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"Watch Over Me" Reviews/Comments [ 112 ]
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 Reviewed By: eternalprincess3 [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 16, 2004 21:41 CDT
I know this isn't the sequel. But I love it anyways. Great story!!!!!
 Reviewed By: The Mystical Dragon  On: November 25, 2003 11:22 CST
:: Sees the fruit smeared everywhere :: Hummm I see that Hayden ate his... :: Hands Hayden a giant bunny plushie Hands Aria a sack of Mini M covered strawberries, hands Aten a quarter:: Now for the twins birthday presents :: hands authress two large wrapped boxes:: whispers ((three dresses, two plushies and a bag of crispy m's for aria... Aten has three winter jumpers, a bunny plushie and a life sized COH plushie))
 Reviewed By: Joeys_Gal can't login too hard  On: November 22, 2003 00:18 CST
ooooooooooh birthday pressies!!! hmmm let's see, for ARIA: 2 KG of M&M's, a purple dress with the Dark Magician Girl on it, a duel monster's colouring book and maybe a necklace from Bakura...? sorta a daughter/father bond thing... my dad gave me a necklace when i was younger.. anyway! ATEN: yellow Winged Dragon of Ra pyjamas, a plastic toytown (plastic animals, trees, railway road, train, plastic people etc) AND a TRIKE!! what better way to make a child happy than to have a tricycle?! Hope that helped! at hé
 Reviewed By: Cynicalspiritvalea [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 21, 2003 21:13 CST
Hmmm presents, Aria could get one of those easy bake oven things and wreck havok on everyone as she bakes..no wait...a button maker that new barbie thing you know you make pins/buttons and they can be all cool, oh yeah! Aten, this is a serious one he can get a fav t-shirt with a lil monkey on it with cymbels like the monkey that he has...whcih reminds me where the hell is that thing? lol yeah...im sorry but those could be presents!!! Or you can never go wrong with things that are gold/silver and shiny...rodd.....
 Reviewed By: *Elizabeth*Marie*Rose* [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 21, 2003 18:38 CST
The chibis are growing up so quickly! A birthday already! For Aria, I give her a set of Barbie-esque dolls, Ken dolls, and assorted accessories. To Aten, assorted Duel Monsters plushies and a few new monkies! Keep up the excellent work!
 Title: Anzu!
Reviewed By: Malik lover and Anzu Basher... again...  On: November 21, 2003 17:58 CST
Oh. And nice touch with Pinchy.... to bad she still won't die... * grabs stick and a voodoo doll* DIE* whack* YOU * bang* FOUL* thwack* CREATURE!!! HOW DARE* Whamm* YOU DISSAPOINT * whack* SETO! * Kicks doll continuesly* Anzu: The pain is like FRIENDSHIP!!
 Title: WOW!!!
Reviewed By: Malik lover and Anzu Basher  On: November 21, 2003 17:53 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
That was the best fanfic E V E R! Malik, Kaiba and Bakura, * drools* children, and a great plot! Plus Anzu bashing! I can't belive I liked her once... I've recomended bashing her to all my friends! * pulls out a Tennis Racket... hehehe...:)* Oh, and I have a present for Aria and Aten. For Aria* pulls out a box* A toy Mellinium Puzzle. Her Dad's got to teach her to steal it some time! :) And Aten, the cute little one... I give you 2 things. The first is an outfit like your dad's * holds up black pants and a black T-shirt* and the 5 God Dragon card!( or Mythic Dragon. On the card it says 5 god.)MWAHAHAHA! Sorry... just become as strong as your parents, ok?...:) He's SO CUTE * hugs him like Anzu* Oh.... hi Marik..... ummmm..... bye! Can't wait for the sequel!
 Reviewed By: Bwuebewwy Sugar Pwincess  On: November 21, 2003 17:04 CST
Happy Birfday!!!! *hands Aten a big stuffed gorilla* (This I won at a fair, It's about the size of Seto, maybe a little higher, with a big goofy grin... i think it was meant to be a chair...O.o?) *Hands Aria a dool that when you say something she talks back* (No this is an evil gift... I seen it.. I think it was called something around the lines of.... talkitive stacey.... dunno. Anywho, it will really talk back, my friend's kid has one, she said hi, the doll said hi back, the kid says mom the doll is scaring me, the doll says i'm sorry i scare you, but, i want to be your friend.... Inin that freaky????) Ok, those are my gifts, oh and the cards^^ *hands Aten and Aria cards with family tickets to get into a'certain' golfing course(poor malik...lol) and 20 dollars each* Happy birthday!!!! Ummmm..... AKU!!! YOUY SUCK!!! YOU CA NEVA BEAT OR DESTROY BAKURA!!!! HE BEAT YA ONCE, HE'LL DO IT AGAIN!!! Ja nee^^
 Reviewed By: valea  On: November 20, 2003 21:51 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Sorry for not reviewing last chapter but anyway i liked the little random bit you put in for Aku, for the readers and last chappie man...made me think about valuing y sister more even though shes like out of college now but hey we're seven years apart! but yeah...since he wont hurt hayden...man i want aria to get a crush on him so bad its not even funny but then theyre too young lol anyway sequel so close yay!
