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"A Matter Of Choice" Reviews/Comments [ 39 ]
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 Reviewed By: paniwi(nli)  On: May 13, 2007 08:34 CDT
Another two nice chapters. I loved how Tegan stood up for herself and fought against the guy. Going into the mansions was stupid but Demetriov loves hunting her to much to end it now...mmh. Torin was useless as usual (had to pick on him) and now we get fights with groovy weapons! Whoah. I want a drawing of Tegan with her groovy weapon. You detailed it so nicely! I'm waiting for more!
 Reviewed By: paniwi (nli)  On: May 08, 2007 05:28 CDT
Nice two chapters! Once again the emotions were conveyed so well. I'm jealous at your ability to write such emotions as losing a loved one so well. It shows that she is deeply hurt but it doesn't have this 'emo' feel over it that is often found in other fics. I'm curious as to whether or not Demetriov has seen her. And now she seems to want to confront him, mmh, I have a vague inkling as to where this is going. Waiting for more as usual........and no, I still don't like Torin, don't ask me why.
 Reviewed By: Paniwi [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 29, 2007 06:00 CDT
*whistles* maaaaaaaaaaaan, if I wasn't such a wimp and ever met Torin I would beat the living shit out of that asswipe. Does he anger me more then Demetriov? Yes he does! Anyway, of with the personal ranting of how evil, vile and careless your vampires are. Both chapters were extremely well written. The emotions *shiver* I'm beginning to wish I never gave you the advice to put more emotion into it, I swear, I'm going to melt on the floor if you keep on doing this to me (and I know you will). The combat scenes ( I know you were antsy) were really well done, it draws the reader into the story, wonderful! Eagerly awaiting the next update!
 Reviewed By: Paniwi [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 22, 2007 09:08 CDT
aaaah, that was such a sad chapter. Mmh, I can't wait until she and Demetriov will meet again. I liked this chapter, the story just keeps on getting better and better!
 Reviewed By: paniwi (nli)  On: April 20, 2007 01:27 CDT
Yeey, it's readable! At least at school it is *has free period because goofy teacher decded not be be at school* I liked the chapter, the scene is completely set now. I can't wait until the training/fighting thing will start.
 Reviewed By: Paniwi [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 14, 2007 06:35 CDT
ohohoh, looooovely chapter (am not a sucker for mental karate, no I'm not, what gives you THAT idea?!) Poor Tegan really is lost in the mix isn't she? I wonder if he'll take her eventually or if she's going to be the only one of the three that will remain human...and I wonder about Micheal, will he play an important role.
 Reviewed By: Paniwi [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 09, 2007 11:01 CDT
The part where Tegan had words with her uncle and where she talked to her boyfriend gave a realistic touch to this chapter that I appreciated. I like it when a story takes time to appreciate normal life and the chances of something happened, especially since it was about going to college. I have to admit though that I didn't much appreciate the second half of this chapter. Don't get me wrong, it was written out well, some vampiric tendencies showing in Tegan's resistance and all that. I also understanded what you were trying to convey with Demetriov(?) coming to her aid. However, it was a very roll-of-the-mill moment. Girl walkes home in the dark, girl gets atttacked by a bunch of criminals, mysterious savior comes to the rescue. It's a very over-used cliche and perhaps you should've conjured up another scenario in which they would have 'met'. Just to give an example what else you could have done: Tegan goes somewhere on her bicycle and gets a flat tire from a piece of glass on the road. It's dark and she's nervous. She tries to fix the tire but can't quite get it done. From a distance, Demetriov watches her, worrying for her safety as she's alone and in the dark. He approaches her and helps her fix the tire. He has his face cloaked so she can't see it and doesn't seem to look at her when he speaks. When the tire is fixed she thanks him and goes home where she tells the story, making her guardians worried about her 'savior'. Written out well with the right emotions and fears in place a scenario like this could have just as much suspense -maybe even more- then an all out fight scene. Hope I helped.
 Reviewed By: paniwi (nli)  On: April 06, 2007 09:50 CDT
Niiiice chapter. It had a good feel to it...now it's only going to be more sad then ever when her life gets torn apart.
 Reviewed By: Paniwi [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 25, 2007 11:48 CDT
no-one likes arguments? Of course people like arguments! Especially when other people are involved. Cruel, nasty and shallow, isn't it? Still it's true. Don't be afraid of making chapters that are long and boring. I mean, look at a general chapter I write, that's usually between 12 and 16 pages. Liked the chapter, I can't wait until we get to the meat of the story.
 Reviewed By: Paniwi [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 20, 2007 10:24 CDT
Liked it, you can come here now. NO, don't hide behind the sofa, it's alright. Lol. I liked it though, seriously. I did, in fact, felt more emotions coming off your characters this time, well done *all squeish that I could help* But the love declaration thing could've been a little more drawn out me thinks. I thought it really had this teenage thing over it (I like you, do you like me too?) I think the effect of it would have been enhanced if you, for instance, would have put a flashback to one of their fights in there. In this case, all we know is that they were pissy at eachother every now and then. Waiting for more!
 Reviewed By: Paniwi [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 15, 2007 09:07 CDT
Nice chapter. Heh, talk about a rushed decision. Torin's gonna regret this (of course, that much was obvious from the start) You might want to add a little more feeling to your dialogue though. Their words are great but try to tell a little more about how they feel and think about it all. Anxious to read more!
 Reviewed By: Paniwi [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 11, 2007 10:21 CDT
Well well, so it's still the sick, poor and unwanted he hunts after. He has feelings for Torin and now they're going off to an adventurous life. This is only begging to go wrong, even without the narrator bits that's clear. Good chapter, update soon ^_^
 Reviewed By: paniwi (nli for some reason)  On: March 04, 2007 10:06 CST
A nice pair of chapters. I must say I enjoy the short 'narrator' chapters a lot. The way you let Torin tell the story there just adds something extra to the story. I'm quite curious to what happens next. I liked also the part where Daniel warned him. It gives a good insight in the twisted kind of world those vampires live in. The part where he killed the woman was sweet and endearing in a very fucked up kind of fashion. It shows that Demetriov hasn't quite lost all of his kindness he had in life.
 Reviewed By: Paniwi [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 27, 2007 10:25 CST
So...finally when he starts to accept her she dies. Silly girl, that Avea. I liked the chapters, both of them. The first more then the second because you are making me very curious as too who that person is. Oh, if you're looking for real constructive reviews btw you should go to the forum here, to the FFARG thread. They're cool.
 Reviewed By: Paniwi [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 22, 2007 15:57 CST
whoo! Wonderful! Absolutely wonderful! I can't wait to see where you're headed with your story. *smile* you made me realize how much I still am a beginner. *goes off telling people about this story* I like the insight you give in the characters. The only negative I could pick on right now is how...obedient Demetriov is too Avea. He doesn't even seem to be really mad with her. Maybe you could have emphasized that a bit. Otherwise, real great! I'm adding you to my favorites.
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