Title: A Kiss [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Harry Potter ] By: grugster Uploaded On: Jan 15 20:54:35 2005 Description: That shall be Severus Snape and Fleur Delacour. I once read a fanfic about this ship but can't remember the title. I don't really like how I drew Snape. He looks like a woman. But I really like Fleurs face. Image Properties: 714x580 121.46 kb View (1) Visitor Reviews
Title: Not Your Enemy [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Animorphs ] By: shadow_genin Uploaded On: Jan 14 22:22:44 2005 Description: Melissa Chapman and my original character Reubren-Ashul-Tarien. Loved them together! *sigh* memories. Anyway, please be considerate and comment if you view. Image Properties: 399x549 86.2 kb
Title: Marry X-MAS [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Original ] By: Pagasis II Uploaded On: Dec 22 8:02:13 2004 Description: I am actually submitting this for a contest on here. It was a pic I did for all my friends. I think the guys like it more... ^^' haha... Yeah... Image Properties: 494x759 82.25 kb