"A Dragon's Possession" Reviews/Comments [ 160 ] |
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Title: Chapter 6 Reviewed By: thyme_cat [MediaMiner Member] On: March 30, 2006 15:02 EST Comment/Review: Baby! yay! Poor Inuyasha!! Another great chapter. What are they going to do? I really feel the turmoil, Inu is going to let Kagome go? What about Shippo? What about the Shikon? When are they going to take that collar off Kagome? Will Hiei be able to get back to the present or will he be stuck in the past? (or simply have to force his way back and forth?) What will be waiting for them when they return to the present? Is anyone going to die? Will Enma go after Kagome's family to get her into custody?? I look forward to the next chapter!
Reviewed By: xxSilentBeautyxx@hotmail.com On: March 30, 2006 14:48 EST Comment/Review: *sniffles* i was crying for poor inu! you wrote it so well, it was heart-wrenching!
Reviewed By: Kougalover123 [MediaMiner Member] On: March 30, 2006 13:55 EST Comment/Review: ooohhh so Kagome is really pregnant, things will definately get more interesting. please update again soon.
Title: review Reviewed By: FEMALE_INUYASHA (not logged in) On: March 30, 2006 13:53 EST Comment/Review: Oh how sad Inu's lost his girl and she's pregnet...one question will Hiei adopt or take care of Shippo as his own seeing as he's pratically Kagome's son!
Title: A Dragon's Possession Reviewed By: PureMiko_Kagome69ner *Offline* On: March 30, 2006 13:29 EST Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Damn! This is good, like all of your stories! Please update sooon! Oh, and I might miss this, but what happened to the clay-pot, Kikyo??
Reviewed By: halfblackwolfdemon_1 On: March 30, 2006 00:37 EST Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Again, damn you and your fucking addictive stories! I curse the day I found your drug-like stories! (not really!) Hope to read more soon, too! - Mitsuko
Reviewed By: hiei1969 [MediaMiner Member] On: March 29, 2006 18:36 EST Comment/Review: You have made another masterpiece! Sorry that I've taken so long in getting back to reading your work! I shall beat myself now! I wished that I had your talent! Please update soon!
Reviewed By: Irish Rose [MediaMiner Member] On: March 28, 2006 21:14 EST Rating(s):Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Comment/Review: that was great please update soon, I can't wait to read the rest of your story.
Title: :) Reviewed By: Alesyira (nsi) On: March 28, 2006 19:21 EST Comment/Review: Very nice! I enjoyed reading your new updates, and can't wait for more! You've got such excellent stories, and it's always cool to see a new chapter notice in my inbox. :)
Reviewed By: yue no rei (on ff.net) On: March 28, 2006 03:28 EST Comment/Review: whoa what happened there? kagome gets through but not hiei? this is sure going to cause some problems...
Reviewed By: bloodbunny [MediaMiner Member] On: March 27, 2006 19:46 EST Comment/Review: I loved this chapter! Please update soon!
Title: review Reviewed By: FEMALE_INUYASHA (just not logged in) On: March 26, 2006 02:18 EST Comment/Review: Holy shit! Wow what a story i can't wait to read more!
Title: Chapter 5 Reviewed By: thyme_cat [MediaMiner Member] On: March 25, 2006 23:26 EST Comment/Review: Oh my! This is very good. You have wound a very complicated knot here. I can't wait to see how you work through this and resolve it.
Reviewed By: Anonymous0 On: March 25, 2006 22:19 EST Comment/Review: Thank you, thank you for updating. you made may weekend very special, at least for tonight. Everyone thinks the worst of Enma, but would he really do that to Kagome? What if the guys plans don't go accouring to plan. Like King Enma being their when "Kagome" is going to be examined. Or somehow he knew the moment Kagome disappeared. I keep thinking that Sesshomaru would be in her time and he would help Kagome out. Not to mention be furious with Hiei and his little drangon. Not to mention Koenma. Why was it that Enma wanted Kagome to be saved and why didn't he send one of his Special Forces, to do it, instead of his son. Please update ASAP. This is really, really great. What will happen now? Did Kagome made it safely to Fedual era or somewhere else? How will Koenma react to this? How will everyone react to the dragon? Sorry for so many questions and ideas.
Reviewed By: xxSilentBeautyxx@hotmail.com On: March 25, 2006 21:33 EST Comment/Review: YAY an update! i feel like ive been waiting forever, even though its not been that long, im just impatient =P ah well, i really enjoyed this. i cant wait to see what happens when kag tells inu and the gang, and im sure hiei and inu will clash...they both have such strong personalities. it will deff be interesting to see. cant wait for the rest.
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