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"Finding Kagome" Reviews/Comments [ 140 ]
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 Reviewed By: kashudoreineko  On: July 02, 2006 20:33 EDT
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
There are few typos, but who cares when the storyline is this good? I read through the 36 chapters you had up before leaving a review - I know, I should have left one for each chapter - and it really grabbed me. The only part of the story that seemed odd is that it seemed from earlier chapters that you were going to have Sess with the reincarnation of Rin - not bring Kagura back into the story. So... Where is Rin going to figure into this all? The religion aspect is a neat twist. I could really see something like that happen. I eagerly await your next installment!
 Reviewed By: FluffyKirara [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 01, 2006 16:57 EDT
great update! poor selene.. she is stuck in the middle of all the fights.... ohhh i cant wait for the next update!! i wonder what gonna happen next!!!
 Reviewed By: Kinoko [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 30, 2006 20:28 EDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Alright, I've decided to be the only reviewer to emulate 'The Lake House' stuck two years apart thingy-- only regarding your story, so whenever you update, I will always be one chapter behind (even though it should be two, but I'm just too curious) So this review is for chapter 35. :::Here's THE GOOD: the 'grrr' you've placed between the monk and InuYasha is a great way to create tention within the group, I have to admit that it makes for an interesting read. I also have noticed that you've make this 'new' Kagome more honest to herself and others, as in she acts the way she feels instead of hiding it-- I like that. I also give you a gold star for holding off with the great lemon that I know is on the way between InuYasha and Kagome-- you're right, lemons are not a way to manipulate the reader, however the lack of lemons are X@ You meenie! You keep people reading by keeping the hope of a MEGA LEMON within the back of everyone's minds. I hope you don't let us down, cause I know it better be freaking AMAZING or else you'll have a riot in your hands, and I'll be the first one in line for the protest, holding a big fat sign that reads,"....." well I don't know what the hell it would say, but I'll come up with something-- you don't want to see me when I'm angry! :::Here's THE BAD: I hate InuYasha's new name, Caleb. And I hate Sesshomaru's new name, Seth. Their last names are alright, I mean, I can live with it... and I can see why you named them those names, but...awww...I hate them! *Pout* I hope that Kagome at least keeps it old fashioned by calling him InuYasha whenever they are not in public, otherwise my eye will twitch every time I read 'Caleb' and it's NOT in public. I don't really care that much of what you call Sesshomaru... I guess I can live with 'Seth.' BLAH! :::THE UGLY: What's up with InuYasha's hair!? I swear! I promise you that I tried to be nice and give it a chance, but when I tried to picture InuYasha in 'dragon tails' and all I came up with him froliking in the field with the song from "Dragon Tails" playing in the backround. It wasn't pretty. I think the solid braid in the back (pony tailed style) or a plain pony-tail (like the one his dad had) would work best with his facial features and ear structure... but that's just my opinion. :::Completely Random thoughts: I started drawing this picture with the intention of it being Kagome's daughter, however it came out not to my exact mental picture... half way through it I started thinking about how Kagome's hair looks in your story, so I made a sketch of it... So I guess it would look more closer to your 'new' Kagome. Would you like it? I mean, it's not "All that" but I'd like to think of my self as an 'okay' artist. It's still in the works, but I'll finish it up any day now, so if you want it e-mail me and I'll send it to you. Here's my contact info: kinoko_thelittlemushroom@yahoo.com Just title your e-mail something like "about Kagome" or some crap like that so I can reconize it and realise, "oh it's you". Keep up the great chapters.... I can't wait to read chapter 36 (seeing as it's up... so hurry up with chapter 37... unless it's a lemon... if its THE MEGA LEMON take your time, I don't want you to let all of us faithful reveiwers down! And remember, I LOVA YOU! -Kinoko
 Reviewed By: tiggrchic  On: June 28, 2006 21:44 EDT
I can't find the words...what do you want me to say...I'll say anything you want as long as it keeps you writing this INCREDIBLE story!!! The plot, the twists, the character development... I'm like a junkie waiting for the next fix/update! I was really mad at Michael for being so stubborn and thick-headed about things (that's usually Inuyasha's role), but I can respect his desire to protect Kagome. He just needs to snap out of it soon. Hojo still believes whatever he's told- first grandpa then Kouga- and I can't wait for the chapter where he gets put in his place. Once again, KUDOS!
 Reviewed By: pokiepal [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 27, 2006 23:40 EDT
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
I love your fic! I feel so sorry for poor Micky! It's got to be hard to want to protect someone but not really able to do so! Also poor Inu he dosn't have one of his best friends! please update soon!
 Title: Dark Angel 2
Reviewed By: MaxGuevera  On: June 25, 2006 16:48 EDT
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Hi! I totally agree with Kinoko! Enchanted is the best way to explain what kind of spell was cast over me by your story. I just couldn't break free until I read to the end of Chapter 35. Awesome!!! this fic, My God, just when I thought it would go one way, you'd flip it around in the opposite direction. Mikey & Sally for instance: I thought since Sally was the detective, she'd be more cautious of Caleb & yet, she gives in to the idea of who Caleb is with a "victory dance" & believes without a doubt. But Mikey who's the "matchmaker", believes Koga who out right lied & Shippo who said he couldn't find him said Inuyasha was dead & he knows them to be demons. Me being a Nighthawk, stayed up pondering what it would take to shake loose Mikey's memory, because he remembered Shippo ! I also thought Sesshomaru's interest in Inuyasha's search for Kagome was to find Rin. Now, he's sporting feelings for Kagura, who does not want to be tied down. Did he have relations with Rin in the past? These are the things that have plagued my mind since the end of Ch.35. Please post soon to satiate my curiosity!!! Thanx for the excellent fic, very original. The longer, the better. Keep it up!!!
