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"Retribution" Reviews/Comments [ 57 ]
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 Reviewed By: Scarletty [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 03, 2006 05:48 CDT
Hey, *dose dance* Heehee everyone likes my long review. *glomps everyone* Aww thankyou. Makes me feel all special. Hopefully this one wont be as long. I cannot believe Knight did that! I agree with RebelByNature-nli-. Knight seriously aint gonna get any sympathy from me. Although I bet he wants to have his son back. Anyway awww Tal *glomps* poor thing. How in hell are they gonna manage 20g if they cant manage 5, *grins* Well Shaharra if you wanted to be sadistic good job *pats back* very well done. Eh are erm we aloud to ask to er be put in *blushes* sorry I dont wanna make it more complicated. But eh if you need anymore chars well I would love to be in it, but only if you need anyone or something like that, I dont want to be any hassel. Anyway oooh can't wait for more. Are the gangs gonna be used for J's experiments? Is Shai Knights son?love to hear more please, now time for my err annoying phrase "Give In The Obsession, And Feed Our Addiction" sorry but it's become habbit. Lol sayonara x
 Reviewed By: RebelByNature-nli-  On: June 02, 2006 16:59 CDT
Sorry i haven't reviewed earlier. But while im making up for it now i don't think i could compare to Scarletty reviews. Anywho, Une a bitch? Yes. And Shaharra, well she requested to be sadistic. Moving on umm whats up with Pebbles, and Knight stuck his son in the same cell with the crazy mofo? Trust me if i was his son an apology wouldn't be enough. I'd probably want to kill him. Plus Talim had me cracking up with the whole stitches thing. No you're not dying Tal, you're just being silly. And ooh about the self insertions can i request to be in the story? If that's alright with you. I would love to give J a good ass kicking. But i most likely wouldn't be able to do that. The life stories? I felt bad for Quazie, and while i like all your characters except for Une and J, he's fast becoming another one of my favorites along with Gypsy. Bye Nita, luv ya!
 Reviewed By: Rose Fury [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 02, 2006 13:20 CDT
Kage would love to play! Especially as one of the inmates that was the reason they're on 5g. ^^ She's such a trouble maker. Let's see...why would she have been sent to L9? Let's say it involved a butterfly knife, a group of self-rightous bastards, and a whole lotta blood. You can change her age and everything to suit your story, I don't mind!
 Title: Not quite up to Scarletty's level but...2480 words left!
Reviewed By: Rose Fury [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 01, 2006 23:44 CDT
*looks up at Scarletty's revies* Dang...that is really long! Sorry I hadn'e reviewed earlier, I was playing Dragon's Fable. *grins* It was fun, I was kicking goblin ass. So, this is the famous L9, well Kage might be able to survive but I doubt the real me could. I don't think I have enough muscle. ^^ Man, the boys are just getting beat up today huh? And only at 5g! Imagine it at 10g! They'll have to escape soon or they're gonna become ripped! They'll lose their perfect, lean figures!!! Nooo!!!! Imagine Quatre ripped....*shudders* That's a scary thought. I like Quazie too, he's a sweety. Shaharra is such and uber bitch! Both her and Une's ass's belong to my butterfly knife! They shall die! *laughs maniacally* I don't know why, but I relate more to Quatre's story. The others are sad, yes, but his is all about freedom. I like that. If you don't have you're freedom you're missing out on alot! You may have your pride, or your diginity, or other stuff! but freedom let's you explore and see new places, and expirience new things. And you know how I love to expirience new things! Man, I'm just a chatterbox today! I just keep typing.^^ Maybe my subconcious is trying to beat Scarletty in review length? I don't think I will though, what all did she write up there anyway? Maybe I'll read it later, if I don't forget. *grin* Sometimes I get into a really good fic and I pretty muchforget what I was about to do. Anyway, I'm just gonna leave it at this so I can go read Ai: Omega(X). I really like that fic. Ja ne!
 Title: hyperactiveness and 1924 words left lol!
