"The Extent of Denial" Reviews/Comments [ 71 ] | Pages (5): [ « ‹ 1 2 3 4 5 ›  » ] | Reviewed By: verloren [MediaMiner Member] On: March 05, 2007 02:20 CST Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: (I know you can't really respond to this now, but I really feel the need to reply to your hysterical note anyway. Seriously, I was cracking up for most of it.) ## Wait, what? It's done? *is shellshocked* I'm a bit confused at the moment, to be honest. On one hand, the end was so cute, and I'm totally squeeing about uke-Akira and the kinky bondage thing... but on the other hand, I don't want it to be over. Hmph. It was a good ending, though. Fluffy but not overwhelmingly so. ## Yes, of course smack/cuddle/smack is the response for Waya... that's how you know he's IC. Even if he is my favorite, I still want to hit him every five minutes on average when I'm reading or watching the canon. It just means that you totally nailed Waya's character... though for the record, I think you really nailed all of them, not just Waya. ## The really sad thing is that now that I've started looking for Waya/Isumi fics, I'm finding out that it's actually easier to find Waya/Hikaru. Hell, it's almost easier to find Hikaru or Akira/Ogata. *shudders* ## Heh. I think I blocked out the horrific memory of Hikaru's wardrobe in self defense. Some of that stuff really WAS awful in the extreme... and really, how is it that no one ever commented on it? What kid runs around dressed like that? Then again, *nothing* compares to Touya's purple suit. I have that image permanently burned into my eyeballs. ...Though I can imagine that part of Hikaru's goal when they started going out in the first place was to scandalize Akira as much as possible, aside from looking like a pimp, of course ^_^ ## All in all, this was wonderful to read, even though I will miss it. And I'll keep my fingers crossed that you write some other Hikago stuff. *glomps* (Sorry about the note-of-doom here, I promise I'm shutting up now. ^_^)
| Reviewed By: Lupe On: March 04, 2007 19:03 CST Comment/Review: Final chapter? :O Really? T___T Oh well... It was really nice to read ;), thanks for sharing (and I'm looking forward to read your upcoming fics! ~hopefully there will be wayaxisumi there too lol --ah sorry, I just love WayaxIsumi very much and I loved the way you wrote them =3--).
| Title: Uh... whoops? Reviewed By: verloren [MediaMiner Member] On: March 02, 2007 05:56 CST Comment/Review: Completely random note: Okay, I've been rewatching some of the earlier HnG episodes... I take back what I said before about Hikaru's outfits being OOC. If you look at some of the absolutely ridiculous clothes he wears sometimes- I mean, really. Oh my god. The fishnet shirts and stuff really aren't a stretch in the slightest. He would TOTALLY do that... especially once his mom stopped doing his shopping ^_^. Yeah, anyway, just thought I'd share.
| Reviewed By: Lupe On: February 20, 2007 23:03 CST Comment/Review: Ahhhhh! Love this fic so much! Specially the IsumixWaya parts
| Reviewed By: Verloren On: February 19, 2007 23:11 CST Comment/Review: Aww, don't feel guilty. Stuff happens, you have a life outside of writing, all that. It's totally understandable. I'm just horrifically impatient, even though that's totally hypocritical since I pretty much NEVER update my own stuff... Take whatever time you need. No rush. Oh god, Waya's so CUTE! I just want to hug him (you know, when I'm not wanting to smack him upside the head)... You've totally made me fall in love with Waya/Isumi, I hope you know that. I wasn't really even into that ship before I started reading this fic, and now I think that they're just too cute together to NOT ship.
| Title: moonlight Reviewed By: shihiru [MediaMiner Member] On: February 18, 2007 22:00 CST Rating(s):Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Comment/Review: Yes! Isumi x Waya again. I loved both of them ^^
| Reviewed By: Someone Gay On: February 11, 2007 21:20 CST Comment/Review: I liked this story from the first chapter, it got better as it went along. Though something hurt me, I almost cried when Hikaru slept with Kota, it hit me in a sore spot, too close to home. I can almost want to choke you for that but I'd rather think about how its better for it, even if it did break my heart a second time.
| Reviewed By: Verloren On: February 07, 2007 00:30 CST Comment/Review: I quite literally squeed when I saw that you'd updated. Finally, finally, FINALLY they got together! And Hikaru arguing about not being an uke was hysterical- even if he did sound like he was trying to convince himself more than anything else. I definitely wouldn't mind seeing him be seme, though. I've always had the impression that Hikaru and Touya would be equally dominant and sort of switch off on the seme/uke thing. It's all good, though. As long as they're together, I don't really care that much. So... next chapter? *pokes* Soon? Maybe? *pokes again*
| Reviewed By: Flafful On: February 04, 2007 19:38 CST Comment/Review: Beautiful, amazing, wonderful. This story is so amazingly perfect. You have no idea how much I love it, seriously... and it was sooo cute, Hikaru arguing about being uke :D Also, you totally wrote the best way for Hikaru to say I love you, poor naive little boy not knowing he said it ;) Officially the best story i've read in a long time, and that encludes non fanfic-actual published books. UPDATE SOON!!!! I LOVE this story soo much and cant wait!!!!
| Reviewed By: wandering Muse [MediaMiner Member] On: February 01, 2007 08:28 CST Comment/Review: Hehe, yeah I realise it would be "too perfect" and idea if everything was perfect and with Akira from the first time but.. I still hate Kota for that! you can't make me change my mind about it! xD *laughs* dang.. how did you spot me hiding in that tree- I mean, I even went to the lengths of getting me a twig as well! *redoes her camoufkage research* Thank God for the new chapter. I was really starting to whimper, wracked with allsorts of nightmares like "..what if she's had enough of writing this fic?" *shudders* (what is your name, by the way?) At any rate, this was one sweet chapter. FINALLY! although there were things in there that made me feel edgy .. this whole "yours but not really". You better not have him return to Kora! you just CAN't do this to us! xD Thanks and I hope that chapter 32 will be here at some point in the near future =)
| Title: mikshake Reviewed By: shihiru [MediaMiner Member] On: January 29, 2007 00:04 CST Rating(s):Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Comment/Review: Finallyyy...they had done it! This story is not going to end yet soon, is it? Please tell me 'no'
| Reviewed By: bb On: January 28, 2007 17:01 CST Rating(s):Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Comment/Review: Finally! Sex!! Great chapter. Loved it, thanks for the update! *^_^*
| Title: eee! Reviewed By: Wandering Muse On: January 24, 2007 13:15 CST Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 9 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: I am in complete and utter love with this fic! So much so that I feel like stalking you, tying you down and hovering around you in an obsessive fashion while you write.. and write.. and write _<
I really wished that Hikaru would deny him the actual sexual intercourse thingy and save it for Akira ;_____; you meanie! hehe, and is it just me or do boys, in general, really just never speak about the important things? xD I mean, all it needed was for one or either (kira/karu) to be frank and confess- and we'd have been spared all this heartache! I'm camping outside your e-home till you deliver the next chapter...
| Title: The official #1 Fan. Reviewed By: Hakuza On: January 22, 2007 16:36 CST Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Omg did you get my e-mail? I hope it sent! :D Re-reading chapter 30 is good. XD Hope you're having a good January 22nd because it's officially the saddest day of the year! :(
| Reviewed By: Flafful On: January 20, 2007 15:21 CST Comment/Review: Hey, this story is so incedibly awesome. I'd been looking for a good HnG one for a while and finally found it, it sthe perfect balence of funny sad and lots of just plain hotness. I love it, keep going i cant wait for your next update!!
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