Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Rose Murderer ❯ A mystery within a mystery ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kurama felt as if he were floating in air, but then that would mean he was DEAD! Kurama struggled to open his eyes. All he saw was black, but then everything came into focus. It appeared if he was in his room, then he noticed a certain blue haired girl sitting by his bed side, he was sure it was Botan.


"No Kurama it's me, Botan" Botan said gently.

"No, I mean is Yukina all right?" Botan shook her head sadly.

"She's not dead is she?" Kurama asked worried.

"Oh no!" Botan said quickly. "She's-she's under some sort of a trance, its like someone is controlling her mind. A few hours ago Koenma sent someone form Reikai to check on Yukina. He confirmed that she was under some sort of a trance. Its like someone is trying to keep her saying something" Botan explained. Kurama tried to get up.

"I have to go check on her"

"NO YOU DON'T! Now get back into bed this instant! You're not well enough to be walking around!" Botan said, shaking a finger in front of his face, Kurama did as he was told.

"How long have I been out?" Kurama asked.

"About two days"

"TWO DAYS?!? Wow, Hiei and Kuwabara must have been having a lot of fun with me" Kurama joked.

"Well you did go flying from a two story window" Botan commented. Just then Yusuke stuck his head in the door.

"Is he awake yet?"

"Hi Yusuke" Kurama called.

"Hey!!!!!! I'm so glad your awake! We all expected the worse. Hiei and Kuwabara have been checking on you. I'm not sure, but I think Hiei's had this guilty look on his face and Kuwabara has been avoiding Botan." Yusuke said as he sat down on the chair next o Kurama.

"Why?" Kurama asked looking over at Botan, he was pretty sure he knew the answer.

"Well........" Yusuke began. Botan gave him a look that clearly said : "SHUT UP!" But Yusuke either didn't get or he chose to ignore it because he kept on talking.

"Well because if Kuwabara or Hiei stayed longer than five minutes Botan chased them out with her oar. So after that happened about ten times Hiei blurred in and out of the room and Kuwabara only came in when she was asleep."

"SHUT UP BAKA!" Botan yelled as she blushed a light shade of pink, Kurama laughed.

"I'm glad your awake. I think I should be leaving now" Yusuke said as he started for the door. He stopped at the door.

"Behave you two" Then he quickly closed the door.

"YUSUKE!!!!!!!!!" Botan yelled as she threw a pillow at Yusuke, but he had already closed the door .

"Baka boy" she mumbled as she blushed even more. Kurama couldn't help but laugh.

"Thanks for taking caring of me, Botan" Kurama said gently. It looked like Botan would die of embarrassment.

"Your welcome" she mumbled. Kurama went really quite for a second, it seemed like he didn't know how to say something.

"Kurama what is it?" Botan asked as she touched his arm.

"I don't know how to say this, and I'm not sure you'd believe me-"

"I'm sorry I doubted you before, but now I know that you weren't lying and I'll believe what you say"

"Thank You. Like I said I don't know how to say this but, when Hiei and Kuwabara were having fun with me, I tired to call on the Petal Hurricane. I'm not sure if you noticed this, but the petals disappeared after a few seconds."

Botan nodded her head for him to continue.

"It's as if something inside of me was missing, like someone had taken my soul or something like that. When we were all outside I felt as if I had sensed my own energy in someone else's body. When I went to find the source, found the rose. I feel- I feel like-" He suddenly stopped and put his head in his hands.

"Kurama what's wrong? Kurama?" Botan asked worried.

"N-nothing I feel as if I have been torn in half or something. Its like a part of me is missing"

"How so?"

"I don't really know how to explain it"

Then they heard Yusuke yell something that sounded like "BOTAN! LOCK KURAMA'S DOOR!"

Botan and Kurama looked at each other, both were clearly confused. Kurama's door burst open and what she saw, made Botan scream. In the door way stood Kurama, his eyes had a manic look to them. The Kurama in the bed seemed to be breathless. But what really scared her was the fact that the Kurama in the door way had a bloody rose whip!

< br> What will happen? Review! And a thanks to my Beta Readers KoKitsune and Kurama no Miko03, and a thanks to my editor Soph5232. You girlz are the GREATEST!!!!