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"Unfettered" Reviews/Comments [ 163 ]
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 Reviewed By: InuGoddess715 [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 15, 2007 13:38 EST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Good chapter. The battle was great. But what an EVIL place to end it! What in the world could have happened to Kagome. Don't torture us too long! Please update soon!
 Reviewed By: kjakjdhd  On: January 15, 2007 12:09 EST
You make us wait 2 months for an update...then leave us with a cliffhanger like that?!! Holy BeGeebies, are you into torture or something? ;-p I really do enjoy this story and I'm looking forward to finding out what happens. :-)
 Reviewed By: Sexy Neko Gal [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 15, 2007 09:27 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
WOOT! UPDATE!!......NOOOO! CLIFFHANGER!?!?!? This is going to haunt me... Excellent chapter. Poor guy didn't stand a chance with our Inuyasha. The fight scene was good. It gave a clear image in my mind of what was going on. Now, about that ending... Can't wait till next chapter. Is it going to be in Kagome's POV? Till Then! :D
 Title: First time reading this^_^
Reviewed By: animegamergirl [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 29, 2006 23:44 EST
I was looking at doggieearlover's list of favorite authors and I clicked your name and now I see why she chose you!!!!!! This is a very good story and it has me wanting to read more!!!!! I can't wait for the next update^_^
 Reviewed By: InuyashasBiggestFan [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 10, 2006 08:14 EST
Love it!! Update soon!
 Reviewed By: cwillia [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 07, 2006 21:16 EST
Have I told you how much I ENJOY this story, AWWW. Please tell me they'll make it (Inu and Kag)they just gotta be together. I just wish your lemons were a little more detailed but can't be chosers. Can't wait for the big battle: Hanyou vs Youkai and THE RIN/SESS hook-up. Update soon, bye
 Reviewed By: pokiepal [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 07, 2006 18:17 EST
Good chapter keep up the good work!! can't wait to see what happens next!!!
 Reviewed By: Fyrloche [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 07, 2006 06:48 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Great chapter! I really like this story. It has a great concept and well written characters. I wish that some people would have looked at it based on content instead of grammatical errors. Those people have missed out on a well written story. Enough of old issues, lets get back to this story. The inclusion of Kouga and the way you did it are great and Inutaro's reaction to Kouga is priceless. It's too bad that you didn't include Ginta and Hakkaku. Those two are a couple of my favorite characters. And they would guard their 'sister' with their lives. I look forward to the next chapter. Until then, Fyrloche.
 Reviewed By: bluezinthos [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 06, 2006 22:13 EST
heehee wolf stink. see now kouga can't say that inuyasha's nose is screwed up if someone else thinks he smells. and kouga never changes, and i think he really does get off teasing inuyasha. but at least he will protect her and taro. i wonder if the guards are somehow part of the entity that is part of kikyou's scheme to gain taro's power? i'll be looking forward to the next chapter.
 Reviewed By: InuGoddess715 [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 06, 2006 21:37 EST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I LOVED this chapter. Although it had a serious tone in some spots, and the mission Inuyasha is undertaking for Sesshomaru is dangerous, it was still laugh-out-loud funny in some spots. The part where Taro told his dad that Kouga stank was priceless, LOL. I just hope that the mission goes smoothly. I will definitely be looking for the next update. This one was definitely worth the wait.
