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"Chimaera" Reviews/Comments [ 580 ]
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 Reviewed By: Tetsumi(not logged in)  On: January 14, 2005 19:43 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Update soon!
 Reviewed By: Kimpisces [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 14, 2005 09:59 EST
HA! the instructions were in the babyseat *shakes her head* no wonder nobody found them...when you're looking for something, it's always right under your nose *shakes her head* poor Heero might never be the same again and all because they couldn't find the instructions *sighs* poor Heero *huggles him again* awwwwww Sorry I didn't review the last chapter...I haven't been on the computer for a week because I had so much homework it wasn't even funny *sighs* exams are in two weeks so it's not helping me any Oh well, whatever...I love this story and I can't wait until you update again ...hope that it's soon and I can't wait to see the wedding. It will be awesome !! And they can actually have their wedding now because Howard is a priest guy !! *nods* that's just awesome!! lolol Hope to see the next chapter soon ^-^ ~KIM~
 Reviewed By: Patty 40  On: January 12, 2005 23:14 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I can't believe I have over 30 stories in my mail box @-@.And now I have to review them all..Wow, well you see I haven't been home to read stories.So I am way behind.So now what to do ?There are to many stories to review so I'm doing a mass review .Yah again I know I've done this a few times before and I'm sure you all don't like it but I rather take the time to read the stories ,than take the extra time to write all those reviews .Because you see I have to leave again and I don't know when I'll be on line again..So ok to all of you wonderful writers I have read your stories and your updated stories because some of you have updated 2 or 3 times since I last reviewed you. And I really have enjoyed or are enjoying your stories..Wow that was a mouth full .I'm taking a breath now..~_~I really wanted to let every one know I'm reading every chapter and If this review shows up on multiple chapters or different stories by the same author I'm sorry but I'm doing the best I can ..I'm running from hospital to home and it is whereon me out..So all of you please keep up the good work and so long as you keep writing, I'll keep reading...Patty ..Sorry this is not a very good review..(*_~)
 Reviewed By: Patty 40  On: January 12, 2005 22:14 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I can't believe I have over 30 stories in my mail box @-@.And now I have to review them all..Wow, well you see I haven't been home to read stories.So I am way behind.So now what to do ?There are to many stories to review so I'm doing a mass review .Yah again I know I've done this a few times before and I'm sure you all don't like it but I rather take the time to read the stories ,than take the extra time to write all those reviews .Because you see I have to leave again and I don't know when I'll be on line again..So ok to all of you wonderful writers I have read your stories and your updated stories because some of you have updated 2 or 3 times since I last reviewed you. And I really have enjoyed or are enjoying your stories..Wow that was a mouth full .I'm taking a breath now..~_~I really wanted to let every one know I'm reading every chapter and If this review shows up on multiple chapters or different stories by the same author I'm sorry but I'm doing the best I can ..I'm running from hospital to home and it is whereon me out..So all of you please keep up the good work and so long as you keep writing, I'll keep reading...Patty ..Sorry this is not a very good review..(*_~)
 Reviewed By: Tetsumi(not logged in)  On: January 12, 2005 20:54 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Great!update soon!
 Title: Justo to say something.
Reviewed By: Moon Wizard [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 12, 2005 19:21 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
There's no need to say that I like a lot your story; you write pretty well and I love duo pregnant qith the belly ^-^. another thing I liked was Trowa speaking in spanish, I'm a spanish speaker so I saw the series in spanish and the fact that trowa is latin was lost. A nice detail you had. Greetings from the other side of the world, more specifically, Argentina.
 Title: Justo to say something.
Reviewed By: Moon Wizard [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 12, 2005 19:18 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
There's no need to say that I like a lot your story; you write pretty well and I love duo pregnant qith the belly ^-^. another thing I liked was Trowa speaking in spanish, I'm a spanish speaker so I saw the series in spanish and the fact that trowa is latin was lost. A nice detail you had. Greetings from the other side of the world, more specifically, Argentina.
 Title: Justo to say something.
Reviewed By: Moon Wizard [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 12, 2005 19:18 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
There's no need to say that I like a lot your story; you write pretty well and I love duo pregnant qith the belly ^-^. another thing I liked was Trowa speaking in spanish, I'm a spanish speaker so I saw the series in spanish and the fact that trowa is latin was lost. A nice detail you had. Greetings from the other side of the world, more specifically, Argentina.
 Title: Justo to say something.
Reviewed By: Moon Wizard [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 12, 2005 19:16 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
There's no need to say that I like a lot your story; you write pretty well and I love duo pregnant qith the belly ^-^. another thing I liked was Trowa speaking in spanish, I'm a spanish speaker so I saw the series in spanish and the fact that trowa is latin was lost. A nice detail you had. Greetings from the other side of the world, more specifically, Argentina.
