[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
By: rin_sama1989 I need it; thirst for it; ever since that first sunrise when I had tasted the sweat elixir on the edge of my mouth. I've searched for it, for the one who had given me the taste. I've tried from others, shredding demons with my claws rather than my sword, just to I could relish the taste later, when the others were nowhere around.
It wasn't the same...
There was a difference between the wolfs blood, freely given and spiked with the scent of his excitement, and the bland crimson liquid that coated my claws at the end of a battle. No life, no warmth or excitement to entice me, the blood of the dead.
So I've searched for the him, for what he could give me, what I could give him. I knew he hungered for me as well, that sorrowful look he gave me before he left, satisfied but dissatisfied with my human blood, as I often am. He wanted to truly taste me... my tainted blood.