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"Dead Famous" Reviews/Comments [ 1081 ]
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 Reviewed By: tiranth@yahoo.com  On: December 16, 2003 16:37 EST
My god! That was the best chapter yet! Very powerful. Poor Inu...poor Kagome! Beautifully written. I can't wait to see what happens next!
 Reviewed By: leelee-189  On: December 16, 2003 00:34 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I love this fanfic! I really love how often you update! Keep up the good work duckie!
 Reviewed By: chihiro-san [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 15, 2003 22:14 EST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
oh wwwwwoooooowwwwww....ooo. I'm shivvering! That was creapy! but good! Very VERY good. Oh my God..I swear, I thought that Inu Yasha was gonna get plugged. I just knew that he would-and then he didn't! Happy day! Happy day! I feel so bad for the driver, though. And Kagome. that's the thing: you're such a good writer that the characters jump to life in my mind. Just don't make them do anything too rash, or I might throw my computer across the room! haha. Toodles!
 Reviewed By: Ithilwen [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 15, 2003 22:14 EST
92? I miss... Not a bad chapter. Not as awesome as usual, but not bad. I couldn't help but think that the gun driver thingie was out of the blue.
 Reviewed By: angelbabe17(not signed in)  On: December 15, 2003 22:10 EST
hehe my readers r gonna b pissed cuz im reading this instead of writing my chapter...o well its worth them being mad! another perfect chapter!!
 Reviewed By: Irrel (not signed in u_u)  On: December 15, 2003 21:40 EST
damn you!!! I thougth Inuyasha had killed him... arg... *breaths deeply* anyway.. that was... so really good O_O
 Reviewed By: meera [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 15, 2003 21:23 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
:O! inuyasha didn't push kagome back when she put her head on his shoulder! :O!
 Title: OMG!!!
Reviewed By: rosie13 [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 15, 2003 21:22 EST
OMG OMG I WAS HOLDING MY BREATH THE WHOLE TIME!!!!! Jeez, that was a thriller! Wow, my hearts beating! Anyway, wanna say really good chappie!!!!!!!!! KEEP IT UP THAT WAS REALLY GOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!
 Reviewed By: katz21  On: December 15, 2003 17:58 EST
omg....great story....wow i never knew inu yasha could be that deep.....anywayz......keep on updating.....can't wait to find out wut happens in '92.....*wringing my fingers, waiting impatiently for next chapter*
 Reviewed By: VIc_18  On: December 14, 2003 16:57 EST
Great chapter, agian. I love it when Inuyasha tells Kagome how he feels and stuff like that. I also cant wait until the '92 story come out, I want Inu to be the one to tell her about it. I'm really like the parts when he's nice and open with her. Oh, and when is Kagome gonna find out Inu's been listining to Kagome play the piano?
 Reviewed By: Tiranth2  On: December 14, 2003 13:05 EST
Awww...poor Inu Yasha...I think he needs a hug! Go get 'im Kag!
 Reviewed By: Kitsune_Bi [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 14, 2003 11:34 EST
Oh dear. I hope Inu doesn't try anything stupid! LOVE THIS STORY!
 Reviewed By: Irrel (not signed in u_u)  On: December 14, 2003 00:25 EST
I hope he doesn't attempt suicide... *sigh* I'm getting too attached with this fanfiction, hhehe, keep up the good work! (how lame, I know)
 Reviewed By: chihiro-san [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 14, 2003 00:05 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Awwwwww.......that was sooo incrediably saaaadd!!! Now I'm all depressed...And I have to do homework too! Aw, bugger it. It's only my finals (that're do next week). I have all of Sunday! No problem! Ugh. That made me all sappy-sad. I need chocolate. (*shuffles off. hear sound of creaking cabnit. Paper rustles. Comes back in with ENORMOUSE bar of chocolate. Takes large bite.*) mmmch mmmch mmmch. Yummmmm. Okay, I feel better now. Great chappie!
 Reviewed By: angelbabe17(not signed in)  On: December 13, 2003 20:01 EST
*does a happy dance* ur story makes me so happy =D
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