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Title: Noontime Meeting [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Sonic the Hedgehog ] By: Crying Souls
Uploaded On: Mar 25 11:00:57 2005
Description: Cinos, my fan character, went for a walk one day and came across a raptor. Now in my alternative universe as I like universes from my twisted mind, raptors are wild, feral creatures that are feared by many, unless tamed. Tamed ones can be ridden and kept a read more
Image Properties: 920x526 137.55 kb
Title: Tapestry Shounen [ Miscellaneous :: Abstract Art ] By: ragnarok_totg
Uploaded On: Mar 25 7:32:17 2005
Description: Tapestry is suppose to be one of the manga's im planning to do but couldnt be started coz i have other priorities and responsibilities. these are the some of the featured bishounen of Tapestry. I've drawn it, scanned it, and made adjustments with photoshop read more
Image Properties: 1000x728 168.32 kb
Title: Tapestry Shoujo [ Miscellaneous :: Abstract Art ] By: ragnarok_totg
Uploaded On: Mar 25 7:30:30 2005
Description: Tapestry is suppose to be one of the manga's im planning to do but couldnt be started coz i have other priorities and responsibilities. these are the some of the featured bishoujo of Tapestry. I've drawn it, scanned it, and made adjustments with photoshop.
Image Properties: 750x543 151.25 kb
Title: Rikora [ Miscellaneous :: Catgirl/boy-Cat Creatures ] By: IrasIshtar
Uploaded On: Mar 24 23:12:19 2005
Description: Rikora Hiyana is her name and I drew her. The End.
Image Properties: 230x573 108.53 kb
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Title: Inuyasha High [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: samurai princess
Uploaded On: Mar 24 16:25:31 2005
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: First I put him on paper then I put him on the computer and then I fixed him up with photoshop I'd love to know what peolpe think about my drawing so please let me know Thank You
Image Properties: 855x625 100.17 kb
View (4) Visitor Reviews
Title: Falling Petals [ Computer/Video Game :: Final Fantasy Series ] By: Julia_Stillwater
Uploaded On: Mar 24 15:40:50 2005
Charcters: Rinoa Heartilly
Description: A contest thing I entered. I know her hair is off, but its only because of a lighting technique I used. Review!
Image Properties: 509x647 361.17 kb
Title: Pisces [ Mythological :: Other ] By: Strawberry Lyn
Uploaded On: Mar 24 13:00:57 2005
Description: One of twelve signs of the zodiac. Pisces- the fish.
Image Properties: 1035x1362 141.4 kb
Title: Sagittarius [ Mythological :: Other ] By: Strawberry Lyn
Uploaded On: Mar 24 12:56:48 2005
Description: One of twelve images of the zodiac. Sagittarius- the archer.
Image Properties: 1478x1886 227.05 kb
Title: Chase Madden [ Miscellaneous :: n/a ] By: Wing Goddess
Uploaded On: Mar 23 23:11:20 2005
Description: a character in my Story Moral Blemish. if you would like to see a bio of chase, go to my website, the link is on my profile.
Image Properties: 400x450 55.05 kb
Title: The 25th Shinobi Rule... [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: Gemini Star
Uploaded On: Mar 23 20:45:30 2005
Charcters: Haku, Naruto
Description: Just...something I drew on the computer after reading the fight with Zabusa and Haku for the first time. (shrug) Just a bit of random artwork from a meaningless nobody...
Image Properties: 612x792 66.02 kb
Title: Kouichi and Riku [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Gemini Star
Uploaded On: Mar 23 20:24:09 2005
Charcters: Fan Created Charecters, Kouichi
Description: This is from my fic "Kingdom of the Elemental Hearts" of FanFiction.net. Kouichi-kun and Riku (KH) It really comes into play around the 3rd chapter. Do you like thier new outfits? It's mostly done 'cause I can't do bare arms, and Kouichi looks cute in a tu read more
Image Properties: 1059x1311 147.34 kb
Title: Yami [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Saiyamaru
Uploaded On: Mar 23 20:08:33 2005
Charcters: Ryou Bakura, Yami, Yami Bakura, Yuugi Mutou
Description: And it had started out as such a nice day, too...
Image Properties: 900x768 65.26 kb
View (2) Visitor Reviews
Title: Little Inu-chan [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: FrameofMind
Uploaded On: Mar 23 15:35:55 2005
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: I sketched this out in my notebook during a particularly boring class one day and it turned out looking halfway decent, so I scanned it in and used it as practice for learning how to use photoshop. It was just supposed to be Inuyasha, but it turned out loo read more
Image Properties: 349x800 51.05 kb
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Title: "Clucked Up" [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Vanvliet
Uploaded On: Mar 23 13:09:53 2005
Charcters: Kagome Higurashi
Description: First of all, to fully 'get' this work, you've gotta' go read "Dreams", a fanfic by Wanting Memories, on FanFiction.net. It's a great fanfic, and the last chapter "Cluck for Me"...LMAO! This is based on it. Basically Kagome is possessed and is trying to se read more
Image Properties: 836x1090 162.65 kb
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Title: REMMY! [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Harry Potter ] By: PhibbiKitty
Uploaded On: Mar 23 6:04:25 2005
Charcters: Remus Lupin
Description: Aw, isn't he cute? I THINK SO! *GLOMPAGE*
Image Properties: 400x852 42.68 kb
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