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"Retribution" Reviews/Comments [ 57 ]
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 Reviewed By: Rose Fury(Rawr?)  On: July 16, 2006 19:43 CDT
Hey looky, it's me! *points while making wild hand gestures* Go Nita! Retribution!You is so cool! I love that line that Duo says at the end: "I am Death, bitch." Especially the bitch part, it made me laugh, which made my mom look at me weird. Anyway...I went to a 'People who are trying to take over the world' convention. I met Hitler there. I was like: "WTF?! I thought you were dead!" He just laughed at me in his annoying Nazi way. So I kicked his communist ass with a pop can. Seriously, a pop can. *grins maniacally*
 Reviewed By: Rose Fury [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 12, 2006 12:30 CDT
Hey, Nita! Hi Talim! I was wondering if I could perhaps, borrow Talim for an RP? If it's alright with him of course. I just can't seem to find anyone better for the part, it's basically about a war between a tyrannical king and the rebels, called Revolution. Talim's part would be of someone who claims to be neutral. He would be found in the ruins of a house during a search for people to interrigate. Talim, you would be leaning against the ruins of the wall, your chin in one of your hands, while painting patterns on the woodwork with fallen soldiers spilt blood, a seductive grin adorning your lips. You'd be the unpredictable seducer of many. Charming your way out of one trouble and possibly into even more. I can't seem to picture anyone else in the role, except for maybe Duo. A bewitching bringer of death. What do you think?
 Reviewed By: RebelByNature-nli-  On: June 09, 2006 15:25 CDT
That sucks about your sister. It seems to me she'd get better the older she got. Plus i think it's cool you love your sister so much. Ahem to your review. More fighting! Yeah i love violence. Ooh i hope Talim's okay. Okaayy Talim talks to his dead father. Like his spirit or just imagined? Nita vs. Naima and Talim vs. Quatre. I like both fights, but i like your's and Naima's better. Seems more...deadly. Now i wanna go play MKDA. Bye Nita!
 Title: 3511 left. BUT 1767 + 489 = 2256 chars used ^ ^
Reviewed By: Scarletty [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 07, 2006 18:11 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Hey, Lol sorry bout this I just remembered that I forgot to put on the rates yup I know I don't usually but for this and and the last few chaps. Would you rather I call them Chaps or Epps or somthing else? Anyway I haven't been giving you the whole points thing So I figured I would now. Sorry I forgot, but two reviews better than one ney? ^ ^ Anywho I'm off now to sleep. "Give In The Obsession, And Feed Our Addiction", yeah I kno but its still a new review. Luvs and licks sayonara x
 Title: 2233 ! ^ ^
Reviewed By: Scarletty [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 07, 2006 18:03 CDT
Hey, Sorry I took a while to review. I had my Biology exam *grumbles* 2hrs and freakin 15 mins. Errr I wanted to kill someone. I really did. *manic grin* But I'm here now. Yeah update. Don't worrie none of us mind waiting *glances up* . . . I think? Yeah insite to Nita, I'm listening. Yeah Arson lol can't wait to meet him/her. Lol yeah I've made an appearence I'm grand. How many bishies do you have? Oooh lots of new chars for me to fall in love with. *grins* Lol we're so gonna have to start a "we love Nita's OC's fan club" Who's with me? Lol something tells me Pebble's isn't quite done with us either lol. Something screams Chaos ahead... lol too bad we love it so! So Gypsy's daughter *whistles* that's gonna be a shock to her aint it? Thats of course if you are? The striking resemblence should be shock anyway! A whole Chap on FIGHTING!!!! Oh you know how to please, I love it! Wow your ace, heehee you kicked ass! Lol go Quat and Talim, has Talim lost? Or is there more? Just thought I'd ask. Yanno I think your gonna be the downfall of Quazie? and how come Quazie likes Gypsy so? Who's Naimi? Is she important? Could you put who everone is please like who their chars are? Its just so I know lol cause I have no idea *blushes* sorry. Oooh Heero and Duo having a fight huh. I wonder who'll win? Will it be a draw? Will use dirty techniques? (not that way hentai!). Will somthing go wrong? lol My head hurts too many questions and all. *grins* Loved the chap read it twice more than usual. Phrase time "Give In The Obsession, And Feed Our Addiction". Anyway I'll leave it there. Goodluck for your finial exams, mine don't end till the 16th unfortunatly. I'm sure you'll pass them hun. Sayonara till next chap. Ooh and long response yay ^ ^. Luv and Licks x
 Reviewed By: Rose Fury [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 07, 2006 14:17 CDT
Ah, I understand. It's no problem. Yay! Fighting! I'm glad no one in my family was premature. The seizures wouldv'e scared the shit out of me too. But the most that's wrong in my family is my mom, sister, and I all having anemia. But yeah, that's a cake walk. So, everyone of your bishes? That might be pretty hard, I mean, trying to keep track of them all. Unless some of them just get these short little appearances then disappear into the wild blue yonder. How many bishies do you have anyway? I only have...5. Hiroshi, Keitaru, Anyia, Klepto, and Lucifer. Why are all of my originals guys? Well, i do have that one chick I made...but I forget her name and I haven't really used her very much. I need to start working on that. Anyway, you're welcome! I like reviewing, it's entertaing!
