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"Sky Arc" Reviews/Comments [ 24 ]
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 Reviewed By: priscel-------  On: February 27, 2005 00:53 CST
*laughs* I knew it!!! I knew he'd chose him!!! Heero going away would only leave Wuffers to watch over Duo... cuz they really need to watch him, for this reason "... swirling like clammy fingers. He couldn't breathe - his very breaths were choked off - he blinked - had the steam been so thick? He couldn't see - ... Heero's voice sounded so faraway... The last cry pierced like a cold hard arrow through the fog..." He nearly went into to shock!! or some form of it where he loses touch with reality and slips into a coma! Heero still doesn't know just how much he has hurt Duo and Now Duo feels hollow and empty inside, needing to fill the void with some and rough sex seems to be his choice at the moment, and Quat being an empath i thought would have picked up on Duo's pain inside? Will he and tro being around to help Wu with Duo when Heero's gone and thus so is Duo's anchor and he has a break down? Or try to keep from losing himself,and calling himself pathetic- stop his self-reproach. I LOVE THIS STORY and I can't wait for more!!
 Reviewed By: sminty again  On: February 26, 2005 18:29 CST
Oh his name is Anders, (sheepish grin) Anyway I love his fic!!! ^___^ I do I do I doooooo
 Reviewed By: sminty to lazy to sign in  On: February 26, 2005 18:25 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I was not expecting that ending!! ^_^ I LOVE, adore, want to marry this fic!! SO much emotion is pouring off of everyone. Even the mysterious Sanders has his moments. I must say I am a true blue die hard 1x5 fan, but I like Sanders. And I like Heero pining over Wufei. I even feel sorry for Duo, but...I am a 1x5 fan So his pain doesn't affect me as much as Wufei's And Wufei is so..out of it. Are is emotions overwhelming him. I can't wait to read about the mission. I wonder is Sanders is going to push Heero's buttons. He can be like a splinter under a finger nail. I hope I don't have to wait another 6 months, but even if I do its worth the wait. Excellent job as always.
 Reviewed By: Bane  On: February 26, 2005 17:15 CST
An excellent story! The angst and uncertainty of the character's relationships with each other are well written. I just wish you'd update a bit more often. Even though I'm a pretty solid 1x2 fan, it would probably serve Heero right if Wufei turned to Heero's look alike for a relationship and Duo up and disappeared when the indecisive cheater goes back to him after his mission. It'll be interesting to see where this story line goes.
 Reviewed By: priscel [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 27, 2004 05:07 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
*CRYS* WAAAAA! is this truly the end? I was all cheering for Duo and the punch that i'm sure met with Heero's face 'cuz heero often underestimates Duo and Duo's preceptions of what's going on around him. So happy that Wufei is to another big step and now I feel in the right direction away from Heero and to Anders who I still am wary of I think would be good for Wuffers. *pouts* I was so hoping and looking forward to see this to some end, not this unexpected one, but the one where just maybe Heero realizes Duo's so much more to him then a reliable lay and companion; Wu and Duo rework their friendship and Duo doesn't go numb or dead inside because he'd given his all to someone who just turned around and squished him.!?! Earlier I had thought that Heero loved Duo... But he never said that to Duo and the connection/pull between Wu and Heero i realize was pretty strong so I thought Heero loved both Wu and Duo and was confused on how to handle it but I think i was just wrong... *looks at author with hopeful eyes then sinks chibi Duo in full poutyPuppyeyes mode on wind_chijmes* So in a sense I hope that you decided to make a sequeal of this sequel.
 Reviewed By: black beauty  On: August 26, 2004 19:50 CDT
I can't with all honesty review this fic in an unbias sort of way. Nope, not when the 3 most fav. Gundam characters are in such turmoil. They make the plot... arg! I can't even express how I feel about this fic. All I know is that you are a very talented writer, so talented that you bring so much human emotion into it! You are able to make the reader identify with each individual character and their plight. Keep up the Fantastic job!
 Reviewed By: Pixie Smith [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 26, 2004 18:29 CDT
Argh! At the beginning of this chapter everything was just too confusing and mixed up - people not knowing what they wanted, emotions all jumbled, but the end of the chapter gave me hope. It seems like the pilots are finally working out what they want with their lives. I think Wufei's ready to accept Anders now and I think Heero and Duo can get their lives back on track. Hope to see a happy ending soon.
 Title: ran out of space, i didn't know I wrote so much
Reviewed By: priscel [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 03, 2004 04:45 CDT
...possibility. *thinks back to earlier parts where Wu was conflicted and pushed aside emotions that were directed toward Duo and Duo's confusion over the situation-provoked by Anders and the emotions he has for Wuffers. *shouts* Threesome!!! and Heero not to be soo rough with Wuffers. he obviouslyt wants them both its an emotional storm inside him as he attempts to adjust to only having possibly having only one of them 'cuz at the moment everythings up in the air and he has neither of them in his bed so to speak. Oi update again please!!!
