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"Shattered Dreams, Broken Soul, Unbound Love" Reviews/Comments [ 95 ]
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 Reviewed By: Spryte  On: July 30, 2003 17:43 CDT
hmmmm... ~grabs a tent and a ton of junk food and joins Ine in waiting~ good idea! lol!
 Reviewed By: Ine  On: July 30, 2003 16:56 CDT
*takes out her tent and sets it up in this gallery*
I'm planning on staying here until the next chapter is up, and I'm not going to leave before that. How dare you letting us (your loyal fans) wait for such a long time. =O

*places a life-time supply of chocolate in front of herself*
This'll keep me alive for as long as I'm staying here, so I'll be able to whine for a loooong, loooong time until you decide to update. >D
Anyone sharing the same opinion may join me, as long as you bring your own supply of chocolate.

Oh, by the way, nice drawings. ^_________~
*is an artist too, although she can only draw, not write* ^_____^"
 Reviewed By: Spryte  On: July 25, 2003 14:44 CDT
~ish too lazy to login~ where is this doujinishi of yours anyway, Eoko? I wanna see it too. Yep, I've read the one with that Nocturne guy, as well as another fic almost identical to it with a prince Raven. Yay! A cook book! Does it have a brownie recipoe too? ~makes cookies and gives 'em to Squall-sama~ Thankies. I know! Let's ask Link aka Fairy-boy to lend us his megaton hammer to use on the flamers. ~evil grin~ I think it's cute in the games, how Link always tries to catch Sheik even though Sheik always does that disappearing thing. (Don't you hate that?) I don't hate Navi, she's nicer than Tatl was, she didn't attack Link and help the bad guy steal his horse. The charrie I don't like is Mido, he's such a brat. Did you know that if you go to Zora's fountain as adult link after you've beaten the water temple, if you to the front of the fairy fountain/cave and lift the grey boulder (you need either the silver or gold gauntlets for this), underneath is a little tunnel-thing. There's invisible Skulltula down there, so you need the lens of truth as well. It leads to a ladder, and it just takes you to a ledge with a good view of the fountain.
 Reviewed By: Eoko and Spryte!  On: July 25, 2003 02:41 CDT
Okay... I'm saying you're here Spryte, cause I think you want in on this...
Spryte Triple F: You here! angrey reader!
angry reader: *turns to Spryte*
Spryte Triple F: If Link is a 'fruit' it's part of the brilliant chacter that Squall-sama made for him!
Eoko the Sidekick: *nod nod* *hold up a big hose*
Spryte and Eoko: Die semi-flamer! *water gushes towards angry reader!*

