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"The Hybrid" Reviews/Comments [ 34 ]
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 Reviewed By: nan_de_mo_chibi_otoko [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 08, 2010 00:21 CDT
my heart just broke when I saw how long its been since this story was updated :( I do hope maybe you do finish it some day
 Reviewed By: sue  On: June 22, 2009 13:56 CDT
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!! This is a great story I need to know what happens. I know a lot of people would love if you could update. Please? thank-you so much!
 Reviewed By: dsaasd  On: December 14, 2008 19:53 CST
i wish you would continue! have you posted on fanfiction.net? i think you would get more exposure and reviews there
 Reviewed By: artchic [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 18, 2007 20:15 CST
What up?! I know I haven't been by in awhile, but I figured I'd drop you a note and let you know that I really hope you finish this story. I keep checking back hoping that you've updated. But no such luck. *pouts* I absolutely love this story. Please, please don't abandon it.
 Reviewed By: Ha Cha Cha  On: November 14, 2007 02:05 CST
Style of Writing: 8 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 5 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
I have read this whole story and u have me on the edge! Its been months since your last update and I feel like u've either moved on or forgotten about this fic! This story is 2 good to just b left hangin! PLEASE! I would LOOOVE for u 2 update this story!
 Reviewed By: nan de mo chibi otoko  On: August 20, 2007 03:24 CDT
wow this is pretty damn good, only problems I see are every now and then a missed word... like you said it but you were typing so fast you moved on without it.. i do it all the time.. maybe you should have a driend proof read the chapter for you before you post it, cause sometimes we cant catch it cause our brain knew the word should be there and we miss it... but other than that sweet story I cant wait for you to update
 Reviewed By: skanky-uo-chan  On: August 19, 2007 16:17 CDT
well i am hooked give me sum more of that stuff.
 Reviewed By: artchic [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 05, 2007 21:08 CDT
Nice solid chap. Hopefully we'll find out more of the what, how, where, and whys of this rebellion in the next chapter since we're finally going to talk to the elusive Dr. Briefs after such a long time. I kind of took this as more of a filler chapter, so you could (as you put it) tie up some loose ends. Don't take that as a negative, though. It's just that after that lemon in last chapter I think anything would seem like coming off the high. Know what I mean? I mean, we were waiting for that scene for a long time. Anyway, I'm checking back almost everyday, even though you're on my favorites list and they automatically email you when a story is updated! Hey, they might miss it one time, you never know! :) See ya next chapter!
 Reviewed By: missy-oa  On: May 11, 2007 23:15 CDT
just wanted to leave you a little review saying that this is one of the better DBZ fanfics I've read in a long time. Your idea is really original and I can't wait to see how the relationship between Bulma and Vegeta evolve. Keep up the good work and uodate soon :p
 Reviewed By: wudelfin [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 11, 2007 10:26 CDT
so who gets to kill Nappa? *Damn too many hands* eeni meeni minee
 Reviewed By: artchic [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 17, 2007 09:32 CDT
One word: AWESOME! You're great at doing lemons. I agree, you should do more of them. I just love your interaction between our favorite pair. Man, I'm sure the plot's about to get thick now! I wonder, will we go straight into rebellion mode or will Bulma and Vegeta get to experience life "together" in the ranks of Freeza, before they plot his demise? I mean, we all know they are (all the characters) going to go up against the slimy bastard but, I've always wondered how they (B+V) would handle themselves if they had to face those atrocities together. Anyway, just a thought. I'm glad to see someone else besides me and "Required Name" reviewing. Yay! Can't wait, can't wait, can't wait!!
 Title: fic
Reviewed By: Trunks_Wifie [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 16, 2007 23:29 CDT
I Like this story alot it's actually one of the few stories that I have actually followed up on. The only thing that would make me hate this fic is the fact that you take forever to update. Update sooner plz I can't take it anymore I've tried to stay calm but I can't do it anymore I need to know what happens. Thx have a nice day.LOL.
