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"Dead Famous" Reviews/Comments [ 1081 ]
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 Reviewed By: Irrel (not signed in u_u)  On: December 28, 2003 00:52 EST
You are going to kill me! (in a good way lol) I couldn't stop laughing when I read about Inuyasha kissing with another man! hehehe
 Reviewed By: Kym  On: December 27, 2003 23:41 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Inuyasha....made out with a drag queen........ HA HA HA HA!! Thats funny, but sad. Bad! Bad! Bad! Cliffys are bad!! Keep writing and updating and.....stuff. ~*Kym*~
 Reviewed By: InusDemoness [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 27, 2003 23:23 EST
Well after her mom hears about this, there is no way she'll be able to talk her way into staying again, that is if they ever get her back. I'm so shocked I can't even close my mouth right now good thing my figers have minds of their own. Update soon very soon
 Reviewed By: physcho_bitch [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 27, 2003 23:22 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
WAAAAAHHH!!!!!!!! This sucks. I love your story, but you left a cliffy and now i'm sad. *pout* yah, well i was reading this story to fill in the time before you posted the epilogue for "Bottled Genius" and i've gotten into it, so when i realized it wasn't done it was a giant letdown. I love your work though! your style is so great and origional! Please update, i know it takes a while, i feel your pain, it's just that i'm an impatient person with nothing to do but read over the x-mas holidays, so i'm desperate here. Thanks a bunch for being such a great writer, your's Truly, physcho
 Reviewed By: angelbabe17(not signed in)  On: December 27, 2003 21:37 EST
ack! NOOOO!!!
 Title: Love it
Reviewed By: Lucy Lu  On: December 27, 2003 21:34 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
This story is awesome. I love the way you make the story come to life by explaining all the details of it. Remember not to listen to the people that talk bad about your story because they might even be jelaous of you because you can write a good story and they can't. Hope you update soon but I know it takes a long time to write a chapter, trust I tried and I know how you feel when people tell you is a bad chapter or to hurry up updating. Don't worry about your puppy, it would eventually learn and be a good doggy. I love Dead Famous. Kepp up the excellent job you have been doing. And think about getting a career in writing. ^_^ Yours truly A Loving Fan
 Reviewed By: cutie_pie_2101_1012(not signed in)  On: December 27, 2003 21:03 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
O_O Inu...ya.....sha kissed a guy *shuders* THATS DISGUSTING well anyways please update really really soon and i really really wanna find out wat happened in 92 and really really soon
 Reviewed By: Lady Hanyou [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 27, 2003 20:36 EST
Write more soon please.
 Title: Yay!
Reviewed By: S1Cherry [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 27, 2003 20:06 EST
good chapter. you do know how evil that is, leaving off right there, right? but still, that's certainly an interesting twist to the story. please update. ^-^
 Reviewed By: Vicsy  On: December 27, 2003 19:57 EST
oh wow, poor Kagome. But I have no doubt that Inuyasha will save her ...I hope. Well update soon, I always worry when you dont.
 Reviewed By: Amethyst or Defafaeth Mechqua (ff.net)  On: December 27, 2003 19:29 EST
I would've reviewed on ff.net but it said, 'chapter does not exist'. So here I am. ^^ Bloody kidnappers!
 Reviewed By: chanin  On: December 27, 2003 19:23 EST
The chapter that you just posted was really good. I can't wait to find out what happend to kagome. well til the next chapter
 Reviewed By: Ithilwen [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 27, 2003 19:03 EST
incident of '92 was deluding her… Deluding or eluding? Most of these tiny typos take only a little from the story, but this one could be important. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Boning a haddock," snarklesnarklesnarkle! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wow...
 Reviewed By: crystal singer  On: December 27, 2003 18:58 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
You are completely evil leaving that kind of a cliffy! I am hoping your satanic puppy drives you crazy! Seriously though, this was a very good chapter, don't leave us hanging long.
 Reviewed By: nienty [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 26, 2003 03:07 EST
i wonder if ou are ever going to update i loved your story and cant hardly wait for more but i need more... so humbly bowing again please please please please write more
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