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"A Saiyan For All Seasons" Reviews/Comments [ 209 ]
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 Reviewed By: t2i2n2a  On: May 19, 2004 20:02 EDT
i just started this fic and am really enjoying it keep up the great chapters.
 Reviewed By: Fibounette  On: May 19, 2004 16:54 EDT
Ye of little faith, this was a great chapter, be happy and proud of it! It's amazing how you succeed in nailing every character, even the minor ones, so perfectly. I loved seeing the group of friends together, Kame Sennin being the same old hilarious hentai all over again... Everything felt natural and totally in place. As for our two beloved protagonists.... Finally they meet. O merveille des merveilles ! I know I say it all the time, but no one is better than you in writing good B/V interaction. BTW I believe it's the first review that I leave for this story, now isn't it ? Well, then I want to tell you that this fic is absolutely fabulous. Keep up the fantastic job !! I really really really need to see what's going to happen next! The anticipation is killing me.
 Title: HOLY ... wow....*gulps*
Reviewed By: debbiechan [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 19, 2004 10:05 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Alrighty, I thought this chapter couldn't possibly be as wonderful at the previous one, and I certainly didn't expect the B/V enounter to ignite so fast! By my, my, my, I tip my hat to you once again. Seeing the whole gang again was delicious, the interactions a delight (I am in love with you for your portrayal of Yamcha alone--it is real, it's sympathetic, he deserves it!)and when B & V were talking, it was classic Ember! I am so glad you're updating so regularly! What would my life be without these fics in the morn?!! **swoons from gushing so much... and from that B/V kiss..** debbiechan
 Reviewed By: LLJade [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 12, 2004 22:14 EDT
Update! For the love of all that's good and pure, update!!!!
 Title: chapter 2
Reviewed By: mischief maker [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 11, 2004 16:00 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Ember, this is great! 1 out of 3 ain't bad! Brilliant!!
 Title: a saiyan for all seasons
Reviewed By: ccfleursdelys  On: May 10, 2004 19:08 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
i revise all my precedent point of view about this fic i founded it great...now great is not the term i would employ awesome is more fitting eeh! poor veguie so confused he doesn't know on which leg dancing don't you know veguie that violence is not the solution to every problem? beating a lady is not a way to courtisize her inkink! it's must be me but i think there is a burning fire i can smell it (lol) yes she's stronger than you thought uh veguie? come on be a real man no? oh well maybe in another chapter? so far it's my favourite chapter by the way what's an overall rating? ok see you on the b/v group ccfleursdelys
 Reviewed By: Venus(bulmasecrets)  On: May 10, 2004 09:03 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Please update! By the way I love your other fics and ur site looks great as well!! keep up the great work!
 Title: ch4
Reviewed By: Library Surfer  On: May 07, 2004 02:11 EDT
I've been so enveloped in this chapter, I didn't even realize it was 2am ha! I must have been re-reading different sections and lost track of time...I will just mention my favorite part is when he is standing behind her, looking over her shoulder, and she feels the heat of his body...as he is so near. I like the way he is struggling w/ himself, almost giving in to his desire for her, but still guarding himself, and guarding her--very interesting to explore. I love the way her face heats up...and then he pounces in front of her so she can't hide it *yikes*!! I also really appreciate the way you begin each chapter by letting us experience what Bulma is feeling from her environment {stuff like the weather/temperature or the way the natural light looks or feels on her face etc.}, and then letting us in on what she is feeling from her own emotions & physical responses, you describe everything so vividly. It's 'broad-brushed' and focused all at once, a swirl of experience *^_^*...I look forward to the next chapter. {ps, I love when Vegeta wants to know 'how it feels now' when she senses him...}
 Title: ch3
Reviewed By: Library Surfer  On: May 07, 2004 01:16 EDT
Great chapter!! ^_^ My favorite part is when 'the fire' rushes through her as she catches a peripheral glimpse of his smile as he barely whispers "impressive"... *yikes* very nice hmmm *^_^* Again, the characters are so *spot-on*...the word *rich* comes to mind--this is such a pleasure to read ^_^.
 Reviewed By: The Oujis Mate [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 04, 2004 20:42 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Ah, another refreshingly wonderful story to add to your collection. I love everyhting you write Ember, and I can't wait to see even more. I'm sorry to hear what they did to you a FF, but as you said, that's their choice. Just know that I , and all the other fans you've gathered up here, will stick by you and keep giving you our support. Please hurry with your next chapter! I can't wait!!
 Reviewed By: phantomscribe72 [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 03, 2004 23:18 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Wow. That was... intense. You are a genius, you know that? That scene was perfect. Vegeta being Vegeta, and Bulma being Bulma. Just perfect.
 Reviewed By: DaHunny  On: May 03, 2004 21:50 EDT
I love where this is going! Please update soon. Oh, I also love the 1 out of 3 comment in chap 2. Nope, one outta' three aint bad. :)
 Reviewed By: InAwe  On: May 03, 2004 21:45 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I'm just reviewing because I understand wanting feedback. So, all I really have to say is your one of the best authors I've had the pleasure of reading. Whatever you write is a priority for me. Keep up the great work, and please update quickly!
 Reviewed By: catgirl26 (Not signed in!)  On: May 02, 2004 16:41 EDT
Wow! Awesome chapter! The dynamics between Vegeta and Bulma had me on the edge of my seat for the entire chapter!! I can't wait for the next update!!!!
 Reviewed By: me  On: May 02, 2004 01:40 EDT
oh man, what is she commin up with now? ha, man, vegeta is gonna get the shock of a life-time i bet either way!
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