 Reviewed By: RoseFury(Whoo! Really early in the morning!)  On: June 06, 2006 23:30 CDT
I feel like such a bad person!! I haven't reviewed in forever!! Well...friends were over and they don't appreciate it when I ignore them for fanfiction. I swear, I think I might die if I ecer lost my computer. I have major issues. *sniffles* Where be me? I wanna hit on somebody! Plus help kick Pebble's german-looking ass.
 Reviewed By: RebelByNature-nli-  On: June 06, 2006 20:38 CDT
Wow! I'm gone for what almost half the day and you've got four new chapters up. I love it! Hmm i also love it when Talim kicks ass. Pebbles effin deserved it. He should've got his ass kicked a whole lot worse, but then Talim didn't really get the chance to do that. Ooh Nita you're morbid. But that's not a bad thing. Yes rough lemons ahead, they're my favorite kind. Wonder if that's normal? Soo Nita are you by chance Gypsy's daughter? Poor Quazie. About to be thrust into an unknown fate, maybe death. P.S. Will your sister get better the older she gets? I hope she does. Bye Nita!
 Title: 2296 getting there!
Reviewed By: Scarletty (Amber)  On: June 06, 2006 13:09 CDT
Hey, Does that mean I can have six reviews...God i hope so. that would mean I'd have two left. Sang is like a female Duo only less violent. I might have a fighting sceene coming up *glomps* ou make me soo happy. Amber gets to kick ass! Amber gets to kick ass! I don't mind if I lose...as long as its not really pathetically yanno if that helps at all. Yer you said bodily harmed but Pebbels lol he just about didn't die. Yer add him/her in (if you want to of course) lol I wonder what crime he commiteed though lol. Fun in your books. That'll be interesting I can certainly see some new rebellion and lotsa hell breaking lose. *manic grin* I can't wait! Hey I don't mind if you want a whole page of responses lol ok maybe I might a little bit. But only by a fraction. Lol sorry for the 21 questions. Talim and Heero really kicked butt *glances* hmm I like there butt's in action. I'd say Duo's impressed, that bad thing going to happen to Quazie err is that you lol? Lol don't appologise your hostility is part of your charm in this. Your a tough nut, we (readers) know it, you know it and now everone else knows it. Heehee only they have to not cross your path *snickers* or hell are they gonna meet their maker huh. Your life is certainly out of the ordinary isn't I'd ask you more. But I have a feeling you proberly wanna keep that private. Anywho lovely kick ass chap and personally I'm thrilled need more but thats normal *grins* "Give In The Obsession, And Feed Our Addiction" yup my annoying phrase is making a come back. Err I've beat my own record this I'll be my 5th review in a row *grins* not to mention in one day think we can make it 6? Lol no pressure tho. Cya'z next chap luv and licks x
 Title: 2641 Not a Personal Best But Not Bad!
Reviewed By: Scareltty (Amber)  On: June 06, 2006 12:13 CDT
Hey, Oooh that lemon would be greatly apreciated, and well loved. No way we love you and your OC's we get to know them better and better. yer my ass your innocent. One of these days I'll destroy that doll. I'm sure you'll sort the whole ShaixTalim thing out. proberly in a very random moment no less. lol have you ever read PHD Phantasy Degree well the main char in that is called Sang. I dont mean any offence but she kinda reminds me of you. *dances on table...and glaring at anyone who gives odd looks* I'M IN THE FIC!!! I'm in the fic. I'm in your fic. YESSS!!!!! Arson my fave hobby. How did you know? lol *glomps* You put me in your fic. You have sucessfully turned me into a big dolop of happy goo. Lol no stupid onna or injustice remark *giggles* it appears someone has been working on their issues. Huh wuffy-kins (how did you know I call peeps kins?) Fun in jail? Can I play *pupply dog eyes* pwease? Anywho I'm so pleased you put me in your fic *glomps* thankyou. since three's your limit I'll have to suffer until tomorrow. But I dont mind. Thanks again "Give In The Obsession, And Feed Our Addiction". MORE FIGHTING? Oh and you wonder why we love you so. Can we kill Pebbles? Or at least hurt him pwease? or is Heero gonna do that for us? Can't wait for another update, you love leaving me like this don't you. Lol Cya'z next chap Luv and Licks
 Reviewed By: Scarletty (: P)  On: June 06, 2006 11:24 CDT
Hey, Lol I can see why you changed your name to morbid angel. Yeah you need to update F.E.A.R lol you totally scared me to death with that fic. But I love way too much. It's ace. Yeah are you trying to give me a heartattack *glares* I hope that voodoo doll isnt to blame. I swear your gonna be the death of me. God those two are a right pair. Soo cute lol they both wanna protect the other really sweet. Shai better be better than Heero otherwise I'm gonna convert to HeeroxDuoxTalim or just HeeroxTalim. I LOVED the whole "I'm Diablo, damn it. I'm at home." *swoons* that was hot. Does it matter that I'm becoming attached to your OC more than my GBoys. I would say its a lovers tiff but I guess there kinda like family I dunno truely loved it though can ask for more or do I have to wait until tomorrow. I was premature but only by a week lol. "Give In The Obsession, And Feed Our Addiction" Yup the phrase is back. So sue me I missed it *glomps phrase* Anywho more please *hugs* Luvs and licks x
