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"Red Shaman" Reviews/Comments [ 260 ]
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 Reviewed By: red queen  On: March 15, 2006 20:46 CST
ahh, i see! crawford's going to kill schuldig with sex while everyone's distracted fighting boogers from Beyond! how insidiously apropos...i like Aya as a big black monster with red markings, all protective and territorial and...stuff. is he hairy? as i'm picturing this monster he isn't very furry. perhaps i should read the chapter where he shifted before again, i can't remember...so i guess yohji's just going to be twiddling his thumbs for a while. poor yohji. and what's ken doing all this time? eh...'s what happens when you read a fic over a long period of time i guess...i'll just have to re-read it.
 Reviewed By: Heta Noitio [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 15, 2006 08:06 CST
Okay, I'm through it. I didn't even realise it was over so quickly. *sighs contently* I've got to say this is the best multi-chaptered fanfic I've read in a long time. Your dialogue is just way too fun and witty for it's own good at times and Blaze, dear gods, Blaze is wonderful. Aya's got some adjusting to do (hopefully he won't go all angsty) and so does Crawford (if he's gonna keep his promise, Schu's in serious trouble). I'm looking forward to the next chapter! ^_^
 Reviewed By: Heta Noitio [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 15, 2006 04:11 CST
"Mein Gott! He's Brad on steroids!" just cracked me. *rotfl* And I noticed that I'm very fond of Ghost. She's a smart little girl. *huggles her* And the plot keeps evolving... *sigh* Knowing what I should do today, I'll probably get to the latest chapter around 1 a.m. or something. Oh, well... Off I go. ^^
 Reviewed By: Heta Noitio [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 15, 2006 03:41 CST
Just read the eighth chapter and I'm hooked to the story (52 chappies to go! *happy*). I'm relieved that you decided otherwise than just nine pages. :) The story is very interesting, the twins resemble eerily two of my OCs, Blaze definitely has more balls than Aya does and for once Omi doesn't act like a kid. *thumbs up*
 Reviewed By: Blythe [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 12, 2006 11:43 CST
I love the humor in this and how it pops up in the most unexpected places. Like Watari's "passing out at the bar" comment. It's irreverant and inappropriate, which makes it that much funnier! I noticed several differences from the last time I read this and think the changes are wonderful. I know that Yohji still loves him, but I'm curious about his reaction(s) to Aya's fully shifted form. I'm always anxious for more of the story and wait with bated breath for the next update! Well done, darling! *hugs*
 Reviewed By: KD Sarge [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 12, 2006 00:02 CST
how do I love thee, let me gush the ways... You let Brad sing. you made Aya a werewolf. Blaze /rocks./ I want to snuggle Schu even more than usual. Sunny is cool. Tatsumi...mmm, tatsumi...er, where was I? More, more, and MORE!!!
 Reviewed By: Blythe [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 04, 2006 21:53 CST
That was a heart-warming reunion! Interesting information about Ghost's mother...curious to see where that will go. I'm grateful that there was a benevolent force to aid them and looking forward to the hunt! Beautiful chapter!
 Reviewed By: KD Sarge [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 03, 2006 22:46 CST
mmm, nice. You solved the mystery of Aya's itch, so now we get to wonder about Ghost's real mom. Love that Nagi's personal hell was bright. Can't wait to watch them hunt. wish my head didn't hurt so I could come up with more praise.
 Title: btw i'm...
Reviewed By: moimoi-chan [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 03, 2006 22:43 CST
 Reviewed By: moimoi-chan [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 03, 2006 22:43 CST
lol...thanks for the inclusion of Yohji...140 reviews dv wow! *hug* see everyone likes!
 Reviewed By: Blythe [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 24, 2006 22:15 CST
This is such a moving and intense chapter that I hardly know where to begin to review! It's outstanding writing and unbelievably touching creativity. I love that we're getting closer and closer to the identity of the driving evil behind this hideous act! Thank you so much for sharing this with us, love!
 Reviewed By: RedQueen [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 24, 2006 14:35 CST
I would think that the lost daughters would want the mothers who wept for them and loved them and wanted them, rather than men since it was men who killed them. but i suppose it makes sense your way, since the mothers couldn't protect them or prevent their abandonment and murder. aaagh, all the evidence of the nearly complete eradication of the sacred feminine is so heartbreaking. da vinci code! da vinci code! :)
 Reviewed By: KD nsi  On: February 23, 2006 23:18 CST
Higher than a kite? Oh, THAT should be fun! Nice love that Schu loves him and didn't know there was more there than 'bastard king of demons.' which phrase, I love. It was worth the pain, love, and the ones out of the blue are often the best.
 Reviewed By: mm-c  On: February 23, 2006 21:51 CST
one has to wonder what Crawford's going to be like when that power decides to leave him...hmmm wow i'm impressed by the addition of the daughters and crawford's role...
 Reviewed By: moimoi-chan [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 17, 2006 23:54 CST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
oooh i like aya being super duper protective of yohji...and he's a were of the canine persuasion hmmm or was it lupine darn memory's screwed. Were-wolf sounds too mundane though...and of course you had to give me an intriguing ending! Good luck with the moving
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