NOTE!: If anyone if mad at that *point to everything I just wrote* Be mad at ME and NOT Spryte!!!!
 Reviewed By: Eoko.... Spryte's.... sidekick?  On: July 25, 2003 02:32 CDT
Hello Spryte! Have I gone insane you might ask? Sidekick I say? Now what do I mean? Well you see, I mean in the doujin, after we team up. Well, you did find Squall-sama's fic first and should therefore be entitled to the title 'Spryte the Fabulous Fic Finder!' aka Spryte Triple F while I get! Da da da dummm! Eoko the Sidekick! Amazing right? Brilliant I say! As for the common written Zelda fics... I've read every one you described... have you read one with a hottie named Nocturne, King of the Sheikah?
As for Navi's Z-target... well, sure that was helpful, but well, first off, I'd be happy with her muted and not telling you where to go, and secondly, I'm a gamer freak and the targeting was never super helpful. I'm just naturally good at video games.
And yeah, Malon calls him a fairy-boy... I picked that up the 5th time I played cause I have a yaoi mind now. *smile* He is a fairy. No offence you awesome gay men out there! I just like some of the terms... like that one... for him... Anyway. I have one more thing to say... well, I hate Navi with a passion and my reason for Link going to look for her is this: (Link speaking) Since I had Navi as my little fairy partner for my journey, I found out just what a menace to the pixie race she is. And now that I have nothing better to do with my time, I will go on a self-proclaimed quest to rid the world of the annoying light ball know as... Navi the Fairy!
See, I hate her... Do you think our review/convos make Squall-sama laugh? I think so... Oh! Squall-sama! I almost forgot... *walk up to you* I have gifts... *motions for you to lean in so I can whisper* Now, let's just say... since you're Squall-sama, then, you're lover can be... *thinks* Seifer-san... okay? Don't look at me like that, you know I'm nuts... Oh right, gifts... *opens a bag... pulls out stuff* Four silk scarves... scented candles... a map to a very romantic clearing in a little park... a note of when the shooting star nights are... strawberry scented lubricant... *grins happily*... a riding crop (heh! I have no clue what you're into!)... some hair gel, for your hair... a sexy new trench coat for Seifer-san... A picture of me and Spryte fighting for your author love.... a packet of rainbow colored condoms (I promote safety! lol)... A body candy paint set, so more sugary goodness... Gun-blade polish, for you both, and aloh vera lotion incase your scars act up or *snicker* you run out of lube... *rummages through bag* Oh! And a video camera with an unbreakable link to to the TV in my bedroom!!!! *shoves head in bag… something hits my head* Ow!… Oh, Spryte… you get this… *hands Spryte a book called ‘Cookies the Gay Man Loves*
 Reviewed By: Phoenix1 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 24, 2003 20:08 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I Love This Story!!
Please Hurry with the Next Chapter!!
 Reviewed By: Bombay and Snowshoe koneko  On: July 24, 2003 15:53 CDT
BK: Yay for Squall-sama! Hey wanna play??? (kawaii kitten uke smile)
SK: um... I forgot to tell you I was reduced to tears through most of this fic... YOU WRITE SO WELL!!!!!! Oh well, I'll just glomp and huggle you till something rubbs off!

Oh yeah... did someone actually complain about Link being gay in the reviews???? @_@;? Oh well you can use flames to roast marshmallows!!!! ^-^
 Reviewed By: Bombay koneko and Snowshoe koneko  On: July 24, 2003 15:42 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
BK: I am now addicted to Sheik/Link!!! So thats why....
SK: ...is that even how you're supposed to respond to answering ratings????
BK: ... whaza???? @_@
SK: ...nevermind... -_- well, I love your story! I've always liked L/S so yay!!! ^-^ I love you Squall-sama!!! Sugoi!!!!
BK: Yeah me too! Squall-kun! ^-^
SK: um... Bombay... its -sama, not -kun....
BK: Oh whatever! Can I have a cookie??? Or a yaoi related yummy????
SK: Koi, be a good bishonen and praise the author more.
BK: But mister Snowy Bishonen!!!!! T-T I wanna cookie... or yaoi fun... Can we...
SK: Not now! And you're older than me don't call me mister!!!! Well Squall-sama one thing I really must stretch is that I love what you said in the summary and warning to all the people who don't function well enough mentally! I couldn't stop laughing, because that applies to so many people in my family. I printed it out and showed it to my friends and family. Their faces were priceless!!!!! Ah YOU ROCK!!! Like Duel Jewel!.... well not as much..., but really close! We really love your stories!!! Thanks for writing them! Please update as quickly as you can!!! Many glomps for you!!!
 Reviewed By: angrey reader!  On: July 22, 2003 03:13 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 4 of 10
Overall Rating: 7 of 10
I thought it was good except for one little prob. WHY IS LINK A FRUIT? other than that its fine.
 Reviewed By: Spryte [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 20, 2003 12:25 CDT
Hmm... I say in the end, we join forces against all other reviewers and hunt down all the flamers. I saw the piccy at animeX.com you go to the search part and type in Link. There were only like a couple Link pics there, so his shouldn't be too hard to find. Hmm... maybe at the options place they should have something where you can turn Navi's hint thingy on or off. That would be good. The Z-targeting thing is nice, because I really suck at video games. ~sweatdrop~ Never, ever try to kill a Redead with a hookshot. And don't use fire arrows on gibdos, I tried and it somehow turned into a redead. Fairy-boy? Isn't that what Malon calls him? Cute. Grrr! ~attacks Aoede~ Done before? Are you crazy? Most l/s yaoi fics I've seen are one of the following: (1) link gets caught by ganon who does perverted stuff to him until sheik comes to the rescue or (2) link's all upset cause sheik's not real and sheik's upset cause link doesn't know he's real and they meet at lake hylia and go all lemony or (3) link and zelda are about to marry and sheik shows up and steals the groom (link). I saw a good one on ff.net where sheik was zelda and link was all hurt when he found out because he'd fallen for the shiekah and the end was so sad, but the fic disappeared when they got rid of the nc17 rating. ~pouts~ This one's still better though. ~gives Squall more cookies and a sound-proof bottle with navi inside~ Seriously though, if Link didn't like Navi then why'd he go looking for her? If he hadn't that whole Majora thing wouldn't have happened.
 Reviewed By: Aoede  On: July 18, 2003 19:57 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
G-AAAH!! cliffhangers...CLIFFHANGERS!!! You. Are. Pure. Evil. even Ganon's afraid from you!! you... youuu... (hyperventilates and faints)

