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"Beauty Contest Judge- Yugi?!" Reviews/Comments [ 146 ]
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 Title: More ideas
Reviewed By: DemonandGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 13, 2004 17:52 EDT
Ok, I have some ideas for talents! Mai: Junp for My Love, by the Pointer Sisters. I think it would fit her personality. Ishizu: Belly dancing. To what, I'm not sure. Tea: Dancing to Naughty Girls, by Beyonce. Saria: Harp. Not very original, but it works! Don't make everyone's talent singing and dancing. Ok, I hope this helps!
 Title: Heres some ideas:
Reviewed By: Erick-Genryusai  On: July 11, 2004 16:22 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Show some parts where the girls go to Yugi house whit the excuse of 'just' talk to him...but instead, in secret trying yo get him to vote for him. The Female Dual Monsters will be on the look out for him. Of course, Yugi doesnt know it. As for what the girls could wear of the contest: Mana: A 1 piece blue bikini -(just like her costume)-, and a blue and white evening gown. Sandy: Her original dress as the Mistical Elf will do just fine. For the swimsuit...1 piece, dark brown whit a diamon shape on the middle. And...for the Talent show... Have Tea sing a cool song and make her dance, after all, she is a good dancer...the song for Tea would be -"Typical Tropical"- from Bambee of DDR. Hear it, you'll like it. For Mai...this song would fit her nice: -"Be my Lover"- of Daze. For Ishizu...this song:-"I've being waiting For A Girl Like You" from Foriegner's. Of course, the Girl part of the song will be replaced to Guy, cause she would sing for Yugi. Cute. Same whit the Female Duel Monster: For Mana: -"Ryhthm of Loving"- of Karen from Para Para Paradise 3. Its a cool song. For Maria: -"La Isla Bonita"- from Madona. Being she Water Duel Monster, it would fit her nice. For Harpy Lady -(Yes her, whit her sisters): -"I'm so Excited"- from Pointer Sister. And...as a favor...add scenes where Deimos gives useful advice for Yugi. YUgi will be in a tight situacion. And Deimos will be there as a friend. And...make a funny scenes. in Downton Woman shops.
 Reviewed By: the wing cat goddess91  On: July 11, 2004 02:03 EDT
i agree with Jacquelyn and please update.
 Title: I'll help you
Reviewed By: Yamifanner(not logged in)  On: July 11, 2004 00:26 EDT
I know you said to leave long reviews. Well, here goes. I love your story so far because it has a good plot and a good theme in it. You keep up the good work and think of positive things in your life everyday. I really enjoyed reading this story and I was wondering if you have any open spots for me to be in your story? Do you? If so, look at the review that I put my description in and I also want to be paired with Yami. That's all. Ja Ne.
 Reviewed By: Lady D 10290 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 10, 2004 18:13 EDT
Me: Okay I'll help out. Here's some ideas. Tea- Neon green velvet ankle length long sleeved dress. Red one piece Mai- A mid-leg length black dress with a silt at each side. Purple two-piece, the top has one strap like a toga. Serenity- I was thinking maybe Serenity could wear a dress that kind of looks like Aerith from Final Fantasy XII's dress. If you didn't play FFXII then it is a sleeveless pink dress that reaches to the ankles and is button down. A black one piece with an oval shapped hole over the stomach. Ishizu- Maybe like white medevil like dress. A simple white one-piece Mana- A blue knee length sleveless dress with a pink shawl. A one-piece version of her current outfit? Maria- Sea green velvet dress and sea green two piece. Sandy- Maybe the dress she alreay wears only it has a more of a medevil look. A red one-piece that has a skirt like thing on the waist. Saira- A yellow ballroom gown. A yellow one-piece. Melissa- A light green ballroom gown. A black one piece with a star patten. Me: Hope it helps. See ya soon. Signed, Lady D 10290
 Reviewed By: DemonandGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 10, 2004 15:44 EDT
For help on Sandy, I need to know what the Mystical Sand looks like first. Ok, here are some Ideas: Isis: White bikini, with gold fringe. Saria: Spirit of the Harp, right? Umm... how about a backless ankle length dress, black and kinda glittery? I really don't know what Duel Monsters would wear for evening. Melissa: One shoulder, aqua green dress, ankle length. Small slit on the side. Mana: Spaghetti ankle length white dress, satin./ Sorry if these really suck, it's hard to think up what they would wear! I would send you fanart, but I don't have a scanner. Sorry. I hope this helps!