 Reviewed By: JoeysGal 2 lazy 2 login  On: November 20, 2003 18:54 CST
Hmmmmm who the heck is Aku? Was this the last chapter? Sorry but I'm still kinda confused! But if he says he can destroy Bakura then that can't be good... ;_;
 Reviewed By: Bwuebewwy Sugar Pwincess  On: November 19, 2003 18:27 CST
*Falls over laughing* poor seto.... *stands up and places a hand over her chest* let us all take into a hearts the memory of dear, poor fluffy.... oh the memories ***FLASHBACK*** Anzu pulling Fluffy out of her dress ***END OF FLASHBACK*** Ummm... no good memories.... ok, so lets just try and remember how that crab took all the suffering just for our entertainment. As for Aku..... HE'S BACK?!??! SOME CALL SAMURAI JACK!!! JAAAACK!!! wait a sec... jack, lol ***"Not in for of my kid, you don't"*** ahahahahaha poor seto.... wanna know what's scary.... i read a fic that Yugi asked Anzu out BEFORE Yami.... nooooooooo!!!! *dies* X___X *gets brought back to life by Yugi* Arigato Yuu-chan^^ now....where was I? oh yea... great chappy BG... cliffies are evil!!!!
 Reviewed By: Joeys_Gal again!!  On: November 19, 2003 18:05 CST
OOOOOH YAY I'M THE 100TH REVIEWER!!!!! Sorry just had to add that in ^.^ I feel special!!!!!!!!!! P.S - poor Scorpion... Pinchy, is it? lol i do pity the creature.
 Reviewed By: JoeysGal ^_^  On: November 19, 2003 18:02 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
hey that last chappie had me in tears of laughing so hard! "YAY FLUFFY CAN FLY!!!" that was soooo hilarious, i swear! the crab finally has freedom!! "PENISES ARE LIKE FRIENDSHIP!!!!" LMFAO!!!! I hope this fic has a happy ending!! ^_^
 Reviewed By: JoeysGal ^_^  On: November 19, 2003 02:19 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
heeeeeeeeyyyyyyy thankies so much for granting my request!! i can't wait!! gotta say, that last chappie kinda confused me a bit, but hopefully things will become clearer!! also, you said in your previous fic "Baby of Mine" that Steven wouldn't be in anymore of your stories!! ;_; please don't let him hurt Ryou again!! You make Ryou suffer sooo much! lol he would have died so many times in real life if this fic was real! sorry that wasn't a flame but yeah, i appreciate my wish being granted!! thanks!! *showers you with pocky* can't wait for the sequel!
 Reviewed By: CynicalSpiritValea [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 18, 2003 20:31 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Ooo extremly confused!!!! And yeah, maybe I read too fast so wait, okay Steven is in the shadow realm and he has convinced the monsters that hes a card??? They dont relize that he LIES?! And the presense bhind the door I want to assume that is the 'other' yami? Okay but anyway to the goody goodness of this review, lovely way of all the betraying going on among the monsters, too bad that Bakura and everyone didnt get a chance to explain himself. tsk tsk, looking forward to seeing where this is going...*cheers* MARIK AND MALIK!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Reviewed By: Bwuebewwy Sugar Pwincess  On: November 17, 2003 15:48 CST
*Jumps up and down* An other one^^!!!! YAAAAAAAY!!!!*notcies she's getting wierd stares* what? *scowls and continues jumping* great chappy BG^^
 Reviewed By: The Mystical Dragon  On: November 17, 2003 09:34 CST
MMMMMMM :::: cuts up some fruits and gives them to the chibis:::: once you eat that, i'll give you each a surprise
 Reviewed By: Joeys_Gal can't login [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 16, 2003 16:28 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Hey man that chapter was really sweet. Please don't let Ryou get hurt by Steven in the sequel!!! I hate seeing Ryou hurt!! By the way, special request, can you make Malik get in the bath with Aten one day? I love the thought of Malik in the bath!! ^________^ mmmmm.... sexy Malik... lol okay I'ma shut up now! Great work! Can't wait for the sequel!!
