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Title: Young love [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: Lady Lizza
Uploaded On: Mar 22 20:35:59 2005
Description: I love this couple XD
Image Properties: 490x490 62.81 kb
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Title: Stand Back Up [ Anime/Manga :: Fullmetal Alchemist ] By: BtP
Uploaded On: Mar 22 20:15:05 2005
Description: Post-series Edward. Drawn with mechanical pencil - colored and 'spiffy-ified' with Photoshop Elements 2.0. This picture probably wouldn't be around if I hadn't read girl_starfish's "Happy Families", and the "Alter!Series" off LiveJournal. The quote read more
Image Properties: 726x754 311.38 kb
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Title: DUH [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: Clover-chan
Uploaded On: Mar 22 19:25:03 2005
Charcters: Hiei, Kurama
Description: A chibi pic of Hiei and Kurama sweatdropping at something stupid.(a.k.a. Yusuke) Done with simple Sharpie and pencil crayons. Came to me one day. Felt like drawing something stupid...lol
Image Properties: 809x701 355.05 kb
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Title: Homonculus Sloth , Lust and Envy Finishd [ Anime/Manga :: Fullmetal Alchemist ] By: Anime Writer 2000
Uploaded On: Mar 22 16:44:14 2005
Description: Finished shading , about 20 hours to finish all of it ( including shading) , took about 2 weeks with school . Constructive criticism welcome .
Image Properties: 547x825 116.63 kb
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Title: Bad Doggy [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: MapleRose
Uploaded On: Mar 22 15:22:44 2005
Charcters: Inuyasha, Kagome Higurashi
Description: Please excuse the hasty background. Inspired by this one scene from ep. 82. I love Inuyasha when he's puppish!
Image Properties: 700x456 40.34 kb
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Title: just chillin [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Harry Potter ] By: Kanji_kun
Uploaded On: Mar 22 15:13:53 2005
Charcters: Fan-created Characters, Ginny, Harry Potter, Hermione, Ron
Description: okay so i saw someone else's chibi picture and decided to draw my own. The blond slytherin is my own creation. She's part of the fanfiction im writing. All ill say about her is that her parentage should be apparent. *cough (malfoy) *clears throat
Image Properties: 1155x1236 222.47 kb
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Title: Daga [ Miscellaneous :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Queen Breeza
Uploaded On: Mar 22 14:25:32 2005
Description: I accidentally deleted this one earlier...not like anyone noticed, but still... Daga comes from a world where every Yoshi is different. The name of this world he will never say in the Betrayal Saga II. More later. Tell me what you think.
Image Properties: 1211x970 118.66 kb
Title: Freefall [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Dark_Lady_69
Uploaded On: Mar 22 13:41:41 2005
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: this picture was 1st done for the 'colour me contest' but for some reason it never loaded so i am now reloading it. i coloured it in photoshop 7.0 and it is my 1st pic and i hope to put up some more later
Image Properties: 444x564 309.92 kb
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Title: Muki Saran [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: mayxxsyretiaxchaos
Uploaded On: Mar 21 17:07:17 2005
Description: ...yeah uhh my charrie ill explain tomorrow bye n enjoy
Image Properties: 712x455 134.03 kb
Title: chaos boredom with a mouse [ Computer/Video Game :: Xenosaga ] By: mayxxsyretiaxchaos
Uploaded On: Mar 21 17:01:58 2005
Charcters: Kos-Mos
Description: yah chaos boredom Xenosaga 2 chaos boredom!!!!was lookin at my pile of japanese xenosaga fanart under mi cpu n it inspired mi to draw a piccie of the huggable lil guy yeah well im gonna go n TRY to finish Xenosaga 1 so i can FINNALY borrow Xenosaga 2 kk we read more
Image Properties: 256x243 8.02 kb
Title: Yokai Gojyo [ Anime/Manga :: Gensomaden Saiyuki ] By: Shi Ryuu
Uploaded On: Mar 21 13:07:25 2005
Charcters: Gojyo
Description: quick sketch of a blood splattered yokai!gojyo inspired by Kiba-chan's Crimson and Clover fanfiction. :)
Image Properties: 592x817 51.02 kb
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Title: Sakeí [ Miscellaneous :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Queen Breeza
Uploaded On: Mar 21 13:04:16 2005
Description: Sakeí is a VERY mutated Yoshi. She's the first mixture of a Koopa Troopa and a Tokakí (fox Yoshi). This pic's more detailed than the previous ones. If you look closely, there's a single tear falling from her face...and has something to do wit read more
Image Properties: 1148x978 157.19 kb
Title: Vegala [ Miscellaneous :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Queen Breeza
Uploaded On: Mar 21 12:48:39 2005
Description: I'm obsessed with Yoshis!!! It's actually been that way since the first grade...but anyways, this girl is just plain evil. She shows up in the Mushroom Kingdom with Mancuso, wanting to be his bride (but he has no interest in her). More on her later.
Image Properties: 1249x1113 208.07 kb
Title: Mancuso [ Miscellaneous :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Queen Breeza
Uploaded On: Mar 21 12:36:17 2005
Description: This is the Vampiric brother of Yoshi. He will be featured in a mini-series (that I have yet to create ^^*...). He'll basically become the archenemy of Bowser and the rest of the Mushroom Kingdom. Yoshi hates his guts. I'll update more later.
Image Properties: 1249x1113 209.52 kb
Title: evil laugh [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: mystical_saiya666
Uploaded On: Mar 21 10:45:58 2005
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: i love this picture!! i thought others would too. enjoy!
Image Properties: 1170x1249 326.78 kb
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