 Reviewed By: Neko-Lady [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 25, 2006 00:08 EDT
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 9 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
Cool, very cool. So glad Kagome has figured out who Inu is, now if Micheal/Miroku would straighten out. Interesting idea, having Hojo grow a backbone. Looking forward to the next chapter!
 Reviewed By: Kinoko [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 23, 2006 21:21 EDT
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Dear God woman! Have you any idea what this is!? Allow me to indulge you.... I am an over worked college student who has absolutly no life outside of my oppressive summer math and intro to edu. homework, however, you have delivered me from my boring and miserable excuse of an exsistance! This past monday I started reading your story, and I was instantly hooked. Your attention to detail and wonderfully well lengthed chapters carried me upon it's seductive enchantment, all the way to chapter 33-- (yes, I know, there are 35 chapters, but I'm one of those kinds of readers who get depressed when there is nothing left to read till the next update, so I figured I'll wait till your next up date and then continue reading, despite my starving curiosity... I mean, come on, InuYasha just got Kagome to realize it was him all this time, how the hell can I not go on-- damn my resolutions.) Anyway, continuing on with the review.... aside from this story being completely captivating and all that other beautiful crap, I must get down to the nitty gritty, seeing as I am also an author, I have the self appointed obligation to review your work as of this point in the story. My first observation, in addition to your talent in writing, was you order of events in the story. I honestly had nothing to critique at first since you ran the chapters together with effortless ease, nevertheless, I began to reflect on cirtain details... which, of course, just happened to keep me up half the night (thanks for that by the way, I'm now an insomniac because of your damn talent). Just one thing really irked me, one tiny detail that I'm pretty sure everyone looked passed, including me (though I doubt your other readers/reviewers are up all night mulling over your writing and interesting plot). Ready to hear it? This is an InuYasha/Kagome fic, and yet the first 'real' lemon was between Koga and Miranda.... how the heck do you pull that off? Yes, I know, I know, it's your story, but come on, why them? Why any of them actually? It was understood that even Mike and Sally got on the passion band wagon before poor little Kagome and InuYasha... it's not fair! And then you threw in Kagura and Sesshomaru... I swear you're as sneeky as a fox, and just as cunning. You should be damn proud of yourself, you've got me pondering the greater meaning... a thought prossess that I have only gone through when reading Dante or other literature like that. Good work-- and if you're not going to finish the story (like other distastful authors, such as myself... though I try and continue my work...) Please notify me so I can begin a de-tox program, because this story has wriggled it's way in my heart and mind... I'll be damned if you don't tell me ahead of time so that the blow won't be as severe. Good God, my post is entirely too long... hope you enjoyed it thus far, I know I have. Sheesh... I've most likely completed the longest review in your review history... now I'm inclined to go and check. PLEASE E-MAIL ME WHEN YOU UPDATE! Here's my e-mail: kinoko_thelittlemushroom@yahoo.com Electronically yours, Kinoko.
 Reviewed By: RavenShadow25  On: June 23, 2006 01:29 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I can hardly begin to tell you how much I am enjoying this story. This is quickly becoming one of my favorite stories. Not only is the story original, but it is also so well written. I couldn't help but continue for hours. At first I was a little unsure, but so found myself quite addicted. I really can not wait for next chapter! So please, please, please update soon, this story is killer!
 Reviewed By: FluffyKirara ^^  On: June 22, 2006 14:29 EDT
i liked the update...it is bringing out the plot and evil dude even more...and inu and kags in the same bed.. wonder how fast things are going with them...lol... did you perhaps read the da vinci code b4 writing this chappie? i finished it yesterday... and started it yesterday.... and the koga and hojo thing was like the Teacher and the refeance to the quest for the holy grail... as soon as i read that i was like u read the da vinci code... i onno if its true but i just noticed it was similar... but it fits the story so well... in the book i liked the double entandras (sp?) and the part w teabing and the 'you've brought me a virgin'... that was a hit among my friends....^^ cant wait to read the next chappie FK
 Reviewed By: shippos girl  On: June 20, 2006 22:05 EDT
I really really really love this story I really really do.
 Reviewed By: OrlandoLover [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 15, 2006 19:01 EDT
oooooooooooooooo loves it...but whats the deal with Kouga??? i really dont think that hes that bad of a guy.......Cheers
 Reviewed By: bloodbrother/anth  On: June 14, 2006 19:53 EDT
im realy lovin this story and am lokkin forward to more ur a great writer
 Reviewed By: tiggrchic  On: June 14, 2006 18:59 EDT
Yay! I like that you're not dragging out the suspicions between our heroes. I don't know how many fics I've read where I find myself yelling "Just say what's on your mind already!!" BRAVO
 Reviewed By: Dragodden  On: June 14, 2006 00:06 EDT
*Giggly googilly sounds* So kewt!
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