 Reviewed By: Emrald of My Heart (nsi)  On: November 01, 2006 21:45 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Once again you've posted another outstanding chapter! ^.^ I can't wait to see what more Kikyo has in store for us all..I also hope that everything between Inu and Kagome clear up. Although, their...inability to completely believe one another makes the story that much more interesting. I'm eager to see what becomes of Sesshoumaru and Rin as well. Hurry and update!! Happy Halloween -EOMH
 Reviewed By: Inu Hanyou Nikkie NSI  On: October 28, 2006 18:43 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Oh wow!! I am beating my own record!! This is great!! And I have so much to rave about with the way the story is progressing!! Truly Amazing! Beautiful and Masterful!! So I present to you the third part to my review!! Hooray!! Keep it up Literary Goddess!! Please keep it up!! Both of them so nervous in case of increasing the distance between them. I loved how you had Inuyasha being mature and in control of himself! Sighs happily! How you keep all the characters true to the creator's makings is beyond Amazing!! I think my Literary Goddesses have a telepathic connection with Rumiko! And for this I am truly Thankful! Thank you! Thank You!! I don't think there is enough words for me to describe just how much your masterful writings and stories touch me. The way Kagome asked Inuyasha to join her in the hotspring and for her to wash his hair... I admit it this is one of my major weakness. I get the warmest and deep loving feelings from when Kagome washes/ combs/ brushes out Inuyasha's hair. To me that is even more intimate than love making... Giggles... though not as hot and tastey... The start to the love scene when Inuyasha began to wash Kagome was in my mind the most perfect timing! It was just what they needed at just the right time. The way you described it, it floored me. Like your love scenes (minus the dark one) it is how I vision Love making to be. Thank you! Thank you! I cried when Inuyasha said he missed Kagome and she missed him as well. And the ending conversation between the two... I had tears again. Darn it, I love this story!! So touching, so cute, so loving, so beautiful, so spooky at times and so devious!! Thank you so much for sharing this story with us!! Thank you!! And please, Please keep up the most Excellent work!! You Totally Rock!!
 Reviewed By: Inu Hanyou Nikkie NSI  On: October 28, 2006 18:17 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Yea, I talk to the books and stories like men will talk to the TV when their games are on but only if they touch me very deeply. And you have more than succeeded with your very talented and masterfully written story. And it looks like I have a part two review coming for you!! I loved that when Kagome looked back into Inuyasha's eyes that she saw the same fears and concerns that where in her own heart reflecting back. I love that they both need to grow, to heal. I loved that this time it is Inuyasha who is asking for Kagome to stay by his side and to let him prove himself to her. That had me melting into a puddle of goo. Bravo!! Kudos!! Kagome showed so much bravery when she accepted, allowing her heart to be held in Inuyasha's hands again. And I really loved how Inuyasha put aside his own needs and just held Kagome and loved her. He is showing much growth and maturity in his character and I really like that it isn't all at once. So Thank you so much!! This story rocks!! I have to admit it... I want to see Kagome royally Kick Kikyou's butt. Sighs... Nice little tidbit about Kaede, I liked it. That she went to have breakfast with the family. I secretly think Kaede likes Kagome's futuristic items. Nyummy foods and of course medicines that will help her in advancing ages. Very realistic touch with having Kaede see that there is a uncomfortable distance with Kagome and Inuyasha and that it was very good she told them early before more could happen to do more damage. Smart woman that Kaede! I commend you!! Kudos!! She did what was needed to be done and that is what true friends and caring people would do. This story is Amazing!! Positively Amazing!! Now can Inuyasha maintain his resolve when he faces "evil" Kikyou or will he go into mindless Baka? Only time will tell. Crosses fingers for Kagome Heart and Soul. I wonder what he is going to do when he finds out Kikyou is having sex with the Evil Entity (and that Kagome is experiencing the second-hand sex effects... ) and is trying to gift wrap and hand deliver Kagome and his son to it. I love that Kaede is training Kagome! I think she is going to need it for her precious son and herself. You have so many emotions going through the story it is amazing! Brilliantly presented!! Awesome!! Thank you for having Kagome able to and freely talk with Kaede about the situation with Inuyasha despite the fact she is Kikyou's younger sister. Kagome needs the influence and help of an older woman in her life. I'm so glad that it is Kaede. Yes she needs her mother but she also needs others. Sango would not be a good choice to talk to as she would be very bias in her help and advice. In this Kagome needs a neutral mind and opinion. Thank you so much for this!! I love that Inuyasha and InuTaro are also training as well. Thank you! I wonder if Inuyasha's mind will give him a glimpse of what his future holds if he screws up. I think he needs a few nightmares to drive the message home. Had to giggle at the lunch time meal being Ramen. Both her Hanyous love their Ramen don't they. I loved that you added the realism of Kagome becoming exhausted from her training. Kudos and Bravo!! Too Awesome! Inuyasha was great in showing his concern about Kagome not having a meal with them and then telling her to get her sleep and that he'll take care of Taro while she rests up. "A sense of foreboding had settled over her after Kaede had spoken to them of Kikyou and she wanted to be prepared, even if it meant exhausting herself in doing so." Good girl that Kagome. Trusting her instincts and preparing herself!! Such brilliant writing!! Melt!! Inuyasha built their home next to a Hotspring just for Kagome's needs. Whoot!! Woot!! Masterfully written! I really... have I mentioned it before?... really love and thrill at the way you have kept the realistic touches in this story how it flows so smoothly from scene to scene, from chapter to chapter. Masterfully and Artisitic!! The way they are wanting to make love to the other.
