Love's Suicide [T] by: darkstar92 : Beyblade Fan Fiction Genre(s): Drama / / Shounen | Type: Shounen-ai Latest Revision: June 20, 2006 08:36 PDT | Pages: 5 | Size: 23Kb | Visits: 1813 Summary: Rei loves Kai, but traditions prevent him from doing anything about it. So he runs away. Three years later, Rei runs into someone from his past. Review(s): 10 Reviews
Love's Tangled Web [X] by: Chibi Hoshi : Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction Genre(s): Angst / Martial Arts / Hentai / Adventure | Type: Alternate Universe Latest Revision: December 29, 2006 21:48 PST | Pages: 66 | Size: 376Kb | Visits: 3656 Summary: WARNING: Het, YAOI, Lemons, violence, language. Two new Ronins have joined the scene. Emotional issues rock the entire group, and a new power is threatening to take over their world. Will the group resolve their emotional problems in time to yet again sav read more Review(s): 1 Reviews
Genre(s): Action / Adventure / Hentai / Romance / Supernatural | Type: Other Latest Revision: January 28, 2004 18:40 PST | Pages: 22 | Size: 277Kb | Visits: 515 Summary: The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest original fic
Love's True Destiny [P] by: IndianBabeIII : Digimon Fan Fiction Genre(s): Drama / Romance | Type: Continuation Latest Revision: February 10, 2003 12:20 PST | Pages: 28 | Size: 140Kb | Visits: 5722 Summary: Well this fic centers around Sora,Tai,Matt,(Kari,TK,and Izzy a little). Contains Sorato,Taiora,a little Takari and maybe a little Daikari too. Someone's destiny is realized..hence the title. Sacrifices are made. The villian may actually have a heart. S read more Review(s): 5 Reviews
Love's Truth [P] by: exarkun : Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction Genre(s): Comedy / Romance | Type: Continuation Latest Revision: October 20, 2001 01:43 PDT | Pages: 21 | Size: 54Kb | Visits: 3186 Summary: After a fight with Akane, Ranma decides to break the engagement. To satisfy honor, he and Kasumi decide to try out being engaged. Ryoga runs afoul of Amazon magic, and zanyness abounds. Of course, Kasumi's admirer, Dr. Tofu, and Ranma's other fiances aren' read more
Love(Part One) [T] by: Sango28820 : InuYasha Fan Fiction Genre(s): Romance | Type: Other Latest Revision: February 21, 2008 21:35 PST | Pages: 2 | Size: 4Kb | Visits: 928 Summary: Inuyasha does`nt know something about Kagome that only her family knows.What will Inuyasha do when he finds out the family secret?Will it bring him and Kagome closer together or will it destroy the link between them?Read to find out in this Inuyasha fanfic read more Review(s): 2 Reviews
Love, and Pain, and Darkness [X] by: wickedorin : Fan Fiction Genre(s): Angst / | Type: One Shot Latest Revision: May 22, 2005 22:47 PDT | Pages: 2 | Size: 31Kb | Visits: 453 Summary: Tormented by the past and possible future, Link remembers innocence lost...
Love, and the Like [Y] by: MidniteShadows : InuYasha Fan Fiction Genre(s): Romance / Mystery / Hentai / Drama | Type: Alternate Universe Latest Revision: April 11, 2010 19:15 PDT | Pages: 2 | Size: 11Kb | Visits: 433 Summary: She always wanted an adventure. Now, she's getting one, but everyone's got their secrets. Kagome has problems sleeping too, now that howls follow her every where, and dreams of her parents death begin to haunt her.
Love, Angel [T] by: Angel_of_Dispair : Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction Genre(s): Drama / / Romance | Type: One Shot Latest Revision: July 15, 2006 17:24 PDT | Pages: 8 | Size: 74Kb | Visits: 683 Summary: Adiana never really felt accepted, never wanted to be accepted. But one day...that all changes. And all because of him. {Two-Part one-shot.}
Genre(s): Angst / Romance / Comedy | Type: Self Insertion Latest Revision: August 26, 2004 05:18 PDT | Pages: 13 | Size: 44Kb | Visits: 222 Summary: Each chapter there is a story of romance, then humor, then angst, lastly tragedy.