[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
By: Blue Siren 
Yaoi V/G(KT) AU OOC Kakarotto sets to kill those in power... but fate deals him an unexpected turn.Graphic sex, heed rating.
Chapter 12 "Alliance" is now up.
Enjoy and please review ^_~
I was finally able to get rid of most of the "ID" thingies. I apologize for not doing it sooner
I would like to thank Phantomscribe72,GokuMum and Bardockgurl for their wonderful beta work^^
This story is inspired by a two part OVA I saw some time ago "Ai no Kusabi" for those of you who have seen it don't be expecting the same occurences it is only inspired not copied.
For those of you who haven't I will only say that this fic is a major A/U.and OC
There is no Freeza, no missions to Earth or none of the usual DB stuff, you could say I only borrowed the main characters. I suck at sumaries so you'll have to read it if you want to find out more.
Now for the warnings: This fic is rated NC-17 for a reason, it contains very graphic sexual content, violence, rape, angst and all the things that comes with the raiting.
Heed the rating.
Pairings: Vegeta/Kakarotto Raditz/Vegeta no Ou so far.
Enjoy and please review
Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ or any of its characters
Anime/Manga: Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction |
Genre(s): Angst /
Romance /
Hentai /
Drama /
Action |
Type: Alternate Universe |
Uploaded On: 07.29.2004 |
Pages: 125 |
Words: 122.7K |
Visits: 11.1K |
Status: Work in Progress