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"A Sad Live Deserves More" Reviews/Comments [ 49 ]
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 Reviewed By: spiritwolf30 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 30, 2007 04:26 EDT
I love the story but I hate to say it and I bet you already know unless it is just me but this chapter here on MediaMiner isn`t complete well I did finish reading it on AFF.net oh yeah I have 2 quesiton and another idea of another person to add to Naruto`s fun and that person is Hana Kiba`s older sister I don`t know if she is aready in your plans with the story or not I just thought about bring her up oh and here are my questions 1. is I thought on that damn FF.net site sory I jst hate that site since I am on webtv and that site desn`t work for me mainly it won`t let me switch chapters so I can only read chapter one and thats it since it won`t lt me switch ok back to the question I didn`t know you can write lemons on that site I tought if you want to write lemons you come here and AFF ok that is question 1 now question 2 lol will Naruto have sex with either Miko or Anko sorry I just had to ask anyways please update soon again and keep up the great work
 Reviewed By: Soul of the Phoenix [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 29, 2007 21:52 EDT
ShikaKin? I didn't see that one coming, although I think I should have. I like it! Update soon!
 Reviewed By: Train1 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 29, 2007 10:47 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Jo man! I really like your story...I'd say I LOVE your stor...keep on writing, the story content hentai, romance, action and everything...It's great...I'v just started reading and I can't stop so I 've read it in one rush...great... Your Idea with the Kitsune is great...Naruto isn't so idiotic and just paly the nope!?! Thats great...like I said bevore I REALY LOVE READING YOU STRORY!! So keep on and make your way...^^
 Reviewed By: spiritwolf30 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 25, 2007 22:27 EDT
Thak you for that great chapter I am very very happy that you are back working on your story so that mean finally there will actually be a good hell a great story that will actually be updated anyways I love the story and I agree with Unkown-nn936 about bring Kin to the good side and with Tsunade have her and Shizune join the clan Tsunade can be with Miko and Anko and have Shizune wth Naruto,Haku and Hinata hell Tsunade always wants to be look young so have her join the clan so she can actually look young well thats just an idea ad yeah the hell with Sakura oh yeah by the way what about Sasuke I hate the guy but wouldn`t he be Naruto`s cousin and wasn`t Miko going to try an remove the curse seal on himoh well please update soon and keep up the great work and welcome back
 Reviewed By: Chaoswizkid [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 25, 2007 15:25 EDT
Alright everyone, let's begin the Ode to Zendura. He's brought us an amazing fanfiction, in which I'd pay money to read. Since he wants cookies, heres what the Ode is like... *hands Zendura a cookie* Now lets see how many cookies Zendura can get before his next chapter! Come on! By the way Zendura, welcome back, and please, keep up the good work.
 Reviewed By: Unkown-nin936 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 25, 2007 14:37 EDT
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 7 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 8 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
well with what you said about kin supposed to seduce shika well why not have shika turn kin good you know a whole plan gets backfired kind of thing. as for the harems additions ill say every girl/woman (including tsunade, but she stays with the adults) except for sakura.
 Reviewed By: Callidus  On: July 22, 2007 07:14 EDT
Style of Writing: 8 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 7 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 9 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
Great fanfic, I'm really enjoying it. Great story line and well put together. Hope your move goes well and your internet is back up soon, I just can't wait for the next chapter *8->
 Reviewed By: spiritwolf30 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 06, 2007 18:04 EDT
Come on and please update I miss miss reading your story I know moving kinda sucks oh well I guess I have to keep looking to find any other good stories out there and then wait forever to see if they will update
 Reviewed By: spiritwolf30 [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 07, 2007 04:16 EDT
I hope you get your internet soon so you could update sorry if sounds like I am complainning but it is boring because I have been looking for good stories bt really long hoping by the time I am done reading them some of te stories I have been read would actually get updated but it looks like the damn authors oh those stories just up and stoped writing so I have been waiting and hoping someday smeone would upate and I cann`t go to that sorry to say that god damn FF.net site man I hate that site I hate to say I wish that site gets a very bad virus were it would crash the whole site to the point where there have to build a new one but thats just me sorry for rambling but I do hope that you get your internet soon so you could update this great story
 Reviewed By: GrayPheonix [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 07, 2007 12:51 EDT
COOL!!! *Transforms into Chibi Gai* "Another awesome chapter of this super fanfic! Behold, the FLAMES OF YOUTH!!!" *Transforms back to normal* Well, I wasn't gonna go into that whole Gai-Lee Thing. *shudders* Scary. Okay, awesome to see more of this story, and I very much look forward to the next chapter, whenever that next is. Sorry to hear about your internet problems, that happens to the best of us. Still, update soon as you can, and we'll keep reading. Ja Ne.