 Title: I'll help you
Reviewed By: Jacquelyn  On: July 10, 2004 13:42 EDT
You need some help? Well, here it goes. How about you do the bikini contest first, then do the best dressed contest. I left a review that I want to be in your story. I hope I get to be in your story.
 Title: Review time
Reviewed By: ChAoTiC-LoRd  On: July 10, 2004 04:17 EDT
Style of Writing: 8 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 7 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 8 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
I'm like one of those people who review and that's all. I don't have to do anything but review. Well, KEEEEEEEEPP ITTT UPPPPPPPPPPPPP.... P.S: Damn, how come you never write a NC-17? It will fit into some of your story.
 Reviewed By: Sword Master Jeff  On: July 02, 2004 04:01 EDT
I'm just wondering why almost everyone names the DMG Mana. This is another great chapter that you have here, and I can't wait to see what happens at the mall. I'm glad that you explained why Yugi was able to go into the Shadow Realm without those ill effects. I'm also working on my Yugi/DMG pairing, but do you mind looking over it before I post it? I might change the song, since that song seems too dark to me, but I could probably keep the song. The phrase about a woman's wrath is extremely true. Okay, well a good chapter and story and I can't wait until you continue this beautiful form of art that you have here DJ!
 Title: Poor Yug
Reviewed By: Master Leonheart  On: June 30, 2004 19:32 EDT
I feel mad bad for yug, In actuallity, Love Hina is more appropiate because it has the most girls and a guy who doesn't really have any physical or mental strnghts. Not to mention they physically do a lot of stuff to get attention . Now please continue
 Title: I like your story
Reviewed By: Yamifanner [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 30, 2004 10:27 EDT
Hello. I like your story so far. Am I going to appear in the next chapter? I hope so I do.
 Title: Character changes
Reviewed By: DemonandGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 29, 2004 17:59 EDT
Mai:I always thought she'd wear a red-hot bikini. Serenity: How about a one-piece? Joey would go ballistic if she wore a revealing bikini. Other than that, everything sounds good to me! Do you need my email? Here: miranda.aguilar@sbcglobal.net. Creative, ne? -_- Ok, please update soon!
 Reviewed By: Isis-san  On: June 29, 2004 17:22 EDT
That was really good! I hope I'm helping. I'm asking again can I pwese have Yami-kun? I already gave you my description. I'd give you guys my e-mail address but I don't want to give it out in public. I'd like to e-mail but I can't access it. Please update soon. I need my Yami-kun. And I agree that Yugi and DMG make the cutest couple! They look so sweet together!!
 Reviewed By: Lady D 10290 [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 29, 2004 14:00 EDT
Me: I'm not going to do anything to the clothes for anyone. Anyway this was a good chapter. Laura: I still think Mai and Tea are sluts. Me: -_-; Brittany: Yugi's right. He is like Tenchi. Though I am still not sure whether that's a good or bad thing. Laura: Can not wait for the chapter when I come in. Like I said before, if the duel monsters came to the real world I'd be more then willing to join the pact. Me: Can't wait for the next chapter. Signed, Lady D 10290, Brittany, and Laura P.S Thanks for reading "Concrete Yugi".
 Reviewed By: Jacquelyn  On: June 29, 2004 10:44 EDT
I forgot to leave my e-mail address to you because last time I forgot to log in. So, here it is: Jacfrog@aol.com.
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