Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Rose Murderer ❯ Is this the end? ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kurama looked at the figure in the doorway, their eyes locked. The figure doorway stepped into the room. Botan grabbed on to Kurama's arm so hard that it hurt him.

"Botan go get Yusuke and the others" Kurama said.

"B-but he's at the door. He'll-"

"He won't do anything to you, I promise that " Kurama said with determination in his voice.

"I-if I leave you'll be all alone, and in this condition, Kurama I can't leave you all alone"



"BOTAN GO NOW!" Kurama yelled. Botan gulped but walked towards the door. When she was near the door, the figure stepped aside. Botan gave both the guys a last look and ran down the stairs. Kurama got out of bed and stood up. His leg hurt, but he ignored the pain. Even though the windows were closed a breeze blew threw the room. Kurama realized that it was the other Kurama's spirit energy.

/Such power! I have never sensed anything this strong since, since...... Hiei's Black Dragon Wave/

"Who are you?" Kurama asked the figure, who was now about ten feet away from him.

"Your worst nightmare" he answered as he wound the Rose Whip around his hand.

"Can't you come up with anything better than that?"

"I don't have time to play games"

"That's funny, I have all the time in the world........"

"Then I hope you have enough time to doge this" then the figure threw a Rose at him, which Kurama easily dodged it.

"I DON'T HAVE TIME TO PLAY GAMES!" the figure repeated.

"Patience is a virtue" Kurama said as their eyes locked again.

"I don't need a lecture form you"

"You don't need to be here. What do you want anyway?"

Instead of answering Kurama turned the rose whip back into a rose. Then he made a gesture with his hand that seemed to tell someone behind him (behind the figure) to come forward. Just then Yukina's body came through the door, floating five feet in the air. The Kurama with the rose looked at the empty bed and instantly Yukina was placed on it. Kurama's head pounded, not only because if his injuries but because of what had just happened.

"Confused?" Kurama didn't answer, he was still staring at Yukina.

"Telekinesis my friend, Telekinesis. Something I have developed over the years"

Kurama was shocked.

"Here let me give you another example" he narrowed his eyes and Kurama's back hit the wall, injuring it even further. Then he felt an invisible hand around hi throat, he couldn't breathe. Everything was going black, then Kurama heard the figure say this:

"You know I can crush your windpipe right now, but I won't" he blinked and Kurama fell to the floor gasping for air. His head was spinning.

/What the Hell is going on? If he wants me dead, why is he taking so long?/

The figure walked forwards. He grabbed Kurama by the throat.

"I'm going to kill you, but not right away. I'm going to make you suffer" he tightened his grip, Kurama was gasping for air. He was thrown to the floor when Yusuke ran into the room, followed by everyone else. Hiei had his katana, Kuwabara had his spirit sword and Yusuke was ready to use his Spirit Gun if necessary.

"Ah you finally got here" the figure said. Kurama got up and took deep breaths.

"Whose who?" Yusuke. Somehow other Kurama was hiding his spirit energy. In fact he was hiding it so well that, The Reikai Tentei couldn't sense ANY spirit energy at all. Kurama got to his feet, finally being able to breathe again.

"I don't know....." Kuwabara answered. Hiei was a little confused himself. Kuwabara thought for a while (Kuwabara thinking? AHH!!!! RUN ITS THE END OF THE WORLD!!!!! *clears throat* anyways......)

"The real Kurama can control plants, so the real Kurama would be able create some roses, right?"

"Right" Yusuke said "Hn." was Hiei's response.

"Excellent point, here" the figure said as he threw a rose on the floor. The other Kurama tried to create a rose, but it vanished. Now Botan knew who the real Kurama was.

"Yusuke listen-" she whispered, but Kuwabara (idiot!) put a hand over her mouth.


Now there was a pile of roses at one of the Kurama's feet, while the other was still struggling to form a single petal.

"Now do you know who the real Kurama is??" The figure asked, arms folded across his chest. Yusuke and Hiei didn't answer, Keiko had been white with fright all this time.

"What about you?" Kuwabara asked the Kurama that was struggling to form a rose.

"I'm trying, please give me some time. Please" Kurama begged. Botan tired to talk, but Kuwabara still had his hand over her mouth.

"Why would the real Kurama need time?" the figure asked.

"Good point" Kuwabara said as he ran towards Kurama, who had finally managed to form a stable rose petal. "DIE IMPOSTER!!!!"

Then a miraculous thing happened, Yukina woke up. Her first words were:

"Kazuma! DON'T!!!!!!"

But it was too late, Kuwabara had already cut a Kurama across the chest. Narrowly missing his heart, but the damage was done. Kurama feel to the ground. Botan screamed because she knew that Kuwabara had killed the real Kurama. The figure took a rose out of his hair and threw it on the dieing body.

"Rest in pieces Shuiichi!" Then he laughed. He threw a hand full of seeds at Yusuke and the others. The seeds grew into long vines that formed a cage around them. Then he used telekinesis and somehow managed to put Kuwabara in the cage too.

"Shuiichi?" Yusuke asked.

"Yes Shuiichi" he answered. Yusuke stared.

"Then who are you?"

"Maybe this will help" a white light appeared and in Kurama's place stood Youko Kurama!!!!

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~

Is our beloved Shuiichi dead? Are you confused? Review and I will post more!

Thanks to KK for beta reading!

-TNG ^_~*