 Reviewed By: daranman  On: May 06, 2007 23:12 EDT
nice chapters, but 14 needs formating.
 Reviewed By: Soul of the Phoenix [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 06, 2007 21:58 EDT
Shika as a main character? An interesting choice. Just don't do ShikaTema. If you do I'll be forced to stop readong this fic on principle. There are few het pairings I object to as much as that one. It makes no sense. If anyone should be with Temari, it should be Naruto.
 Reviewed By: spiritwolf30 [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 06, 2007 20:46 EDT
This chapter was pretty the lemon was hotbut it sucks that Haku can go around and have with others but Naruto is pretty much stuck with Hinata and Haku oh well and I say oh well that Naruto won`t get some of Miko but I wouldn`t doubt Haku will so oh well the story is still good anyways so keep up the good work and update soon
 Reviewed By: Chaoswizkid [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 06, 2007 16:43 EDT
As for the poll, I choose both... Japanese, but with an English translation in parenthesis after. By the way, what's the full name of the website with the alternate ritual thing? This is still one of the best stories I've ever read, with a plotline to make a whole seperate anime for. Sometimes I wish I had a team of animators/drawers so I could tell them to make hentai manga/anime... So many good movies to make... Keep up the good work... and the update speed! It's nice to have access to the next chapter within days, something other fics have left me wanting for.
 Reviewed By: spiritwolf30 [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 05, 2007 20:32 EDT
I thought chapter 14 was pretty good and I kinda thought it sucked that Naruto taught Miko that so she can transform into a guy or something like that I think it would have been even cooler if Naruto was the one to give a child so I take it Naruto is ONLY going to be having sex just with Haku and Hinata and not with Miko or Anko and I have a feeling Miko and maybe Anko will get together with Haku well I am happy that there teammate died that was cool yawns with Naruto not getting any of Miko oh well keep up the good work and update soon sorry to say this but with chater 14 I had a hell of a time finding where the story started at
 Reviewed By: daranman  On: May 01, 2007 12:18 EDT
Style of Writing: 8 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 7 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 8 of 10
Overall Rating: 8 of 10
Chapter 13 needs formating. Other than that it's a pretty good read.
 Reviewed By: spiritwolf30 [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 30, 2007 18:36 EDT
I lked this chapter I really liked how you shorten each fight instead of going on and on and on about the same fight to me that is kinda boring I usually scroll past them ok so when will Naruto bring Ino in to join them and when will Miko and Haku go at it sence you have it that she wants Miko more and Miko want Haku instead of Naruto to me it seems Anko is the only who really wants Naruto between her and Miko oh well as long as Naruto is lol gets some lovingso please update soon
 Reviewed By: Soul of the Phoenix [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 30, 2007 16:34 EDT
Hell yeah I'm pushing for Temari! Along with FemHaku and Ayame, she's my favorite girl for Naruto. I'll keep asking for her until either she dies or...well, actually, I think that's the only way you'll get me to stop. Update soon!
 Reviewed By: Soul of the Phoenix [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 28, 2007 23:21 EDT
Not much of a fan of that kinky stuff Anko and that fox girl did, but I think it worked here. Update soon. P.S. Still hoping Temari becomes part of Naruto's harem.
 Reviewed By: Chaoswizkid [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 28, 2007 19:38 EDT
40-50 chapters of THIS!? I do believe I'll hang around for quite some time. Please, keep posting. This is probably the best story I've read in a long time, and will definately become a Hentai epic. With so many chapters, not even Home/Bodies, A Boy Who Loves His Work, or A Girl Called Anna could stand to that, and they are as much if not less immersive than this story.