Reviewed By: Scarletty *grins*  On: June 01, 2006 14:09 CDT
Hey, *grins* well I was starting to question their reasons for joining the teams. Lol you write exciting long chaps and I have a lot to say, so why not write reasonable reviews lol. It was a tear jerking chap *blushes* well for me. Quazie is ace but I'm particually drawn to Gypsy *cuddles*. I would say she's my fave but then I like Talim *patts back* I wont cuddle he seems to be suffering too much for that. Then I again I love Hee-chan and Duo-kun and well lets say I like Gypsy, Talim and my Gboys hows that! But definatly Gypsy and Talim are my faves! ^-^ Is Shaharrra Shai by any chance or am I just barking up the wronge tree. But *balls fists* Shaharra is one hell of a bitch! *death glare* Poor Gypsy and Talim got hurt *cuddles* Forget Une Your Ass Is Mine Shaharra! *grins* so cause I gave you a fairly long review befor if I give you an even longer one do I get another update *grins cheekily* Pwease! Or do I have to wait untill tomorrow? You know I've wrote three reviews in a row twice now lol I think I'm setting myself a record. I really pity them at L9 now, I hope they'll be ok I mean it doesnt seem likely for an escape. *sigh* Shaharra is real piece of work but then again I'm not surprised that they're having a hard time *grins* you sure are sadistic arn't ya hun. But that what we love about you. My Gypsy says Hi and is promtly glaring at someone else being cooler than her having her name *rolls eyes* I'm I'm getting the stick for it! I'm slightly hyper so this is why this review is very random and vague sorry *grins* I keep apologiseing dont I. Anyway back to the point I wonder whats going to happen next and am I aloud to beg you for further updates. Also any fight sceenes coming up soon my bloods just iching for a fight, and last but not least (I never understood that!) my phrase "Give In The Obsession, And Feed Our Addiction". Lol your gonna throttle me next time I put that arnt ya? Sayonara till ya next update x P.s I'm on 1924 words how ace. This is no doubt my longest review ever so its a good job you love them so much ^-^
 Title: I'm too much of a sap ^-^
Reviewed By: Scarletty *sob*  On: June 01, 2006 11:42 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Hey, Yup the uniforms are wonderously cool. I'm glad your having fun writing the fic cause I'm certainly have a great time reading it. My only wish is that you give everything else up and continue this forever. But thats a lil selfish of me I think. Gypsy's past *sniff* poor thing oooh daughter, I vote her name be Nita! *crumbles* Talim, Duo oh heck Nita arn't we trying to cut down on dramatics or does reducing lil old me to tears not count. All I could think about was omg look at what they've all been through all those hardships and boom I was off sniffling away. *grins* Your gonna be a brilliant authoress. Hee-chan doesnt have a past *cuddles* poor baby...*grins sheepishly* dont hurt me Heero! Quazie oh heck if I hadnt been cring before I damn would have been now. How could that happen to him. *sniff, sniff* oh there I go again. Lol I'm too emotional for my own good. Ya can see why I cant do deathfics huh. Aww everyone at the end comforting Quazie *grins* that was adorable with a capital A, Very sweet. At the end you requested who I (we) felt connected with well to be honest I dont have a clue. I'd give you my story but you proberly dont want to know. Erm I like them all really each of them are sweet and I like them all in their own ways sorry god I'm babbling so I'll wrap it up. Lovely chap can't wait for more and here comes my phrase "Give In The Obsession, And Feed Our Addiction" I've altered it slighlty. want more as always. Long and fairly dragging review so gomen nasai hunni. Update soon and luv ya x oh and *glomps* sayonara! ^-^
 Reviewed By: Scarletty ^ ^  On: June 01, 2006 11:03 CDT
Hey, Oooooh Update *does dance* whoooo! Go Nita, Go Nita Whoooo. *grins* glad I got that out. Yeah Gypsy or rather Gypsianna. She's ace I love her "What are we? In elemantary" lol. Lol You can Duo and Heero like each other *smirks* I can see prison actually becoming something of a game to them. Assisins like them nah no way is a few guards and some bars gonna stop them from rebelling and causing havoc. Love the uniforms heehee very individual and *glomps gaurd* I love Wufei's hair down, very kawaii. No Quat *rolls eyes* I guess Daddy is still trying to get his only son off the hook eh. Glad you like my long reviews cause I don't seem to be able to stop writing them *grins*, so its all good. *releases Talim* Ooops gomen nasai. Lol dont you kill Talim off too badly oh wait you could always revieve him, and sure whatever dont go playing all innocent on me Nita! Cant wait till next update sayonara hunni x
