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"Attachments Detached" Reviews/Comments [ 71 ]
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 Reviewed By: Jadedbest [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 06, 2002 00:00 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
You're feeling very humorous today aren't you? My brother thinks I'm nuts because I was laughing out loud at most of chap. 18.

'Now—to say something profound! “Well, woman? I’m hungry!”'

That line took the cake but Yamcha was by far the funniest. I loved the whole blank look thing. It's just so....Yamcha. Bulma's got our little Veggie on the run huh? Perfect.

WOW! To me! *smirks at Vegeta*

JB: Ha! I got a story dedicated to me! Bet that's never happened to you!
Vegeta: *rolls eyes* All her stories are about me so I think that's a little better than a simple dedication.
JB: *frowns* Oh shut up you! I just can't wait until I find a good replacement! Then you'll be sorry for being mean to me.
Vegeta: Probably not.
JB: *sticks out her tongue*

Anyway I have another reviewer lined up but they probably won't be here until after the next story. So see ya...BOYFRIEND!

Vegeta: *shakes head* Here we go again.

That's soooooo great. Aren't they wonderful? *sigh*-JB
 Reviewed By: Susan  On: September 01, 2002 08:50 EDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Wow, I missed this update. It never came up on the main page :(. Anyway, my heart is breaking...Kakarrot and Radditz, wiped out in one chapter, and Veggie is fighting for his life! In a sadistic mood I see -_-. Well at least there's the dragonballs. CC's gonna go ballistic when she finds out what happened to her new love, not to mention Bulma's reaction. I need a pill. Anyway, sorry about your ex, but hey if it's not working out it's better to end it. I'm also sorry about your car and computer problems. As they say, "when it rains, it pours". At least your mom's doing better ^_^. So now that I'm thoroughly depressed I'm gonna go and drown myself in a cup of coffee and check to see if I missed any updates of your other stories. TTYL-Sue
 Reviewed By: Jadedbest [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 12, 2002 20:51 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Vegeta: YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (insert evil cackle here)
JB: My God NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Not Kakarot and Radditz in the same chapter!!!! It's not fair!!!!!!
Vegeta: *inserts another quarter into the 'Evil Cackle' machine and smirks*
JB: Stop that! *takes Vegeta's bag of coins* This is no laughing matter!
Vegeta: Kakarot's dead! Of course it is.
JB: Vegeta you're such a jerk! What are you doing here anyways? I thought you were sick of talking to me.
Vegeta: I am but you seriously don't think I would miss a Kahlan update, do you? She's the only person I know who hates Kakarot as much as I do. Well...almost.
JB: Well get lost. My first reviewer will be here any- *knock at the door* Come in!

*potential reviewer enters and Vegeta's jaw drops while JB smirks*

Vegeta: *outraged* You're going to replace me with him!
JB: *smirks* Hopefully. Now move! You're in his seat. Come Kakarot, seat. Your just in time.
Goku: *smiles and takes the seat Vegeta just grugdedly vacated.*
Vegeta: *grunts and walks away*
JB: *pats Goku's leg* So Kakarot. What did you think of this chapter?
Goku: Well...I didn't really like it because well...I died.
JB: I agree! Though it was well written and held my attention all the way through I'm completely broken and pained at both the lost of Kakarot and Radditz.
Goku: But Radditz is evil! Why are you sad over him?
JB: How can you say that?! You're just as horrible as Vegeta! Look I don't think this is going to work out Kakarot!
Goku: Uh, my name is Goku.
JB: Whatever! Just get out!

*Goku shrugs and leaves. JB grunts and turns to Kahlan* Maybe this update wasn't all that bad. Well my search for a co-reviewer continues. My deepest sympathies on the illness of your computer and the passing of your car. Great (but sad) update.-J

Wait! You have a new story! All right!-JB
 Reviewed By: Jadedbest [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 06, 2002 21:49 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
OMG! OMG! OMG! Boyfriend! Boyfriend! Boyfriend! That's sooooooooo great! An-

Vegeta: JB
JB: What?!
Vegeta: You have to talk about the chapter before you can move on to personal matters.
JB: Oh, well the chapter was GREAT! And look there's Radditz! With authors like Cha you just go to love him. Oh and the whole part about the Kamehameha had me rolling. I completely agree! Was that enough Veggie?
Vegeta: You don't have anything else to say.
JB: Look Vegeta you're really bumming me out. If you keep being such a drag I might just have to get another co-reviewer.
Vegeta: Do that then.
JB: *shocked* What?!
Vegeta: I'm tired of talking to you as it is. I'd just like to see you replace me.
JB: *sniffles then raises her chin* Fine I will then! *sniffs* Hear that Z gang? I'm holding auditions for a new co-reviewer because Vegeta really SUCKS! *stick out her tongue and Vegeta shows her his back*

Anyway *sniffs* I'm so happy that one of us has finally gotten a guy but the important question is does he like Vegeta? *crosses arms* Because I don't!

