"Chimaera" Reviews/Comments [ 580 ] |
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Reviewed By: PATTY 40 On: July 18, 2004 20:43 EDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Thank you so verry much for updateing this story...:) I just got back fro visiting winnsbobr,Texas...The home of the (Autom trails...)And read this chapter And It was great...It is a wonderful story and I really can't wait untill your next update..So please update again soon ...^_~
Reviewed By: priscel *mouth forms 'oh'* On: July 17, 2004 19:47 EDT Comment/Review: *snickers* rubber ducky...man Heero has to be plain adorable.
Reviewed By: Megan B Black [MediaMiner Member] On: July 13, 2004 13:07 EDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Oh my hod... I love this fic, I mean that I really, really love this fanfic. You make it so realistic and it would be impossible for me not to admire the way that you write. The ratings that I've given you are no less than you deserve. Your talent far surpasses most of the other people that I have seen writing. Absolutely brilliant, especially the way that you made us wait thirty-something chapters before we were told that Duo was pregnant, though we could have already foreshadowed it from your writing. Abso-fucking-lutely brillant. ~bows down and kisses the ground you walk on~ I now dub thee one of my gods/goddesses. I thank thee for giving me the privilege of reading your splendid work! Now, I must depart! Ja ne!
Reviewed By: priscel--- On: July 10, 2004 00:24 EDT Comment/Review: man i just wanted to say that i'm glad you didn't end this fic awhile back, cuz i think its great that we get to find out what's going through d's and h's mind as they go through the entire baby process and share these sweet moments to be reminded just how much heero loves duo and their baby. I know this is plain evil, but i'm sure they know the risk... if duo were to lose the baby that would be unbareable... sorry just a worry, just like i'm still a bit weary of doc G.
Reviewed By: AnimeDuneJediElf [MediaMiner Member] On: July 09, 2004 10:58 EDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Aaw! That's all I have to say. *|Mari|*
Reviewed By: PATTY 40 On: July 09, 2004 00:51 EDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Really good, emotionally. it made me cry. that's so sweet, and sad too.oh It's so lovely. I thikn it's beautiful..This is really good. I mean *really.* I could never write like this, with so much feeling. Great job! OH! I love this story Simply adored this chapter, Two thumbs WAYWAY up! *wink*
Reviewed By: RitoruIkko On: July 08, 2004 23:24 EDT Comment/Review: I really like the story but...since my mom works in a baby store and sells the stuff for a living, I do have to make a small comment. Babyseats for newborns should always be rear-facing, to ensure higher safety - At least that's my understanding of the reason. And it is true that pricey items are usually better/safer, but not always (*growl at Eddie Baur Car Seats*). I love the way everything is going. I just couldn't help but point out that tiny detail, yup some part of is that anal. Anyhoo, keep up the great work.
Reviewed By: Kix [MediaMiner Member] On: July 04, 2004 01:07 EDT Comment/Review: *wipes a tear from my eye as i finish reading the last line* ohh ..it's soo beautiful!!! lookin forward to next chapter *thumbs up*
Reviewed By: MelizaMac (Not logged in) On: July 03, 2004 04:30 EDT Comment/Review: First-time parents are always fun to watch in those major baby stores! They walk into the store and look like they're fighting the need to pass out! But, as Hilde pointed out, they don't seem to realize that there are lots of the same thing, and that's part of what makes the place look so huge. Their comments on some of the 'necessities' were priceless! My favorite part was at the end of the chapter when Duo came across Heero looking at the crib. Their promise that their child wouldn't want for anything was absolutely precious. More Kleenex material...
Reviewed By: Rurouni Lilouani [MediaMiner Member] On: July 02, 2004 10:27 EDT Comment/Review: Sorry for not reviewing in such a long time! Needless to say I had some translating to do when it came to this chapter, lol! Aussie terms for baby items are certainly very different from the ones I'm used to. This was a very cute chapter. I really liked the playful teasing between Heero and Duo. Update soon!! ~Wanders away looking through the many items in "baby world" ~
Reviewed By: Patty40 On: July 02, 2004 03:31 EDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: I wish I could make this longer,But I'm in a hurry..But I would like to say I loved this chapter and you are a great writer..So please update again soon so I can read more...And thanks for the fast update...
Reviewed By: Shenny [MediaMiner Member] On: July 01, 2004 12:50 EDT Comment/Review: Just in reply to Shinigami Twin 04 and the blood types question... I cannot find any official release on any of the GW characters blood types anywhere. Yes there are a few sites out there that list their blood types as A and B but that information is based on culture, race and person characteristics, not a reliable source and therefore why I chose not to use it. I have asked several of my friends, some who have been in the fandom for years and none of them can find an official release on the characters blood groups. If you can tell me where you got your information on in regards to the blood types I'd be more than happy to check it out. Meanwhile, thanks for reading the fic and I hope to read some of your works in the near future. ShenLong. ^_^
Title: Shinigami Twins Reviewed By: Shinigami Twins [MediaMiner Member] On: June 30, 2004 20:50 EDT Comment/Review: Oh and here I am again, Shinigami Twin 04, Quatre Raberba Winner, and I know you must think I sound crazy with what I am saying here cause I call myself Quatre, but gomen nasai. Anyways, I would like to reassure you and let you know that my other twin I know has enjoyed what I have told of your fanfic, and that says a lot if you know Heero. ^_^ I will try taking note to look at some of your other works. Speaking of works I should go and type more of mine before Heero kills me. ^_~
Title: Shingami Twin 04 Reviewed By: Quatre Raberba Winner On: June 30, 2004 20:45 EDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 8 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 8 of 10 Overall Rating: 8 of 10 Comment/Review: I am not much on noting that style and spelling I should probably not comment, basically I see nothing absolutely amazing but it is better than what I do (especially the spelling part) ^_^ Anyways and it is quite enjoyable but not the best in the world, and the orginality rating is so high cause I love your idea and I have an intregue in medicine so you are doing well in that aspect which I apreciate, and you do your research instead of just assuming, though there was one part of reserch you seemed to overlook. Being a dear Gundam Wing fan I mustn't and won't hesitate to ask you to correct your mistake. Duo is blood type B and Heero a blood type A. Now that you know when and if you revise (and I hope you will at least that one part) you can fix it. Sorry but I am a hard core fan and I belive that if you are fortunate enough to be given the information in the world of anime you go ahead and use it. And since I am not sure how aware and into Gundam Wing you are I am not trying to be mean and that is why I am not being a plain bitch about it. And if you feel better you can go and read my fan fic called Kindness is a Sin and pick it to bits. Written by Shinigami Twins (gomen but 01 (Heero Yuy) refrained from reading this fan fic, but I don't hesitate to give him all the details ^_~) Great job and that was the only complaint thus far, so personally I say your are doing an absoutely fantastic job! Keep up the good work! And I remind you I can't spell worth crap nor type, gomen nasi |
Reviewed By: priscel [MediaMiner Member] On: June 30, 2004 13:19 EDT Comment/Review: Damn! shame on Heero for saying such a thinkg to Duo! How could he! A my main concern is that Heero and Duo got all gushy in the changing room... Heero's main concern was to consol Duo, so I have to wonder if there was someone there who overheard? They may think nothing of it though...
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