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"Yakunan Rijun" Reviews/Comments [ 91 ]
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 Reviewed By: cybertoy  On: May 16, 2010 07:58 CDT
All right, Future Captain's up and running! Liked how you mentioned Rifleman and other guys. Keep up the good work!
 Reviewed By: TDATstilltoolazytologin  On: May 06, 2010 15:14 CDT
Oh wow!! This is starting to get really intense! Azural's gone and now Fleur and Natsumi are frozen! And they found Captain! Da da! Can't wait to read more! The end is getting closer; I can feel it! 8D Update soon!
 Reviewed By: cybertoy  On: May 06, 2010 08:41 CDT
Oh, now ALL of the future Gundam Force is here! Or at least, it will be when future Captain is up and running again. Good chapter, keep it up.
 Reviewed By: TDATdoesnotfeellikeloggingin  On: April 03, 2010 19:58 CDT
Oh man, this is getting intense! Now everyone's separated! Hopefully they can find each other before it's too late. Hanabi cracks me up. XP Can't wait for the next chapter! Update soon!
 Reviewed By: Cybertoy  On: March 07, 2010 20:46 CST
You're back! Woohoo! And you used my character...I almost forgot about her, it's been so long! Keep it up!
 Reviewed By: TDAT-CrystalDragon [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 08, 2010 19:10 CST
HAha! Fanfiction is coming to life again! *gives you a highfive* Awesome chapter here! It's a steady rise to the final battle taking place in a villain's fortress. It's a strange concept, but I'm warming up to it. And we get to see Shute's daughter, sweet! She sounds cute. And Vayla's pretty cool herself. I'm looking forward to the next update!!
 Title: YOUR BACK!
Reviewed By: Cybertoy  On: May 31, 2009 22:18 CDT
Awright! You'r back you're back you're back you're back you're back you're back! It's been such a long time! Good to see you're working on the story again! GAbatte!
 Reviewed By: TDAT-CrystalDragon [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 23, 2009 15:16 CST
Hooray!! My fic helped inspire an update! 8D Excellent chapter!! It had a bunch of action, which automatically grabs my attention, and it got some things moving. Uh-oh, hopefully Fleur and Natsumi can make their way to the others. And poor Shute. Hope he gets out of his current situation as well. And you can't help but pity Melissa for losing a friend. :( Again, awesome chapter! I can't wait for the next update!!
 Title: When's the next update?
Reviewed By: Dr Licorice [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 11, 2008 21:20 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Dr Licorice likes.....X3 Very creative and different, I thoroughly enjoyed reading it up to now. Please update soon~!
 Title: Hee
Reviewed By: RW  On: February 16, 2008 16:35 CST
*heart* Only found one typo, great job! ;) Ohhh, now Shute's MIA... yikes. Update when you get a chance dear. ^_^; *hug*
 Title: That's it?
Reviewed By: Cybertoy  On: February 11, 2008 22:08 CST
I'm glad to see the story isn't dead, but you're gonna hafta do better than that! C'mon! The only plotworthy thing that happened was Shute getting kidnapped! You can do better! Can't you?
 Title: (taps foot nervously)
Reviewed By: Charon the impatient Sabercat  On: February 09, 2008 19:30 CST
Come ON! So they're somewhere else now! What ELSE is going to happen? Let's get the story moving!
 Reviewed By: TDAT-CrystalDragon [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 09, 2008 18:53 CST
Finally, an update! *gets bricked for not updating her own fic* Ooo, it gets more suspensful now. Poor Shute got kidnapped! D8 Well, it's good to know he won't be harmed anytime soon. Awesome chapter! I love how you made it all spooky and such. I look forward to the next update!!
 Reviewed By: TDAT-CrystalDragon [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 27, 2007 16:26 CST
Ooo, the good stuff is coming soon. Love the intro to a good battle. Just makes it all more suspenseful. XP I loved how they were prepping up for the fight. That was very nicely done. Can't wait for the big round!
 Reviewed By: Cybertoy00 [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 26, 2007 09:27 CST
Okay, that was short, but to them point. Now that we're done with the preliminaries, ON TO THE MAIN EVENT!
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