"Purity 8: Vendetta" Reviews/Comments [ 1284 ] |
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Reviewed By: AtamaHitoride [MediaMiner Member] On: July 22, 2008 07:44 PDT Comment/Review: :/ ... they miss each other. AMAZING chapter Sue!
Reviewed By: oblivion-bringr [MediaMiner Member] On: July 21, 2008 22:41 PDT Comment/Review: lol she hit belle. thats not funny. but it is kinda funny. why are they treating sam like shes 12 instead of her real age. how do you pull another grown woman into your lap???and ummmmm y doesnt she just call her cell phone number? if kurt has it then it stands to reason that he'll answer it and they can speak. DUH! thats what i do when i lose my phone(which has been so many times...even in my own room. lol)yup i call and speak to the person who pics up and says (pardon my language, but.....) "gimme my shit yo" lolll i make me laugh. anyways cant wait till the next. sadly though i work a 12am to 8am shift on tuesday running into wednesday so when i get home ill be too tired to read it. so ill have to suffer in my sleep until i wake up... Make sense? okey doke until next time Sue :-D
Reviewed By: darkangel05 [MediaMiner Member] On: July 21, 2008 21:18 PDT Comment/Review: You know after all that has happened, Im really glad that you decided to put a little humor in there Sue. You know with Gunnar, Morio and Bas together you're going to laugh yourself silly. It was a great way( at least to me) to lighten up the situation. Awesome chapter Sue and cant wait for the next one to come out!
Reviewed By: OROsan0677 [MediaMiner Member] On: July 21, 2008 14:56 PDT Comment/Review: Aw, I almost cried in this chapter! So Kurt is on his way to Texas...what other states are the facilities in?
Reviewed By: Dark Inu Fan [MediaMiner Member] On: July 21, 2008 14:56 PDT Comment/Review: Ah, dear, that's not a good situation, but I was wondering when she'd remember about the phone in the first place. She didn't remember it when she was driving, and how did Kurt not notice that he had handed her the lighter bag? Keep up the good work, dark
wora |
Reviewed By: monkeyseemonkeynodo [MediaMiner Member] On: July 21, 2008 14:14 PDT Comment/Review: Aww! poor Samantha. I feel so bad for her because all she wants is for Kurt to come back and.. AWWW! Oh and I've always wondered if... when the relatives that live in Japan come to visit the relatives in America do they all speak english to each other or do they speak Japanese? Or is it a mixture of both? ~MSMND
Reviewed By: Jester08 [MediaMiner Member] On: July 21, 2008 10:21 PDT Comment/Review: Great chapter!! Update soon please and keep jup the excellent work!! ^_^
Title: Chapter 56: Oh, shit! Reviewed By: iloveanimecartoons [MediaMiner Member] On: July 21, 2008 10:17 PDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Ayo, Sam slugged Belle! Cain yelled at Gin! Morio stole a flower--okay, that's the usuals... Okay, yeah it was a mistake with Sam, I know, but... **gapes in shock** This chapter touched on just about everything I've come to love about your fics--comedy, drama, angst, and the "I miss my boo/don't even realize or WANNA realize that fact" aspect. Yet, the formula, true to plot, never gets old and stodgy! Ah, refreshing! Can't WAIT till they talk again. **hinhintnudgenudge** Okay, I'll be patient...AMAP. Great chappie and, am I weird for laughing at Sami getting dog-piled by her sisters? I thought it was sweet but I fet her pain, too.
Reviewed By: FireDemon86 [MediaMiner Member] On: July 21, 2008 09:11 PDT Rating(s):Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Comment/Review: Poor Sami she finally remembered about the phone. I hope Kurt calls soon. The Cain and Gin thing almost made me cry. And poor Kurt are his nightmares ever going to stop.
Title: Chapter 55: siiiiiigh... Reviewed By: iloveanimecartoons [MediaMiner Member] On: July 21, 2008 08:33 PDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: It seems the mate bond is growing more in-depth and Kurt misses his 'little demon'. Have I told you lately how much I love MIKIO? Aw, I loved that convo with him and Sami...that was so sweet! The way they can feel and see each other is so like warm honey in my belly...yeah, a definite I-want-a-boyfriend moment. LOL! But, oh shit, Kurt now sees his blunder and, whoa, Nellie with those angst-ridden thoughts, homeboy--Sam's got your back! Yeah, I'm weird... Anywho, great chapter and, YES, I DID thoroughly enjoy the last minute scare on Peterson. He really DID get him where it hurt, didn't he? LOL!
Reviewed By: DonthatemecuzImbeautiful [MediaMiner Member] On: July 21, 2008 07:40 PDT Comment/Review: Wow...that was pretty intense. But I don't understand; where is the cell phone? Is it because of the bag switch with Kurt? I guess it would be considering he has what was supposed to be Sam's bag...And he's going to all the facilities to destroy them? Geez Kurt, take a break and go visit your mate why don't ya? Lol. Seriously, great chapter and I can't wait for the next one!
Reviewed By: AtamaHitoride [MediaMiner Member] On: July 21, 2008 07:18 PDT Comment/Review: Loved it! But then again I always do.
Reviewed By: malitiadixie [MediaMiner Member] On: July 21, 2008 07:03 PDT Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: I hate that Kurt is going farther and farther away from her. How are they going to find each other. She doesn't know where he was going, and all he knows is that she's somewhere in Maine. And now, she's remembered the cell phone, but the bags got switched. I wonder if Sam will insist on seeing the tapes.
Reviewed By: darkangel05 [MediaMiner Member] On: July 20, 2008 18:48 PDT Comment/Review: So Kurt accidentally switched the fannypacks? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! OMG, the things that can happen now that the Inu clan have a lot more to go on. Awesome chapter Sue and cant wait for the next one to come out!
Reviewed By: Sesshomaru4Kagura4ever [MediaMiner Member] On: July 20, 2008 06:12 PDT Comment/Review: OMG! I'm back... and there's SOOOOOO many chappies! Love Kurt's version of "torture the white coats", loved Sam's family reunion, loved Kurt's missing her, LOVED the "pantsing" scene. I haven't laughed like that in regards to the story... well, ever, I think. I wonder if Sam looks like Sango on her human night? Because there is seriously NO WAY that Kurt ISN'T some kinda Miroku reincarnation...
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