 Reviewed By: June16458 [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 15, 2007 13:36 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
love it keep up the good work
 Reviewed By: artchic [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 26, 2007 10:03 CDT
Long time, no review. Let me fix that now. I agree with "Required Name," I can see the workings of how the story might end, but I can bet that we'll have a heck of a time getting there. And your cliffhangers … you're killing me!! This isn't good for my health, ya know! :) Even though we know he won't kill her, I must admit you had me going there for a split second. Great chapter!! I love the way Dr. Briefs is the head of all this "conspiring against Freeza" that's going on. Sometimes people make him out to be a little too ordinary for my tastes, since I believe that Bulma had to get that genius from somewhere, and we know from the show that her dad was no dummy. I must say, as I'm sure I've said before, that I love the interaction between the characters and how everyone's destiny seems to be intertwined with someone else or directly affected by someone else's choices. This is a very believable story, and I think that's a good thing. It's not so out there that you have trouble figuring out what is going on and why. Kudos to you. As always, sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for more!
 Reviewed By: Required Name  On: March 25, 2007 17:56 CDT
Hey, it's been awhile, huh? I just read the last two chapters...what an evil cliffhanger you have left us with...of course, he won't kill her, but it's not as if there aren't a million different things going on. I'm very pleased that everything seems to be coming together. It's as if it's all going to culminate into one big explosive climax...no pun intended, of course, if you believe I'm alluding to the next chapter - I'm not, I'm just speaking generally. But really, this story used to be one big puzzle but it seems although we have some sort of outline to go off of now. So, very well-written last two chapters, thanks so much for updating...I wait impatiently for your next update.
 Reviewed By: Required Name  On: February 07, 2007 18:53 CST
Ahh! You know me WAY too well. I HATE that cliffhanger! You're too evil. I scrolled through your reviews and I agree with artchic: you should do a lemon, it won't turn out messed up. Your kissing scene wasn't cheesy or crappy either, it conveyed the emotions and mindsets of Bulma and Vegeta very well. I cannot wait for the next chapter, like literally...I'm going to DIE! Gah! You kill me, you are so evil! But your writing is amazing, so I don't suggest you stop...EVER. *sigh*...I will wait, but keep up the outstanding writing. I love Kakkarott and Chichi they're so perfect for each other. You do a fantastic job with those two. Thanks for this update and that nasty cliffy...GAH WHAT TAILS???
 Reviewed By: artchic [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 04, 2007 08:17 CST
OMG! YOU'RE KILLING ME HERE! Anyone ever told you, you're evil!! Ha, ha! Great, great chapter. Evil, evil cliffhanger. You should soooo do a lemon. You've got my vote. I can't even tell that you've never done this before. I've read a lot of great DBZ fanfiction over the years by the great authors (in my opinion anyway), Lisalu, LavendarGoddessV, Ember, LisaStarr, Tempest, Toshiba, and you are definitely one of the up and coming authors that I will be keeping my eye on. Well written DBZ fanfiction is getting harder and harder to find, so I am glad that I came across your story with so much creativity, thought, and passion behind it. Well, now that I'm done with my DBZ fanfiction lovefest :) on to the rest of the chapter/story review. I'm so glad you did a fight/love scene with the infamous two. It made me happy to read it. I think you did a great job on the emotions and tension and lets not forget passion between them. I love the way you've given Chichi more play to her warrior side too. Woman impowerment!! Ha, ha. Needless to say I'm dying for the next chapter to find out about these tails?! I'll be on the edge of my seat waiting, but until then I'll go check out your other story to keep me sane in the meantime. :)
 Reviewed By: Required Name  On: January 20, 2007 22:37 CST
Ahh! Another fantastic job, the long wait was completely worthwhile. I love reading this story, I love it so much! I like how you give equal attention to all characters, with a bit more emphasis on Bulma and Vegeta (they ARE the coolest, after all..!) I don't think you rushed with ChiChi and Kakarrot, they click like that, it's not weird or anything. Your plot is so intricate, and yes you ARE evil, leaving off with a cliffhanger like that. I cannot wait to find out what Raditz told Bulma, I really wanna know. The part with Doctor Briefs was touching, it was a good idea to bring him in and talk about him. Thanks so much for updating, I hope you can soon, I LOVE YOUR STORY!!