Vegeta: *grunts and walks away*

*once he's gone JB breaks down into sobs* OMG! What if he thinks I'm serious and never reviews with me again?! Kalhan what am I going to do?! *continues to wail as she rans away*-JB
 Reviewed By: Susan  On: July 31, 2002 04:19 EDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Wow, great update! That was some fight and it's not over yet. Radditz sure knows how to make an entrance, and it's a shame cause K/CC were about to...get personal ^_~. I hope Veggie doesn't wipe him out. I mean they could use the extra help in their fight against Freeza. Besides I'm developing a thing for the long haired cutie, and it's all Cha's fault. In her fic (DITH) he's just so likeable that you find yourself rooting for him all the time. Anyway, I can't wait to see where you're gonna take this part of the story. Considering how pissed off Veggie is, Radditz' appearance might just turn into a cameo. Btw, congrats on your new boyfriend and I hope your mom is doing alot better. TTYL-Sue
 Reviewed By: Masamune  On: July 29, 2002 12:36 EDT
yeah, not a whole lot happened, but what can you do? it's well-written anyway. good stuff!
 Reviewed By: Jadedbest [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 27, 2002 15:45 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I'm Back!!! And wide awake too! Okay this chapter was sooooo sweet and do you know why? Because deep down you, just like Veggie, love it! In fact you two probably love all that mushy stuff more than the rest of us. Don't deny it! And you know why your K/CC lime turned out so well? Because deep down you really like them just like Veggie does! It's text book really...

Bad Kahlan! Having naughty little hentai thoughts about M. Trunks. Well he's so hot that even you couldn't resist. Don't feel bad, it happens to the best of us.

I wonder who the new chick is. Oh well I'm sure I'll know soon. And when is Radditz going to make his appearence!!!!! Sorry! Cha's fic Danger in the Horizon has me totally fixated on Radditz lately. *sigh*

Krillin? Yeah I know he is but with good reason. I know what you're thinking. There's never a good reason to take a character out of...well...character but there really is because of I have this really great idea for a seq-

Krillin: JB you're not suppose to tell anybody about that, yet.
JB: *blushes* Oh yeah. Forget I said that.

You know it seem like everytime your luck is good mine is shit. Remember the guy? Well we finally got around eerything that was keeping us apart and then I found out that he had a girlfriend! Can you believe that?! Man guys really suck! Anyway, now that I've gotten myself into a huff again I'll go pout. Til, next time.- the eternally single JB
 Reviewed By: Jadedbest [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 27, 2002 05:03 EDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I'm so tired that I'm barely keeping my eyes open but I had to tell you how much I enjoyed this chapter. I'll be back tomorrow to expand on this review and as you know it will probably be a long one.-JB
 Reviewed By: Susan  On: July 25, 2002 23:32 EDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Considering that you don't care much for K/CC (and it being your first) that was a pretty good lime. Of course V/B are having a hard time communicating. And who's the new chick? I think I'm experiencing the Goku Syndrome b/c I'm confused about the line "Radditz is at it again". Did I miss something? Or will the long haired cutie be making an appearance? Anyway, great update and of course I'll be waiting for the next. TTYL-Sue
 Reviewed By: KangaKilla [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 20, 2002 02:02 EDT
you know, theres a first for everything, i mean if youve never killed Yumcha then why not start? hahaha, oh thank goodness youve updated, i was kind of thinking that maybe you got stuck in the toilet and it wasnt going to let you go *whispers* dont worry, i know how you feel, its happened to me before. Anyway, oh cant wait for the next chapter, heheheh oh i love V/B KEEP GOING!!!! woohoo
 Reviewed By: Jadedbest [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 19, 2002 04:07 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Sure, sure...blame it on the parental units. j/k But seriously I hope your mom gets well soon.

This chapter was so sweet and I am lovin' it! And don't lie! You know you love writting sappy Veggie/B-chan moments. Come on, admit it! I admit it so why can't you? *sigh* You're in so much denial.

That little excerpt sounded juicy. I'm not going to guess because I love surprises.

*covers M. Trunks' ears and hisses at Kahlan* Shhh! He might hear you and think you believe the awful things you're saying about him. You're lucky I'm here to keep him from hearing the words that you will never be able to take back. And believe me you'll want to take them back when he stops speaking to you! Right Trunks?

M. Trunks: What? Sorry, I couldn't hear. You were covering my ears.
JB: Just say right.
M. Trunks: Uh...right.
JB: See!

But I was in the fic first!!!!!! I should have first dibs on him!! Not fair! *walks away to pout*-JB
 Reviewed By: Susan  On: July 19, 2002 02:00 EDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
YYYYAAAAYYYY!!!! Update, update! First and foremost I hope your mom is doing better. As far as this chap goes, very good! B/V seem to be getting closer. I like the fact that Krillin thought they had done more than just get some zzzzzz. I hope that Bulma gets that GR up and running real quick...there isn't much time. When is Kakarott gonna make an appearance? Can't wait for more ^_^.
 Reviewed By: Masamune  On: July 18, 2002 21:13 EDT
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
YAY!!!!!! practically NO ONE has been updating lately!! (yeah, that makes a whole lotta not-sense...)
neways, nice chap!!! yur so SPECIAL!!!!!
heh, i'm tired now.
 Reviewed By: Jadedbest [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 18, 2002 02:15 EDT
*looks around* Hmm... no update here. Guess I'll go check the other fics...
 Reviewed By: SkittleKicks  On: July 09, 2002 14:57 EDT
Yeah, I think if I saw Goku emerging from the bushes, all stained red, I'd freak out, too. But, I'd throw the basket at him and run away. Hey, in Goku's case, it'd work. Now he has the food. :)

Ooh, Yamucha's a sneaky devil, isn't he?

Loving the K/CC deal, it's so sweet. (Wait a minute. Sweet? K/CC? From KNightwing? Great, I'm in the Twilight Zone. Hello, Mr. Serling. ;) )
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