*5 min. after*

Oh, hi. At first i was a little reticent, i didn't really want to read this... it was too long and... well... angsty. And the idea of Sheik being tortured in a hellish dimension while a really, (and i mean REALLY) depressed Link is trying to find him is, well... it's been used before.

But hey! it's not that i'm complaining! i love angst after all. ^_^ And linkxSheik is (currently) my favorite pairing. And the part about the Triforce was a good idea. Don't worry, i understood it. The part about the masked one! you got me interested there. Now i want to go and draw it! And i can perfectly picture a silver-haired Sheik.

I think that what i'm trying to say is that I liked it. Please don't hurt me. I liked it! I'm happy i decided to read it after all. AND LASTLY... i draw too, so i'd love to see your fanart...

OK, probably i'm scaring you with all those ramblings. I tend to do that a lot. That's why i can't write anything with an actual plot...-_-;; so i'll let you go.


(wow, this must be the most inspired review i've written in a long time...o.0)
 Reviewed By: Eoko  On: July 18, 2003 01:28 CDT
Hey hey, Squall-sama! *hands Squall-sama some body chocolate and winks* Yeah, you just go enjoy that.... *snickers* Now that's the kind of gift to give! Woot. Hiya Spryte! Thanks for telling me about your pic. Now I can make a good doujin. So... so I make us continually war, or at the end should we join forces to beat down all the other reviewers? Either way... Oh, and about Navi. I think she's for new players too, but couldn't they have put in a 'block Navi' command? It sure would be useful after the sixth time. "No Navi! I don't want to go check out Zora's Domain! I know it's frozen over but I want to do THIS first!" I'm not sure what brought that on. I'd also have to say that Link can't be mute, because people ask him who he is, and he gestures and I think we're suppose to assume he says something like, "I'm Link, the little fairy-boy from the forest." *Snicker* Fairy-boy... don't roll your eyes at me you people... I'm not insane! Okay crazy! Well, see you all later!
What pic?! I wanna see the pic!!!! Squall-same drew a pic?
 Reviewed By: Tenoko  On: July 14, 2003 14:00 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
WONDERFUL! I love your use of a limited third-person POV! Omniscience can be so frustrating in angsty fics...
I love your fic, I've been linking up all my friends... PLEASE write more...
 Reviewed By: Ecchivalentine  On: July 13, 2003 22:35 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 7 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
FANTASTIC! This is probably my favorite Link/Sheik fic... well... ever!

PLEASE please PLEASE write more~! *begs on knees* PLEEEEEEEAAAAASE!
 Reviewed By: Spryte [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 11, 2003 16:27 CDT
Saw your pic! You're a pretty good artist too. Way better than some of the Zelda artists I've seen. ~cringes at bad memories~
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