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Title: Chocolate Misu [ Anime/Manga :: Sorcerer Hunters ] By: Gul Kahn
Uploaded On: Mar 19 15:34:03 2005
Charcters: Chocolate Misu
Description: my first attempt at Sorcerer Hunters, and hopefully not my last.
Image Properties: 300x383 24.05 kb
Title: Chii [ Anime/Manga :: Chobits ] By: Gul Kahn
Uploaded On: Mar 19 15:32:42 2005
Charcters: Chii
Description: This took me a while to do but it came out really good, hope you like.
Image Properties: 757x596 48.27 kb
Title: Tinkerbell [ TV Series/Movie :: Peter Pan ] By: Gul Kahn
Uploaded On: Mar 19 15:31:10 2005
Description: I did this for a friends birthday since she absolutely adores Tinkerbell, she about brutely attacked me when I gave it to her lol.
Image Properties: 443x837 20.68 kb
Title: Tsubaki [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Gul Kahn
Uploaded On: Mar 19 15:05:05 2005
Description: This was my first attempt at Tsubaki, it came out well I think so, if I manage to get any good pictures of Tsubaki I'll be sure to make it better.
Image Properties: 461x630 40.43 kb
Title: Playtime [ Computer/Video Game :: Neopets ] By: Gul Kahn
Uploaded On: Mar 19 13:11:48 2005
Description: I've done this for a friends request, and it came out better then what I had thought it would come out.
Image Properties: 741x754 53.77 kb
Title: Medusa [ Mythological :: Greek Mythology ] By: Gul Kahn
Uploaded On: Mar 19 12:58:57 2005
Description: This was a fun picture to do, took a while to get the head right.
Image Properties: 636x804 61.42 kb
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Title: Rociel [ Anime/Manga :: Angel Sanctuary ] By: Gul Kahn
Uploaded On: Mar 19 12:25:01 2005
Charcters: Rociel
Description: This was my most difficult picture I've done so far, took me 13 days and I wasted alot of paper on this.
Image Properties: 757x580 94.89 kb
View (5) Visitor Reviews
Title: Haruko [ Anime/Manga :: FLCL ] By: ChaosMage
Uploaded On: Mar 19 12:18:20 2005
Charcters: Haruko
Description: Haruhara Haruko from the last episode of FLCL. On the suggestion of a reviewer, I downloaded Open Canvas. Forgive the ditzy-ness, it's the greatest thing I've ever used and I love it! The picture itself is quite simple, though. I'm still trying to learn wh read more
Image Properties: 549x870 52.59 kb
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Title: Isis Chione [ Miscellaneous :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Trine and Sabbie
Uploaded On: Mar 19 11:54:40 2005
Description: this is one of the orginal characters for the fanfic The Bleeding Knights Of The Shadow Realm ( http://www.mediaminer.org/fanfic/view_st.php/89544/ )please go check it out
Image Properties: 758x1103 120.79 kb
Title: Night and Day [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Vanvliet
Uploaded On: Mar 19 9:41:00 2005
Charcters: Sesshomaru
Description: Human Sesshomaru and demon Sesshomaru: Fan-art inspired by the fan-fic "Sesshoumaru, sit!" by: Biggest anime fan 3 ^_~ Original drawing by me, scanned and flipped to create 'mirror' image. It didn't turn out as an exact mirror, but I like the individuality read more
Image Properties: 550x400 35.31 kb
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Title: Sesshoumaru [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: XoXSilverDragonXoX
Uploaded On: Mar 19 7:36:01 2005
Charcters: Sesshomaru
Description: Sesshoumaru Hiya! Here is a little sketch I did on Sesshoumaru! Yea.. I did it kind of sloppy.. but hope you all enjoy it!
Image Properties: 352x288 17.87 kb
Title: Kanamei [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Trinity33
Uploaded On: Mar 18 23:13:01 2005
Description: This is another original drawing done in Paint. She's named after Kanamei in Full Metal Panic, although the real Kanamei was not the basis of my design. I just like the name.
Image Properties: 439x464 22.8 kb
Title: RandomGrL [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: AnimeSenko
Uploaded On: Mar 18 22:09:05 2005
Description: I actually drew this picture a year ago! ^_^ I think I started on it during 7th period and then it turned out ok so I colored it and then soon, I scanned it. However, it was just in my folder for like...a year @_@ and then the other day, I saw it an read more
Image Properties: 1088x904 323.44 kb
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Title: uma-youkai Kiniromaru [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: sirbartonslady
Uploaded On: Mar 18 22:05:43 2005
Charcters: Fan-created Char
Description: The colored version of the previous draft. This is much better than the other image of Kiniromaru (of her in her armor holding her pike) cuz she looks tomboyish, which she's supposed to. This is from Fireside Chats, "Chapter 14 - Aftermath" or perhaps chap read more
Image Properties: 600x750 120.16 kb
Title: FMA: My Mothers love [ Anime/Manga :: Fullmetal Alchemist ] By: Rei Ayanami
Uploaded On: Mar 18 20:04:17 2005
Description: Alphonse And Trisha from FMA Drawn in pencil colored in crayola.
Image Properties: 480x640 58.62 kb
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