 Reviewed By: Scarletty ^ ^  On: June 06, 2006 10:52 CDT
Hey OMG NITA ! *grabbs and holds Talim* I have to say I certainly was Not expecting that. He really was angry huh *whistles* I really do not wanna get on hi wrong side ouch Pebbles is gonna be sore tomorrow. Lovely fight sceene *drools* t'was yummy. Poor Gypsy hope she'll be allright. Quazie *cuddles* he's so sweet. More More More. Oooh so the guards are the matchmakers huh? Lol the whole RelenaxColtxHilde thing oh that was funny. You gotta give me more. Everything was ace totally splended. Glad you got some sleep, yer I totally agree with you, I love getting responses, I get all warm and feel special. *rolls eys* God I'm easily pleased. Morbid well you are 100% morbid angel arn't you. . . and you can be hyper and morbid. You'd be absolutly terrifying but still you. I'm sorry about your uncle. Love the new approach rough lemons are the best! Plus we always new Quat and Tro are definatly NOT innocent! Lol thanks for the long response and here's a rewiew for you. Luvs and licks x (I've given up on the phrase I think its getting a bit too annoying lol ^ ^)
 Title: LIME !!! YAY ^-^
Reviewed By: very happy ! Scarletty  On: June 05, 2006 13:30 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Hey, *glomps* yeah new chap. Yup I'm reviewing again lol I love this way too much to pass up on that offer. You dont have to give long responses I mean you resepond a lot of authors dont so I'm incredibly pleased you do anyway. *hugs* Awsome lime Ooooh Violet huh? Well I wonder who's lovely eyes are violet hmm could it be a braided american *sigh* He's smitten already how kawaii. Not to mention Quatre bein all adorable and being hurt by Trowa who WOW can funtion at 40g *whistles* Damn he's in good shape. Anyway too the point awww he's all emotionally hurt cause he loves him. Its adorable. Loved the small fight sceen between them nick kick Quat! He knocked him out 0.0 I understand why but it seems like Tro wont be sweeping to his defence anytime soon if he's the one who's beating him up. Oooh More into your past please *hugs* more Nita! Lol LOVE your idea screw with them (not to badly) psychotic-ness please! Anyway again I'm talking away like mad oh thanks so much for the fight sceens I'm very happy ^-^. Ok now phrase time Until next time "Give In The Obsession, And Feed Our Addiction". Hmm getting a bit too much I think anyway until next epp or chap Cya'z luv and licks x
 Reviewed By: RebelByNature-nli-  On: June 05, 2006 13:23 CDT
Well Heero's kinky huh? Nope i don't mind being an agent. But can i still piss off J? Cuz that seems like fun. And whoohoo i love being put in your stories. They're so effin cool. Okay that was me and my geeky attempt not to cuss in your review. And the lime? Yea, let me just go cool off in the corner right quick. So while i get that Quatre likes Trowa but instead of trying to kick his ass if i ended up in jail cuz of him i'd be trying to kill him. And *gasps* what are you gonna do to Quazie? Nothing too too bad i hope. And i was kinda stuck on the purple thong thing. I kept having to re-read it lol. By the way thanks again for the part and i'll look out for it! Bye Nita!
 Title: Ooops slightly long again
Reviewed By: Scarletty ^-^  On: June 05, 2006 12:22 CDT
Hey, I'm right *gasps* Whooo Go Me! *glomps* You really letting me be in your fic *death glomp* Arigato, Thankyou so much, Do you still have my profile/Bio or do you want me to resend it to you?, You dont have to put me in yanno I dont wanna force you or anything. Me luv my saying lol its become a habbit, and will apear at the end ^-^ . Fight sceen *does dance* Wheee this is the best, oooh like water so unpredictable. I've just suffered through a 2hr Maths exam so your really making my day arigato hunni. Yup you should definatly have a contest for longest review lol I wonder if I could use up all the letters. *grins* That would be an awfully long review. *giggles* purple thong. . . I can imagine Hee-chan thinking of Duo in one lol, and we all kno he does although not necessarily purple. *grins* can't wait to meet Shai *waves at mysterious shadow figure*. Lol I wonder if Duo and Heero got in a fight who would lose and have to pay penance *grins evily* that would be funny. *cuddles Heero* Aww baby *sniff* He had a bad past hasn't he, poor thing. Hey I reviewed I reviewed. . . I reviewed so you post your lime now *grins* I love a good lemon or lime *glomps* You're really making my day ^-^. I wonder which chars its between *grins* I cannot wait to read and review it. Oh Happy days. Ok I think I'll leave it here befor I talk your ear off cya'z next chap Sayonara x Oooh and not to forget my trusty phrase "Give In The Obsession, And Feed Our Addiction" luv and licks x
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