 Reviewed By: Inu Hanyou Nikkie NSI  On: October 28, 2006 15:59 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
WHOOO-Hoooo!! Another shining and excellent chapter from my Literary Goddess!! Whoot!! Woot!! Woot!! Hoor-ay!! Bravo!! Okay... time to start with the review! A very smooth shift into the next chapter from the last chapter. I love it! It seems that Inuyasha has begun to open his eyes to the truth that has been there all along. And he isn't liking what he sees or realizes. I liked how Sweet Taro came in at the right time to remind Inuyasha of the wonderful things in his life that won't change but only get better and more precious with time. Taro certainly has his mother's sweetness and ever generous heart. Bravo! He is a beautiful Original Character!! I adore sweet InuTaro to bits!! "At the very least he had hurt Kagome..." That was quite the revelation from Captain Obvious. Poor Inuyasha, he is trying so hard to keep those he cares about in his life and doesn't want to accept the fact he must say goodbye to a part of his life. That was powerful how you had Inuyasha take on that painful task of pushing his feelings for Kikyou aside and looking at her now without any biases. Kudos! I had teary eyes as Inuyasha thought about it and came up with the truth. It hurt him and most of all he had hurt Kagome again. When will he ever defend her vehemently to Kikyou while Kagome is there? Or will he still take the pansy way of be silent and then it won't be true? I can only hope that Inuyasha will be able to fix this latest screw-up with Kagome. That he will be able to stand by his words this time. If he can't make his meaning crystal clear with no mistakes to Kikyou... he should give Sesshoumaru the go ahead to eliminate Kikyou with all of them there Kikyou, Sesshoumaru, Kagome and himself. (I still have a feeling I know what the Evil is... I'm waiting for more proof.) You made her such a delicious villainess to hate in this story. Shivers happily!! Delicious! I can see that Inuyasha has finally seen the light and come to the truth. I hope Inuyasha makes it all up to Kagome and makes it known that there is no doubt that he loves her and only her. It took him a long time to see it but I am thrilled he finally has. I think that Inuyasha is the picture that goes with the dictionary meaning of dense... lol! The next paragraph was heart rendering, poor Kagome. She wanted to hear Inuyasha say he was wrong, that he loved her and not that he wanted a life with Kikyou. When Kagome was in pain over thinking that she would let Inuyasha use her body made me want to throttle the idiot. Doesn't he realize that Kagome is very fragile after years of abuse? That she is on the verge of shattering even more? Whacks Inuyasha on the back of the head... Go fix it, baka... I was crying when Kagome started to cry... Darn it woman!! You write so exquisitely!! So beautifully!! You wrap the reader up in the story and draw them into the characters into the situations! Allowing us to be a part of everything! This is a brilliant sign of a truly gifted writer!! I love this story!! I love the realisms that you weave into the chapters into the characters! Please keep it up! Bravo!! Woot!! Bravissimo!! Go for you Kagome!! Let him know what he is doing wrong so he can fix it!! Kikyou is more than willing to rub it into his face everything he has done wrong with her. It's about time that Kagome in her compassionate and honest way throw reality into his face. Bravo for Kagome! He now knows that Kagome is unsure of he words/honour, that her trust in him is in trouble in certain ways! That He always chooses Kikyou over her. This is awesome work!! Prances happily!! "I've always wondered how many times I would fuck up before you would stop being able to forgive me, and if that time has finally come..." Inuyasha has admitted it outloud now, that he has finally created such damage to Kagome's heart that he is afraid he cannot repair it. Okay... I was definitely crying more with this scene... it was so sad... I love it!! Love stories that let me shamelessly express emotions.
 Reviewed By: bluezinthos [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 16, 2006 12:43 EDT
i can only hope that inuyasha's resolve doesn't waver when he actually has to be around kikyou face to face. we all know he sort of goes into drooling baka mode then. it seems as though he wished that kikyou would be treated just as sango is treated by kagome and never really realized that could never happen. kikyou tried to kill them too many times, betrayed them...him, too often. i'm sure she'll try another attempt at gaining what she thinks she wants. beautifully written.
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