Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Rose Murderer ❯ He's innocent! ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Yukina? What's wrong with her?" Kurama asked confused.

"As if you didn't know! You where here and you hurt her!" Hiei yelled. The next thing you know, Kuwabara was holding Kurama by shirt collar.

"So that's what you had to do when you left!" Kuwabara threw him against the wall. Kurama didn't fight back because he knew he was innocent. He felt that if he fought back he would be proven guilty. Kuwabara punched him; the side of Kurama's face hit the wall. Blood was dripping down the side of his chin. HE got up to his feet. Hiei punched him this time, Kurama ducked. Hiei went into a frenzy of punches.


"Hiei please, let me explain!" In response Hiei punched him. Hiei pushed him towards Kuwabara. He kicked Kurama in the stomach, causing him to lose his breath. Then both Hiei and Kuwabara attacked. Kurama felt his neck snap backwards with Hiei's punch.

"KURAMA FIGHT BACK!" Botan yelled.

"No! I'm innocent! I haven't done anything. So why should I fight?"

"THEY'LL KILL YOU IF YOU DON'T" This time it was Yusuke who yelled. Keiko watched in horror as Kurama's head hit the floor.

"Hiei please give me a chance to explain!"

"I already did and you betrayed me!" Hiei smashed his head against the wall. "NO ONE GETS AWAY WITH HURTING YUKINA!!!! YOU'LL PAY DEARLY, I GUARANTEE THAT!"

Kuwabara kicked Kurama, he hit the wall hard. Hiei was coming towards him; his eyes were full of hatred.

"AT LEAST DEFEND YOUR SELF KURAMA! PLEASE!" Keiko yelled, Kurama nodded. Yusuke was thinking of a way to stop Hiei and Kuwabara. Hiei was really close, now. Kurama called forth Petal Hurricane (Petals and Thorns). Something was terribly wrong because the petals appeared but vanished in a puff of red smoke after a few seconds. Hiei punched him so hard that Kurama felt dizzy. Kuwabara sized him by the collar and threw him across the room.

"What the Hell is Kurama thinking? He's a sitting duck by the way he's acting!" Yusuke yelled.

"He- he's not fighting b-because he wants to prove he's innocent" Botan said through tears. Kuwabara threw Kurama into the middle of the room. A strange dark energy was surrounding Hiei's fist. Hiei ran towards Kurama, who was semi-conscious.

"NOW FEEL THE RAGE OF THE DRAGON!!!" Hiei's punch caught Kurama square in the jaw. There was a sound of glass shattering, wood cracking and bones breaking as Hiei's punch sent Kurama flying through Botan's window.

"NO!!!!!!" Yusuke yelled; Keiko screamed and Botan fainted. Hiei blurred outside, and Kuwabara ran out the door saying:

"I have some business to take care of"

"We have to go stop them!" Yusuke said and was about to run out the door, but Keiko grabbed his arm. They could hear Kurama yelling out in pain. Keiko looked horrified beyond belief.

"Y-Yusuke we can't leave Botan like this!"

"I can't sense Kurama's spirit energy!" Yusuke yelled, then he ran out the door. Keiko ran to the bathroom and got a cup full of water and spilled it on Botan. Botan got up and gasped.

"I can't sense Kurama's spirit energy! OH MY GOD! Keiko is he-is he dead?"

"I-I don't know, we have to go check!" Then Keiko pulled Botan to her feet and they ran out the door and out of the house. They got to the side of the house and saw Kurama on his knees. Yusuke was kneeling besides him, from the look of it Kurama was coughing up blood. There were cuts all over his face, and Kurama's arm looked broken.

"He's baldy hurt!" Keiko yelled, pointing out the obvious.

"I rather have him like this than have him dead!" Botan said as started to run towards Kurama. Keiko pulled her back saying:

"Stay away from Hiei and Kuwabara who knows what they can do when they're like this!" Botan nodded, but she still was very worried. Not only about Kurama, but also about Yusuke who was stuck in the middle of all this. Hiei pulled Kurama's arm and hit him against the tree. Kuwabara had his spirit sword high above his head.

Kurama knew what was coming, his doom. He tried to call on his plants once more, but like the last time they vanished in a few seconds. He closed his eyes, he couldn't have kept open even if he had tried. He was ready for the final blow, but it never came. He opened his eyes, (which was hard enough) and looked up to see Yusuke holding the blade of the sword away from Kurama.

"Step aside Urameshi!" Kuwabara yelled; Hiei was also glaring at Yusuke.

"NO! If you want to kill him you'll have to go through me first!"


"NO!" Yusuke pushed Kuwabara back, and Hiei advanced. He had his katana out. Botan ran to Kurama.

"MOVE MORTAL!" Hiei yelled as he pushed Yusuke aside. He was about to bring his katana down on Kurama's head but stopped. Botan was shielding Kurama.

"Go ahead Hiei! Kill me! Why did you stop? Huh? Kill me if you have any guts!" Hiei was shocked by her bravery.

"I can't kill you just to punish him" Hiei said as he lowered his katana.

"Kill him why? He didn't even try to defend himself! He took a beating just to prove he was innocent! But you still want to kill him! Go ahead! But you'll have Yukina to answer to!" Hiei backed away from Botan. He slowly retreated back to the shadows. Kuwabara was pinned down to the ground by Yusuke. Keiko was rooted to the spot because of terror. It looked like she would faint. Botan got up off the ground and turned to help Kurama who was still coughing up blood. Slowly Kurama got to his feet. He swayed gently.

"Thank you" was all he could say as he fell to the ground unconscious.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *

KK, KnM03 *are crying*

TNG: *trying hard to comfort them* He'll be ok, shhh, don't worry.

KK: IF he dies I'll kill HIEI!

KnM03: If anything happens to Kurama, I'll bury Kuwabara alive!

TNG: *sniff, sniff* He'll be ok. *sniff* I hope *sniff* Please review. *blows nose*