 Reviewed By: CynicalSpiritValea [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 16, 2003 12:12 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
your number one, your number one *chants on and on* good lemon, damn the devil family! Ahh...RYou has become such a soilder it amazes me and makes me proud! *teary eyes* ill be sad when this is over, but i have faith in where ever your going with this *throws roses at ya* heheh love much! it was double the lemon *nods* thats right...and i want a doujinshi very bad btu i cant have one! oh well...^_^
 Reviewed By: The Mystical Dragon  On: November 15, 2003 12:34 CST
:::Hides as she fills a bag with only RED M & M 's::: Aria, Sweetheart.... Just kidding, hon. I loved this chapter... keep them comming. ::drops the bag of m's on the floor and walks away::
 Reviewed By: Bwuebewwy Sugar Pwincess  On: November 14, 2003 16:36 CST
*is staring at yaoi doujinshi* oh, I'm on? *glares at her producer* Heeeeeeello, sex craved fiends!! Tired of the old flavors of lubricant? Want a better taste inyour sex life? Well, have I got the thing for you!! *holds up a shining red bottle* Now, Cinnamon flavored Lube!! *squeals with delight* It tastes like those cinnamon heart candys you get on valentines day!!! *giggles endlessly and pops the lid, sniffing* mmmmmm, cinnamon *drools, thinking of any of the Yu-gi-oh guys using this* ^.~ Think of the possibilities!!! *Runs off the screen with jumbo pixi sticks in hand* Producer: *blinks and picks up the lube* Buy our product!!! *sighs* cuz she's probably the only one who will >_< This was brought to you by a Kawaii Neko Production (MINE!!! NO ONE STEAL THIS NAME!!! IT IS MINE!!!! MY COMPANY!!! *continues to eat Jumbo pixi sticks*) Ok, we're dun? Producer: *nods* Good!!!! *hands You Cinnamon Lube, 5 jumbo pixi sticks, about 12 Yu-Gi-oh Yaoi Doujinshi and a sticker and toy kitty that both say "I Luv Kawaii Neko Production"* ummmm..... yay? ^.~ this is for all the wonderful Lemons you've wrote! I'm feeling generous.... YAY!!! *looks at the mondo pile of J.P.S.(Jumbo Pixi Sticks)* ORO!!!! *dives in and starts to devour them!*
 Reviewed By: Joeys_Gal  On: November 13, 2003 16:22 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Awww that Malik/Marik lemon was sooo sweet. Satisfies you greatly when you're PMSing like me ;_; lol..... ok anyway I have fics to get on with too so sayonara!! Keep up the great work!
 Reviewed By: valea [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 13, 2003 09:03 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
YEAHHH!!!!! lemony good stuff! yay and bakrau and ryou next chapter! i can feel the joy! hopefully nothing can mess up that day. anywho, contuious sex over and over was a good idea i coldnt imagine it any other way. good job, i love starting my day with reading a lemon ^_^ lol ~Valea~
 Reviewed By: The Mystical Dragon  On: November 12, 2003 11:49 CST
Very beautiful... NOW GET TO THE LEMON!! I'll pour m's on you and sick Aria on ya ... tee hee. ::: Holds out 3 bags of candy to the chibis. :::
 Title: Wedding Greatness!
Reviewed By: CynicalSpiritValea [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 11, 2003 20:20 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
yay! i so need to knwo who that song was by it was so great for the chappie! you know what i love? you manage not only to just liek write up the fanfiction but then you go into deeper stuff like by looking up words on a dictionary and whatnot and anywho, it was a sweet and kawiiful cahpter and i liked it! but then again i lik evrything lol. anywho..not to get off subject...are you planning a L-E-M-O-N ? lol anywho will aria ever ease up? can there be a lil moment where like i dunno she goes up and hugs him? but then there wouldnt be any drama, im talking to myself now! love much good stuff! ^_^ ~Valea~
 Reviewed By: Cynicalspiritvalea [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 11, 2003 20:17 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
font colorYay! Perfect song, once again my friend! *giggle* im so looking forward to the wedding, coudl there be second thougths coming back? But anyway nice remiscing you had going, it was so sweet, emtionful, il be getting good sleep tonigth because of you and all the cutness and old friendship stuff going on...OMG I SOUND LIKE ANZU!!! ahhhhhhhh!!!! *bashes myself over hte head with a fryign pan* ahh much better, love much it was great so very great...makes me question will Marik run away dont run away from the good future Marik, it will be okay or at least i hope so right...??*slips into sweet unconisouness* KURA!!!!!!!!!!! lmao love!
 Reviewed By: Bwuebewwy Sugar Pwincess  On: November 11, 2003 17:36 CST
Awwwwwww, kawaii!!
 Reviewed By: Bwuebewwy Sugar Pwincess  On: November 09, 2003 14:32 CST
wow, fluffy, and sort of angsty, and kawaii at the same time. Bg, you know your stuff. *smiles and cuddles close to her pillow* i wish i had someone to cuddle with. *looks over at her cat* but kitty is sleeping and no one is here. Except for mu cat. Oh well, lemons always cheer me up. So, keep up the good work, I'm off to scrub my eyes (*Shudder* anzu naked*) and go read so good ol' lemons. Yaoi lemons, ya gotta luv 'em
 Reviewed By: Joeys_Gal  On: November 08, 2003 19:54 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
nnnnnnnnnoooooooooooo you can't bring Steven back!!!!!! nnnnooo!!!! WWWWWAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! Mmmm just imagining Malik in that outfit makes me tingle!! He's soooo hot hes my second fave after Bakura & Ryou... Great chapter, I can't wait until the wedding is on! I reckon you should make a sequel to this when Aten and Aria grow up... if they don't get killed first! ;_; keep it up great work!!
 Title: awww
Reviewed By: super_JM [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 08, 2003 18:55 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
aww that was a cute chapter.
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