn't about to show it.

/Hn. Silly girl, just like me/ Hiei smiled at that thought. Maybe they weren't as different as he had thought. Yukina let out a small gasp. Hiei couldn't take it anymore. He knelt down beside her and shook her arm.

"Yukina, Yukina! Wake up! Wake up!" Hiei shook her harder, but she still didn't wake up. It was like Yukina was in a trance or something. Hiei blurred to the bathroom and came back with a cup full of ice cold water. He hated to do this but; Hiei dumped the water on his sister's face. Yukina got up gasping for air. Hiei stared at her, surprised.

"H-Hiei why did you wake me up?!?!??!?!"

"B-Because I- I was afraid something was wrong with you" Hiei said in a small voice.

"There was! But Kurama was about to tell me why he was doing-"

"What? The fox was there?"

"Yes, he had me tied up-"

"HE TIED YOU UP??!!!!!!!!!!!" Hiei demanded, his rage growing.

"Yes, and he was about to tell me why he was doing this, but you woke me up and he left. But I still figured it out!" Yukina said all this in a rush. "He really isn't K-" Yukina didn't get a chance to finish, because she passed out. The vines Kurama had sued on her weren't ordinary vines, they were 'Life Sucking' vines. They literally sucked the life out of their victim, Yukina who had not given in to their power only lost most of her energy. Hiei was now enraged,

/How dare that baka fox touch my sister! He'll pay dearly! Wait, what is this I senses? I don't sense that strange presence in Yukina anymore./ He heard the front doors open.

"HIEI! WE FOUND SOMETHING" he heard Yusuke's voice. In a few seconds the other three Reikai Tantie were in Botan's room. The girls woke up. Kurama was standing near the corner of the room. Hiei took out his katana and held the blade at Kurama's throat.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO YUKINA??!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?"

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~

TNG: HAHHAHA REVIEW!!!!!!! HEy KnM03 Kurama's not pissed at you anymore! ^_~*