 Reviewed By: Scarletty (I JUST signed in)  On: May 31, 2006 12:43 CDT
Hey, *points gun at Une* You WILL Die!!!! *growls* When they find Muller "Omea O Korosu". Let me borrow the double scythe and bye bye *grins evily* of course not before I castrait him and then feed them to him. *grins* You Make Us Love Your Char's Too much! *cuddles Talim* Poor baby he nearly died! 0.0 *cuddles harder*. Heehee you tell him Quat *nods* Give him hell. *cuddles Heero* Why is he always getting hurt *growls* Stupid police useless pieces of trash. Loved Duo's past at the begining it twas sweet. *cuddles* Hey Solo *waves*. Ooooh Wufei liken Sally aswell huh well we can certainly tell someone definatly not thinking of the mission. HILDE *jaw drops* I certainly see they arnt all bro and sis in this one. Miss Gypsy were oh were is she. Yup everyone should have an OC named Gypsy. Very cool name. Will they be alright on L9 will they escape? Come on you cant leave us hangin No thats unfair. *sighs* We're adicted absolutly adicted lol but like hell I'm complaining. You enjoy toying with us *glares at voodoo doll* Is that why I fell of the bed Nita? Glad your prom was ace would love to see pics. UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE! Feed Our Adiction! I think thats becoming my trademark phrase. *grins* Oh well. Can't wait to read more. Heehee Sayonara luv ya x
 Reviewed By: Rose Fury [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 31, 2006 12:34 CDT
And now we know what they're doing to Quat...wait a minute L-freakin'-9? Une, you have issues!!! What's wrong with you? A minor! A minor I tell you! *pulls out a dagger and throws it at a picture of Une taped to a target* Die you evil bitch! *clears throat* I'm okay.
 Reviewed By: Rose Fury [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 31, 2006 12:27 CDT
Wait a minute, aren't the G-boys and Talim fighting against Mueller? Well, how would they know where he is? I wanna kill the guards! *grins insanely, eye twitching* They almost killed Talim! They've been beating Heero! And they almost drowned Duo! Who knows what they might be doing to Quat!
 Reviewed By: Scarletty [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 31, 2006 12:18 CDT
Hey, WHAT ??? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON! Heero is Hideki ??? Or am I losing the plot What??? My head is spinning I am so gratefull I'm reading this in a chair and yes *blushes* I did actually fall out of the bed. *grimices* I was amused. But OMG I kno I said you always surprised me but *insert random cusses, swearing and rude sayings* I was not expecting that. But she was a girl a girl A GIRL! No my head *hold head* If I'd been eating icecream I'd say I'd have brainfreeze but I think I'm just going into meltdown or overload or whatever. Lol you love to toy with us don't you. Oooh got to go I just recieved an email telling me of your update! x
 Reviewed By: Rose Fury [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 31, 2006 11:47 CDT
O.O Heero..Ms.Hediki...Heero...Ms.Hediki...Heero's a crossdresser??? Gah! That..was not expected...So confused...O.o I'll be back momentarily. *runs to go get a Tylenol for her surprise induced headache*
 Reviewed By: RebelByNature-nli-  On: May 25, 2006 17:15 CDT
First off i hope you have a great time at your prom. Okaaay no i didn't see that coming. So now i want to seriously wring Trowa's neck. I like Ms. Hediki. So cool. Well Talim's always gonna be my fav. 'Before I let this go any further....the last man to hit Tamil was his father...and he's somewhere lying in a ditch....in pieces.' i love that!
 Reviewed By: Rose Fury [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 25, 2006 14:21 CDT
O.o For some reason I can't see Trowa as a cop. I can see him as a gundam pilot and a Preventer but not a cop...Poor Talim!!!! We shall kill them all! *twitches* Is it bad that I'm starting to like Talim more than the G-boys?...
Reviewed By: Scarletty ^-^  On: May 25, 2006 13:05 CDT
Hey, Wheee a chap just for me *swoons*. I'll be fine, I'll look out for the use of that in one of your fics. OMG What The Hell, No WAY!!! I started out ooh interesting, and then bamb I fell of the bed *grumbles* I was THAT shocked. OMG You certainly know how to hold together a surprise. God I never not in a million years suspected that. Poor Talim *cuddles* Poor thing *growls* can we kill his tormentors pwease. Oooh I have to say I'm looking forward to the next update more than ever. I can't wait, I have to say I love Gypsy, she's ace and I have a OC called Gypsy too how wierd is that, Awww poor Quat he seriously sounded peeved. Anyway back to the point you seriously have to update but AFTER prom. You deserve some you time. Ok have fun and don't do anything Talim wouldnt do *snickers* Ciao x
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