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"Diplomatic Relations" Reviews/Comments [ 157 ]
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 Reviewed By: inarae  On: October 20, 2005 22:17 EDT
Hee. been a while since I stopped by, so I got to read two new chapters! Thanks! They were lots of fun. As a note, I enjoy yaoi works, but the way you portray the relationship between Gaara and Lee is so perfect you don't have to go there. Of course, if that's what you've been planning from the start, that's cool too--just don't feel that you have to in order to create a good story. You're such a good writer I was loving it even before I had an inkling you were headed that direction. Again, if that was what you wanted to write, I'm sure it'll be wonderful. I just didn't get that feeling at the begining, and was hoping you weren't feeling pressured by fandom in general to turn this into a romance. Thanks again for the great read!
 Reviewed By: Pixie Smith [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 16, 2005 23:35 EDT
I haven't been able to read or review at all because of my lead up to the exams, but this chapter was sooo funny. I loved the whole idea of killer bugs, or roaches or whatever they were, my brain's gone foggy. I mean, roaches the size of poodles just boggled my mind! Like boggled!!! I also loved how Lee's all blushing around Gaara, but Gaara didn't even notice. I wonder how you're going to get Gaara to notice Lee, I mean, he wasn't even embarrassed and I just don't think he has those sexual feeligns. Well, I for one am excited and I can't wait until the next chapter. ^_^
 Reviewed By: darkwingedryder111  On: October 16, 2005 22:58 EDT
wow! i love this fic totally! like totally! i love this fic! i mean, you can make a totally crazy pairing work, and when i say work, i mean *work*. i'd never have thought this sort of pairing would work but i guess my friends weren't kidding when they said you were a brilliant author. i hope to read more soon.
 Reviewed By: darkwingedryder111  On: October 16, 2005 22:57 EDT
wow! i love this fic totally! like totally! i love this fic! i mean, you can make a totally crazy pairing work, and when i say work, i mean *work*. i'd never have thought this sort of pairing would work but i guess my friends weren't kidding when they said you were a brilliant author. i hope to read more soon.
 Reviewed By: darkwingedryder111  On: October 16, 2005 22:57 EDT
wow! i love this fic totally! like totally! i love this fic! i mean, you can make a totally crazy pairing work, and when i say work, i mean *work*. i'd never have thought this sort of pairing would work but i guess my friends weren't kidding when they said you were a brilliant author. i hope to read more soon.
 Title: o_o
Reviewed By: Moenokori  On: October 16, 2005 03:51 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
OMG. O.M.G. I love this fic! You are the soul reason behind my love of Lee/Gaara. I can't wait for the next chapter!!
 Title: lalala
Reviewed By: melaniesoong [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 15, 2005 10:50 EDT
Hai, Mal-sama, please do turn up the heat! We're slowly getting to the LeeGaara you mentioned in the summary, huh? ^_^ Poor Lee, I guess this chapter was a taste of what's in store for him. As always, I enjoyed it a lot, and literally did a little dance in my computer chair when I got the notification email from mm.org informing me that "your favorite author Maldoror has updated Diplomatic Relations...". Yay! Can you tell I'm always obsessively hoping for updates? By the way, I really laughed out loud at Lee's line about the "beauty of manly friendship", that's so corny and at the same time so very much in character for him. Well, guess I'll stop raving about your fic now, makes me seem like such a silly fangirl.... which I usually don't want to be... but I can't help it this time. Just one thing, though. I felt really sorry for the poor, attacking, poisonous bugs. As disgusting as they seemed (and that's a big compliment to your powerful description techniques, I usually don't mind bugs at all), I still cringed at the description of bug genocide. ^_^;
 Reviewed By: DoreeFT [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 15, 2005 05:41 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
You only accept comments from registered members? I almost couldn't get in to review. *Sighs* I had to beg a friend to let me borrow her account to review. ^_^ Well, considering how much I love this fic, what else could I do? Things are heating up so quickly and I for one am more than happy for the developments. I also like Lee's denial. Soooo cute!!! Can't wait until next weekend to read more of Lee's torture. I wonder when Gaara's going to start noticing Lee? I fear for Lee's sanity. Lol.
 Reviewed By: Honey Sue [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 08, 2005 10:58 EDT
Haha...its rare for a gaara/lee fic but i really love it!...update it asap!*thumbs up*
 Reviewed By: Pixie Smith [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 07, 2005 11:25 EDT
Beautiful. This is the most precious chapter of them all.
 Reviewed By: inarae  On: October 02, 2005 13:32 EDT
I have mentioned how much I love this fic, right? I just can't seem to stay away. Your characterization of Lee is so wonderful. He's like the kind of brave, honest, optimistic person we all wish we could be, but still awkward and obnoxious enough to feel real. And Gaara...he's the same. So messed up but still fighting, like the best role model ever, the type of person you just can't help admiring even as you want to recoil in disgust or cuddle him to your chest in pity. I was even disapointed to see Lee back in Konoha because it meant less Lee and Gaara. Even though I love Naruto! Really great fic. Thanks for writing and sharing.
 Reviewed By: melaniesoong*again  On: October 02, 2005 09:32 EDT
I still love this fanfic, every time a new chapter is out it just makes my day! ^_^ Wow, there was lots of angst in the last chapter (#5), and although I simply love your comedy, I like the angst just as much. Aw heck, I love your action scenes, too. ^_~ I can't even give you constructive criticism because I can't think of a way this could be better. And the way you sloooowly build up tension, how Lee and Gaara's relationship evolves so very slowly and interstingly .... I love that, too.
 Reviewed By: pixiesmith  On: October 01, 2005 18:30 EDT
Another wonderful chapter. I like the way Lee's trying to learn about Gaara (and succeeding), and I like intelligent Naruto in this one. Look forward to more humour!
 Reviewed By: Tawni  On: September 29, 2005 10:02 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Maldoror! We don't know eachother, but I've been following your "Freeport" and "Source of All Things" stories from the gwaddiction website for a long time. In fact, I suppose you could say I've been a huge fan of yours for a while through Gundam Wing fanfiction. So, imagine my surprise when I discovered my roommate reading a Naruto fanfic written by you! I've only just started reading Naruto fanfiction, and so far I'd been going through a small string of rather dry, dull stories. Reading this fanfic was like a breath of fresh air to me. Your grace with characterization is astounding. You have such a deep grasp on so many characters, and the way your develope their personalities is a talent I can only aspire to achieve. Finding you on this site was like recovering a dear friend, if you don't mind my saying, even though I don't claim to know you. So, in essence, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this fanfic and your other work as well. In my opinion,though your story lines are always fantastic, your character-devlopement is what sets your apart. I feel it to be the signature of your writing style. I can't wait to read more of your work in the future! Thank you so much!
 Reviewed By: LeviathanDrgn  On: September 28, 2005 22:25 EDT
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Thank you so much for writing a Lee/Gaara fic, they're so rare! Why can't more people appreciate this pairing? To me, it seems more plausible than Gaara paired with anyone else. Anyway, your characterization of both Lee and Gaara are perfect; you seem to really have a feel for Lee's enthusiasm and Gaara's apparant indifference. The storyline is great, and I love how you're taking it slowly and easing them into friendship first, considering how hard it is for Gaara to forge relations with *anyone*. I'm looking forward to future chapters. I can't wait to see how their relationship progresses, so please keep writing!
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