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"Arubaito" Reviews/Comments [ 56 ]
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 Reviewed By: Burned Vamp [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 23, 2017 21:46 PDT
You had me on the edge of my seat waiting for it to all come together - and the final scene was worth the wait. Characterization is spot on and the plot is delish. Your details, while amazing with imagery and cleverness, were too many for me (personal preference, not a criticism). Good show! Thank you much!
 Reviewed By: Any  On: December 04, 2008 03:06 PST
Wow! Such a great story!!! And well written! Maybe you will write an epilogue sometime?
 Reviewed By: JoeysGal (Whytney)  On: November 29, 2008 21:46 PST
*standing ovation* Yaaay I'm so glad you cared enough to finish it!!! lol. It was so well done; by far the best Seto x Jou fic I've read. I hope you write another YGO story soon, perhaps with a different couple next time? ^^ Great job.
 Reviewed By: Black Angel Reaper [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 21, 2008 01:17 PST
Wow, it's been a long time, but you kept your promise. I think it was a very good ending, the emotions felt real. A lemon scene definitely would've retracted from it. So... thanks for writing a good fic, it was fun to read! ^.^
 Title: Yaaay, you finished!
Reviewed By: Passing Reader  On: November 20, 2008 15:42 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Im so happy I got to see this story to compleation! Though a little bland, concidering you were running out of insperation for this story, Im still happy just to see an ending. Beautifully done, and well worth the wait. I do hope your inspired to write about this couple again someday and should you choose to do so I promise to read as long as I can find the story ^^'. Do please continue to write, so long as you have the time and desire to do so. I look forward to any future work, untill then thank you very much for taking the time to finish this lovely story! Thank you a dozen times more for not abandaning it like so many other authers do, it would have sucked to be this close to the end but to never see the ending. Thank you once again for taking the time to finish this, until next time, ja!
 Reviewed By: dragonlady222 [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 20, 2008 09:03 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Great work. I loved the ending. I'm glad you finally were inspired to finish it.
 Title: .....You There?
Reviewed By: Passing Reader  On: November 03, 2008 17:25 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Hello! Figured I'd review to let you know your not forgotten ^^' Still here waiting though I can understand if life is busy :p Ugh, hot bath fried my brain, but regardless, my mission is to make sure you don't dorp off the face of the planet and to provide encouragemet! So get that writting muse in gear! Oi Cha! *Does fist of justice* Hehe ^^' but seriously, im still here happily waiting so please dont drop the story if your debating that. If not then i'll see you next time ne? Ja~
 Reviewed By: Black Angel Reaper [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 28, 2008 13:59 PDT
Very good new chapter. No kissing scenes (which is a minor downside) but a lot of good insight into Seto and Jou's thoughts/feelings. I'll be a little sad that the story ends, but I think it has had a good run, so it's ok. Cya soon... when ever "soon" is...
 Title: =-O
Reviewed By: anubis_nli  On: April 28, 2008 07:40 PDT
ahhhhhhhhhhh.... a whole month! *dies* haha Great update, I enjoyed every minute. Thanks! Take care! - Anubis
 Title: Yo
Reviewed By: JoeysGal [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 27, 2008 20:04 PDT
Heya ^^ amazing, dynamic and fully realistic chapter as always. Your work just seems to get better and better! Somehow Kaiba and Jou's situation seems similar to mine at the moment... being that they are apart from each other with 'time to think'. Ugh, there is nothing worse, let me tell you. Anyway before I go off on a tangent let me say that I am both saddened and excited about seeing the conclusion to this story!! I shall reply to your email again and hopefully get off my butt and get some writing done as well!! Love W. xx
 Reviewed By: dragonlady222 [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 27, 2008 00:36 PDT
Great chapter. Kaiba having wet dreams about Jou is funny. I'm glad he made plans and told Jou he liked him. The ball is in his court now and he has to decide Their not-relationship is pretty nice leaves them both confused. I hope they can clear this up. I'm glad you updated I kept thinking about the story.
 Title: =-o
Reviewed By: Anubis_Himura [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 01, 2008 19:12 PDT
How have I not reviewed this yet!? I could have sworn I did... no matter, here I am to review away! I LOVE this story. I think that the plot is fantastic, the characters are believable and the concept is great. I like your use of imagery and vocabulary as well. I long for an update! I caught up to the chapters about a month ago and oh man do I want a new chapter! But don't rush, take your time ^_^ just letting you know that I am really looking forward to getting that notification that this story has been updated! Thanks for writing and take care!
 Title: :D
Reviewed By: Passing Reader  On: March 04, 2008 19:03 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
AHHHH! You updated!!! :D Once again im left in suspence, very sorry I havent reviewed, getting college crap ready and my poor car has decided to go to poo,(is now fixed...for the moment...)A little hetic for me right now but im sure we all have our days ne? I am very happy to have gotten to read the new chapter and was most plesently overjoyed! XD Heres hoping for new chapters ;p
 Reviewed By: Black Angel Reaper [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 25, 2008 15:26 PST
Well, better late than never, but Merry belated Christmas. The new kiss scene was very good, I liked it alot. Hah, Jou thinks weird things when he's drunk... I also read your side story about the haunted house; I liked that as well. It's nice to have you back!
 Reviewed By: dragonlady222 [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 25, 2008 03:27 PST
Finally, the long awaited update. I am so glad you updated. I love this story and won't forget it easily. I hope they get their chance at togetherness soon without distactions.
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