 Reviewed By: artchic [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 18, 2007 14:39 CST
Let me start by saying I hope everything is alright with whatever you had to deal with medical wise. I'm soooo glad you updated! Another fine job! You're doing a great job weaving and flowing in all the different characterizations and plots. They're detailed yet easy to follow. I also love what you are doing with Kakarot. Just enough cluelessness intertwined with just enough seriousness needed for the kind of story you've envisioned. I'm so intrigued by this half Saiyan Bulma I hope that we get to see her and Vegeta have an all out fight or somehting along those lines. I've always wondered how the beginnings of their relationship would have formed differently if she could "keep up" with him not only mentally but physically. I'm just dying to know what Raditz told Bulma. Something to make her rethink her statements to Vegeta I'll bet ... Well we'll find out soon enough. I love the Vegeta Bulma pairing (that's why I read most Dragonball Z stories) but I like the other relationships you've got going to. You can tell that you have put just as much thought into them as you have the main pair. They don't feel like afterthougts, which is very important. I can't tell you how much I love your story. Update soon please! :)
 Title: can't wait, but have to...
Reviewed By: Required Name  On: December 25, 2006 00:19 CST
Tens across the board, as usual, not that I actually need to fill them in anymore. That cliffhanger after 13 was amazing, had I not had Chapter 14 to move onto right away I most likely would have aphyxiated and died on the spot. Amazing job on that one. I like how the plot is thickening, thanks for the heads up on Bulma + Turles. I also like how you've introduced Chichi and 17, they make everything more complex and complicated which will, of course, make this fic go farther than it would without them and THEIR chunk of the plot. So, thank you once again for another, (once again) fabulous update. I love how the characters' relationships have different layers and aren't just a bunch of straight bullshit. But - and this is a good thing - you sure as hell are keeping us on our toes. This is one of your (in my eyes) cooler updates since we've been pining for this moment since the beginning of Part II. As the title of my review says, I can't wait for Chapter 15, but I must. I'm going away for Christmas and won't have a computer with me...so I'll read it when I get back after New Year's. I really can't wait, but, alas, I must. So, in the meantime, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Happy Updating...!!!!
 Reviewed By: artchic [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 13, 2006 14:58 CST
Evil, evil cliffhangers!! I'm soooo glad you updated! I've been checking back everyday. :) A very interesting chapter indeed. The tension between Bulma and Celipa is so thick it's almost coming off the screen at me. Great job with the details! I can't wait to get more into why that is the way it is. And what an interesting combination of characters you have in the "team" back on Chikyuu. I wonder how that group got formed. I love the way you keep the characters just elusive enough yet inviting enough to keep me reading. I can't wait to see how all these meetings/introductions turn out and merge into, what I'm sure is going to be, a much bigger cause. I also think you are handling writing conversation better. In the beginning chapters it could get a little choppy at times, but lately (and especially in this chapter) I think it flowed very nicely. Good work! I'm glad more people are reading and reviewing. It really is a great story. As always, I'm sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for more!
 Title: Thank You
Reviewed By: Required Name  On: December 08, 2006 16:02 CST
Thanks for the comment...I'm not registered on here so I just came up with a fake name. I do also enjoy Vegeta's sense of humor...and I liked the little changes in his demeanor since he's been thinking of dear Bulma. I like that Bulma has been with someone else - not to say I like B/OC, but if she wasn't involved with anybody else EVER everything would be TOO perfect. And I expect angst...lol I'm sick. I like that you're taking the time to explore each of the characters, just jumping in makes the fic end up flopping...or become a one-read. With really good long ones I get some food and sit and read them again if I already have, lol. Yours will be one of those, I'm sure. I'm truly very excited for the next chapter. So...I wait...with bated breath. Heh. Thanks!