 Reviewed By: spiritwolf30 [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 26, 2007 16:46 EDT
I liked this chapter and cool a new member of the fox clan also know as the orgy clan lol sorry had to say it so what is going to happen with Sasuke sorry I just don`t like him bt will he be made another member of the fox clan oh yeah and I agree with Soul of the Phoenix Temari would make a good addition to the harem so would Tenten,Ino,Kurenai I guess Sakura would be ok and Shizune when she comes into the picture bt thats just me and what I think would also be a good addition to the harem anyways keep up the great work and update soon please
 Reviewed By: Soul of the Phoenix [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 25, 2007 21:54 EDT
I think more girls should be added to this little harem. Temari might make a good addition.
 Reviewed By: Chaoswizkid [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 25, 2007 19:11 EDT
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
Very well done! This may turn out to be a hentai epic. Please continue, as your unique look on both plot and the hentai factor flows well together, and that is what great hentai stories need to have. I'll be waiting.
 Reviewed By: GrayPheonix [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 25, 2007 03:43 EDT
Damn. That was hot. VERY hot. Actually, it was so hot, it caused my computer to burst into flames *points to CPU, that now is adorned with scorch marks* but I digress. I loved the latest chapter (and the update was quick, so that rocked!) and I see some possibilities. Still, do you want Hinata to become the third member of their team, or is The Aki kid gonna remain on, or die or get transfered? I don't really know, and to be honest, I'm not sure. Still, the scene with Haku here has made me rethink things a little with my own Naruto story at this point. Hmmm, what do I want to do with little Haku-chan? Anyway, lets just see where the story goes from here, shall we? Later
 Reviewed By: spiritwolf30 [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 24, 2007 19:02 EDT
WOW I got to say that again WOW I loved that Hinata the horny little devil she is taking it DP I was wodering what is going to happen now with the 3 and will Haku share Naruto with another girl if so I hope its with either Ino,Anko or Miko I really hopw it would be Miko and Ino but thats just me and hell no with Naruto sharing Haku with another guy oh yeah by the way I cann`t stand there teammate in my opinion he is an ass who could be killed off for his cockiness I kindadoubt about would care well I wouldn`t anyways update soon and keep up the great work
 Reviewed By: Soul of the Phoenix [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 24, 2007 16:49 EDT
Style of Writing: 6 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 6 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 8 of 10
You want to know what I think of this story? Well, I'll admit that this story is interesting, though your writing style needs a little polishing. The lemons are top notch too, especially that threesome at the end of chapter in this latest chapter. I hope to see more of those, but maybe with some variations. Good work so far. Keep it up!
 Reviewed By: Soul of the Phoenix [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 23, 2007 08:36 EDT
You know, it just occured to me, but if Haku is so ashamed of her "other parts" why doesn't she just use that real transformation technique Naruto learned from the forbidden scroll. One poof and she'd be all girl. And since her demonic chakra is so potent, the energy requirement shouldn't be an issue.
 Reviewed By: spiritwolf30 [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 22, 2007 01:12 EDT
I thought this Chapter was pretty good but when you said something about making a pairig of Anko and Miko I hate to say it but I don`t think much of that I would rather see Haku share Naruto with both Miko and Anko or maybe just share him with Miko only or maybe Naruto could share Haku with Miko since she knows but just having Anko and Miko as a pair because they both know how it feels to be betrayed by someone they love OH WELL I guess I should just shut up since everytime I review to other authors stories about pairing where it seems everybody and I mean everybody would rather see Naruto paired up with only Hinata than anybody else so I will just shut up and keep my suggestions to myself and only review so keep up the good work and update soon please
 Reviewed By: spiritwolf30 [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 19, 2007 15:58 EDT
Oh yeah will there be anymore lemons in your story I hope so
 Reviewed By: spiritwolf30 [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 19, 2007 15:57 EDT
Wow that was a cool chapter and you should have Miko take what Haku said as and offer to join them or maybe have Miko and Haku or Naruto go at it why I say with Haku since Miko knows about her oh well I cann`t wait till you update again and by the way I am wolf when I review stories on AFF.net
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