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Title: I'll never let you go [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: ekf501
Uploaded On: Mar 28 15:55:54 2005
Charcters: Inuyasha, Kagome Higurashi
Description: This is my first fanart ever made so give me some credit. It came out pretty good anyways.
Image Properties: 774x860 52.1 kb
Title: Ed and Al Profile [ Anime/Manga :: Fullmetal Alchemist ] By: BtP
Uploaded On: Mar 28 15:06:54 2005
Description: I wondered while drawing this, whether Al is exceptionally tall, or Ed is is exceptionally...er, vertically challenged. One or the other, I wanted to make the difference in height significant. This is the first character set image of several I have current read more
Image Properties: 600x755 88.21 kb
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Title: Nicholas D. Wolfwood [ Anime/Manga :: Trigun ] By: MarieAtRice
Uploaded On: Mar 28 12:35:55 2005
Charcters: Nicholas D. Wolfwood
Description: This is the first sketch of Wolfwood I ever drew. I am rather fond of it :)
Image Properties: 432x401 34.99 kb
Title: Aragorn Sketch [ TV Series/Movie :: Lord of the Rings ] By: MarieAtRice
Uploaded On: Mar 28 12:29:30 2005
Charcters: Aragorn
Description: One of my few lifelike sketches, rather than in an anime style. I think it turned out quite well. But then again I'm biased.
Image Properties: 304x309 20.73 kb
Title: Sagara Sanosuke [ Anime/Manga :: Rurouni Kenshin ] By: MarieAtRice
Uploaded On: Mar 28 12:25:22 2005
Charcters: Sagara Sanosuke
Description: Sano is, by far, my favorite character in this show. I know he may not be the brightest guy or the strongest, but he's genuine, loyal, and hilarious. So, to honor him, here's a quick sketch.
Image Properties: 600x489 81.64 kb
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Title: Shino [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: MarieAtRice
Uploaded On: Mar 28 12:22:13 2005
Charcters: Aburame Shino/ Naruto
Description: You know, there just isn't enough fanart of Shino out there. So here's my contribution :)
Image Properties: 579x498 41.6 kb
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Title: Hatake Kakashi [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: MarieAtRice
Uploaded On: Mar 28 12:20:28 2005
Charcters: Kakashi
Description: The best freakin' character in the whole show. In my humblest of opinions.
Image Properties: 702x585 40.73 kb
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Title: Naruto's Infamous Laugh [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: MarieAtRice
Uploaded On: Mar 28 12:18:52 2005
Charcters: Naruto
Description: Oh man, I love Naruto's laugh. So I tried to come up with a picture that would embody it.
Image Properties: 300x469 23.14 kb
Title: Link and Navi Resting [ Computer/Video Game :: The Legend of Zelda ] By: MarieAtRice
Uploaded On: Mar 28 12:11:41 2005
Charcters: Link, Navi
Description: I have always felt sorry for Link. I mean, the poor guy is running around constantly, saving the universe from whatever. But when do you ever see the guy sleep? Here, I guess.
Image Properties: 646x609 41.91 kb
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Title: Quistis [ Computer/Video Game :: Final Fantasy Series ] By: Cress Arche
Uploaded On: Mar 28 8:30:56 2005
Charcters: Quistis Trepe
Description: Kinda rusty after 8 months of not drawing anything. I'm just so happy to have found time to draw and CG again. :)
Image Properties: 476x646 97.66 kb
Title: Reaching Out [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: koumori-hana
Uploaded On: Mar 27 20:08:16 2005
Charcters: Inuyasha, Kagome Higurashi
Description: My muse comes out it seems only when I am mad. This is my first origial drawing of Inuyasha and Kagome. Also first time coloring using a computer program (which was harder than I thought). Please tell me what you think!
Image Properties: 2976x1968 404.94 kb
Title: Butterfly [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: khaosfire
Uploaded On: Mar 27 19:53:20 2005
Description: Anaphalis' origional character, the sarcastic, evil Butterfly, from her Fruits Basket fic... "Butterfly Effect". Drawn/Inked by hand, colored in Photoshop.
Image Properties: 1200x1549 99.1 kb
Title: TP art [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: Toni the Mink
Uploaded On: Mar 27 18:34:44 2005
Charcters: Trunks
Description: Just because it isn't romance doesn't mean it can't be called "TP". They're in the same picture together, aren't they? I hate Pan. There isn't enough Pan bashing. Don't look if you like Pan, especially if you love TP romance, cuz this is the exact opposite read more
Image Properties: 370x538 143 kb
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Title: In a Smile [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: mz-dee
Uploaded On: Mar 27 15:19:22 2005
Charcters: Inuyasha, Kagome Higurashi
Description: I'm so HAPPY i finally got this done!! i would just like to say that this is my first attempt at this. just wanna see what im capable of doing. i know there are quite the few deforminites. tell me what you honestly think!! =)
Image Properties: 855x687 101.56 kb
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Title: Celena & Gaddes [ Anime/Manga :: Vision Of Escaflowne ] By: Aeolia
Uploaded On: Mar 27 12:29:51 2005
Charcters: Gadeth
Description: The thing with a pen is... you can't erase stuff when you mess up. Just a doodle of a kiss... =)
Image Properties: 491x234 41.54 kb
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