 Reviewed By: artchic [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 04, 2006 16:12 CST
Thanks for the wonderful comments! I'm glad you get some use out of the things I say. Vegeta pondering on Bulma's changes: I love it! Because the characters are so different, their relationships will have very different layers to them, so I think it's cool that he doesn't just have feelings for her because she's Saiyan and all the regular stuff, ya know. You see so many stories where Bulma is trying to get into Vegeta's head, but this could be an avenue to provide Vegeta to be more exploratory with what makes Bulma tick. Great change up! I also like the way you are portraying and putting the believability into the pulling connection between them, even after such a long time and such a short lived childhood together. Their first meeting should be quite interesting. As always, we know Vegeta will have layers upon layers to his personality, but kudos for giving Bulma layers too. I always thought she was a much more in depth person than people tend to give her credit for. Much less grammatical errors this time too! Oh, and I also think the Bardock vulnerability over not being able to help his son is good too. Once again, we mostly see Bardock portrayed as impenetrable, so that's something that shows he has some emotions underneath that exterior. As the chapters go along, I can see the improvement in the details and wiring of the story. Great stuff! Can't wait for more!
 Reviewed By: kim_carpe_diem_nter-Crazy Chick  On: December 04, 2006 14:38 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
No problem man. You're the only one who posted their fic on the board... Besides, I had seen the fic before then, and wanted to read it, but decided it would be corny. I'm happy to say that I was wrong. This isn't like any other fic I've ever read. I'm demanding that you update update update, or I'll tell Tom! And Tom will kick you arse! :D
 Reviewed By: future author  On: December 03, 2006 14:08 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
i'm beyond happy that you starting the second part to the story. i like the angst of the story as well. It seems to fit, especially since they're saiyains. i love what you're doing with the story so keep it up. I can't wait to read more so update soon and keep up the good writing.
 Title: Title
Reviewed By: Required Name  On: December 02, 2006 01:14 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Ahh! Awesome! I've totally been waiting for this. I can't wait til the reunion, angst is always...fun, haha. And I like the violence, not to sound sick or anything, but it's a nice touch. It shows more that they've matured and they aren't crappy at it, Bulma and Kakarrot were quite suave. I also like the fact that Vegeta IS interested in Bulma and hasnt' become what most fictions make him - er..boring! He doesn't seem boring and I love the guy, so when people make him boring it's terrible. Chapter 13 soon? I do hope you mean it. Thanks for this, great read, love it. Do continue.
 Reviewed By: artchic [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 28, 2006 06:58 CST
I love the new direction! Nothing is wrong with a little angst and drama. I think it's appropriate for the situations I'm sure they've been in between part 1 and part 2. I also like the fact that Bulma is a skilled fighter as well as a genius. It will be interesting to see how you keep Bulma and Kakkarot in pretty close character, personality wise, with the show since this story is so different. The only constructive criticism that I could offer is that you had a few grammatical errors, but not enough to make me not want to read. Great job! I can't wait to read to more!
 Reviewed By: kim_carpe_diem_nter [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 21, 2006 12:43 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Hey, this is "That Crazy Chick" from myspace, the owner of "Dragonball Haven". I decided to read your story, and I gotta say, great job! Goodluck writing part two! I can't wait to read it!
 Title: Title
Reviewed By: Required Name  On: November 19, 2006 18:01 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
This is really really awesome. I can't wait for Part II, when they're older it just makes everything more complicated...yay, complications! I hate that nobody's reviewing this one (and it's probably because there's no sex). It's going to be more amazing than it already is very soon. I'm really thrilled for Part II, Part I was fantastic alone. I really like where it's going, and I have a feeling there'll be a long-awaited reunion between Bulma and Vegeta. I love those kids, reading about them makes me happy. So, THANK YOU so much for writing this fic, it is FANTABULOUS and I cannot wait for Part II. I will be waiting!! (Not necessarily patiently, but I will be waiting!) Til then...Thanks!
 Reviewed By: artchic [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 14, 2006 13:20 CST
Ooops! I spelled insight wrong! ;)
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