 Title: Eclip-01
Reviewed By: priscel [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 03, 2004 04:45 CDT
oh oh so goood!! Ya know what really sucks is how this love triangle which is now a square is hurting both Wuffers and Duo. And boy am I concerned about Duo. He's worrying so much about Hilde and is obviously having a hard time figuring out this situation...what to do. I feel if Anders didn't get involved, him and Wuffers would still be talking and working out the pain Wu and Hee-chan caused Duo and the deal with the fact that Hee-chan loves them both but hasn't come realized it. Sally and Duo's unspoken understanding of who they could call for Duo brings up another point. Heero will come if the called him but not before? Duo needs to be comforted, Hilde the closest person he has to a family from L2 almost dies and he's alone to think and torment himself about the Maxwell curse *if that even comes to his mind in this fic*. Maybe its that Heero knew that Duo wasn't hurt and decided to check up on Wuffers because he was? hmm and the partner thing... even though une said that Duo and wuffers are good agents I have a feeling that Heero may have chosen Anders to be his partner?!! hey i dunno he may have chosen Wu. I defiantly think that this could develop into a threesome *smirks* yea yea it looks bleak now but I think its a definte ...
 Reviewed By: Pixie Smith [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 02, 2004 17:33 CDT
I feel sorry for Anders, it seems like he's getting the short end of the stick, Wufei only notices him vaguely whereas as soon as Heero shows up, Wufei is completely aware of him. I suppose I feel sorry for Duo too, he has a cheating boyfriend and he's beginning to lose his personality. Your writing makes me wonder whether Anders is devious but in my opinion, he's just being read wrong. I thought it was sweet how Anders protected Wufei. Now all we need is for Wufei to fall head over heels in love with Anders and for Heero to stop noticing Wufei and give Duo the love he deserves. Then we can have a happy ending and everything can be a bed of roses!
 Reviewed By: Pixie Smith [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 02, 2004 17:33 CDT
I feel sorry for Anders, it seems like he's getting the short end of the stick, Wufei only notices him vaguely whereas as soon as Heero shows up, Wufei is completely aware of him. I suppose I feel sorry for Duo too, he has a cheating boyfriend and he's beginning to lose his personality. Your writing makes me wonder whether Anders is devious but in my opinion, he's just being read wrong. I thought it was sweet how Anders protected Wufei. Now all we need is for Wufei to fall head over heels in love with Anders and for Heero to stop noticing Wufei and give Duo the love he deserves. Then we can have a happy ending and everything can be a bed of roses!
 Reviewed By: Dee Dee  On: June 04, 2004 18:20 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I normally hate original characters, but I really like your Anders. Yes, I do feel that he is manipulative, but I think that it's just him trying make a move while he has a chance. I mean, come on, if he doesn't attack when Wufei is vulnerable, when else would Wufei be willing to accept him? I think that once Anders can get Wufei to notice him, Wufei will find a lot in Anders that he'll eventually love. In my humble opinion, Anders is able to understand Wufei in a way that Heero was never able to. It'll be good for Wufei to actually have someone who can and wants to take care of him, someone he can lean on. I'm insanely excited about the next chapter! Hope to see Wufei/Anders action.
 Reviewed By: priscel(GEE)  On: June 03, 2004 15:15 CDT
sorry about all the typos and repeated words, hope that it is helpful...
 Reviewed By: priscel [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 02, 2004 11:25 CDT
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Hey! I just wanted to say wow... I can't wait to read more to see what happens next. Duo's concern for wufei and Wufei's lingering thoughts on Duo suggest that the two may feel more for each other than just comradery. Especially since since duo thought he didn't understand or know if he could call what he feels for Heero love?! Duo, practicially an fountain of emotions can't identify love... is there irony there or what? but it does make since that he would be able to identify it if he has never felt it before Hee-chan and plus the circumstances in his life right now I don't think he has given much thought to the possibility that he loves both the stoic pilots? Same for Wufei, so hurt that he's blinded by his wounded pride and Heero's forceful actions. Why can't Heero be as gentle with Wu as he is with Duo? I think Heero knows he loves them both but I don't think he understands. Once either Wu or Duo face the face that he loves the other two and then attempts to pursue then will things get better I think.. I hope. threesomes although are not liked by society, I think it could work for them. to make them all happy. Oh I don't like that Anders guy, I feel he's exploiting Wu's emotional turmoil so he can get some nuky and he can best Heero by take one of the lovers he still wants. Onward to the next story in the series!!! WAHOOOOO! (I think I ate too much sugar this morning) GREAT story!! thank you!
 Reviewed By: Anny  On: May 31, 2004 00:27 CDT
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 7 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
Well I must say I love this fics. I don't care if it end up a 1x2x5, 1x2, 1x5 but for some reason I don't like Anders. The way he seem to know Wufei and the way he manipulate him. Wufei is not at his strongest right about now, and Anders seem to take advantage on that. The way Wufei seem incapable of dealing with this new guys. I thinks Anders as some hiding agenda concerning Wufei. I love the love triangle and I know that how ever it will end, I know thing will not be the same as before. Thing have changed, hiding feeling have come to the light, I betrayal I have found. Something his bound to happen, but I don't think anything good will come from Wufei and Anders. He look to mush like Heero but have none of his charm as far as am concerned. No I really don't like him, I'm glad that Duo went after Wufei altough I am confuse as what will happen next. Please Update! I'm dying to see what will happen next, and who will Heero Choose as a partner, I think that he choice will titl the battle ever further!
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