 Title: Justo to say something.
Reviewed By: Moon Wizard [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 12, 2005 19:14 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
There's no need to say that I like a lot your story; you write pretty well and I love duo pregnant qith the belly ^-^. another thing I liked was Trowa speaking in spanish, I'm a spanish speaker so I saw the series in spanish and the fact that trowa is latin was lost. A nice detail you had. Greetings from the other side of the world, more specifically, Argentina.
 Title: Hopefully a true review.
Reviewed By: Louise Paula  On: January 11, 2005 15:49 EST
Style of Writing: 6 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 5 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 2 of 10
Overall Rating: 5 of 10
I sincerely hope you don't take this review as a flame- for that purpose I'm including my email address Duo.Heero@gmail.com. I started reading this fic way back when you first started writing it, and as someone who has worked in neonatal and obstetric nursing for nearly ten years I was interested despite myself. You started out with an interesting idea- even if reality had to be suspended from the beginning due to the inability of hermaphrodites to become pregnant. I honestly thought that this one would be an mpreg I could enjoy... you researched a lot and really seemed to know the ins and outs of pregnancy *which is always a good thing*. However, I've been seeing some changes in your characterizeration for a while now and to be truthful, I really don't see any of the gundam pilots in the people who are now in your fic. You write well and have a lot of information behind you, but you don't need to utilize it all. A lot of your chapters lately have an unnecessary feel to them. I see a lot of Duo in this story but not much Heero- one case being the mission he was sent on. Was there a purpose behind that which will become apparent later? It felt as if he was just going away for a while and then he was back, and there was no real purpose to it. I really hope you don't take this as a flame. You get so many wonderful reviews that you can disregard this one out of hand if you wish and it won't really matter to you. There's been a lot of hard work in this fic. I respect that.
 Reviewed By: AnimeDuneJediElf [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 11, 2005 15:14 EST
LOL! The insructions were in the baby seat! LOL!
 Reviewed By: priscel [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 11, 2005 14:54 EST
...is nothing to scoff at. But i at times i see where his need to get it embedded in Yuy's head that he's male and not some fragile being... but at same time he should be able to sympathize that females go through that kind of treatment all the time. Besides he should be going to one of those breathing classes... nah the nurse'll probably tell him about that, it helps with the contracts to get his body to relax right? Oh and the idea of Duo breast feeding his baby, i think prehaps it is a good ideal to get him a breat pump *snickers* if he should lactate before the baby's born, like he said as an after thought to Tro and Quat's teasing that would be what the baby would need. If he can get the pump and save it for the baby later if he dries up before the baby's born. And ya i think heero is having sympathy pains, i mean he let go of all his prefect soldier pretense at the sight of his lover and bawled right along with him with kisses and clinging embraces. ok gotta go and i'll read the chapters soon! Happy new year! *glomps Shen then waves*
 Reviewed By: priscel [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 11, 2005 14:43 EST
Oi!!!! I've been gone far to looong... Did ya miss me!? Well i'm up to chapter 81 Wahoo!! I'll try to be a more active reviewer. Gosh i dunno where to begin with comments...OH! lol that whole honeycomb being stuck in a uhh very compromising place was hilarious!! *eyes glittering with mirth* Then the babysit from HELL!! lol oh gosh, i only hope that when kids come with or without that significant other for me i'll make sure the instuctions are stampled some place visible and unmovable. *snickers* Go Miracle and what a name for a pup! I thought that prehaps the pup was see Duo not only as master but surrogate mom, because prehaps the baby pup is aware of the baby human *shrugs* that's a long shot. But often animals are aware of other pregnant animals... anyway getting back on topic, Duo could always dress in maternal clothes and let his hair down a bit, pitch his voice up higher if he has to speak and assume the disguise as a pregnant woman if he soo upset about being a homebound. Heck if i was a guy in his position, dressing as a woman would be a security measure not an insult. Being called a woman is a very sensitive issue for Duo and challenges his masculinity and men seem to hate that but damnit on behalf of women we are not pansies and have just as much cunning and strength as any guy. I say Duo should dress the part and go hang out with some pregnant ladies, it'll be an eye opener for him to see that although whining is a premnant part of being with child, being female...
 Reviewed By: whiteguineapig25 [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 10, 2005 00:06 EST
i have been following your story for a while, but this is the first time i have gotten around to writting a review. what i want to to say is that this story actually make since compared to most mpregs i have read and that i think you are a really good writer i have read most of your stories and all of them were really good. please contuine updating
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